Chapter 3 Summary that allow geologists to define a sense of Branch Line—Where two Faulting is a very critical shear along a fault.Certain structures faults either separate or means of brittle crustal found along a fault zone include: emerge. movement. The forces of Slickenfiber lineations – compression, and Note: Important Definitionsextension In Bold Splay Faults—Subsidiary Dilations within the layers along shear cause three major fault faults that from the Faults are locations on crust that show brittle block movement via shear. They are important because if you have forces ofbranch compression, expansion, a fault zone allow water to types: Thrust, Normal, and fault. or shear, the solid blocks on Earth must cater to these forces. These forces result in breaks called faults and themain motion of blocks around these faults minerals that form Transform. kindsdoesofnot necessarilyprecipitate accommodates the forces; These but the motion go directly in the direction of the earth’s forces. To describe the motion lets define along the scrapes in the fault faulting have accessory Hanging Wall and Footwall. The wall above the fault is the hanging wall and below the fault is the footwall.and In Ramping. the Normal Fault, the hanging wall Duplexes plane. indicate goes down,geologies extending thethat crust. In the Thrustthat Fault, the footwall gets pushed up, compressing the crust. In Strike Slip Faults, the fault blocks slide past world faults do notifoccur are occurring. Stylotites—Compressional each other they to accommodate shear. strike slip faults are right-lateral if the block across the observerReal move right. Theygenerally are left-lateral the opposite forces canFault. sometimes cause a along flat smooth surfaces but contain happens. Oblique Slip faults combine Strike-Slip with a Thrust or Normal serrated structure that results Ramps that connect various portions of Note: Important Definitions In Bold from material within the unit the fault. Various ramps are as follows: See Figure 3.3 for movement references leaving as a result of pressure Faults are surfaces on the crust where Frontal ram dissolution. This is common in rocks are moved parallel to the plane of Lateral ramp results & in erosion, an the surface. are are a result of brittle Accessories of this They faulting as follows and show up in limestones petrography,and topography and small scale structures. Rocks are important When faults do not connect, there is a overallTemperature loweringgoesofup, rocks total become deformation and leave evidence indicators of this movement. Because as you gothat beneath the surface, less brittle and the Cataclastic Rocks which characteristic step-over. volume., indicate the driving forces experienced have been ground up from the brittle movement give way to Mylonitic Rocks. Mylonitic zones are those where rocks have been stretched out. Scarps which can movement either bemakes compressional, are where the block distinct changes in topography. Also, these Scarps can erode and then cause deposition. Small scale structures Secondary Fractures—These extensional, or shear. To describe can the be Congruous faultsare migrate along surface and also indicate a fault location. These structures steps ordevelop Incongruous features that aface downstream and structures at an steps. angle Congruous to When steps motion along faults, we These use the terms are to follow. incongruous steps are the opposite. structures the main fault surface and can form successively younger ramps/faults, a Hanging Wall and Foot Wall. The wall faultForm duplex is formed. Duplexes canopposite oftenreplace house openings secondaryinminerals. • Slickenfiber lineations – When fibrous looking minerals the fault block. in direction of motion of the above some point on the fault is the occur as a result of normal, reverse, or block. hanging wall and below the point is the strike slip movement. • Stylotites—When contraction occurs, solution of minerals occurs along These structures alongstylotites. with striations footwall. In a Normal Fault, the hanging andsurface gouging allow to I fractures to relieve some of the force moving the • Secondary at antoangle and are kindgeologists of like mode wall goes Fracture—Occur down relative theto the fault deduce much about the history of a See Figures 3.33 & 3.34 for Fault Ramp blocks. footwall,this is a result of extensional and Duplex geometry fault.wall, a gouge may be dug on the wall. forces.. In a Thrust Fault, the footwall • Gouging—When an asperity is fixed to the opposite Gouges show which direction the shear was. pushed up,acompressing the gouging crust. Inends. Asperitygets usually leaves mark where the Strike Slip Faults, the fault blocks slide Damagetales. Zones aretheir a grains result become of brittle Ductile Shear zones have that theirform ownasymmetric • Porphyroclasts and Porphyroblasts- Large crystal rocks in ductile shear zones Also, foliated. past each other to accommodate shear suite of indicative structures which deformation along a fault zone where forces. Strike slip faults are rightrocks are ground and crack in various include: as dextral) thehave a plane, like when Professor Burgmann showed Howlateral(also to determine known fault movement. If youif just us that fault cutout, you cannot These see true sense orientations in response to stress.. dip Porphyroclasts across from the observer moves of blockblock offset because that cutout could have been cut out at any from horizontal, thus making damage your analysis If you a preexisting zones unfruitful. are strongest nearhave the fault.. right. (like Theytheare left-lateral(sinistral) displacement Porphyroblasts linear feature intersection of two planes)ifyou can tell the of the fault. These points are called piercing points. The movement of Some structures in damage zones are the will opposite happens. Oblique Slip these points give a vector of block movement. Sheath folds Wing Cracks—Extension combines Strike-Slip faulting Faultfaulting Terminations are as follows: fractures associated with small with Thrust or Normal faulting. • Termination Line—Line that lineates where the fault ends in every direction including inside the amounts ground of (brittle displacement movement eventually becomes ductile at some point). Horsetail Splay—Occur along Because faults do not continue through See Figure 3.3 for movement • Blind fault—A fault that doesreferences not break through the topographic surface larger faults and create a series of the entire earth, there are certain secondary pinnate shear • Branch Line—Where the fault ends and branches off Branch lines create Splay Faults definitions to define the boundaries of a fractures. Some common features of faults include: zone: • Splay Faults—Subsidiary faults of the main fault. Cataclastic Rocks, which have been Synthetic Branch Faults— the cataclastic rocks become fractured indamage • Damage Zones—On the side of a fault or along the tip, zones. These damage zones ground into powder or fractured into When deformation at a fault tip Termination Line—Where clasts from the brittle movement, these causes shear of the same sense of the faults ends. give way to Mylonitic Rocks. Mylonitic the motion of the fault zones are those where rocks have been Fault trace—Where a fault Math: Antithetic Faults—When deformed by being stretched out.Scarps terminates along a tographic deformation at a fault tip causes The following equation has been derived of faults and shows that in systems, longer faults are rarer than shorter ones. are where the block movement makes a surface. shear of the opposite sense as the distinct change in topography There are Blind fault—A fault that main fault. This creates rotation also certain structures thatgreater can imply N = Number of faults with length than L does not break through the of the block in the damage zone. topographic surface m, Kfaulting. = DerivedCongruous Constants or Incongruous stepsare asymmetric kinematic indicators N=K÷Lm→ log N=log K – m*log L 1 Ara Alexanian, 2011 Edited by Andrew Tholt & Jessica Anderson, 2013 Math: The following equation has been derived from faulting and shows that in fault systems, longer faults are rarer than shorter ones. N = Number of faults with length greater than L m, K = Derived Constants N=K/Lm→ log N=log K – m*log L References & Resources Robert J. Twiss, Eldridge M. Moores, Structural Geology 2nd edition, (W. H. Freeman), p. 61-89, 2006 2 Ara Alexanian, 2011 Edited by Andrew Tholt & Jessica Anderson, 2013