CHAPTER! INTRODUCTION L1 Background of Study Men and

L1 Background of Study
Men and women are two completely different creatures. It goes without saying
that men and women are created to complete each other since they share differences in
nearly every aspect of lite, including in language. The way they speak, the way they
express themselves, the way they state opinions, the way they shac-e ideas and the way
they talk to each other are totally different. TI1.ose differences in language contributed a
unique value to them as human being created in God's image in which they have to
share to each other. However, those differences not only provide positive value but
negative as well. Because of the differences men and women share in communication
style, a great nUcrlber of errors may emerge a..r1d as the result, those errors may lead men
and women into misu_rtderstanding, misperception and even conflict in their
cO!lli'Tiunication activity.
The writer highlights the gender differences in the aspect of language as the topic
of the thesis for several reasons. First, . the writer has personal interest in gender
differences itself. The writer always asks why men and women are created differently in
many aspects of life. What makes them totally different, what they share as the result of
their differences and what they can do to overcome those differences? Those are several
questio:1s appeared in the 'hriter's mind a_nd those questions need answers. In order to be
more focused in discovering answers for those questions, the writer is going to analyze
the differences between men and women in the aspect of language usage.
Next, the writer also intends to discover whether the gender differences in the
aspect of l:ucguage also occurred in the workplace, pa!"ticularly in the educational
institution (university). Accordingly, the analysis is conducted to the range of lecturers
of English Department at Bina Nusantara University. Thus, the writer's personal interest
will be derived into academic perspective through a series of observation and analysis.
... differences between women and men seem such a natural and obvious part of
our existence that we are usually unaware of their full extent. Tite way we talk is
one of these all-pervasive and unobtrusive aspects of gender behavior.
In Graddol and Swan's opinion, the different way in using language by men and women
generated from their different life experiences.
The article Men's Conversation Vs Women
s Conversation states "The difference
of men c.nd women in language is not loca ed only in the habits, characteristics of
. communicating. or communication topics, but also in grammar, word choice and
going to focus the research on the differences in male and female language
Based on Montgomery's explanatiowomen's speech is considered as more
tentative compare to men's speech. Women emphasize more standard forms than men.
Fmthem1ore, women are also considered to talk more \Vith the tendency to gossip a.'1d
emphasize more polite forms than men. Montgomery adds that women's speech is more
Filmer and HasweH as stated by Pearson (19&5: 177) explain "Male's speech, on
the other hand, is viewed as bold and straightforward, tocusing on important subject".
Pearson (19&5: 182-183) argues that men's speech emphasize more vernacular forms by
choosing argumentative !lied swearing words.
Robin Lakoff introduces the term "Women's Language". According to Lakoff,
as mentioned by Holmes (2001: 286-287), women's speech is characterized by certain
language features such as the usage of lexical hedges or fillers, tag questions, rising
intonation on declaratives, empty adjectives, precise color terms,
hypercorrect grammar, super polite forms, avoidance of strong swear words and
emphatic stress.
Tannen as stated by Buscemi and Smith (2001:
196) claims h'lat gender
communication belongs to cross-cultural communication. Naturally, culture is a web of
customs and models gathered from past experiences, while men and women do not share
the same past experiences.
The writer seizes the differences
gender communication as a challenge to
investigate and analyze. In addition, the WTitcr also intends to discover the explanation
generated those differences. Several viewpoints mentioned above will be a guideline for
the v..Titer to conduct observation in order to discover the gender differences in language
usage among the lecturers of English Department of Bina Nusantara University.
1.2 Statement ofl'roblem
The problem to be discussed in this thesis is the analysis of how men and women
are different from the perspective of spoken English lw.guage and what explanation
presented as the tool to explain factors contributed to t.'tose differences.
1.3 Scope lU'lld Limita:tion
Th.e scope of the topic is narrowed into an analysis to discover the gender
differences in the aspect of spoken English language and the explanation generated the
The writer limits the participants by conducting a classroom observation and
distributing questionnaire in the environment of Bina Nusantara University only. The
observation will be conducted with the total of sLx lecturers of English Department at
Bina Nusantara University with the composition of three male lecturers and three female
lecturers. The writer n tes down that since it is a case study, therefore, the number of six
lecturers does not necessary represent any particular population, including the
population of English department lecturers at Bina Nusantara University.
1.4 Go:d and Function
The topic is analyzed in order to achieve the goals as follows:
To discover whether male and female lecturers observed in the case study
emphasize different language feature (s).
To discover what language feature (s) emphasize by male and female lecturers
observed in the ease study.
To determine explanation (s) provided to explain the different language feature
(s) emphasized by ma!e and female lecturers observed in the case study.
Furthermore, the topic is analyzed in order to achieve functions as follows:
To provide better understanding for readers in recognizing the differences of
male and female in the aspect of language.
To p. rovide information performed as u se±ul reference and new insight for
readers regarding the topic of the gender differences in language usage.
Research Methodology
The writer analyzes the topic of the thesis through library and field research. The
library research is accomplished in order to obtain theoretical data. It is conducted by
reviewil"lg a series of literature from ihe librru-y of Bina Nusantara University and
Atmajaya University and completed by cmnpiling supporting materials in the form of
articles downloaded from the Internet
In addition to the theoretical data, the ·writer v.ili obtain practical data through
field research. It is divided into two segment: the case study and the questionnaire
analysis. The case study is conducted through classroom observation with the total of six
English Department lecturers during the lecturing time. Each lecturer is observed for
t.'Iree sessions in which each session consists of 100 minutes. By the end of the
observation, the writer distributes questionnaire to each lectlL."er and analyzes the data
obtained fi·orn the questionnaire.