Prehistory, Neolitic Revolution and

Prehistory, Neolitic Revolution and
Traits of Civilization
Early Humans Prehistory-3500 BC
Before written records
How we understanding Prehistory.
1. Archaeology: the study of past societies through an analysis of what people
have left behind
2. artifacts: tools, pottery, paintings, weapons, buildings, and other items of
early people
3. Anthropologist: studies culture – uses artifacts and fossils to determine how
people lived their lives.
Culture: Unique way of life of a people
Early Stages of Development
Stage 1 - Hominid: the earliest human-like creatures that walked upright
Stage 2 – Homo Erectus: “upright human being”
•More & larger tools
•Learned to use fire
•First to leave Africa & move into Europe & Asia
Stage 3 – Homo Sapiens: “wise human being”
•Neanderthals – first found in Neander Valley in Germany - first people to bury
their dead
•Homo Sapiens Sapiens – first humans who looked like us
The Paleolithic Age
Old Stone Age
Used simple stone tools
Nomads – moved from place to place following the animal migration & vegetation
Major advances
1. Mastery of fire
2. Art – cave drawings
The Neolithic Revolution and the Rise of Civilization
The shift from hunting of animals and gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the
growing of food on a regular basis that occurred around 8000 B.C.
Neolithic = Greek for “new stone”
Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution:
•Organized communities
•Trading of goods
•Systematic agriculture
•Population explosion
a complex culture in which large numbers of people share a number of common
6 Characteristics of Civilization
1. Cities
2. Government
3. Religion
4. Social Structure
5. Writing
6. Art
1. The Rise of Cities
First developed in river valleys where people could carry on large-scale farming to feed
large populations
2. Government
Growing population, need to maintain food supply, and build walls for defense led to
organization of the government
Organize & regulate human activity
3. Religion
Developed to explain the workings of nature and the fact of their own existence
Priests – power by divine authority & led rituals to gain the favor of the gods
4. Social Structure
Middle Class
farmers, artisans, and craftspeople
5. Writing
6. Art
Temples built for worship & burial
Paintings & Sculptures – developed to portray gods & goddesses or natural forces