Lab 08 Geologic Maps

Lab 08 Geologic Maps
Name _______________________________
A geologist usually draws the surface exposures of rock and sediment on a topo
map, because elevation controls the positions of outcrops.
In the lab are copies of the Geologic Map of the Frenchtown Quadrangle.
1. Examine the map. Which area is more severely folded, the Precambrian rocks in
the NW corner, or the Triassic\Jurassic rocks shown in blue and orange. Why?
2. Which area is higher? Why?
3. Look at the westernmost of the two faults trending NNE. Why don’t the
Precambrian Amphibolites match up across the fault? What type of fault is this?
4. Which is younger, the fault or the white patch marked Qod. How do you know?
5. Look at the other faults trending ENE, along the border between the
Precambrian, and the Cambrian Leithsville Formation. Why is there always
Precambrian to the North? What type of fault is this?
6. Look at the stream vees formed by the Triassic Graters member along
Nishisawawick Creek, shown in dark blue. Why do they point Southwest?