9.3: Feudalism and Manor Life was a system of that governed how

9.3: Feudalism and Manor Life
________________________ was a system of ________________ that governed how ___________and
______________ dealt with each other.
Feudalism Governs Knights and Nobles
During the Medieval time period, Europe split into many _________________ each ruled by many _________.
Kings hired ___________ to help them run their _____________ – specifically to help protect his __________.
Nobles swore ______________ to that king and provided ______________ when the king wanted it. In
return, the king gave __________ to his noble.
Nobles could become very ____________________ – some became as powerful as ____________________.
Nobles needed ___________________ to protect their land. The best soldiers were _______________ –
warriors who fought on ____________________.
Knights and Land
Nobles gave _______________ fiefs (feefs) or a piece of ____________, instead of ______________ for their
______________ service.
If a noble gave _____________ to a knight in this way, he was called a __________________.
Knights promised to _____________________ the nobles in ________________ and other matters.
Knights were called ______________________ if they promised support for land.
A Lord’s Duties
Lords sent help to his vassal if an _________________________.
Lords also couldn’t ___________ his vassal or ______________ for no reason.
Lords often built _________________ to _________________ themselves and his vassals
A Vassal’s Duties
________________ with and for his Lord when called upon.
Give their lords _________________ on special occasions.
Give their lords ____________________ and ______________ if he came to visit.
A vassal could become a lord if he gained enough ___________. In this case, a vassal could _________ be a
A knight could also accept fiefs from two different __________ and become a vassal to ___________.
Feudalism Spreads
It was created by the ___________________.
Frankish knights __________________________ feudalism into Northern Italy, Spain, and Germany.
Feudalism then spread into ____________________________.
It was brought to Britain in the 1000’s by a French noble ________________ – who in 1066 sailed into England
and defeated the English king at the ____________ of ________________ and then declared himself William
The Manor System
When Knights received a ____________ from his lord – he needed a way to __________ it as he didn’t have
___________________________ this land.
__________________ were farmers that didn’t own any land.
A new economic system (____________System) developed out of this need. _____________allowed peasants
to farm land on their estates and in return, peasants had to give knights ______________________________.
A large estate owned by a knight was called a ______________.
Peasants, Serfs, and Other Workers
Most medieval lords kept about ¼ to 1/3 of their land for themselves – the rest they ____________ up among
the ________________________.
Were workers who were ________________________________________ on which they lived.
Not ____________ but couldn’t ____________ without permission of the ________.
Spent most of their time _________________ the land.
In return, they got a small ______________ to farm for themselves and ____________ against outlaws.
Manors produced and provided everything the people needed that lived there.
Manor Lords
Lords controlled _______________________ that happened on his land.
His word was the ___________.
He _______________ those who misbehaved and collected ____________ from those that loved on his
Women in the Middle Ages
Generally had ___________________ than men and had to obey the wishes of their husbands and fathers
Eleanor of Aquitaine
One of the most powerful women in the Middle Ages
She ruled Aquitaine, an area of ______________, as a king’s ___________________.
She married ________________ VII and became the Queen of __________________.
Later, she divorced Louis and married ______________ II and became the Queen of _______________.
Two of her ____________ later became the kings of England.
Towns and Trade Grew
Most lived on manors and cities were small. But around the 1000’s, cities started to ___________.
Cities grew because:
_________________________________________. Why? Partly because there was more _________ from
new farming technology like: ________________ and ______________________ so that farmers could use
horses (instead of ____________ that were bigger and slower) to plow fields.
_________________________ and goods from all over Africa and Asia to Europe to make money.
This led to a _____________________ in Feudalism along with knights beginning to demand ______________
instead of land for services, and serfs and peasants leaving manors for ________________ …slowly bringing an
end to the _________________________.
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