Rocks Website - Madison County Schools

Igneous Rocks Webquest
Name __________________
Go to the Madison County Schools homepage and choose Online Classrooms.
Find and choose Karrie Johns
On the left hand side, click 6th grade science and under Files choose Rock Cycle.
Link 1: Rock Cycle Animation
1. What are the 3 types of rock?_________________________________________
2. How are Igneous rocks formed? (click on the igneous rock tab)
3. Molten rock may come from ______________________________________
4. How do Intrusive Igneous rocks typically form ________________________
5. Extrusive Igneous rocks form on _________________________________.
6. Why do intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks have different crystal size?
7. Give 2 examples of igneous rock._______________________________________
8. Click on the melting tab. Click the “erupt” link. What rock forms on the outside
of the volcano? ______________________ Is this intrusive or extrusive igneous
9. What rock forms on the inside of the volcano? ______________________ Is this
intrusive or extrusive igneous rock?
10. Click on the cooling and crystallization tab. Why do extrusive rocks have only
11. Why do intrusive rocks have larger crystals?
12. Why do some rocks have a glassy texture? ______________________________
13. What are the names of glassy igneous rocks?______________________________
14. How do scientist interpret whether an igneous rock is intrusive or extrusive in
Sedimentary Rocks
Go to the Madison County Schools homepage and choose Online Classrooms.
Find and choose Karrie Johns
On the left hand side, click 6th grade science and under Files choose Rock Cycle.
1. Name the 3 types of rock:_____________________________________________
2. Where can sedimentary rocks form?_____________________________________
3. Weathering of rocks is _______________________________________________
4. Once rocks are weathered, _________________________ carries the rock
fragments and other chemical products from the site of weathering to a site of
_______________________ where the sediment can accumulate.
5. Burial of the sediments then creates the opportunity for __________________,
which is the process of ______________________________________________.
6. Roughly ________________ of the earth’s land surface is covered by
7. Give 2 reasons sedimentary rocks are usually easy to recognize:
a. ____________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________
8. Give 2 examples of sedimentary rock: a._______________________________
b. __________________________________________
9. Limestone, or any type of sedimentary rock, can contain ___________________.
10. List 2 classes of sedimentary rock: ______________________ and
11. __________________________ sediment consists of fragments of preexisting
rock, ranging in size from housesized boulders to microscopic _____________
12. _______________________ is a detrital rock.
13. __________________________ sediment comes from ions in water.
14. Ripple marks and cross-bedding provides information about _______________
15. ____________________ can show that sediment was deposited in shallow water
that dried up periodically.
16. ____________________ provide evidence of creatures that lived long ago.
17. Nearly all our knowledge of ______________________ comes from
18. Weathering is a collection of processes that _________________________ or
alter the mineral grains in rocks.
19. Weathering is very _____________________, but it is also very ______________
20. Without weathering we would have ____________________________________
and barren rock and huge _________________________________ would
dominate the landscape.
21. Two types of weathering are _______________________ and _______________
22. Mechanical weathering ______________________________________________
23. ______________________________ breaks down rocks atom by atom, through
chemical reactions involving water and the minerals of the rock.
24. Mechanical weathering uses ___________________________ and cunning to
________________________ rocks.
25. __________________________________ occurs whenever water enters a crack
in a rock and freezes, ____________________________ of the ice wedges the
rock apart farther allowing water in even more during the next freeze-thaw cycle.
26. ____________________________________________________________ help
carry the broken rock downhill.
27. _______________________________ is the source of much detrital sediment that
is transported to the sea in our rivers.
28. ______________________________ involves chemical reactions
29. Chemical weathering is enhanced in __________________________________
30. _____________________________ are very effective environments for chemical
31. List 3 methods of transporting sediment:______________________________
___________________________ and ________________________________
32. _______________________________ occurs wherever sediments drop out of
stream, glacier or wind currents.
33. Does deposition occur more in steep terrain or nearly flat terrain._____________
34. Lithification is the process of _______________________________________
35. One mechanism of lithificaion is _____________________ which occurs as
36. Cementation occurs as dissolved ions, which are highly concentrate in deep
groundwater, precipitate out of solution and fill the empty spaces__________
between ____________________________________________
37. _____________________________ occurs as unstable minerals recrystallize into
more stable minerals.
Metamorphic Rocks
Name _____________________
Go to the Madison Middle homepage and choose Online Classrooms.
Find and choose Karrie Johns
On the left hand side, click 6th grade science and under Files choose Rock Cycle.
1. The formation of _____________________________ occurs when heat, pressure
and chemical reactions alter igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rocks.
2. Metamorphism occurs when the conditions of _________________ and
_____________________ and _______________________ make the minerals of
a rock unstable and the rock ________________ by growing new minerals or
recrystallizing the old ones.
3. Metamorphism usually takes place ____________ under active mountain belts
and around _____________________________.
4. Two examples of metamorphic rock are 1.______________________ and
5. Almost all ____________________ rocks found in the crust had their origins in
6. Rocks ;in the deep crust beneath active mountain belts today, such as the
______________ or the _________________________ are undergoing
________________________________, but no such luck exists for rocks in old,
__________________ mountain belts such as the _________________________
7. High temperature, High pressure: What are rocks called in an area where almost
every rock has been metamorphosed? ________________________
8. Contact metamorphism is caused by __________________________________
9. What causes “hydrothermal” metamorphism? ____________________________
Review (these are not on a screen, you must think about what you have learned about
the 3 types of rocks and answer in your own words)
1. List the 3 types of rock: a.________________________ b.__________________
c. ____________________________________
2. How are each of the 3 types of rock formed?
a. igneous:____________________________________________________
b. sedimentary:_________________________________________________
c. metamorphic_________________________________________________
3. Where are you most likely to find an igneous rock?
4. Where are you most likely to find a sedimentary rock?
5. In the sedimentary rock section, it said limestone was formed from organisms that
once lived in the ocean. Kentucky has a lot of limestone, what can you infer from
this information? ___________________________________________________
6. In the section about metamorphic rock, it said that metamorphic rocks are formed
from igneous, sedimentary and other metamorphic rock. What must happen to
these “original” rocks to change them to “new” metamorphic rock? ___________
From the first menu page, choose Weathering animation (4th bullet down)
1. Define weathering:__________________________________________________
2. Weathering is typically slower in what type of climate? ____________________
3. Explain the “rain shadow” effect. ___________________________________