Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 1 DNA Mutation and Repair Mutation: One of the properties of the genetic material, as outlined in the module on nucleic acids, is the ability to exhibit variation over time. This property was necessary to explain why individuals within a population are not all genetically identical, and to explain how organisms evolve. Mutation is defined as a failure to store genetic information faithfully. Changes in genetic information can be reflected in the expression of that information (i.e. in the proteins produced). In other words, mutation accounts for the variability in the genetic information. Mutation is therefore a doubleedged sword. One one hand, mutation is necessary to introduce variation into the gene pool of a population. Genetic variation has been shown to correlate with species fitness. On the other hand, most mutations are deleterious to the individuals in which they occur. So mutation is good for the population, but generally not so good for the individual. Somatic vs. Gametic Mutations The consequences of a mutation depend upon where in an individual they occur. Some mutations occur in regular body cells; these are somatic mutations. For example, someone who spends too much time suntanning might experience a mutation in a skin cell. The consequences of such a mutation are felt only by the individual. The skin cell may develop some problem (such as cancer, perhaps) as a result of the mutation, but because the mutation occurred only in a skin cell, it would not be passed on to subsequent generations. Some mutations occur in germline cells. These cells produce the gametes; therefore, they are gametic mutations. In most cases, such mutations wouldn't even be noticed by the individual. After all, the gametes don't play a prominent role in the day-to-day function of the individual. These mutations, in contrast to the somatic mutations, will be passed on to the next generation, because they occur in the cells that produce the next generation. Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 2 Spontaneous vs. Induced Mutations Some mutations arise as natural errors in DNA replication (or as a result of unknown chemical reactions); these are known as spontaneous mutations. The rates of such mutations have been determined for many species. E. coli has a spontaneous mutation rate of 1/108 (one error in every 108 nucleotides replicated). Humans have a higher spontaneous mutation rate: between 1/106 and 1/105 (probably as a result of the higher complexity of human replication). Mutations can also be caused by agents in the environment; these are induced mutations. Induced mutations increase the mutation rate over the spontaneous rate. Looking at a single mutation in an individual, one cannot tell if the mutation was spontaneous or induced. Induced mutations can only be discerned by looking at the mutation rate in a population, and comparing it to the spontaneous mutation rate for the species. If the observed mutation rate is higher, then induced mutations can be assumed. Agents in the environment that cause an increase in the mutation rate are called mutagens. Mutations: Random and Reversible The spontaneity of many mutations should suggest to you that the process is random. Mutations do not occur in response to a stimulus. In other words, bacteria do not mutate to become antibiotic resistant as a response to exposure to antibiotics. Instead, out of all of the mutations occurring in a population of bacteria, some (a miniscule percentage) will cause antibiotic resistance. If that antibiotic is encountered, those bacterial cells with that particular mutation will survive; the vastmajority of the cells that do not have the mutation will die. Mutations can be reversible. If a mutation occurs once in a gene, there is a very small probability that the mutated base could mutate back to its original form. Alternatively, there are occasions when a mutation in a second, separate gene will return the phenotype of the organism to a wild type appearance (a rare case of two wrongs making a right). This kind of mutation is known as a supressor mutation. Effects of Mutation : Mutations can affect individuals in a variety of ways. Among the consequences of mutation are the following: Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 3 Change in a morphological trait. This refers to an obvious change in some physical characteristic of an organism. Most of the mutant phenotypes we have observed in this course have been of this type (for example, short plants instead of tall). Nutritional or biochemical variation. A mutation may occur in a gene that encodes an enzyme involved in a metabolic pathway, such as an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of an amino acid. If this occurs, the organism can no longer synthesize the amino acid, and must obtain from dietary sources. Change in behavior. These are hard to characterize, and there are few known examples of specific behaviors affected by a single gene. In one example, Drosophila mating behavior was found to be affected by a mutation. Mutant male flies were no longer able to distinguish between males and females, and tried to mate with any fly available! Changes in gene regulation. If a mutation occurs in a gene encoding a transcription factor, it could affect when and where the genes controlled by that transcription factor are expressed. This will be addressed in the modules on gene regulation. Lethality. Some mutations are lethal to an organism, like the yellow coat color allele in mice (as outlined in the module on extensions of Mendelism) or the Huntington's allele of humans. The Molecular Basis of Mutation: There are two basic types of mutations: base substitutions - this is the replacement of one base by another. For example, if a DNA molecule usually contains guanine at a certain position, but adenine takes the place of the guanine, then a base substitution has occurred. There are two types of base substitutions: o transitions - these involve the replacement of a purine with the other purine, or the replacement of a pyrimidine with the other pyrimidine. o transversions - these involve the replacement of a purine with a pyrimidine or vice versa. Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 4 (Question: if a transition occurs on one strand of DNA, what type of change must occur on the complementary strand in order to maintain complementary base pairing?) frameshift mutations - these change the reading frame of a gene. There are two types of framehift mutations: o insertions - as the name implies, these involve the insertion of one or more extra nucleotides into a DNA chain. o deletions - these result from the loss of one or more nucleotides from a DNA chain. (Insertion or deletion of one or two nucleotides will change the reading frame of the genetic code. What would happen to the reading frame if three nucletides were inserted or deleted? To further consider the effects of frameshift mutations on reading of the genetic code, go to the genetic code module.) Base substitutions and insertions or deletions of one nucleotide are also known as point mutations (because they occur at a single point on a chromosome). Causes of Mutations Base substitutions are generally caused by changes in the way that nucleotides base pair. One way this occurs is through tautomeric shifts. The chemical nature of the bases of DNA is such that rare but natural, spontaneous fluctuations in the bonds of the bases can occur. These fluctuations can briefly affect the way a base forms hydrogen bonds. For example, adenine, when it undergoes a tautomeric shift, will base pair with cytosine. Therefore, if a tautomeric shift occurs during replication, the wrong nucleotide can be inserted in the newly-synthesized DNA. The bases usually switch back to their normal form quickly, but by that time, it might be too late. Base substitutions can also be caused by chemical modification of the bases. One type of chemical modification is caused by alkylating agents, such as ethylmethane sulfonate and methylmethane sulfonate. These agents donate alkyl groups (such as methyl and ethyl groups) to bases, affecting their base pairing. For example, when guanine is alkylated, producing 7-ethylguanine, it will base pair with thymine. Once Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 5 again, if this occurs during replication, the wrong nucleotide can be inserted in the molecule being synthesized, leading to a mutation. Frameshift mutations can be caused by intercalating agents. These are chemical agents that insert between adjacent base pairs (like inserting between the rungs of a ladder). The intercalation causes a conformational change in the double helix, so that when replication occurs, the aberrant conformation causes small deletions or insertions to occur in the newly synthesized DNA. Radiation Radiation is also capable of inducing mutations in DNA. Ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays, depending on the energy of the radiation, can create free radicals that result in prblems ranging from point mutations to chromosome breaks. Ultraviolet (non-ionizing) radiation can cause mutations as well. The primary effect of UV on DNA is the creation of thymine dimers. Thymine dimers occur when two thymines are adjacent on a strand of DNA. UV radiation can cause the formation of a covalent bond between the two thymines, which prevents their participation in base pairing. Thymine dimers are very deleterious to a cell - they can completely interrupt replication, effectively causing a cell to die. As we'll see later in this module, one of the last-chance mechanisms of repair of thymine dimers causes the insertion of random nucleotides in place of the region containing the thymine dimer, resulting in several base substitutions at once. Screening for Mutagenicity Many chemicals found in the environment (both natural and synthetic) are capable of causing mutations. It is useful to know whether a particular substance is mutagenic (able to cause an increase in the mutation rate), because many mutagens are also Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 6 carcinogens (cancer causing agents). This is because cancer is generally caused by mutations in genes that control cell division. Chemical compounds are tested for mutagenicity using the Ames test. This test uses auxotrophic (mutant) strains of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium that require medium supplemented with histidine in order to grow. The bacteria are exposed to the compound being tested, then plated on minimal medium (with no histidine). Only bacteria that underwent a reverse mutation, allowing them to synthesize their own histidine, would be able to grow under these conditions. The more mutagenic a compound is, the more likely such a reverse mutation would be. Therefore the bacteria growing on minimal medium can be counted, and this gives a relative measure of how mutagenic a compound is. Using this technique, a 90% correlation has been observed between mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. DNA Repair Cells have developed a number of systems designed to repair DNA damage and correct mutations. Obviously, these mechanisms are not perfectly successful, but as we'll see, without them mutation rates would be much higher. Repair of Thymine Dimers Several mechanisms are available for the removal or correction of thymine dimers from DNA. Which mechanism is used depends upon the circumstances of the cell. Photoreactivation - It has been observed that a brief exposure to blue light following UV exposure can reverse the effects of the UV radiation. In other words, the blue light can cause a thymine dimer to be corrected. This is due to the function of an enzyme called photolyase or photoreactivation enzyme (PRE), which cleaves the covalent bonds linking the thymine dimers using the energy from a photon of blue light. This is essentially a reversal of the reaction that produced the thymine dimer in the first place. Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 7 Excision Repair - This is a repair system that doesn't require light. Instead of just breaking the bonds of the thymine dimer (as was done by photolyase), the excision repair system removes (excises) the region surrounding the offending nucleotides. Several proteins are involvedin this process (in prokaryotes these are the products of the 'uvr' genes, for 'UV repair'). The steps of excision repair in prokaryotes are as follows: o The distortion in the DNA (caused by the thymine dimer) is recognized by a protein complex. A pair of endonucleases makes nicks in the DNA strand on either side of the thymine dimer (generally the nicks are 12 nucleotides apart). o The 12-nucleotide piece of DNA between the nicks is removed, and DNA polymerase I fills in the gap left behind. o DNA ligase seals the final nick in the DNA. Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 8 Recombination Repair - Sometimes, DNA replication will begin before a thymine dimer can be repaired by one of the other mechanisms. When the replication machinery hits the dimer, replication stops. Occasionally, the replication will reinitiate just beyond the dimer, leaving a gap in the DNA. This leaves the cell with a curious predicament: if it tries to fix the dimer by excision repair, there is no template to use for resynthesis of the DNA. How, then, does the DNA get repaired? The answer is that the cell uses recombination to provide a template strand for repair synthesis. Here's how: First, the damaged region undergoes recombination with the complemenary strand on the other DNA molecule. One strand is exchanged between the two DNA molecules. This essentially transfers the gap to the DNA molecule that doesn't have the dimer. The gap can now be filled in by DNA polymerase I, and the dimer can be repaired by excision, since a template strand now exists. Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 9 A more detailed examination of the actual mechanism of recombination will be presented later in the module. SOS Repair - If the UV exposure is sufficiently severe, the DNA damage may overwhelm the other repair mechanisms. In such situations, DNA replication would almost certainly halt, and the cell would die. As a last ditch effort to save itself, a cell activates the SOS repair system. This is a complex system, in which a whole battery of repair mechanisms are used to try to save the cell. One of these mechanisms allows replication to proceed across damaged templates, even though the template can't accurately be read. As a result, random nucleotides get inserted into the newly-synthesized DNA strand. This mechanism is therefore error-prone, and leads to mutations, which could be deleterious. In this case, however, the alternative is death, so mutation is preferable. Repair of Mutations Cells have mechanisms for minimizing the amount of mutation that takes place. As stated previously, these are not perfect, but they do reduce greatly the frequency of mutation. The two mechanisms we'll consider are proofreading and mismatch repair. Proofreading - This occurs during DNA replication. As DNA polymerase III adds nucleotides to the growing chain, it checks each one for correct base pairing. If the correct nucleotide has not been inserted, the polymerase uses its 3' to 5' exonuclease activity to remove the incorrect nucleotide. The polymerase can then carry on and insert the correct nucleotide. This is very much like a word processor: if you type in the wrong letter, you just hit the delete key to remove it, allowing you to type in the correct letter. (For more on 3' to 5' exonuclease activity, see the module on DNA replication.) In bacteria, Lecture 5 Molecular biology Dr. Israa Al- Yasiri 10 a wrong nucleotide gets inserted for every 105 nucleotides added during replication. Proofreading corrects most of these, so that the overall error ratein replication is one mistake for every 107 nucleotides added. Mismatch Repair - This mechanism is used soon after replication, to correct errors that escaped proofreading. Because mismatched bases don't hydrogen bond, they create a distortion in the double helix, which can be recognized and repaired by excision repair. The question in this case is how does the repair system recognize which strand to repair? There are two nucleotides (one on each DNA strand) that won't base pair - which one is the wrong nucleotide? The answer comes from DNA methylation. DNA under normal circumstances is methylated; these methyl groups do not interfere with the function of the DNA in any way. Newly replicated DNA is not methylated however; the methyl groups are added enzymatically after replication. If mismatch repair is done immediately after replication (before methylation occurs), the original DNA strand will be methylated, and the newly-synthesized strand (the one containing the error) will be unmethylated. The mismatch repair system therefore repairs the unmethylated strand. Excision repair can be used to correct other problems as well. For example, if a deoxynucleotide containing uracil is ever inserted into a DNA molecule, the base is detected and removed by an enzyme called uracil DNA glycosylase. This enzyme removes the base, but leaves the sugar and phosphate in the DNA molecule. This base-less site is then recognized by specific endonucleases, which initiate excision repair.