CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited Information Sheet Content Claim Standard How to join the Control Union (CU) certification programme Content Claim Standard The organization CU Inspections & Certifications India Private Limited. CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited is an independent, internationally operating organisation that carries out inspections and issues certificates for sustainable production methods. CU promotes the proper designation of products which have been cultivated according to sustainable production methods by means of supervising, testing, inspecting, assessing and certifying them. To co-ordinate its operations as closely as possible with the local situation, CU has offices worldwide. It is the policy of CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited to delegate inspection and certification activities to local CU offices with a view to reducing the costs and improving our services to you. Can the CCS name and Logo be used? The CCS cannot be used for any communication to consumers; it is solely intended for business-to-business communications Organizations may use the CCS name and / or logo in their written of electronic marketing or transaction documents to other organizations, as well as internally. For the purpose of maintaining the clear identity of CCS products, the CCS logo may also be used to identify certified products or their containers as they move through the supply chain. Certification as a marketing instrument The principle of certification can be made clear by the role it plays in society: Producers prefer distinction from colleagues/competitors with regard to the supplied (quality of) products. Buyers benefit from a guaranteed performance of the products and from reliable information about the product. Certification organisations, independent and without market interests, form the link between (the interests of) both parties: the production system is inspected according to agreed standards, contractually agreed with the producer and regularly inspected. The specifications and the area of application are laid down in a scope certificate that is available for the buyer as an informative document. Certification in practice Green or sustainable textiles are increasingly in demand. However, this increasing interest depends on consumer confidence, particularly if a higher price is being asked for organic quality. Now, what to do if you as producer of sustainable textiles want to offer your green textiles trustworthy to your customers? CU can be of assistance. As an accredited certification agency we can provide you with reliable inspection and certification, which is internationally accepted. In practice the following phases have to be completed before certification is achieved: Information phase 1.If you wish to apply for the CU certification program, please complete the application form enclosed and return the completed form to one of the branch offices of CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited Information Sheet Organic Content Standard 2.CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited shall subsequently investigate whether we can send you an offer based on the information as mentioned in the application form; Admission and contract phase 3.CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited will judge if the Organic Content standard can be met. CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited will make an offer for the inspection and certification services for one calendar year and send it to you, together with the Terms of Contract and the CU Inspection Regulation; 4.When you accept the offer, you should return a signed copy of the offer letter to CU. You have now entered into an agreement with CU to join this certification program; 5.CU shall send you a confirmation letter with an overview of your annual client registration; Inspection and certification phase 6.After CU has received the invoiced fee, it shall plan the first inspection visit; 7.After all the necessary inspections have been fulfilled CU shall provide you with a report of findings. Based on the contents of this report of findings, CU shall decide whether or not to grant you certification; 8.If only certain parts of your business can be certified, CU shall do so, providing you with certain recommendations for the remaining parts of your business which could not be certified. The audit The purpose of this document is to explain to both new and existing clients as to what is to be expected during the main and annual assessments of their company. 1. The following documents and procedures will have been completed: a. Prior to the main audit. Completed and signed application form. Completed and accepted offer. System plan completed and approved according to the appropriate standard(s). b. Prior to all audits: Invoice raised and paid. Audit plan and logistics agreed. (These are normally written but may be verbally agreed). Scope of the certificate discussed / confirmed. Audit team agreed. 2. What is an audit? It is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled. Control Union Auditors are seeking evidence as to how your management systems comply with the appropriate standard and that those management systems are being implemented in accordance with your system plan. 3. Who is an auditor? Auditors are independent of the activity being audited and are free from bias and conflict of interest. Auditors maintain an objective state of mind throughout the audit process to ensure that the findings and conclusions will be based only on the evidence. 4. The opening meeting. TEXCCSJOIN.D01(01)-IN 2/5 CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited Information Sheet Organic Content Standard It is the auditor's meeting and so the lead auditor should diplomatically take the chair and: Introduce the team and state that confidentiality will be maintained. Invite the auditees to introduce themselves. Confirm the previously documented scope of the audit, (departments, scope, depth, etc). Confirm the status of documents and standards to be used as the audit criteria. Explain the audit plan and who will be looking at what and when. Explain that the aim of the audit is to seek objective evidence that the system plan (QMS) conforms to the standard and that the organisation complies with its own processes, procedures and work instructions. Explain what non-conformity is, the method of reporting, and the grading of nonconformities, define Major and Minor together with the implications. Explain that no organisation can normally be "registered" until all nonconformities identified during the audit have been cleared. Confirm the domestic arrangements (office accommodation, meals, etc). Verify that staff has been informed that the audit is taking place and confirm access to facilities and records. Explain that workers will be interviewed during the audit and request a list of employees. Establish the sampling of multi-sites and / or group members. Establish any out-sourcing operations and include in the audit. Arrange a tour of the site(s). Explain the details, timing and purpose of the closing meeting. Confirm that at least a verbal but formal report of audit findings and recommendations will be made at the closing meeting. Confirm that a written report will be available shortly after the closing meeting. State that it may not be possible to write and grade observations until the end of the audit, when the whole management system has been audited and the significance and impact of the problem(s) understood. Invite any questions about the audit. 5. The audit itself. Auditors will be seeking evidence of compliance with the standard and at no time are they trying to catch you out with their questions. During the audit they will raise issues that they consider will result in non-conformities to be presented at the closing meeting. They will be reviewing the effectiveness and implementation of your system plan and how it complies with the appropriate standard(s) 6. Non-conformities. Major non-conformities identified during the main assessment: A failure to address in the system plan, or to effectively implement, a major requirement of the standard. Or consistent failures throughout the standard which results in questions being raised about the integrity of the system plan and its implementation. (Some standards stipulate how many ‘minors’ will result in a ‘major’). A non-conformity would prevent recommendation for certification. Major non-conformities identified during an annual or interim assessment: Continuing failure over a long period of time. Failures are repeated or systematic. Failures affect a wide range of production. Failures are not corrected or adequately responded to by the responsible TEXCCSJOIN.D01(01)-IN 3/5 CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited Information Sheet Organic Content Standard managers once they have been identified. Minor non-conformity: A failure to address part of a major requirement; or an isolated lapse in the implementation of the defined QMS. Also minor non-conformities will prevent recommendation for certification. 7. The closing meeting. The final meeting is then held to close the audit in a conclusive and professional manner, to agree dates for the completion of any corrective action required, and to establish any subsequent follow up action. The audit team leader and wherever possible involve the same people who were present at the opening meeting chair the meeting. At the closing meeting a representative of Top Management should be available. Thanks for help and co-operation. Statement of confidentiality. A resume of the scope of the audit and, as a benefit for any one present who was not at the opening meeting, re-introduce the team and clarify the objectives and methods used. A statement about the negative aspects of auditing - that although many things were found to be in conformity, only the nonconformities will be reported. Give a disclaimer that the audit was only a sample and it is possible that not all nonconformities that exist were identified during the audit. Restate the definitions of major and minor nonconformities. Request that questions and discussion be deferred to the end of the presentations. Request a presentation from each audit team member of their findings in the areas they audited. These will be the nonconformities raised, with no embellishment. Give an overall summary and conclusions. Invite the auditees to discuss specific points and agree dates for the corrective actions necessary. Explain the follow up actions to be taken, if applicable. The audit team leader distributes copies of non-conformity reports and presents the final report. This report may be hand-written or verbal at this point, to be followed by a typed copy within a short period of time. The final report presented at the closing meeting will contain only factual statements of nonconformities, supported by objective evidence. 8. The certification decision. After receiving the checklist, report, and other relevant documents, the certifier evaluates whether they have the necessary quality for them to make the certification decision and to confirm that the inspection was objective and professional. Attention is paid to aspects such as completeness, use of valid inspection forms, all details described, signatures etc. If anything is incorrect, incomplete, or if there are any questions the inspector in charge is consulted and asked to explain the inspection results. CU shall not issue or re-issue a certificate to a company if there is a minor or major nonconformity with the requirements of the applicable Standard(s). Further information In case you have additional questions do not hesitate to contact us. We will try to find a suitable solution for your personal situation, without neglecting the standards requirements. TEXCCSJOIN.D01(01)-IN 4/5 CU Inspections & certifications India Private Limited Information Sheet Organic Content Standard CU will be pleased to be of your service with regard to inspection and certification of your organic production. We hope to welcome you in our certification programme! CU Head Office; CU Inspections & Certifications India Private Limited, C-113, TTC Industrial Area Pawane MIDC Navi Mumbai 400 709, India Tel:+91 22 61294200 to 299 Email: TEXCCSJOIN.D01(01)-IN 5/5