Burns Surgery - Wellington Intensive Care Unit

FANZCA Part II Notes
Data Interpretation - Venkatesh
adults = fire
children = scalding
maybe associated with ET-OH, abuse, epilepsy or psychiatric problem
mortality is related to age (>50yrs), TBSA (40%) burnt and burn depth
Superficial – epidermis only
Partial – superficial (epidermis and upper layer of dermis), deep (extends to deeper layer of
Full – all layers of dermis and may involve underlying tissue
Rules of 9’s
Palm of patient = 1% TBSA burn
Lund-Browder Chart
Resuscitation – airway patency, breathing, circulation, LOC
Adequacy of resuscitation to date – HR, BP, urine output, fluid received
Associated trauma
Airway burn or inhalational injury – stridor, burns to face, nose and mouth, carbonaceous
Facial and/or corneal burns, perineal burns
Circumferential burns – extremities -> compartment syndrome, ventilator inadequacy ->
Inhalation of toxic gases – CO
Adequacy of analgesia
Problems with vascular access
Evidence of drug/alcohol ingestion
Co-morbid conditions
EMST/ATLS protocol – primary and secondary survey
Burn assessment and management – debridement by 48 hours
Transfer to definitive care facility
Jeremy Fernando (2011)
Primary Survey
Airway with C-spine control
- may need ETT quickly (use an uncut tube + wire to maxilla)
- warning signs include = singed nasal hairs, horse voice, productive brassy cough, soot in
sputum, stridor, facial burns, breathed fire, voice change.
- maximum wound oedema takes place @ 12-36hrs after injury
- FOB or nasoendoscopy
- Bronchoscopy - soot, charring, mucosal erythema, necrosis, airway oedema
- sux ok for 24-48hrs then none for 2 days -> 2 yrs
- may need AFOI or surgical airway
Breathing with O2
- 15L/min + resevior bag
- may require ETT + IPPV because of other injuries, major resusication, sedation, ARDS &
analgesia, decreased pulmonary compliance
- protective lung injury
- NAC & heparin nebs
- suction
Circulation with haemorrhage control
>25% -> SIRS with oedema
IV access through intact skin where possible
IVF for >15% in adults & >10% in children
Hartmans is preferred
x-match units
may have to stop surgery to catch up
aim for PCV 0.3
Disability with assessment of neurological function
CO poisoning
ET-OH poisioning
Exposure with temperature control
- remove all clothes
- if stuck to patient, cut around adherent areas
- keep warm
- assess %TBSA
- 1% = patients palm and fingers
- assess burn depth -> superficial = red and painful
deep = no capillary refill and not painful
- warm theatre (32 C)
- humidify (70-80%)
Jeremy Fernando (2011)
Secondary Survey
cool with running cold water (20min)
bronchoscopy for evidence of an inhalational injury (nebulized heparin and NAC)
watch for hypothermia
cover with clingfilm (limits evaporation, heats loss & pain)
IV morphine
escharotomy - limbs & chest wall
have lots of blood ready
watch for COHb -> will need 100% O2 or hyperbaric O2
Fluid replacement
- required in adult > 15%, children >10%
- Modified Parklands Formulae
-> Adults - 4mL/kg/%
-> Children - 3-4mL/kg/%
- give 1/2 in first 8hrs since injury
- give 1/2 in next 16hrs
+ normal maintenance!!!
- aim for urine output of 0.5mL/kg/hr and normal cardiovascular parameters
- then albumin after first 24 hours (keep albumin > 20)
- test for myoglobinuria -> if +ve then
(1) aim 1-2mL/kg/hr
(2) alkalinise urine with 25mmol of HCO3- for each litre of Hartmans
(3) promote diuresis with 12.5g mannitol to each litre of Hartmans
- biobrane: superficial
- acticoat: partial
- subcut infusions: hypertonic saline + acetic acid (anti-pseudomonal)
Other issues
- N\J tube -> feed
- strict asepsis
- vigilance for nosocomial infections: line changes every 7 days
- tetanus
- antibiotics in initial period if dirty (frequently cooled at scene with dirty water)
- family discussion
- prognosis: age + TBSA burn should be less than 100.
- monitor for post burn leukopenia (cease silver sulfadiazine and use mafenide acetate, stop
cimetidine, consider G-CSF if doesn’t improve in 3 days)
Jeremy Fernando (2011)
Chemical Burns
- protect self with gloves, apron & facemask
- remove contaminated clothing
- neutralize or dilute with H2O (1hr)
Hyrdroflouric acid - topical calcuim gluconate burn gel + Biers block with 10-15mL of 10%
calcium gluconate + 5000U of heparin in 40mL 5 % dextrose
Phosphorus - copper sulphate solution
Bitumen - cool with H2O, remove with vegetable or parafil oil
Electrical Burns
- low voltage (<1000V) -> local contact burn
- high voltage (>1000V) -> entrance & exit wound -> may require fasciotomy
-> side flash = nearby lightening strike -> superficial burns, entry & exit burns +/respiratory arrest
- direct lightening strike -> often fatal
Jeremy Fernando (2011)