October, 2000 Robin Anthony, Editor Inside this issue: Counties! Don’t forget: Election Night Reporting Tests will be October 26th and st November 1 from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Please send mock results for all precincts. Thank you for your assistance! Your testing will ensure a successful Election! Greetings from the Secretary of State Roster Updates Law Books are Coming! Message from the Elections Director 911 Addresses Changes Download Precinct Election Results! New Help Desk Employee Q&A DVS/SOS/Counties Workgroup Election schedule for the next 90 days New Polling Place Finder on Web Page! Please Welcome Our Newest Member of the Elections Division Dawn Prouty joins us as our new Administrative Assistant. Dawn formerly worked with the Department of Commerce and the Department of Public Safety. She has two children (Kareen, aged two, and Isaiah, aged one). Her interests include weight lifting (so don’t mess with her); reading (history is her favorite subject); and spending time with friends and family. Dawn attended Minneapolis Community College and says “I was going to school to become a U.S. Marshal, the career I dreamed of as a child, and while I was growing up. Then I became pregnant with my daughter, and decided that instead of tracking down fugitives from the law and bringing them to justice, I would track down my children instead!” Dawn adds “I am very excited and honored to be working with such a great crew in the Elections Division!” Please welcome Dawn when you call the Elections Division. Townships and Cities Election Debriefing Registration Form Just a reminder: We are sending all Township and City Clerks a copy of each issue of the Ballot Bulletin automatically through November of this year ONLY. If you are interested in receiving issues on a regular basis, please complete and return the request form on the back of this issue. In addition, you can always find the Ballot Bulletin are on our web page under “Publications.” Update on the NEW VR System! We have received all completed individual evaluations and calculated final scores for each of the three vendors. We are in negotiations with the vendor with the top score. Once negotiations are complete, we will announce the winning vendor and begin implementation. Please stay tuned for an update in our November Ballot Bulletin! We would like to thank Cindy Schultz, McLeod County; Gary Poser Anoka County; and Mary Kay Kes, Scott County for their participation in the evaluation of this last go around during a very busy time. Assistance for the Visually Impaired Voters Braille and cassette versions of absentee ballot applications, voter registration instructions, and the "Voter's Guide" are available from our office. These will be sent to you upon request. We will send these materials either to the requesting county or directly to the voter. To request these items, please call the Auditor Hotline at 651-282-0244. 1 New Web Page Feature! What’s the status of my Roster? Greetings from the Minnesota Secretary Of State Here we are, with the Election Day just around the corner. You’ll be able to know where your roster is in the printing process by going to a web page: www.soshelpdesk.state.mn.us Check this site to see this great new feature. Planning an election seems a lot like planning a wedding - - so many things to do, details to consider, long hours, little thanks for the people you are doing it for, a high level of anxiety… and all for, just one day. Not everything will be absolutely perfect no matter how hard we try, but as long as the major pieces are in place, everything will turn out beautifully. Where Did All The Voters Go? At the Primary Debriefings concerns were raised by several counties regarding voters “lost” from the Voter Registration System. After some research, we found that the main reason this is occurring is due to some MAPPER steps not being followed. It is VERY important for counties to credit the history after it is posted. We are working with all counties that have addressed this as a concern. As we move forward with the implementation of the New Voter Registration System, we hope to resolve these issues in the initial training, ongoing training, and concise and detailed instruction manuals. In addition, a lot of people are really looking forward to being able to use the new, web-based Election Night Reporting System. For Primary Day, media outlets were a bit skeptical, at first, but because of your efforts, we delivered results like they’d never seen before. Now, they are eager to use the system again for the General Election! You might be interested to know that, Minnesota is the first state in the country to display precinct level results on the web. Thank you for helping to put the state of Minnesota on the map. Minnesota continues to be a leader in the way our state administers elections, and you all are a part of that! The Law Books Are Coming! The Law Books Are Coming…. And thank you for your work all-around. In this office, we hear lots of wonderful comments from citizens all across the state about the great job you are doing. A couple more weeks, and we’ll have another major accomplishment of which to be proud. Look for the NEW Minnesota Election Laws 2000 in the very near future! This publication includes the election statutes, as amended by the 2000 session of the legislature and all of the election administration rules, as amended earlier this year. Thanks again and good luck on the Election! For the first time, this publication contains a comprehensive index to help you find references to specific topics (such as absentee ballots, for example) anywhere the topic is mentioned in either the statutes or the rules. Mary Kiffmeyer Secretary of State Once you receive these, you should discard ALL of the current pages and tabs in your 1997 Minnesota Election Laws blue binder, and insert the enclosed pages. We will be sending you new (and improved) tabs in a separate mailing during the next few weeks. Kids Voting Programs Just a reminder: Minnesota Statutes 204C.06 restricts who is allowed in the polling place. Teachers and elementary or secondary school students may be present at the polling place during voting hours if authorized by the Secretary of State. Minnesota Statutes 204B.27 also requires that these “activities… must be administered in a manner that does not interfere with the conduct of the election.” If your county or city is considering working with Kids Voting, or a similar program, to permit students to be present in the polling place during voter hours, remember to request authorization from this office. Thanks! If you do not have the 1997 blue binder, please insert these pages in any available binder and notify our office at 651-215-1440. 2 candidate. The interest and excitement is growing as we all countdown to Election Day. Then, suddenly, on November 7, the election process will “blast off,” with a roar. Of course, we can’t expect any election to go perfectly. There will be the usual confusion and unhappiness that spoils election day for some voters. There is always the clean up to be done afterwards with canvassing, recounts, and contests. But we can be confident that November 7 will be another election day that proves to the entire world that America has achieved something as remarkable as a lunar landing: an election process that permits us to peacefully choose and change our leaders. We should all be proud of the dedication and sacrifices made by those who went before us to reach this goal; you should be proud of the quiet, unsung contributions you make every day to keep this ideal alive. COUNTDOWN AND BLASTOFF! If you were a schoolchild in the early to mid 60’s (or if you knew children who were), you probably remember the excitement that surrounded the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo program space shots. On “launch days”, a remarkable event happened in school classrooms everywhere: ordinary activities were interrupted when a television was wheeled into the room. It seemed so outof-place for a television to be in a school in those times! Good luck with the Election! Brad King After a few moments of adjusting the antennas and flipping the channels (no one had remote controls, either), the entire class watched the black-and-white picture intently as Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, or another news anchor of that era, explained what the NASA scientists hoped to accomplish with the mission that was about to be launched into space. Sometimes, there were mechanical glitches that delayed the flight; the television might even be wheeled away, only to be returned that afternoon or the next day. But usually, the suspense built as the countdown for launch began. Many of the class rules for decorum were suspended; the class might be allowed to “count down” from ten, or to cheer loudly when the rocket soared off the launch pad in a cloud of fire and smoke. All too soon, the excitement was over, and the television was wheeled away until another day. Director of Elections 911 Address Changes When a voter’s address changes due to 911 conversions, but voters have not really moved, the voters DO NOT have to re-register. The new address should simply be entered in the voter’s registration record. Good News for Counties, Towns, and Cities! Download election results!!! You will now be able to download state and federal election results by precinct from a text file beginning 8:00 a.m. the day after the Election. You can download the text file into excel, word, access, lotus, etc. Our upcoming November general election reminds me of those “space shot” moments. Like the NASA scientists, we have all been working hard for months behind the scenes to prepare for this election. It can be dull, painstaking, and frustrating work; work that is often unnoticed or unappreciated by our neighbors or coworkers. It is an extremely complicated project, with plenty of opportunities for glitches, even when everyone is trying to do their best. Just go to the election results page of the Secretary of State’s web page, and you will find this option. New Help Desk Employee Please help us welcome the newest Member of the Secretary of State’s Help Desk Bradley David Olson. Brad is a Network Support Specialist Certified and is currently pursuing a BS degree in Science/Engineering. Brad has helpdesk experience from Fortis, IBM Global Services at American Express, and the Dayton Hudson Corporation. We are excited to have him join our team! Now, suddenly, the election has been “wheeled” into everyone’s living room, with campaign ads, debates, and news specials attempting to distract us from our daily routines. Candidates and parties are encouraging potential voters to register and then turnout to vote for a 3 Some things about write-in candidates are still the same: Question: Do we still need to report ALL write-ins for ALL offices to the state? (1) Reporting the number of all write-in votes as part of the precinct summary statements prepared by election judges. Despite the legislature’s change in the county canvassing procedure, Minnesota Statutes 204C.24, subdivision 1(a) was not amended by the 2000 legislation. This law requires that “the number of votes each candidate received” be included in each copy of the precinct summary statement. (2) Write-in votes for candidates for county or other local offices. Since the 2000 write-in legislation did not apply to these offices, votes for undeclared write-in candidates for these offices must be counted. Answer: No: There were some important changes in the law in 2000. M.S. 204B.09 subd. 3 states: “A candidate for state or federal office who wants write-in votes for the candidate to be counted must file a written request with the filing office for the office sought no later than the day before the general election. The filing officer shall provide copies of the form to make the request.“ For most state and federal offices, the filing officer is the Secretary of State’s Office. For the 5th Congressional District, and any State Senate or State Representative District located entirely in just one county, the filing officer is the County Auditor. In addition, M.S. 204C.33 Subd. 1 part (e) states: “The result of write-in votes cast on the general election ballots must be compiled by the county auditor before the county canvass, except that write-in votes for a candidate for state or federal office must not be counted unless the candidate has timely filed a request under section 204B.09, subdivision 3. The county auditor shall arrange for each municipality to provide an adequate number of election judges to perform this duty or the county auditor may appoint additional election judges for this purpose. The county auditor may open the envelopes or containers in which the voted ballots have been sealed in order to count and record the writein votes and must reseal the voted ballots at the conclusion of this process.“ Elections Division Secretary of State’s Office (651) 215-1440 Auditor Hotline (651) 284-0244 Question: How will we know which state and federal candidates asked to have their write-in voter counted? Toll Free Available to Public 1-877-600-VOTE Answer: The Secretary of State’s Office will send a system message and email to Auditors on or before November 6th listing all state and federal write-in candidates who filed with this office. (Only three have filed with the Secretary of State’s Office as of this date.) If you receive a state or federal write-in candidate filing in your office, please fax a copy of the declaration to us immediately. J. Bradley King, Director (651) 296-9217 Mike McCarthy, Assistant Director (651) 296-9212 Robin R. Anthony, State Program Admin. Sr. (651) 215-1439 Michele McNulty, State Program Admin. Sr. (651) 296-9218 Randall Cutting, GIS Administrator (651) 215-0014 Dawn Prouty, Administrative Assistant (651) 215-1440 4 forwarded to counties EVERY Friday. Consequently, the counties should no longer be receiving the “great big bunches” they grew accustomed to. In addition, DVS has agreed to send all their VR cards to the SOS’s Office on Tuesday of every week. Therefore, all VR cards will be forwarded to counties within a week. 6. Review MOU The workgroup made the following recommendations to the Memo of Understanding: DVS/SOS/COUNTY Workgroup Page 1: Delete the second introductory paragraph in its entirety. Page 1: Number (1), 3rd line, change “will” to “may.” Page 1: Number (2), Delete the last sentence. Page 1: Number (3), 2nd line, change “19” business days to “10”; 4th line, change “25” business days to “15”; and 7th line, change “14” business days to “7.” Page 2: Number (5) 6th line, change “June 2001” to “December 2001.” Thursday, September 28, 2000 Quarterly Meeting Attendees: Robin Anthony, SOS; Luci Botzek, MACO; Brad King, SOS; Gary Larson, DVS, Pat McCormack, DVS; Patty O’Connor, Blue Earth County; Gary Poser, Anoka County; and Cindy Schultz, McLeod County 1. Feedback on Posters? 7. Other There was some concern that counties are getting hard copies of VR cards from DVS that are not on the electronic transfer. DVS will continue to look into this and report back to the SOS’s Office. Discussed future agenda items; see below. The Elections Division will prepare an amended MOU and route to the workgroup for comments, Elections Division will advise Secretary Kiffmeyer; DVS will advise Director Brian Lamb. There was discussion regarding the accuracy of addresses that the voter records on their application. DVS will look into running these applications through an address correction system to flag the incorrect address. Gary Larson (DVS) will keep Robin Anthony (SOS) informed. Next Meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2000, 10-11:30 a.m. in the State Office Building There was confusion to the voters in some areas regarding the last date to pre-register to vote. There was a recommendation to change the language to read something like: “…Last day to register to vote at all Driver’s License Centers in Minnesota for the (date) election in order for your name to appear on the Polling Place voters list…..” This topic will be added to a future agenda item. Reprinting posters for each election is not a problem. 2. Timing of the electronic transfers from Olmsted County Agenda item deleted. Not applicable. 3. Can there be a date added to the electronic transfer? When the voter registered? DVS will request their programmers to develop this program on their end. SOS will also need to have programmers address this on their end as well. Future Agenda Items: 1. 2. 4. Timing from when DVS sends SOS VR cards. On 9-26-00, the SOS received cards as late as July 28 th. In addition, DVS delivered a group of voter registration cards (approximately 150), which were lost on an employee's desk who changed offices and are older than September 1st. DVS will be upgrading their quality control and performing audits of the workflow regarding VR cards. 3. 4. 5. SOS policy on timing that VR cards go to counties. 5. There have been questions raised by counties asking where the “great big bunches” of VR cards are. In the past, the SOS use to hold the VR cards until there were several to send to counties. Since September of 1999, the policy of the SOS’s Office has changed. All VR cards are 6. 7. 5 Review draft of amended MOU. Review election calendar so DVS is aware of upcoming elections and can preplan. Status of programming changes to be included the date of application. Both DVS and SOS will require these programming changes. The workgroup would like to revisit the VR application that DVS uses. It was agreed to review it after session since there are always changes to the form after each legislative session. The feasibility of using electronic signature technology to complete a voter registration application. Date for when the posters should be complete and sent out in the future. Language of posters in Driver’s License Centers “What’s up?” in the Next 90 Days… 11/03/00 Fri. Municipalities/schools: Last day to post sample ballot (4 days before election - 205.16, subd. 3; 205A.07, subd. 2). Counties/municipalities: First day for agent delivery of absentee ballots to voter in health care facility (during the 4 days before election - 203B.11, subd. 4). Counties: Last day to publish sample ballot (204D.16). 11/04/00 Sat. Counties/municipalities: Offices open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for absentee voting (203B.05, subd. 1; 203B.085). 11/06/00 Mon. Counties/municipalities: Offices open Monday until 5 p.m. for absentee voting (203B.05, subd. 1; 203B.085). GENERAL ELECTION - Polls open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Non-metro towns may open as late as 10 a.m. - No public meetings or school events 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 11/07/00 Tue. (204C.03; 204C.05, subd. 1; 204D.03, subd. 2). Counties/municipalities: Agents may return absentee ballots until 3:00 p.m. (203B.08, subd. 1). Municipalities: Last day to hold a special election until Dec. 18 (40 days after election - 205.10, subd. 3). 11/09/00 Thu. Municipalities: Last day to return polling place rosters and completed voter registration cards to auditor (within 48 hours after end of voting - 204C.27). Counties/municipalities/schools: Last day to canvass election results (within 7 days after election - 204C.33, subd. 1; 205.185, subd. 3; 205A.10, subd. 3). 11/14/00 Tue. Counties/municipalities/schools: Last day for local office candidates to file Certification of Filing form (within 7 days after election - 211A.05, subd. 1). Counties/municipalities/schools: Auditors and clerks may issue certificate of election to local winners if: 1) candidate has submitted a certification of filing form (211A.05, subd. 1); 11/15/00 Wed. 2) losing candidate has not requested a recount (204C.36; 204C.40; 205.185; 205A.10, subd. 3); and 3) a notice of contest has not been filed (209.021, subd. 1). 11/17/00 Fri. Counties: Finish mailing random sample verification to at least 3% of election day registrants (within 10 days - 201.121, subd. 3; 8200.2700). Counties/municipalities/schools: Last day to request a recount or contest election, if canvass completed on November 14 (within 7 days after canvass completed - 204C.36; 209.021, subd. 1). 11/21/00 Tue. State: State canvassing board meets (two weeks after election -204C.33, subd. 3). Secretary of State: Prepares certificates of election for winning federal and state candidates (after state canvass - 204C.40). 12/07/00 Thu. Counties/municipalities/schools: campaign financial reports due (211A.02, subd. 1(b)(3)). Municipalities/schools: First day to hold a special election (40 days after election - 205.10, subd. 3; 205A.05, subd. 1). 12/18/00 Mon. State: Presidential electors meet at governor's office to vote for president and vice-president (Monday following second Wednesday in December, presidential election years - 208.06). 12/19/00 Tue. Counties: Finish updating voter history (within 6 weeks after election - 201.171). 01/01/01 Mon. Term begins for newly elected officers (first Monday in January – 204D.02, subd. 2) 01/31/01 Wed. Counties/municipalities/schools: Campaign financial reports are due (211A.02, subd. 1 (b)) The New Polling Place Finder! We are pleased to announce a new and improved Polling Place Finder on our web site! The search is quicker and more accurate for users. IMPORTANT! If you ever book marked the Polling Place Finder, or if you linked to it with one of your pages, you may want to make the change to the new URL address in your link. http://elections.sos.state.mn.us/precinct_finder/ This page will continually be improved, so please do provide comments! 6 October 10, 2000 Elections Division Questionnaire Fax to the Elections Division by November 3, 2000 at (651) 296-9073 The Elections Division, in partnership with Aitkin County Auditor, Kirk Peyser; Mahnomen County Auditor, Frank Thompson; Stevens County Auditor, Mark Meuwissen; and Watonwan County Auditor, Don Kuhlman, will be hosting four General Election Debriefings in December. There will be a two part Agenda as follows: Part 1: “Lessons Learned” from the 2000 General Election (60 minutes) Part 2: “Looking Ahead” Secretary of State’s Office in conjunction with Election Officials (60 minutes) For planning purposes, please tell us which Debriefing will you be attending. Attendees will receive a questionnaire to fill out before the Debriefings to assist us in establishing a more detailed agenda. In addition, more detailed information with meeting location directions and hotel arrangements will be sent to you. After each debrief, everyone is welcome to join together for an informal lunch at a site recommended by the hosting Auditor. Wednesday, December 13th: 10 a.m. – 12 noon * Debriefing in Morris, Stevens County Thursday, December 14th: 10 a.m. – 12 noon * Debriefing in Mahnomen, Mahnomen County Friday, December 15th: 10 a.m. – 12 noon * Debriefing in Aitkin, Aitkin County Monday, December 18th: 10 a.m. – 12 noon * Debriefing in St. James, Watonwan County County: Who from your County? Fax to the Elections Division by Friday, November 3, 2000, 4:30 p.m. at (651) 296-9073 7