Honors Earth/Space Science Name ________________________ GEODE – Mountain Building Notes Period ______ Date ___________ Open the GEODE Folder and click on the Flash Player Icon. Mouse over “Forces Within” and select Mountain Building or enter “1005” in the box in the bottom right-hand corner. 1. What causes mountains to form? ____________________________________________________ 2. What are the three types of geologic structures? ________________________________________ 3. ___________________________ ________________ is uniform in all directions, causing the volume of rocks to be reduced. 4. Rocks in the upper crust are _________________________ so they usually fracture when deformed. 5. At greater depths, rocks become ___________________________ and deform by folding or flowing. 6. ___________________________ ________________ is produced along plate margins and produces most crustal deformation. 7. Shortening of rocks is caused by ____________________________________________________. 8. Elongation of rocks is caused by ____________________________________________________. 9. ______________________of rocks results when differential stress causes rocks to move passed each other. 10. Folds result _____________________________________________________________________ 11. Two most common types of folds are ________________________ and ______________________. 12. An example of a mountain range made of folded sedimentary rock is the _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________. 13. ______________________________________________ are the result of vertical motion on faults. 14. Faults are ______________________________________________________________________. 15. When movement on a fault is parallel to the inclination of the fault surface, the fault is called __________-slip. 16. A fault ___________________________ is produced when vertical displacement creates low cliffs. 17. The ____________________________________________ wall is the rock ABOVE the fault zone. 18. The ____________________________________________wall is the rock BELOW the fault zone. 19. The hanging wall moves DOWN relative to the footwall in ____________________________ faults. 20. Two examples of mountain ranges created by normal faults include ______________________ and ______________________________________________________________________________. 21. Normal faults occur in regions experiencing ____________________________________ stresses. 22. The hanging wall moves UP relative to the footwall in _______________________________faults. 23. Thrust faults are __________________________________________ faults that dip less than 45°. 24. Three examples of mountains created by thrust faults are ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 25. Thrust and reverse faults occur in regions experiencing ___________________________stresses. 26. Strike-slip faults are the result of ____________________________ displacement parallel to the fault surface. 27. The largest strike slip faults are __________________________________________ boundaries. 28. An example of a strike slip fault on land is the _________________________________________ 29. Fractures with very little to no displacement are called ___________________________________. 30. When igneous rocks cool and shrink elongated pillar-like columns form and are separated by _____________________ ______________________. 31. The Cascade Mountains are the result of _____________________________________________. 32. Collisional Mountain Ranges occur at _____________________________________ boundaries. 33. Convergence can cause enormous ________________________________ stresses that result in folding and faulting seen in the Appalachians, Rockies, Alps, Himalaya, and Andes. 34. Accreted crustal blocks are called ________________________ and are common in Western North America. Complete the Table Below Plate Boundary Convergent Divergent Transform Direction of Stress Type of Faulting Type & Example of Mountain Range