Practice SOL II - Salem City Schools

World History 10
Mr. Hannah
May 15, 2007
World 10 Practice SOL
___1. Merchants and artisans who fled to
the cities during the Medieval period
discovered that they had exchanged the
security of the feudal manor for all of the
following benefits except –
A. Freedom from feudal taxes
B. Rights of self-government
C. Elimination of wars and conflicts
D. Expanded trade opportunities
___2. Civilizations that developed along
the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, and Huang He
Rivers all had the common advantage of –
A. religious beliefs based on
B. urban communities built by iron and
steel tools
C. government based on male
D. mild climate, fertile soil, and natural
___3. “If a seignior (noble) has knocked
out the tooth of a seignior of his own rank,
they shall knock out his tooth. But if he
has knocked out a commoner’s tooth, he
shall pay one-third mina of silver.”
 Code of Hammurabi
Which aspect of Babylonian society does
this portion of Hammurabi’s code of law
A. all men are equal under the law
B. Fines were preferable to corporal
C. Divisions existed between social
D. Violence was always punished with
___4. One way in which the civilizations of
the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, and the
Maya were similar is that each –
A. Developed extensive writing
B. Emphasized equality in education
C. Established monotheistic religions
D. Encouraged democracy
___5. India’s earliest civilizations were
located in or around –
A. Mountainous areas
B. River valleys
C. Deserts
D. Steppes
___6. The structure of many modern
states is very similar to that of the medieval
church in all of the following ways except
that the church held the power to –
A. determine tax levies
B. administer justice
C. enact policies and laws
D. excommunicate members
___7. Which of the following statements is
NOT true of the people of ancient Greece?
A. they established a monetary
B. they traded with other cultures by
sea routes
C. they were the least advanced
D. they were polytheistic
___8. The Agricultural Revolution had an
impact on geography because –
A. it allowed people to stay in one
place and build towns
B. it resulted in the movement of
people into mountainous areas
C. it led to the decline of cities
D. it eliminated political boundaries
___9. All citizens in ancient Athens had
the right to attend the Assembly, where
they met to hold open discussions and cast
votes. This situation is an example of –
A. direct democracy
B. totalitarianism
C. parliamentary democracy
D. absolutism
World History 10
Mr. Hannah
May 15, 2007
___10. The two most significant Greek
city-states were –
A. Athens and Rome
B. Athens and Carthage
C. Sparta and Athens
D. Sparta and Carthage
___11. After the Peloponnesian War, the
Macedonians took control of Greece and
spread Greek culture throughout much of
the known world under the leadership of –
A. Alexander the Great
B. Julius Caesar
C. Hannibal
D. Pericles
___12. A major contribution of the Roman
Empire to Western society was the
development of –
A. gunpowder
B. revolutionary socialism
C. monotheism
D. an effective legal system
___ 13. The teachings of Confucius
encouraged people to –
A. put their own interests first
B. reject government authority
C. prepare for reincarnation
D. follow a code of moral conduct
___16. After the fall of Rome, the eastern
portion of the Roman Empire became
known as the –
A. Byzantine Empire
B. Persian Empire
C. Mongol Empire
D. Ottoman Empire
___17. The ancient Roman territory
known as Gaul is now –
A. England
B. France
C. Germany
D. Russia
___18. Which of the following is a primary
A. An article about the Peloponnesian
War by a famous twentieth-century
B. An eyewitness account of the Punic
Wars from a citizen of Carthage
C. A television account of the Roman
Empire, from rise to fall
D. Correspondence between two
medieval monks regarding
Aristotle’s philosophy
___19. The capital of the Byzantine
Empire was –
A. Constantinople
___14. The period of peace and prosperity
B. Rome
in Rome under the rule of Augustus is
C. Jerusalem
known as –
D. Athens
A. the golden age of Pericles
B. the Pax Romana
___20. Which economic system existed in
C. the Edict of Milan
Europe during the early Middle Ages?
D. the Renaissance
A. Free market
B. Socialism
___15. A major reason for the decline of
C. Feudalism
the Roman Empire was –
D. Communism
A. a series of military defeats in Africa
B. political corruption and an unstable ___21. The Koran is associated with the
practice of –
C. the abolition of slavery throughout
A. Islam
the empire
B. Judaism
D. continued acceptance of traditional
C. Shinto
D. Buddhism
World History 10
Mr. Hannah
May 15, 2007
___22. If the Roman Empire had not
collapsed, the feudal and manorial
systems would have been less necessary
in Old Europe. The statement is probably
considered valid because –
A. feudalism provided defense support
for unprotected communities
B. serfs began to demand more
participation in governmental affairs
C. noble vassals lost the right to hold
privileged status and titles
D. medieval churches became the
seat of government authority
___23. Two significant concepts related to
Jewish religious and cultural identity are
the –
A. Concept of reincarnation and
B. Torah and Diaspora
C. New Testament and the Four Noble
D. Koran and the code of bushido
___24. Which statement about the social
structure in Europe during the Middle Ages
is most accurate?
A. the nobles encouraged social
B. the Catholic Church encouraged a
classless society
C. Sharp class distinctions divided
European society.
D. Industrialization led to the growth of
socialism throughout Europe.
___25. The Romans connected their
empire by building a series of –
A. canals
B. roads
C. railroads
D. lighthouses
OMIT 26. China remained isolated for
many centuries because of its –
A. natural harbors
B. navigable river systems
C. tribal conflicts
D. mountain ranges
___27. Buddhism teaches that salvation is
earned by –
A. following the Ten Commandments
B. worshipping Allah as the one true
C. Commitment to spiritual selfdiscipline
D. Being baptized and confirmed
___28. Which statement would most likely
be spoken by a Hindu rather than a
A. “I am planning to go to Mecca next
year to participate in the haji.”
B. “My belief in the teachings of the
Koran are very important to me.”
C. “I always enjoy the feast that
follows the end of Ramadan.”
D. “My good deeds today will serve
me well in my next reincarnation.”
___29. On a map of the world, Asia is to
Japan as Europe is to –
A. Great Britian
B. Austria
C. The Netherlands
D. Italy
___30. A sociologist most interested in
ancient Indian culture would most likely
focus on the study of –
A. Hinduism and its influence on life in
B. India’s development of nuclear
C. The parliamentary government of
D. The influence of agricultural
production on India’s gross national
___31. In most societies, works of art and
architecture generally serve to -A. satisfy the needs of the leaders
B. limit the influence of religion
C. reflect the values of society
D. express opposition to the
government in power
World History 10
Mr. Hannah
May 15, 2007
___32. The latitude line exactly half-way
between the North and South Poles is
called the –
A. Prime Meridian
B. Equator
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. Tropic of Capricorn
___38. The most important and lasting
idea that the ancient Hebrews contributed
to the world was –
A. Polytheism
B. Technological farming advances
C. Monotheism
D. Development of elaborate cities
___33. Hieroglyphs are associated with
which of the following civilizations?
A. Ancient Egypt
B. Mesopotamia
C. Indus Valley
D. Shang China
___39. The early Egyptian writing form is
called –
A. cuneiform
B. hieroglyphics
C. pictograms
D. haiku letters
___34. All of the following are associated
with ancient Greece EXCEPT –
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Julius Caesar
D. Pythagoras
___40. What was the government of
Athens during its golden age under
A. socialism
B. democracy
C. oligarchy
D. aristocracy
___35. The end of the Punic Wars was a
milestone for the Romans because they –
A. came under the control of Carthage
B. came under the control of Athens
C. became the superpower of the
D. had to share power with the
___36. Longitude lines on a globe or map
stretch from –
A. east to west
B. the North Pole to the South Pole
C. the Equator to the Prime Meridian
D. Asia to the Americas
___37. Which victorious general was
famous for spreading Hellenic culture
throughout the world?
A. Julius Caesar
B. Hannibal
C. Alexander the Great
D. King Nebuchadnezzar
___41. What were the Crusades/
A. a Christian attempt to win back the
holy land from the Muslims
B. a Muslim attempt to convert the
world to their religion
C. a Christian attempt to kick the
Muslims out of Europe
D. a Muslim attempt to infiltrate the
Christian Church
___42. The Vikings are most remembered
for –
A. building and engineering feats
B. scientific discoveries
C. organizing democratic societies
D. shipbuilding and exploring
___43. Who was crowned the first Holy
Roman Emperor in 800 A.D.?
A. Leo V
B. Gregory II
C, Charlemagne
D. Pepin
World History 10
Mr. Hannah
May 15, 2007
___44. The Battle of Tours in 732 A.D.
stopped the Muslim advance into Christian
Europe. In which modern country did this
battle occur?
A. England
B. Spain
C. France
D. Italy
___45. The purpose of the Byzantine
empire was to –
A. preserve the Western (Roman)
B. establish the Holy Roman Empire
C. create a new pope
D. free the Holy Land
___46. The 8th-century controversy that
divide the Roman Catholic and Greek
Orthodox Church was –
A. the role of the Pope
B. the nature of sin
C. the use of icons
D. the purpose of excommunication
___47. The Romans dominated the
Mediterranean basin after they defeated
what country, in what war?
A. Germanic invaders, Barbarian
B. Gauls, Gallic Wars
C. Carthaginians, Punic Wars
D. Egyptians, Desert Wars
___48. Which of today’s largest religions
began during the Roman Empire?
A. Islam
B. Hinduism
C. Christianity
D. Buddhism
___49. The Greek city-states eventually
fell to the invading –
A. Persians
B. Phoenicians
C. Hittites
D. Macedonians
___50. Because of its many great
accomplishments in philosophy, science,
government, and the arts in the fifth
century B.C., which of the following
civilizations is often referred to as the
“birthplace of Western civilization”?
A. India
B. England
C. Greece
D. Egypt
___51. Which group is generally
acknowledged to be the invading force that
finally destroyed the Roman Empire?
A. Barbary pirates
B. Germanic tribes
C. Northern Italian traders
D. Muslim forces
___52. The Christian church in the
Medieval period –
A. decreased in importance
B. was influential in overthrowing the
Roman emperor
C. increased its governmental power
D. regulated most private businesses
OMIT 53. If you belonged to a typical
estate was the following except –
A. a greater division within the Roman
B. a split with the Byzantine empire
C. an eventual war with the Vikings
D. a new unity between the church
and the government
___54. Why was the Great Wall of China
A. to provide multiple temples to
worship their gods
B. as a defensive structure to protect
from invading Mongols
C. to make the most magnificent
structure on earth
D. as a final resting place for Chinese
World History 10
Mr. Hannah
May 15, 2007
Key for SOL Practice Exam
1. C
15. B
29. A
43. C
2. D
16. A
30. A
44. C
3. C
17. B
31. C
45. B
4. A
18. B
32. B
46. C
5. B
19. A
33. A
47. C
6. D
20. C
34. C
48. C
7. C
21. A
35. C
49. D
8. A
22. A
36. B
50. C
9. A
23. B
37. C
51. B
10. C
24. C
38. C
52. C
11. A
25. B
39. B
53. OMIT
12. D
26. OMIT
40. B
54. B
13. D
27. C
41. A
14. B
28. D
42. D