Ms. D. Smith’s Parenting Classroom Rules and Procedures (Revised 8-31-12) 1. MATERIALS REQUIRED 1 ½” - 3 Ring binder (For Coursework Journal) Loose leaf paper only 4-Subject dividers (study guides, class projects, class notes, and bell work). Black/blue ink pens and/or No. 2 pencils w/erasers, only (Points will be deducted if any other colors are used. However, you may use any colored ink, when taking notes.). 2. CLASS RULES Respect others. This includes school property and authority as well as fellow students and their property. Please, do not touch anything on my desk, unless you receive permission from me. Be on task. You must be in your assigned seat, at the start of class. Anyone who reports to class after the tardy bell without a pass will be counted tardy. Bring your textbook to class, everyday! Start bell work, immediately! The class agenda will be on the right side of the board, everyday. You must be attentive to follow instructions the first time and complete all assignments. Ten points will be taken off for each day an assignment is late (except for excused absences, in which make-up work is due within two days of return). Be alert! No head resting or sleeping allowed in class. Personal discussions, note writing, assignments for other classes, and electronic devices (cameras, cell phones, Ipods, headphone sets, etc.) are not permitted, unless given permission by Ms. Smith. You are to remain in your assigned seat until class is dismissed. No food or drink. Water is fine, as long as it is in a clear container. Show responsibility. You must abide by all of the rules set by SHS (i.e. the Student Code of Conduct, Internet Policy, Computer Lab Rules, etc.). You must use your class time, wisely. You are responsible for make-up work and handing in all assignments on time, with the proper heading (first and last name, date, class period, and assignment name). Points will be deducted for incomplete heading. Students are allowed to turn assignments in early. All completed assignments go into the assignment tray that is labeled for your class period. Coursework notebooks go inside the box that is labeled for your class period (located underneath the assignment table). You must keep all of your graded assignments (except tests/quizzes), organized, inside of your coursework notebook. Be positive. 3. BEHAVIORAL CONSEQUENCES (Not necessarily in this order.) Verbal/Non-verbal warning Instructor/Student conference Instructor/Parent conference Detention assignment Referral to the Dean 4. HALL PASSES 3 hall passes are allowed per nine-week grading period.* A detention will be given after maximum usage (3) is up. After 6th pass, your pass privilege will be taken away, until the next 9 week pd. 3 bonus points are given at the end of each nine weeks, if no passes are used. *Please see me regarding any medical issues. 5. COURSEWORK** Class Participation Worksheets/Notes (Study material) Individual and Group Projects Pop Quizzes Chapter/Unit Assessments Two 150 word summaries to and two peer editing/evaluations. The student’s login name is: student’s first name_last name plus the last two digits of student’s ID (i.e. Students are encouraged to complete such assignments in a timely manner, to avoid technical difficulties (last minute mishaps). Please look below to find your class period, class id, and password. Be aware that usernames and passwords are case sensitive. Class Performance Based Parenting 2A Parenting 3A Parenting 4A Class ID 5344990 5345024 5345037 5345046 Password PB1213 P2A1213 P3A1213 P4A1213 Coursework Journal (Contains all graded assignments, except quizzes and tests; Collected towards the end of each 9 wk. grading period) Final Exam (Comprehensive; 20% of final grade) ** Assessments and Projects count 2 times. Coursework Journal Counts 3 times. All other coursework count, only, once. Grading Scale: A B C 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F 59 and below **Extra Credit opportunities may be given. August 20, 2012 Dear Parents/Students: It is my great pleasure to welcome you into the new school term. The course I am prepared to teach is designed to offer students the best means for becoming great parents, child caregivers, or teachers in child related fields. In essence, they will learn how to care, nurture, and guide children, properly, as well as develop skills necessary for decision making and solving critical thinking type issues. Through actively exploring the wide variety of readings and hands on activities that this course offers, students will also learn how to interact with several diverse cultures. Furthermore, by exploring the roles of parenting, students will gain a better understanding of themselves and their parents, thus improving their relationships. With these things in mind, I will assist, to the best of my ability, each student with his or her need in accomplishing these goals and having a successful term. To ensure this is met, we must work together, diligently. Enclosed, you will find a list of classroom rules and procedures that are geared to help keep the classroom a positive, effective learning atmosphere. Please read, discuss together, and return signed as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me by telephone or email, or schedule a conference to meet with me before school (7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.) or after school (3:20 p.m.). Again, I am, certainly, looking forward to our having a wonderful, successful, enjoyable learning experience that will last a lifetime. Sincerely, Ms. Detrice Smith Family & Consumer Science and Performance Based Teacher 471- 5500 Ext: 294 Email: I have read and fully understand the contents of this letter and classroom rules and procedures. I will contact you if I have any questions or concerns. __________________________ Parent Signature _____________________ Date ________________________ Student Signature