Russian Technology Transfer Network - RTTN TECHNOLOGY OFFER 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Title (max. 200 characters) Design and organizing the serial production of Ultra-Hard Material Processing Unique Eqiupment Abstract of the offer Please give a brief description of the benefits of the technology including key technical or competitive advantages (max. 500 characters) Omsk State Technical University offers to organize ultra-hard material processing production for the following materials: diamond, metal ceramics and hard alloys. High-speed machine tools with modern programmed numerical control system allow automating ultra-hard material processing and enhancing quality and productivity. High-speed machine tools can be applied in diamond processing industry, instrument production, and high-precision instruments production. The university is looking for investors and partners to implement ultra-hard material processing project. Description of the offer (min. 300 characters) Project concept: organization of diamond grinding and cut production; ultra-hard material processing used in instrument production. The processing accuracy is 1 µm and less within the processed surface quality of 0.16…0.08 µm. The application of high-speed machine tools with cutting speed of 300 mps provides such parameters. The function of high-speed machine tools with modern programmed numerical control system is to enhance processing accuracy and productivity. Innovations and advantages of the offer (min. 50 characters) High-speed machine tools process ultra-hard materials at low temperatures in the cutting area and low cutting force applied during the cutting process. The change in wear process of the grinding elements causes the change of micro cutting process that impact to the great extent processing quality and productivity. High-speed automated processing substitutes for abrading and manual operations and reduces product cost. Technology Keywords Choose a maximum of five keywords applicable to the technology. This limit is mandatory 1.1 Machine-building, material cutting 1.1.1 Ultra-hard materials 1.1.2 High-speed processing 1.1.3 Advanced technologies and equipment Further Information (Technical Details Concerning the Profile) Design of high-speed machine tools with cutting speed of 300 m/s, billet line feed up to 20 m/min, cross feed up to 0.1 mm/speed, the accuracy of traversing knots shift 1 µm Current stage of development Development – laboratory tested Available for demonstration – field tested Available for demonstration Already on the market RTTN Coordinating Organisation: Gorky str. 4, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033 tel. (48439) 6-84-92, fax (48439) 6-84-92, E-mail: 1 Additional information Marketing analysis Business plan Available for testing or assesment Intermediate design, research phase Intermediate design, research phase Others: Intellectual Property Rights (only one choice) Patents applied for but not yet granted Patents granted Copyright registered Exclusive rights Secret know-how Others: Comments (max. 500 characters) Сountry and year of patents and applications, comments on other IPR types: Patents №№ 55665, 130631 Russian Federation 2. DOMAIN OF APPLICATION Market Application Keywords: Choose a maximum of five keywords applicable to the technology. This limit is mandatory 1.1 Machine-building, material cutting 1.1.1 Ultra-hard materials 1.1.2 High-speed processing 1.1.3 Advanced technologies and equipment Current and Potential Domains of Application (max. 500 characters) High-speed machine tools process constructional materials providing low accuracy. The suggested highspeed machine tool can be used for ultra-hard processing of high accuracy, quality and productivity. The highspeed machine tool output is about one hundred units annually. 3. COLLABORATION DETAILS Type of collaboration sought (more than one option can be selected) 1. Licence agreement 2. Technical co-operation Joint further development Testing of new applications Adaptation to specific needs 3. Joint Venture agreement 4. Manufacturing agreement (Subcontracting & Co-contracting) Transfer of knowledge in new raw materials New way to use an existing production line Change in the partner sought's currently used technologies (installations, process, facilities) RTTN Coordinating Organisation: Gorky str. 4, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033 tel. (48439) 6-84-92, fax (48439) 6-84-92, E-mail: 2 Absolutely novel process 5. Commercial agreement with technical assistance Assembly Engineering Technical consultancy Quality control Maintenance 6. Financial resources Comments: Type of partner sought: Industrial company - Specific area of activity of the partner: - Tasks to be performed: investments, modern machine tool production modern enterprise organization, sales of products Preferred countries (for information): EEC countries, Israel, China, South Korea, USA Additional information (picture, links) 4. ORGANISATION/COMPANY Type Industry Technical Centre / Technology transfer centre Research institute /University Service sector Other: please specify Organisation/Company size (please tick one box) < 10 employees 10- 50 employees 50-250 employees 250-500 employees > 500 employees 5. CONTACT Organisation/Company Omsk State Technical University Address 11, Mir str., Omsk, 644050 Country Russia Contact first name (e.g. John) Dmitry Contact name (e.g. Smith) Fedosov Phone Fax +7-904-582-56-64 +7-3812-65-34-07 Department Innovation Project Division E-mail +7-3812-65-34-07 URL: http:// RTTN Coordinating Organisation: Gorky str. 4, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033 tel. (48439) 6-84-92, fax (48439) 6-84-92, E-mail: 3 I confirm that I am entitled to release the information provided on this form. I understand that it will be stored electronically and be made accessible to interested parties. Name, Position Dm. Fedosov, Chief of division Date Signature RTTN Coordinating Organisation: Gorky str. 4, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033 tel. (48439) 6-84-92, fax (48439) 6-84-92, E-mail: 4