742 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CLOVELLY PARISH COUNCIL 9th June 2015, 7.15pm, Clovelly Parish Hall Present: Chair: Cllr C West; Cllrs I Broadbent; J. Davey; H Nettleton; M Lee; P Slee; A Tucker Cllr R Julian (DCC & TDC) Apologies: Cllr T Cook Parishioners Present: Mrs J Gould 54/15 Open Forum No issues presented 55/15 Declarations of interest There were no declarations of interest 56/15 Minutes To confirm as a true record the circulated minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2015: Proposed: Cllr Tucker Seconded: Cllr West All in agreement 57/15 Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting i) Acceptance of Office and Register of Interest forms signed by all present & appointment of Cllr Lee as Vice-Chair Proposed: Cllr Tucker Seconded: Cllr Broadbent All in agreement ii) To co-opt Mrs J Goulding as a Clovelly Parish Councillor: Proposed: Cllr Tucker Seconded: Cllr Broadbent All in agreement iii) Affordable Housing: DCC Highways not in favour of another access point from lane to suggested development site. Other options discussed by PC but not agreed to for safety reasons and reduction of car parking space Mr S Watson of Wessex Housing researching appropriate companies to survey site Survey could be paid for by grant; up to £50,000 available for planning process TDC Planners suggested 9 -10 affordable houses & would prefer any new dwellings to be near existing buildings Chair to arrange meeting with Mr Watson iv) Defibrillator for the village: Cllr Goulding to find out how many people in Clovelly already have training to use defibrillators v) Webcam: Cllr Goulding will talk to Clovelly Estate again about repositioning of the cameras; TDC consider that there may be a breach of data protection involved. Chair suggested that PC chase responses from the Police – Clerk to contact vi) Traffic down the cobbles: Cllr Goulding said that the number of vehicles driving down the cobbles outside of the permitted times has reduced but there is still a problem DCC Highways suggest taking vehicle numbers and reporting to police Chair suggested that time should be increased to 7am -10am and then strictly enforced, Clerk to look at the Act concerned and find out how it could be altered Clerk to contact Clovelly Estate and the Police about vehicles using the road outside of permitted times vii) TAP Fund: Suggested joint project with Hartland – Internet connection for Village Hall; Clerk to ascertain costs & feasibility 743 58/15 Items not already on the agenda, at the Chair’s discretion Quote for replacing windows of Turnpike bus shelter windows, £588.50 To accept quote from Mr N Roe: Proposed: Cllr Nettleton Seconded: Cllr Tucker All in agreement 59/15 Correspondence Geoffrey Cox MP, local surgery dates Armed Forces Day Parade, Bideford, 22nd June 60/15 Accounts i) Accounts to pay: Clerk’s salary for May/ June (six weeks) £239.04 & £2.70 postage Mrs B Harris internal audit £75.00 ii) Approval of annual accounts iii) Signing of audit & annual governance statement 2014/15 To approve of and pay the above: Proposed: Cllr West Seconded: Cllr Broadbent All in agreement 61/15 Highways i) DCC Cllr Julian reported further cut backs to budget 62/15 Planning applications i) Applications approved by TDC: 1/0308/2015/FUL, alterations to roof etc, Parish Hall 1/0336/2015/FUL, PV panels and new path, All Saints Church 63/15 Reports from Parish, District and County Councillors Cllr Broadbent: abandoned caravan in lay-by A39 Cllr Davey: potholes road to Woolsery & back road to Hartland – Clerk to report Cllr Lee: asked Cllr Julian about funding for sports equipment – Cllr Julian will send grant form to Clerk Cllr Lee: asked if ‘wheelie’ bins were available as bags are torn open; suggested that bags are put in ordinary bins but without lids. Grass at Woolsery/A39 junction obstructing visibility – Chair, this has now been cut, could request be made to DCC that it is done earlier in the year 64/15 Date and time of next meeting June Meeting on Tuesday 14th July 2015 at 7.15pm in the Parish Hall, Higher Clovelly The Chair closed the meeting at 9pm and thanked all for attending