Offender Substance Abuse Programme Leaflet for Offenders

Offender Substance Abuse Programme (OSAP)
Leaflet for Offenders
What is OSAP?
It is a programme for people whose offending is linked to use of drugs or alcohol. It can help
you move away from the abuse of drugs and alcohol and avoid further offending. The court
may have ordered you to follow this programme as part of a community sentence, or it may
be a condition of your prison licence.
How will it help me?
You will: Learn different ways of solving problems.
 Learn skills to help you plan for the future, including going into work and how to
spend your leisure time.
 Improve your self-control and social skills.
 Avoid other people who abuse drugs or alcohol.
 Understand the effects of drugs and alcohol and the link to offending.
 How to avoid going back to drugs or alcohol.
What will I do in the group?
You must: Attend and take part in all sessions.
 Face up to what you have done and change your life and lifestyle to gain self-control
and avoid re-offending.
 Take part in group exercises, discussion sessions, self-assessment, problem-solving
exercises and learning exercises.
You must agree to: Arrive on time and stay to the end.
 Take part in the exercises.
 Arrive with a clear head, not under the influence of drugs, alcohol or solvents.
 Treat tutors and other group members with respect.
 Respect confidentiality.
 Turn off your mobile phone.
How long does the group last?
There are 26 sessions. Each one takes place twice a week and lasts for two and a half hours.
There are also pre-group and follow-up sessions which your probation officer will discuss with
What happens if I miss a session?
You have to come to every session. If you miss a session you will need to do a catch-up
session before you can carry on with the group. The programme is split into modules. If you
miss more than two sessions in any module, you will need to do the whole module again. If
you miss two sessions without good reason, you will be in breach of your Order and will have
to go back to court.
How will I know if I am making progress?
Before the group starts we will ask you to fill in some questionnaires. We will ask you to fill in
similar questionnaires after the programme finishes. What you say will show how much your
skills and views about things have changed. You will also learn how to monitor your own
behaviour throughout the programme. We will also report back regularly to your probation
officer who will talk about your progress to you.
Who do you share information with?
Our staff keep information about you in paper records and on computer. We keep all records
safe and secure. If you wish to know more, please ask your Probation Officer for details.
Do you use video?
We record all programme sessions on videotape. We use the tapes to check on how
programme tutors have delivered the programme. No-one else sees the tapes.
The Probation Service is committed to valuing and respecting differences between
individuals. If you have concerns or questions about race, religion, culture, gender, sexual
orientation, child care or other issues which might affect your ability to take part in the
programme, please discuss this as soon as possible with your Probation Officer.
We must take you back to court if you fail to attend two group sessions or other probation
appointments without good reason.