LIBERTY SCHOOL DISTRICT DIABETIC LOW BLOOD SUGAR PLAN ***NORMAL BLOOD SUGAR RANGE: ___ TO ____ (Low blood sugar is a life-threatening emergency) Student Name: Grade: Teacher: ***NORMAL BLOOD SUGAR RANGE: ______ TO _______ Emergency Medications are stored in the ____________ Medication Cupboard. Glucagon expires: _______________________ Medical Problem: Low blood sugar may be caused by too much insulin, missed or delayed snacks or meals, Too much or unscheduled exercise. Has the potential to be life-threatening. IF YOU SEE THIS: DO THIS: ***________’s normal symptoms are in bold type*** IF ___________ IS SHOWING SIGNS OF LOW BLOOD SUGAR, AN ADULT SHOULD ACCOMPANY ___ TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. OR CALL THE OFFICE FOR ADULT HELP. NEVER SEND ____________ ANYWHERE ALONE!!!! - Notify the school nurse immediately @ ext. 2211. - __________ should check _____ blood sugar. - If blood sugar < ________, give fast acting sugar: 4 oz. apple juice OR 2-4 glucose tablets. - ______ should remain in office under adult supervision. - Recheck blood sugar in 15 minutes. - If blood sugar < ________, give fast acting sugar: 4 oz. apple juice OR 2-4 glucose tablets. - Follow with 15-20 gm. Carbohydrate snack: ½ graham cracker sheet. - Recheck blood sugar in 15 minutes. - ______ may return to class when blood sugar > _____. MILD: Hunger. Dizziness. Shakiness. Sweating. Weakness. Sleepiness. Paleness. Irritability. Anxiety. Inability to concentrate. Personality/behavior changes. MODERATE: Headache. Poor coordination. Blurred vision. Slurred speech. Behavior changes. Confusion. Weakness. SEVERE: Loss of consciousness. Seizure. CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!!!! - School nurse or EMS may administer: Glucagon _____ mg. IM/SC. - DO NOT wait for parent to arrive before allowing EMS to transport ___________ to the hospital. Breathing and/or heartbeat stops. CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY !!! Begin CPR/rescue breathing and continue until relieved by EMS. LIBERTY SCHOOL DISTRICT DIABETIC HIGH BLOOD SUGAR PLAN ***NORMAL BLOOD SUGAR RANGE: ___ TO ____ (High blood sugar is not a medical emergency) Student Name: Grade: Teacher: ***NORMAL BLOOD SUGAR RANGE: ______ TO _______ Emergency Medications are stored in the ____________ Medication Cupboard. Insulin expires: _______________________ Medical Problem: Caused by too much food, too little insulin, too little physical activity, illness , infection and stress. Onset can take several hours or days. IF YOU SEE THIS: ***________________ normal symptoms are in bold type*** MILD: Thirst. Fatigue . Hunger. Stomach pains. Sweet smelling breath. Inability to concentrate. Frequent urination. Sleepiness. Blurred vision. Flushed skin. Weight loss. MODERATE: Mild symptoms and Nausea. Stomach cramps Dry mouth. Vomiting. DO THIS: IF ___________ IS SHOWING SIGNS OF HIGH BLOOD SUGAR, AN ADULT SHOULD ACCOMPANY ___ TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. OR CALL THE OFFICE FOR ADULT HELP. NEVER SEND ____________ ANYHERE ALONE!!!! - Have ___________ check blood sugar. - Notify School Nurse at extension 2211. - For blood sugar > _________________ 1.) Have _________ drink _______ oz. of water. 2.) Have student do 15 minutes of walking in hall/gym. - Check urine ketones for blood sugar > ___________ 1.) Ketones: Trace to small - have student drink 16-24 oz. water over 2 hours. Recheck blood sugar and ketones. If still positive – notify parent. 2.) Ketones: Moderate to large – Notify parent immediately. If parent unavailable, notify MD. - __________ should keep water bottle at their desk. - __________ may need to use the bathroom frequently. _________ is allowed to leave the classroom without asking permission or notifying the teacher first. SEVERE: Mild or moderate symptoms and Labored breathing. Very weak. Confused. Unconscious. CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!!! - Notify parent. Notify MD. - DO NOT wait for parent to arrive before allowing EMS to transport _____________ to the hospital. Breathing and/or heartbeat stops. CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!!! Begin CPR/rescue breathing and continue until relieved by EMS.