Discover Debate Syllabus: 15 Classes

Discover Debate Syllabus: 15 Classes
1.Course Description: This course in discussion skills moves from simply giving opinions to
supporting, explaining, and presenting opinions and ends in debating opinions.
2.Course Objectives: At the end of this course students will be able to:
Recognize different types of opinions
Use reasons to explain opinions
Use evidence to support opinions
Critically evaluate reasons and evidence
Apply all the above skills within a debate format
3. Schedule: (One Semester Course)
Lesson 1:
To The Students……………………………………………(p.0)
Your Opinion……………………………………………...(pp.1~5)
Lesson 2:
Opinion Survey……………………………………………(pp.10~11)
Lesson 3:
Explaining Your Opinion………………………………….(pp.17~20)
Brainstorming Reasons……………………………………(pp.28~29)
Lesson 4:
Supporting Your Opinion………………………………….(pp.31~35)
Lesson 5:
Case Study…………………………………………………(pp.40~45)
Lesson 6:
Organizing Your Opinion…………………………………(pp.47~49)
Presenting Your House……………………………………(pp.58~59)
Lesson 7:
Refuting Opinions………………………………………...(pp.61~65)
Making Refutations……………………………………….(p.70)
Lesson 8:
Listen and Write…………………………………………..(p.71)
Lesson 9:
Discover Debate
Tennis Debate…………………………………………….(pp.72~73)
Lesson 10:
Challenging Supports……………………………………..(pp.75~78)
Challenge Supports………………………………………..(p.83)
Critiquing an Advertisement………………………………(p.88)
Lesson 11:
Organizing Your Refutation………………………………(pp.89-91)
Lesson 12:
Lesson 13:
Debating an Opinion………………………………………(pp.103~105)
Flowing a Debate………………………………………….(pp.112~113)
Lesson 14:
In Class Debates…………………………………………..(pp.123~124)
Lesson 15:
In Class Debates…………………………………………..(pp.123~124)
Discover Debate
Discover Debate Syllabus: 10 Classes
1.Course Description: This course in critical thinking and debate skills focuses on building
arguments, presenting arguments, and evaluating arguments
Course Objectives: At the end of this course students will be able to:
Build arguments using reasons and evidence
Present arguments systematically
Evaluate arguments
Demonstrate the above skills within the context of debate
3. Schedule: (One Semester Course)
Lesson 1:
To The Students……………………………………………(p.0)
Brainstorming Reasons……………………………………(pp.28~29)
Lesson 2:
Supporting Your Opinion………………………………….(pp.31~35)
Lesson 3:
Organizing Your Opinion…………………………………(pp.47~48)
Presenting Your House……………………………………(pp.58~59)
Lesson 4:
Refuting Opinions………………………………………...(pp.61~65)
Making Refutations……………………………………….(p.70)
Lesson 5:
Listen and Write…………………………………………..(p.71)
Tennis Debate…………………………………………….(pp.72~73)
Lesson 6:
Challenging Supports……………………………………..(pp.75~78)
Challenge Supports………………………………………..(p.83)
Lesson 7:
Organizing Your Refutation………………………………(pp.89-91)
Lesson 8:
Lesson 9:
Debating an Opinion………………………………………(pp.103~105)
Flowing a Debate………………………………………….(pp.112~113)
Lesson 10:
Discover Debate
In Class Debates…………………………………………..(pp.123~124)
Discover Debate