Research Paper Guide - MDC Faculty Home Pages

Research Paper
Prof. Magellan
Days/Hours of Class____________________
Your research paper is to be written on a step-by-step basis. Refer to this packet after each step
while you are undertaking this project. You will need to use your Simon & Schuster Handbook
for Writers, and read chapters 31 to 34. Pay special attention to the guidelines for MLA style in
chapter 34. Your paper should be formatted like the paper discussed on page 594 with a title
page like the one on page 599. One exception: You will write an outline in complete sentences
rather than a word outline. Note: You’ll turn your paper into The I.D. and password
will be given out in class. See information on the back of this sheet.
Step One: choose a topic
ENC 1102: Persuasive Argument. Your topic must be one that is debatable. Avoid topics that
have been beaten to death. See back for suggestions. Also, be aware that in an argument you
find the opposing viewpoint and make an attempt to refute it. Do not ignore the opposition.
Step Two: Sources and Works Cited page
Due: ___________
See Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, MLA Style Sample Works Cited page.
Research using the Internet, or better yet, Info-Trac through our library All are available in the
Kendall campus library. If your class is meeting in the lab, we will use the Internet.
a. You will need ultimately five sources that contain information about your particular
topic. Sources have to be relatively recent, and there must be a variety (for example,
I do not want all articles from newspapers. By a variety of sources I mean a
newspaper article, perhaps an encyclopedia, a professional journal etc.) Some
topics are so current that no books are available, only articles. That’s OK.
b. Out of the sources you have collected, read through them and determine which ones
you will use for your paper. Find five articles, chapters, entries etc. that contain
significant information and Xerox or copy.
c. I am looking for valid sources only--nothing from personal web pages etc. Write the
title, date, author, source, organization etc. on the front of the article .Check your
handbook for the chapter on finding valid sources for your paper.
Step Three: Sentence Outline
Due _________
There is a section in the Handbook on how to write an outline. However, please note that I am
expecting a sentence outline exactly like the one on the sample paper. It is essential that you
begin the outline with a thesis statement and number the pages as illustrated in the handbook.
Step Five: First Draft
Due __________
The first complete draft will be typed. It should have in-text documentation as well as a Works
Cited page. The instructor will give you feedback on this. If the instructor does not see a first draft,
on the scheduled date, she will not accept the final draft, and you will receive a zero. The more
complete the draft, the more feedback you'll get, but at least bring in an introduction, the quotes
you will use from your sources, two supporting paragraphs with in-text documentation, and the
Works Cited page. Bring the copies of the articles you will use as well as the typed final version
of your outline and title page.
Step Five: Final Draft.
Due: _________
Failure is automatic if there is no documentation and/or no Works Cited page. You must keep all
cards, sources, notes, first draft etc. as they might be requested by the instructor. With the final
paper you must include all the articles or sources you cited in your text.
Note: All the above steps are required. If missing, they are worth minus one half grade on the
final grade except the rough draft which, if not turned in on the scheduled date will earn the
student a 0 on his final research paper.
1. Do not use 1st or 2nd person (no “I” no “you)
2. Do not use contractions (use cannot instead of can’t etc.)
3. Do not insert extra spaces between paragraphs
4. Avoid informal vocabulary (mom, really, etc.)
Use your handbook sample paper for other basic details, such as how to number pages,
arrange margins, write your title page etc.
Suggested Topics for Persuasive Argument:
Legalization of Drugs or decriminalization of drugs
Legalization of prostitution
Having babies at home instead of at the hospital
Cloning of humans
Licensing parents
Cap on immigration
Mandatory chemical castration for sex offenders
Overdevelopment in south Florida
Drug testing in the workplace
Lie detector testing in the workplace
Genetic engineering, nano-technology, other controversial technological research
Nuclear arms control
Gun control
Subsidized Day Care
Automatic garnishing of salaries for child support
Fatherless families as a choice
Affirmative Action
Mandatory recycling- of garbage
Oil drilling either off Florida Keys or in Alaska
Haitian immigration
Legalizing suicide for terminally ill
Dr. assisted suicide
Vivisection (animal experimentation)
Developing the Amazon Rain Forest
Turn your paper in electronically this way:
1. Go to the website: On the right hand corner, you must click
create a user profile.
2.. Identify yourself as a student. Click Next.
3. Enter your class ID: ______ Password: ______. Click Next
4. Enter your email address. Click Next.
5. Enter a password. Click Next.
6. Enter your name. Click Next.
7. Choose and answer a security question. Click Next.
8. Click on I agree.
9. Now you can upload your paper.