9-3 Notes Student Version

Name____________________________ Date_________________________ Period__________
9-3 – Feudalism and Manor Life - Pages 242-247
The Big Idea
A complex web of duties and obligations governed relationships between people in the Middle Ages.
Main Idea 1:
Feudalism governed how knights and nobles dealt which each other.
To defend their lands, nobles needed soldiers. The best soldiers were _______________, warriors who
fought on _______________. Knights needed _______________, armor, and _______________, so
nobles gave _______________ to the knights to support them.
A knight who promised to _______________ a lord in exchange for _______________ was called a
_______________. A vassal’s main duty was to _______________ for his lord and _______________
his land.
Feudalism was a system of _______________ that governed the relationships between
_______________ and _______________.
Lords sent help to the _______________if they were _______________.
They built _______________ to defend themselves against attack.
The lords could not _______________ the vassals without good _______________.
If a lord failed to do what he was supposed to, the vassal could _______________ all
_______________with him.
• Served their lords in times of _______________
• Gave _______________ to their lords on special occasions such as _______________
• Gave their lords _______________ and shelter whenever they came to visit.
Main Idea 2:
Feudalism spread through much of Europe.
Feudalism was created by the _______________, but the system _______________ to other countries.
Frankish knights introduced feudalism into northern _______________, Spain, and Germany.
Feudalism then spread to _______________ Europe and to _______________.
William the Conqueror
• A French noble named _______________ was the _______________of Normandy when it decided to
conquer England.
• The duke invaded _______________ in _______________ and became known as William the
• William and his men defeated the _______________, and William declared himself
_______________of England.
• He gave his knights _______________ in return for their loyalty.
• This was the _______________ of feudalism in Britain.
Name____________________________ Date_________________________ Period__________
Main Idea 3:
The manor system dominated Europe’s economy.
Knights were given pieces of _______________, called fiefs, for their military service to the
Since knights did not have time to _______________ their land, the _______________system evolved,
or changed over time.
There were poor people who needed a way to grow ____________. The _____________ system was a
way to take care of _______________ problems.
The Manor System
• A large estate owned by a knight or lord was called a _______________.
• The _______________ included a large house or castle, pastures, _______________, and forests.
• Most medieval lords kept _______________to _______________of the land for themselves.
• The rest of the land was divided among peasants and _______________, workers who were tied to the
land on which they lived. The _______________ farmed the land owned by the lords.
• Most _______________ had fewer rights than men. They ran the manor households and supervised
• Eleanor of Aquitaine ruled her own territory, which was _______________during that time.
Serfs and Peasants
• Although they were not _______________, they could not _______________ the land without
• They spent most of their time working for the _______________ in exchange for a small piece of
• Farm labor was hard, and everyone worked, even _______________.
• The lords wanted people to _______________ everything they needed to live.
Manor Lords
• The _______________ controlled everything that happened on their land.
• They resolved disputes and collected _______________from the people on their land.
• The lords lived more comfortably than the serfs and _______________, but they still had to worry about
disease and _______________.
Main Idea 4:
Towns and trade grew and helped end the feudal system.
During the Middle Ages, most people lived on _______________, and towns were small. After about
_______________ AD, things began to change, as some towns turned into big _______________.
Growth of Towns and Trade
• More people lived in Europe because more _______________ was available.
• New technology, such as a heavier _______________ and the horse _______________, meant that
farmers could be more productive.
• _______________ increased as the population grew and _______________ routes began to develop
across Europe.
• People began to leave the _______________ and move to the towns in order to make more
• As a result of this population _______________ and growth, the feudal system began to