Learning Resource Center Related Documents Revised June 2011 Identification Process International School of Latvia Student Assistance Team Referral A teacher has a concern about a student in an area of weakness due to consistent lack of progress. Tier I The parent is notified and Classroom Accommodations are implemented (A list can be provided by Resource Center) Student is referred to Student Assistance Team Tier II Collect and review new and existing information Present Level of Performance is assessed in Reading, Written Expression, Language Arts and Mathematics - SAT Referral Packet Informal Assessments Parent Contacted and Invited to Upcoming Meeting Interviews Observations General Screening info. SAT Meeting – teachers, parents, student (if appropriate) Summary Statements (Referring teacher, parent, SAT) Organize and review data. Sort and sift information likely to contribute insight about the student. Summary & Synthesis of Information Presented Interventions Reviewed (Exisiting and New) Determine the Next Steps (Try new interventions or Refer to Tier III) If interventions are effective, student remains in general education and interventions remain in place. If interventions are NOT effective, SAT gathers more information & develops new interventions or makes appropriate referral. Refer the student for Multidisciplinary Evaluation Tier III International School of Latvia Student Referral Form Confidential Student: ________ ______________________ Age: _____________ H.R. Teacher: ____________________________Grade: ___________ Reason for Referral: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Date of referral: __________________ Referred by: ___________________________________________________ Has the referral been previously discussed with any of the following? HR teacher Subject teacher/s Nurse Counselor Director Intervention/Resource Check any of the following issues which you consider important in this case: Parents Difficulty adjusting to new situation Divorce Death in family Absence of parent/s Social problems Anxiety or stress Aggressive Views themselves as a victim Frequent physical/medical complaints Non-attentive (day dreams) Fidgety/over active Appears disorganized Apathetic or unmotivated Frequently disrupts classroom Other (please specify):________________________________________________________________ Please detail any strengths the student has or support strategies you find successful when working with them: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Please attach any supporting or additional material to this form International School of Latvia Student Assistance Team (SAT) Student Profile Form Confidential _________________________________ has been referred to the SAT. Further information is being collected in regards to helping meet the needs of this student from each of his/her teachers. Please fill out sections that apply to you and return it by ______ _________________________. Teacher: __________________________________ Subject/Class ___________________________ Performance Level: (Circle one) Below At Above Parent contacted about concerns? Yes / No Date: _____________________________ Student's Strengths: (Character, academics, peer relationships, etc.) Student's Weaknesses: Please give a brief summary of why you may be concerned about the student? (Is she/he happy, learning, improving or not?) Are there any behaviors that affect the student's academic progress in your class (disrupting class/others, sleepiness, disrespect, depression etc)? What instructional strategies or accommodations have you used and are they successful? (Check off the attached form, if that is helpful.) Dates, places, and times you have observed the problem? Classroom Accommodations Checklist Student: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Classroom Teacher: _________________________ Grade Level: ________________ “Equality means giving everyone equal opportunities to learn, not teaching everyone in exactly the same way.” Susan Winebrenner Memory Aids Binder to hold work Visual reinforcement Daily assignment list Behavior Management Pictures/Charts Daily homework list Concrete examples Extra space on papers Behavioral contract Personalized examples Assignment book Chart progress Mnemonics Check assignment book for accuracy Positive reinforcement Number line Limit copying Set/Post class rules Provide model Cue expected behavior Math One to one reminders Testing Reducing number of problems Structure transitions No unannounced testing (no pop Use of manipulatives Breaks between tasks quizzes) Use of calculator Quiet physical contact Prior notice of tests Number line Study carrel Prior notice of test material Needs to be challenged Study guide for tests Student writes on test Materials Environment Test in LRC Books on tape Read test out loud Selective seating Manipulatives Opportunity to respond orally Clear work areas Tape recorder Supplementary visuals Provide opportunities for movement Time Large-print textbook Extra time for written work Organization Spell check (computer/Franklin Extra time for tests speller) Extra response time Desktop list of task Access to word processor Extra time for reading Post routines Highlighted materials Short sequenced tasks Give one (1) paper at a time Strategies Time limits on specific task completion Facial clues or gestures Immediate feedback & reinforcers Check work in progress Student restates information Extra drills or practice Study partner Language Simplified instructions Repeat instructions Review instructions Standardized Testing Additional explanation of instructions Testing in LRC Extra time Test read aloud Write on test booklet Scribe Enrichment Challenging reading materials Use enrichment materials from text Extended classroom activities Provide alternative homework Writing for publications Eliminate practice activities Extra time for projects for students who have mastered concepts Peer Support Cooperative learning strategies Peer assistance Peer helper Use of peer’s notes Buddy reading Other International School of Latvia Student/Staff Meeting Minutes Confidential DATE ______STUDENT Grade___ MEMBERS PRESENT: Parent Parent Director PYP Coordinator MYP Coordinator DP Coordinator PYP SAT Member MYP SAT Member School Nurse Special Education/Resource ESL Coordinator Other(s): General Education Teacher(s): Purpose for Meeting: STRENGTHS: CONCERNS: PROCEDURE/ACTION PERSON(S) RESONSIBLE BY WHEN The International School of Latvia Viestura iela 6a – Jurmala, Latvia – LV 2010 Phone - +371-6775-5146, Fax - +371-6775-5009 Email: isloffice@isl.edu.lv Date: Dear Mr. And Mrs., For your son to receive the education that he needs, it is important for the school and parents to work together. It is the recommendation of the International School of Latvia Student Assistance Team (SAT) that be evaluated by member(s) of our team to gain a full picture of his abilities and present levels of achievement. Parent permission for the assessment is requested. The tests to be given may include: If you agree with the evaluation requested above, please sign and return this permission form as soon as possible. Testing will normally be completed within two-three weeks, and after that a meeting with you will be scheduled which will include some of your child’s teachers , and administrator and the intervention specialist to share results and make recommendations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the SAT member named below. Mr./Mrs. ........ SAT Member Special Education/Resource ____________________________________________________________________ I give my permission for my child, _____________________________________________, to be evaluated by an appropriate Student Assistance Team member at the the International School of Latvia. _________________________________________ Parent Signature _________________________ Date Individual Education Plan International School of Latvia Viestura iela 6a – Jurmala, Latvia – LV 2010 Phone +371-6775-5146 or +371 – 6775-5018 Fax +371-6775-5009 Email: isloffice@isl.edu.lv Student: Date of Birth: Age: Native Language: Other Language: Language of Instruction: Today’s Date: Duration of IEP: Homeroom Class and Teacher: Reason for IEP Description of Pupil’s learning abilities and strengths: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Learning Preferences: Disability Affects: Functional Skills: Communication and Speech: Motor Skills: Social/Behavioral: Self-Help: Adapted Physical Education: Gender: Subjects in which the pupil’s studies diverge from the syllabi for general instruction: All general education subjects. Long Term Objectives for instruction and learning. Short Term Objectives for instruction and learning. Description of how the pupil’s instruction is to be provided. Persons participating in pupil’s instructional support. Comments: Accommodations/Modifications in the Classroom Those involved in the above student’s IEP Process: Name and Relationship/Position Signature/Date