Victoria Road at Rydalmere - Roads and Maritime Services

To the householder &
business operator
MARCH 2013
Dear business operator/householder,
Improving westbound bus and traffic flows on Victoria Road at Rydalmere
The NSW Government is planning to further improve the reliability of buses on the Victoria Road high
frequency bus corridor that connects the twin CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney.
More than 15km of eastbound AM and westbound PM red bus lanes have already been provided on
Victoria Road.
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is planning to add a PM bus lane on Victoria Road westbound
on each side of the Euston Road and Victoria Road intersection at Rydalmere (see aerial view of
proposal overleaf).
The proposed works involve widening the northern side of Victoria Road, east of Euston Street to
create space for an extension of the westbound bus lane on the southern side of Victoria Road.
The eastbound bus lane will be retained as part of construction.
This new section of westbound bus lane will further improve bus travel times and the reliability of
bus services operating along the 21km length of Victoria Road.
The bus lane extension will not impact on existing parking arrangements because it will operate at
the same times as the existing PM clearway – 3pm to 7pm Monday to Friday. The bus lane also will
not impact on access to properties. General traffic is permitted to travel in a bus lane for up to 100
metres to:
Enter or leave a property adjacent to the bus lane.
Turn left or right into and out of a street.
Pass another vehicle that has stopped to turn right or to avoid an obstruction.
Utility adjustments and widening work on Victoria Road eastbound to the east of Euston Road is
scheduled to begin in mid-2013 and be completed in mid-2014, weather permitting.
Have your say
RMS is inviting community comment on this proposal. To have your say, please email your comments
to or post to:
Rydalmere Bus Priority Proposal
Bus Network Development Section
Roads and Maritime Services
PO Box 973, Parramatta, NSW, 2124.
Comments close on Friday 5 April 2013.
For further information, please telephone the undersigned on (02) 8849 2268 or send an email to
Yours faithfully,
Dauid Payne | Senior Project Development Manager
Roads and Maritime Services
To the householder &
business operator
Roads and Maritime Services