Quiz 2

Unit 5 quiz: Greeks and Romans- 2
Name: _____________________________________
This ancient land is considered the main source of Western Civilization.
It was a blend of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian influences. This civilization flourished for
centuries following the conquests of Alexander the Great. It strongly influenced ancient Rome.
Pioneered by the ancient Greeks, this form of government places power in the hands of the people.
It takes two forms: direct and representative.
This was history’s first known set of written laws. They helped to hold together the ancient
Babylonian empire of Mesopotamia.
Followers of this religion believe in a spiritual force called Brahman that can take the form of many
gods. It is the oldest major religion practiced in the world today, and it is the largest religion of
After replacing the Qin empire, this dynasty prospered for hundreds of years and adopted Confucian
ideas about maintaining an orderly society. It traded with Rome over the Silk Road.
Hannibal was a famous general from an ancient city on the north coast of Africa. After a series of
three wars, this city was conquered and destroyed by the Romans.
After becoming dictator for life, this Roman general brought order to the Roman world.
Nonetheless, he was assassinated by a group of senators opposed to his rule.
This was a period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire that lasted for about two centuries as
Rome imposed order across the Mediterranean world. It began with the reign of Augustus Caesar.
He tried to hold together the Roman Empire. He stopped the blood sports in the Colosseum,
legalized Christianity, and moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople.
Following a series of barbarian attacks, the political situation in Europe changed in 476 AD. Causes
included a plague, the decline of agriculture, and heavy taxes. What was this change?
At its height, this empire controlled a large international trading network that completely surrounded
the Mediterranean Sea extending from Britain to the Middle East.
This was a great legacy of the Roman Empire. It helped hold the empire together, and it established
principles later adopted by the legal system in the United States.
This architectural improvement made it possible to construct public buildings with larger interior
spaces than the column-filled temples of ancient Egypt and Greece. It is a curved opening.