West Virginia Singles Championship West Virginia Doubles Championship Saturday, July 11, 2015 10:00 AM - Entries close at 11:00am Sunday, July 12, 2015 10:00 A.M. - Entries close at 10:30am EVENT VII EVENT VIII 200 Singles Targets Targets ......................................................................................................... $56.00 ATA and WVATA FEES ....................................................................................5.00 Lewis (Total 200) (4 Classes) 60-40% .............................................................20.00 Class Purse ....................................................................................................10.00 50-30-20% Hi -Gun Each Class shoots for own money Lewis Class, $10.00 each 100, (4-Classes) 60-40% ........................................20.00 50 Pair Doubles Targets Targets ........................................................................................................ $28.00 ATA and WVATA Fees .................................................................................... 5.00 Lewis Class (3-Classes) 60-40% ................................................................... 10.00 50's Option, $5.00 each, 60-40% ................................................................... 10.00 Class Purse, 50-30-20, Hi-Gun ....................................................................... 10.00 Each Class shoots for own money ADDED MONEY WV SINGLES CHAMPION* (Money goes with trophy) ................................ $110.00 Open Hi-Gun Champion* (Money goes with trophy) ....................................... 50.00 Money courtesy Brooke Co. SFA WV Class AA-A-B-C-D ($190 each) .............................................................. 950.00 (Divided 50-30-20 Hi-Gun) Open Class AA-A-B-C-D ($25 each, money goes with trophy) ....................... 125.00 *Not eligible for class money ADDED MONEY WV DOUBLES CHAMPION* (Money goes with trophy) ............................. $110.00 Open Champion* (Money goes with trophy) .......................................................50.00 Money courtesy Brooke Co. SFA WV Class AA-A-B-C-D ($150 each) .................................................................750.00 (Divided 50-30-20 Hi-Gun) Open Class AA-A-B-C-D ($20 each, money goes with trophy)....................... 100.00 *Not eligible for class money TOTAL ADDED MONEY............................................................................. $1,010.00 WVATA ADDED MONEY ............................................................TOTAL $1,235.00 TROPHIES TROPHIES WV Singles Champion* WV Singles Champion-RUNNER-UP WV Resident Class AA-A-B-C-D WV Lady I Champion* WV Lady II Champion* WV Junior Gold Champion* WV Junior Champion* WV Sub-Junior Champion* WV Sub Veteran Champion* WV Veteran Champion* WV Senior Veteran Champion* WV Husband and Wife*** WV Parent/Child*** Open High Gun Open Class AA-A-B-C-D Open Lady I Champion Open Lady II Champion Open Junior Gold Champion Open Junior Champion Open Sub-Junior Champion Open Sub Veteran Champion Open Veteran Champion Open Senior Vet. Champion Open Husband & Wife*** Open Parent/Child*** *Champion of Champions entries at Grand American paid by WVATA. Entry receipt required for reimbursement. Submit to Chuck Jackson or Steve Sprout. ***SPECIAL RACES*** Contestants responsibility to make declaration to Cashier when paying entry Checkout our website WWW.WVATA.COM WV Doubles Champion WV Doubles Champion Runner-up WV Resident Class AA-A-B-C-D WV Lady I Champion WV Lady II Champion WV Junior Gold Champion WV Junior Champion WV Sub-Junior Champion WV Sub Veteran Champion WV Veteran Champion WV Senior Veteran Champion Open High Gun Open Class AA-A-B-C-D Open Lady I Champion Open Lady II Champion Open Junior Gold Champion Open Junior Champion Open Sub-Junior Champion Open Sub Veteran Champion Open Veteran Champion Open Senior Vet. Champion THE BROOKE COUNTY SPORTSMAN AND FARMERS ASSOCIATION WILL AGAIN PRESENT THE WILSON "NEWT" JONES MEMORIAL TROPHY TO THE RESIDENT HIGHOVER-ALL CHAMPION (Previous Winners ineligible) 1988 - Darrel Murray 1989 - Darrell Dowler 1990 - Butch Somerville 1991 - Bob Lowe 1992 - Richard Paxton 1993 - Robert Harden 1994 - Robert Reed 1995 - Bill Crum 1996 - Richard Murray 1997 - Terry Harwatt 1998 - Pat Swartz 1999 - Ken Connett 2000 - Bob Gilchrist 2001 - D. Mark Isner 2002 - Michael Kemp 2003 - Kyle Dowler 2004 - Pepper Garland 2005 - Robert Chandler 2006 - Fred Dague 2007 - Steven Sprout 2008 - Tim Efaw 2009 - Scott Ross 2010 - Nicholas Harden 2011 - Gary Holmes 2012 - Alec Sauble 2013 - PJ Shanholtz 2014 – Kevin Miller West Virginia Handicap Championship Sunday, July 12, 2015 EVENT IX 100 Handicap Targets - Entries close at 12:30pm West Virginia Class Championship Day Friday, July 10, 2015 - 10:00 AM Entries close at 10:30am EVENT IV – WEST VIRGINIA SINGLES CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP 100 Singles Targets Targets ........................................................................................................ $28.00 ATA Fees & WVATA Fees ............................................................................. 5.00 Lewis Class (3-Classes) 60-40% ................................................................. 10.00 (Ties carry over to event VII) Targets ........................................................................................................ $28.00 ATA and WVATA Fees, if not previously paid ...............................................5.00 Lewis Class (4-Classes) 60-40% ................................................................ 10.00 Great Eastern Purse - Divided 25-15-10% 25-15-10% ................................... 30.00 Yardage Purse, divided 50-30-20%, Yardage groups shoot for own money .................................................... 20.00 25's, $2.50 each, one money ...................................................................... 10.00 50's, $5.00 each, divided 50-30-20% .......................................................... 15.00 Hi-Gun purse, 60-40 ....................................................................................... 2.00 HOF Contributor Award (3-Lewis Classes) 60-40%, ................................... 20.00 ADDED MONEY WV HANDICAP CHAMPION* (Money goes with trophy) ...................... $125.00 Open Handicap Champion* (Money goes with trophy) ............................. 50.00 Money courtesy Brooke Co. SFA WV Yardage Groups (18-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) - ($225 each) Divided 50-30-20 Hi- Gun ................................................................. 900.00 Open Yardage Groups (18-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27) - ($35 each) Divided One (1) Money, Ties Split ..................................................... 140.00 *Not eligible for yardage group money WVATA ADDED MONEY TOTAL ..................................................... $1,215.00 Handicap Champion Handicap Champion Runner-Up 3rd through 6th Places Lady I Champion Lady II Champion Sub-Junior Champion Junior Champion Junior Gold Champion Sub-Veteran Champion Veteran Champion Senior Veteran Champion ADDED MONEY WV Class AA-A-B-C-D ($190 each divided 50-30-20% Hi-Gun) ........... $950.00 Open Class AA-A-B-C-D ($25 each, money goes with trophy) ............... 125.00 WVATA ADDED MONEY ...................................................................... $1,075.00 EVENT V – PRELIMINARY HANDICAP 100 Handicap Targets – Entries close at 12:00pm Targets ................................................................................................ $28.00 Fees, If not previously paid....................................................................... 5.00 Lewis Class (3-Classes) 60-40% ............................................................ 10.00 Purse – Divided 40-30-20-10% ............................................................... 20.00 Options $2.50 each 25, one money ................................................................... 10.00 $5.00 each 50, divided 50-30-20%.......................................................... 15.00 Great Eastern Purse - Divided 25-15-10% 25-15-10% .................................. 20.00 Trophies and Open Added Money 1st $150.00, 2nd $125.00, 3 rd $100.00, 4th $75.00, 5 th $50.00, 6 th $25.00 Open Categories WVATA ADDED MONEY.................................................................... $525.00 EVENT VI - WEST VIRGINIA DOUBLES CLASS CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV WV West Virginia Trophies Class AA-A-B-C-D Open Trophies Class AA-A-B-C-D Open Categories Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Champion Runner-up 3rd thru 10th Places Lady I Champion Lady II Champion Sub-Junior Champion Junior Champion Junior Gold Champion Sub-Veteran Champion Veteran Champion Sr. Veteran Champion HOF Contributor Award 50 Pair Doubles Targets – Entries close at 2:30pm Targets .......................................................................................................... $27.00 Fees, if not previously paid ....................................................................... 5.00 Lewis Class (3-Classes) 60-40% ............................................................ 10.00 (Ties carry over to event VIII) West Virginia Trophies Class AA-A-B-C-D Open Trophies Class AA-A-B-C-D Open Categories ADDED MONEY WV Class AA-A-B-C-D ($150 each divided 50-30-20% Hi-Gun) ........... $750.00 Open Class AA-A-B-C-D ($20 each, money goes with trophy) ............... 100.00 WVATA ADDED MONEY ........................................................................... 850.00 TOTAL WVATA ADDED MONEY ............................................................ $2,450.00 Champions Day Honoring the 2014 WV State Champions TODD SAUBLE Singles & HAA ALEC SAUBLE Handicap ROBERT HARDEN Doubles Thursday, July 9, 2015 EVENT I – TODD SAUBLE SINGLES 10:00 A.M. - Entries close at 10:30am 100-16 Yard Targets Targets ............................................................................................. $28.00 ATA Fees & WVATA Fees ................................................................... 5.00 Lewis Class (3-Classes) 60-40% ....................................................... 10.00 (Ties carry over to event IV). TROPHIES Open High Gun Open Class AA-A-B-C-D, *Open Categories EVENT II – ALEC SAUBLE HANDICAP 100 Handicap Targets - Entries close at 12:00pm Targets ............................................................................................. $28.00 Fees, if not previously paid ................................................................... 5.00 Lewis Class (3-Classes) 60-40% ....................................................... 10.00 Purse - Divided 40-30-20-10% ........................................................... 10.00 Great Eastern Purse - Divided 25-15-10% 25-15-10% ...................... 20.00 TROPHIES Open High Gun Open Yardage (18-21) (22-23) (24-25) (26-27), *Open Categories – ADDITIONAL TROPHIES AND ADDED MONEY – WV Resident High All Around - 400 targets Open High All Around - 400 targets Open HAA Special Categories - 400 targets JR/SJ combined WV Resident High Over All - 1000 targets Open High Over All - 1000 targets Open HOA Special Categories - 1000 targets JR/SJ combined Stephen N Harden Memorial Singles Trophy (WV Resident 400 singles targets) WV HAA ................ $110.00 Open HAA ............. $ 55.00 WV HOA .................... 75.00 Open HOA ............... 35.00 WVATA Added Money ........................................ Total $275.00 TOTAL ADDED MONEY ............................................ $6,185.00 HALL OF FAME CONTRIBUTOR PURSE AND AWARD The Trapshooting Hall of Fame maintains a museum in Sparta, IL. and provides a research library for the history of our sport. It also awards college scholarships and con ducts a youth program to promote the future of trapshooting. Half of the entry in this award is donated to the Hall of Fame. We encourage you to participate and support its vari ous activities. BINGO FOR LADIES 18 YEARS & OLDER FRI - SAT - SUN @ 1 PM EACH DAY ~Sponsored by BCS & FA and WVATA~ EVENT III – ROBERT HARDEN DOUBLES 50 Pair Doubles Targets - Entries close at 2:30pm Targets ............................................................................................. $28.00 Fees, if not previously paid ................................................................... 5.00 Lewis (3-Classes) 60-40% ................................................................. 10.00 (Ties carry over to event VI) TROPHIES Open High Gun Open Class AA-A-B-C-D, *Open Categories The WVATA would like to thank all those individuals who selflessly work to make the WV State Shoot a success, especially the workers and members of the Brooke County Sportsman & Farmers Association for their tireless efforts in hosting the WV State Shoot for the last 27 consecutive years, they have done a Great Job ! WEST VIRGINIA AMATEUR TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION GENERAL INFORMATION AND SHOOT RULES 2015 WV STATE TEAM 1. FIRST TEAM 2. 1. Kevin Miller .........................................0.9497 2. Nicholas Harden .................................0.9303 3. Steven Sprout .....................................0.9267 4. Darrel Murray ......................................0.9234 5. Robert Harden ....................................0.9227 L Jennifer Everett ....................................0.9020 SVt Robert Lowe .....................................0.9034 Vet Gary Holmes ....................................0.9159 Jr. Robert Judy .......................................0.8482 3. 4. 5. SECOND TEAM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. L SVt Vet 6. Mark Isner .........................................0.9177 Adam Cline .......................................0.9160 Russell Lillard. Jr ...............................0.9157 Chuck Jackson ...................................0.9142 Todd Sauble .......................................0.9122 Sandra Spencer ................................0.8432 Thomas Urguhart ..............................0.8746 Darrell Dowler .....................................0.9151 7. 8. 9. WVATA 100K CLUB (Members shooting 100,000 career-registered as of Eloise Tustin* .......................................... 227,400 Bill Howdershelt* ..................................... 167,900 John P. Elliott .......................................... 156,050 Richard T. Paxton* .................................. 131,250 Steven E. Allman .................................... 129,300 D. Mark Isner............................................. 124,500 Seybert Campbell* .................................. 119,925 William C. Young* .................................... 117,425 John Garrison .......................................... 117,250 Robert E. Reed* ....................................... 110,350 Darrel Murray ......................................... 109,500 Jack Gandee ............................................ 104,600 Patrick Swartz ....................................... 103,200 Mildred Paxton*..................................... 100,500 5/26/15) 10. 11. 132,150(h) 112,075(h) 106,000(h) 102,700(d) WV and ATA rules will govern this shoot. The WVATA reserves the right to reject or disqualify any entrant, or modify the program should attendance, weather or any other reason make it advisable. Any shooter missing a squad or changing squads for any reason other than earned yardage shall be assessed a $20.00 resquadding charge. No entries refunded unless the event is cancelled. To be eligible for added money one must have registered 1500 singles targets, 1500 handicap targets and 1000 doubles targets during the current/previous two target years of which 500 16 yd., 500 handicap and 500 doubles must be registered in the current target year. No shooter may win more than one trophy in the same event. (Exceptions: concurrent special awards) Food and shells will be available on the grounds. Unauthorized sale of these items on the grounds is prohibited. Limited camping is available on the grounds for shooters ($15 per night, primitive $10.00 per night.) Ties in all preliminary and class singles and doubles shall be carried over into the next like event. All handicap ties shall be shot off each day at the conclusion of that day’s program time and weather permitting. All championship ties shall be shot off at the conclusion of that day’s program. Shooters failing to answer call for shoot-off forfeit. Scores are final for purse and option calculation when posted following a completed event. Shooters are cautioned and advised to check their posted scores at their earliest opportunity. Trophy winners must pick up trophies before leaving the grounds or make other arrangements. Trophy hours will be posted in the clubhouse. NO TROPHIES WILL BE SHIPPED. Earned yardage, class change-advancement posted on the bulletin board shall be considered shooter notification and reminder of their responsibility. Any entry forms not picked up 1/2 hour before the cut-off time for each event will be given out to the next available shooter. Please note cut-off times for each event. Checkout our Website WWW.WVATA.COM West Virginia Champions - CLASSIFICATION 16 Yard Classes (5) AA ................................ 97% and over A ........................ 94% and under 97% B ........................ 91% and under 94% C ........................ 88% and under 91% D ....................................... under 88% Doubles Classes (5) AA .................................93% and over A ........................ 89% and under 93% B ........................ 85% and under 89% C ........................ 78% and under 85% D ....................................... under 78% TARGET REQUIREMENTS EVENTS Current and previous 2 Years 16 YDS 1500 HDC 1500 DOUBLES 1000 Of which at least 500 targets in each discipline must have been shot in the current target year 2015 Less than minimum targets penalty* Class A 25 yds. Class A * Penalty yardage will be waived for shooters having insufficient targets of record if they wish to shoot for “targets only”. Those shooters will be ineligible for trophies and monies. Targets requirements waived for Senior Veterans. ATTENTION: JUNIORS & SUB-JUNIORS Targets requirements waived for Juniors and Sub Juniors shooting for “special category trophies only”. Those shooters will be ineligible for monies or options. MEETING NOTICE The WVATA Annual Meeting will be held 7:30 pm, Friday, July 10, 2015 WEST VIRGINIA 100 OR 200 STRAIGHT PINS Shooters breaking one hundred or two hundred straight without carry over will be awarded a pin. (One only per shooter) 2015 ATA REBATE $ 1271.00 SINGLES 1978-Darrell Dowler .............................................. 199 1979-Frank Hall .................................................... 199 1980-Joe Helm ..................................................... 199 1981-Richard Paxton ............................................ 199 1982-Richard Paxton ............................................ 200 1983-Bill Howdershelt ........................................... 200 1984-Frank Hall .................................................... 198 1985-Charles Ridgway ......................................... 199 1986-Fred McMasters ........................................... 200 1987-Richard Paxton ............................................ 200 1988-Robert Reed ................................................ 200 1989-Darrel Murray .............................................. 199 1990-Darrel Murray .............................................. 198 1991-Bill Howdershelt ........................................... 199 1992-Richard Paxton ............................................ 199 1993-Richard Paxton ............................................ 200 1994-James Jones Jr. .......................................... 200 1995-William Crum ............................................... 199 1996-Richard Paxton ............................................ 199 1997-Robert Chandler .......................................... 200 1998-Darrell Dowler .............................................. 200 1999-Robert Chandler .......................................... 198 2000-Gary Holmes ............................................... 199 2001-Robert Gilchrist ............................................ 199 2002-Douglas Damron .......................................... 199 2003-Douglas Damron .......................................... 199 2004-Terry Harwatt............................................... 200 2005-Fred Dague ................................................. 200 2006-Pepper Garland ........................................... 198 2007-Steven Sprout .............................................. 200 2008-Steven Sprout .............................................. 199 2009-Scott Ross ................................................... 199 2010-Mark Isner ................................................... 200 2011-Scott Ross ................................................... 199 2012-David Slusher .............................................. 199 2013-Kevin Miller .................................................. 198 2014-Todd Sauble ................................................ 198 DOUBLES 1978-Charles Ridgway ............................................ 91 1979-Bill Talkington ................................................. 95 1980-Darrell Dowler................................................. 99 1981-Darrell Dowler................................................. 98 1982-Darrell Dowler................................................. 99 1983-Darrell Dowler................................................. 98 1984-Richard Paxton ............................................... 96 1985-John Garrison ................................................. 97 1986-Darrell Dowler.............................................. 100 1987-Darrell Dowler................................................. 96 1988-Warren Somerville .......................................... 99 1989-Darrell Dowler.............................................. 100 1990-Darrell Dowler................................................. 98 1991-Darrell Dowler................................................. 94 1992-Darrell Dowler................................................. 97 1993-Darrell Dowler................................................. 97 1994-Darrell Dowler................................................. 94 1995-Darrel Murray ................................................. 99 1996-Darrell Dowler................................................. 97 1997-Darrell Dowler................................................. 99 1998-Darrell Dowler................................................. 96 1999-Mark Isner ...................................................... 94 2000-Michael Kemp ................................................. 98 2001-Richard Toothman .......................................... 98 2002-Darrell Dowler................................................. 97 2003-Kyle Dowler .................................................... 99 2004-Darrell Dowler................................................. 97 2005-Darrell Dowler................................................. 98 2006-Brien Murray ................................................... 98 2007-Pepper Garland .............................................. 98 2008-Robert Harden ................................................ 98 2009-Fred Dague .................................................... 99 2010-Pepper Garland .............................................. 95 2011-Scott Ross ...................................................... 96 2012-Robert Harden ................................................ 97 2013-Michael Kemp ................................................. 94 2014-Robert Harden ................................................ 95 HANDICAP 1978-Mildred Paxton (19) ........................................ 98 1979-Gary Griffith (27) ............................................. 97 1980-James Westfall (21.5) ..................................... 95 1981-Doug Leffel (21.5) ........................................... 97 1982-James Yates (22) ............................................ 98 1983-Gerald Narigon. Sr. (23.5) .............................. 97 1984-John G. Smith (22) .......................................... 96 1985-Kitty Leasure (18) ............................................ 98 1986-Robert Reed (25) ............................................ 97 1987-Seybert Campbell (20.5) ................................. 98 1988-Fred McMasters (22) ...................................... 96 1989-Darrel Murray (27) ........................................... 99 1990-Darrel Murray (27) ........................................... 97 1991-Gerald Barnett (22.5) ...................................... 96 1992-Darrell Dowler (27) .......................................... 98 1993-Robert Lowe (27) ............................................ 98 1994-Bryan Ritchie (23) ........................................... 95 1995-William Young (26.5) ...................................... 99 1996-Robert Harden (27) ......................................... 98 1997-Cecil Hauck (20) ............................................. 98 1998-Ken Pfalzgraf (23) ........................................... 96 1999-Larry Wilson (26) ............................................. 96 2000-Robin Wilson (21.5) ........................................ 98 2001-Bill Howdershelt (22) ....................................... 98 2002-Michael Kemp (27) .......................................... 98 2003-Floyd Taylor (20) ............................................. 99 2004-Floyd Taylor (21.5) .......................................... 98 2005-Cassie Galligher (27) ...................................... 96 2006-Nelson McClure (20.5) .................................... 96 2007-Fred Dague (27) ............................................... 96 2008-James Marcum (20.5) ..................................... 99 2009-Ernest Huffman (20) ........................................ 95 2010-Todd Sauble(23) ............................................. 96 2011-Neil Leput (25) ................................................ 96 2012-Erich Reger (21) ............................................. 97 2013-Scott Ross (27) ............................................... 97 2014-Alec Sauble(27) .............................................. 96 ALL-AROUND 1978-Charles Ridgway ......................................... 387 1979-Gary Griffith ................................................. 387 1980-Warren Somerville ....................................... 381 1981-Warren Somerville ....................................... 382 1982-Darrell Dowler.............................................. 393 1983-John Lewis .................................................. 390 1984-Richard Paxton ............................................ 379 1985-John Lewis .................................................. 390 1986-Fred McMasters........................................... 391 1987-Fred McMasters........................................... 383 1988-Warren Somerville ....................................... 388 1989-Darrel Murray .............................................. 390 1990-Darrel Murray .............................................. 390 1991-Darrel Murray .............................................. 381 1992-Darrell Dowler.............................................. 393 1993-Robert Harden ............................................. 388 1994-Darrel Murray .............................................. 379 1995-Darrel Murray .............................................. 379 1996-Robert Harden ............................................. 392 1997-Darrell Dowler.............................................. 392 1998-Robert Lowe ................................................ 385 1999-Darrell Dowler.............................................. 383 2000-Michael Kemp .............................................. 390 2001-Gary Holmes ............................................... 384 2002-Robert Chandler .......................................... 388 2003-Kyle Dowler ................................................. 388 2004-Pepper Garland ........................................... 390 2005-Fred Dague ................................................. 390 2006-Fred Dague ................................................. 389 2007-Pepper Garland ........................................... 392 2008-Fred Dague ................................................. 386 2009-Robert Harden .................................................. 385 2010-Scott Ross ........................................................ 386 2011-Scott Ross ........................................................ 390 2012-Scott Ross ........................................................ 386 2013-Michael Kemp ................................................... 386 2014-Todd Sauble ................................................. 381 WOMEN 1979-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 192 1980-Sandy Spencer .......................................................... 191 1981-SandySpencer ........................................................... 187 1982-Sandy Spencer .......................................................... 190 1983-Sandy Spencer .......................................................... 192 1984-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 191 1985-Kitty Leasure .............................................................. 191 1986-Kitty Leasure .............................................................. 192 1987-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 192 1988-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 193 1989-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 194 1990-Sandy Spencer .......................................................... 189 1991-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 190 1992-Jill Schultz .................................................................. 193 1993-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 193 1994-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 195 1995-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 194 1996-Robin Wilson .............................................................. 193 1997-Robin Wilson .............................................................. 193 1998-Jackie Murray ............................................................ 192 1999-Lacey Effland ............................................................. 189 2000-Mildred Paxton .......................................................... 192 2001-Monna Wilson ............................................................ 191 2002-Cassie Galligher ....................................................... 194 2003-Cassie Galligher ....................................................... 190 2004-Cassie Galligher ....................................................... 192 2005-Cassie Galligher ....................................................... 192 2006-Cassie Galligher ....................................................... 196 2007-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 181 2008-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 196 2009-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 190 2010-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 192 2011-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 191 LADY I 2012-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 195 2013-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 192 2014-Jennifer Everett ......................................................... 193 LADY II 2012-Sandy Spencer ........................................................... 181 2013- Sandy Spencer .......................................................... 179 2014-Sandy Spencer ......................................................... 196 JUNIOR 1984-G. Narigon. Jr ............................................................ 195 1985-G. Narigon. Jr ............................................................ 192 1986-Joe Narigon ................................................................ 153 1987-Kevin Miller ................................................................. 176 1988-John Heath ................................................................. 160 1989-Denny Paxton ............................................................ 174 1990-Denny Paxton ............................................................ 161 1991-Michael Kemp ............................................................ 189 1992-Brien Murray .............................................................. 192 1993-Michael Aflanas ......................................................... 194 1994-Brien Murray .............................................................. 194 1995-Ned Chandler ............................................................ 193 1996-Ned Chandler ............................................................ 188 1997-Andrew Currence ...................................................... 187 1998-Andrew Currence ...................................................... 188 1999-David King .................................................................. 168 2000-Lacy Effland ............................................................... 189 2001-Greg Foley .................................................................. 193 2002-Corey Isner ................................................................. 196 2003-Kyle Dowler ................................................................ 195 2004-Kyle Dowler ................................................................ 197 2005-Floyd Taylor Jr .......................................................... 193 2006-Steven Pfalzgraf ....................................................... 180 2007-Steven Pfalzgraf ....................................................... 154 2008-Tripper Narigon ......................................................... 176 2009-Tripper Narigon .......................................................... 175 2010-Alec V Sauble ............................................................ 193 2011- Alec V Sauble ............................................................. 182 2012- Alec V Sauble ............................................................. 197 2014- Robert Judy ................................................................. 184 JUNIOR GOLD 2012-Jared Henderson ...................................................... 181 2013-Alec Sauble ................................................................ 197 2014- Alec Sauble ................................................................. 193 SUB-JUNIOR 1981-G. Narigon. Jr ............................................................ 159 1982-G. Narigon. Jr ............................................................ 189 SUB-JUNIOR (cont.) 1984-Joseph Narigon ................................................. 157 1985-James Williams .................................................. 182 1986-John Fleam ........................................................ 165 1987-John Heath ........................................................ 189 1988-Chad Baber ........................................................ 170 1989-Robert Paxton .................................................... 128 1990-Michael Kemp .................................................... 193 1991-Brien Murray ...................................................... 180 1992-Michael Aftanas ................................................. 190 1993-Ned Chandler ..................................................... 184 1994-Ned Chandler ..................................................... 187 1995-Mark Welch ........................................................ 149 1996-Randall Kemp, Jr ............................................... 169 1997-Lacy Effland ....................................................... 187 1998-Andrew Bohrer ................................................... 189 1999-Jonathan Dowler ................................................ 192 2000-Randall Kemp, Jr ............................................... 197 2001-Corey Isner ........................................................ 191 2002-Floyd Taylor ....................................................... 195 2003-Floyd Taylor ....................................................... 185 2004-Andrew Straight ................................................. 172 2005-Tripper Narigon .................................................. 175 2006-Tripper Narigon .................................................. 175 2007-Tripper Narigon ............................................... 180 2007-Tripper Narigon ............................................... 180 2014-Kelly Montgomery ............................................ 160 SUB-VETERAN 2012-Fred Dague ........................................................ 199 2013-PJ Shanholtz ...................................................... 195 2014-Darrel Murray ..................................................... 198 VETERAN 1984-Wilson Jones ..................................................... 194 1955-Wilson Jones ..................................................... 196 1986-Doyle Moffatt ...................................................... 188 1987-James Yates ...................................................... 195 1988-Doyle Moffatt ...................................................... 192 1989-Kenneth Kemp ................................................... 183 1990-John Smith ......................................................... 189 1991-Boyd Starkey ..................................................... 186 1992-Bill Howdershelt ................................................. 197 1993-Bill Howdershelt ................................................. 196 1994-Bill Howdershelt ................................................. 197 1995-Robert Reed ...................................................... 194 1996-Robert Reed ...................................................... 197 1997-William Young .................................................... 199 1998-Stephen Ripley .................................................. 193 1999-William Young .................................................... 192 2000-Charles Phillips .................................................. 197 2001-Harley Barr ......................................................... 194 2002-Harley Barr ......................................................... 194 2003-Harley Barr ......................................................... 194 2004-Richard Paxton .................................................. 199 2005-Kenneth Connett ................................................ 193 2006-Howard Longerbeam ......................................... 196 2007-Howard Longerbeam ......................................... 191 2008-Howard Longerbeam ......................................... 197 2009-Jerry Lawson ..................................................... 193 2010-Howard Longerbeam .......................................... 197 2011-Howard Longerbeam .......................................... 195 2012-Jerry Lawson ...................................................... 198 2013-Doug Damron .................................................... 198 2014-Doug Damron .................................................... 194 SR. VETERAN 1998-John Elliot .......................................................... 197 1999-Robert Reed ...................................................... 191 2000-Stephen Ripley .................................................. 196 2001-Bill Howdershelt ................................................. 191 2002-Paul Martin ......................................................... 191 2003-John Elliott ......................................................... 196 2004-William Young .................................................... 196 2005-William Young .................................................... 196 2006-William Young .................................................... 195 2007-John Lewis ......................................................... 188 2008-Paul Martin ......................................................... 191 2009-Paul Martin ......................................................... 195 2010-Robert Lowe ...................................................... 196 2011-Gerald Narigon .................................................. 195 2012-Howard Longerbeam .......................................... 194 2013-Gerald Narigon .................................................. 187 2014-Robert Lowe ...................................................... 197 WEST VIRGINIA AMATEUR TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION From the West Virginia ATA President : "I wish to thank everyone for considering our 95th Annual West Virginia State Shoot. As always, I promise you that our shoot will be one of your favorites. We always have a great trophy package and 1/2 price targets for Juniors and Sub-Juniors. If you have come before, I know you'll be back. If you have never come to McAdoo Ridge, this is your opportunity to come and enjoy our hospitality. I hope to see you all in July. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (304) 737-0895." Chuck Jackson - ENTRY PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Present your plastic and paper average cards to CLASSIFICATION. (Shooter's responsibility to ensure average card is correct and up to date to avoid possible disqualification, forfeiture of trophies, monies and further disciplinary action by the ATA.) Your plastic card is needed for squadding and cashiering. After squadding proceed to the cashier. The Starting Traps will be determined by drawing a number immediately before each event. After an event has started, the squadding committee shall fill any squad or position on a first available basis. Any squad forms not picked up one half hour before the cut-off time for each event will be given out to the next available shooter. Make all checks payable to Brooke County Sportsman's Club. (A rubber stamp will be available for your convenience.) Enjoy Our Smoke-Free Air Conditioned Clubhouse WEST VIRGINIA AMATEUR TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHUCK JACKSON President 1908 Charles St. Wellsburg, WV 26070 304-737-0895 SCOTT ROSS Vice-President 2135 #2 Ridge Road Dalllas, WV 26036 2015 WEST VIRGINIA STATE SHOOT COMMITTEES Tournament Director .................................. Chuck Jackson Program Committee ........................ WV Board of Directors Trophy Committee ................ Darrel Murray, Chuck Jackson JIM SCHAD Secretary 37 Lower Falls Drive St. Albans, WV 25177 (304) 722-5348 STEVE SPROUT Treasurer 3025 City View Drive Parkersburg, WV 26101 (304) 494-1551 NICHOLAS HARDEN WV ATA Delegate 851 Lincoln Drive S.Charleston,WV 25309 ROBERT HARDEN Alt. ATA Delegate 303 Shepherd Ave. S.Charleston, WV 25303 (304) 941-9600 DARRELL DOWLER 1st Alt Delegate P.O. Box 3114 Parkersburg, WV 26101 Classification ... Nicholas Harden, Robert Harden, Jim Schad Squadding ........Noreen Snively, Russell Lillard, Toot Riggle Trapline Director/Practice Traps ................... Tim Byhanna Trophy Presentation ........................ Alec and Todd Sauble Shoot Offs ...................................... WV Board of Directors Office Director ............................................... Arlie Massey Squad Hustlers ................... Steve Bell, Bill King, Scott Ross Added Money/Options ............... Bruce Haislip, David Kemp Cashier ........................................................ Steve Sprout FRED DAGUE 2nd Alt Delegate 2008 Sample Road. Valley Grove,WV 26060 (304) 281-3478 Line Referees .................................. WV Board of Directors DARREL MURRAY EX-Officio 38 Pocahontas Ave. Mineral Wells, WV 26150 Trap Mechanics ............................................ Gene Sinvely - Directors Todd Sauble Director-At-Large Martrinsburg, WV STEVE BELL Tyler Co. Rod & Gun Club Friendly, WV KINZY SMITH Pt. Pleasant Gun Club Pt. Pleasant, WV CHUCK JACKSON Brooke Co. S&F Assoc. Wellsburg, WV 2 RUSSELL LILLARD WV S&F Assoc Fairmont. WV LARRY LILLEY Marshall Co. HFC Moundsville, WV JAMES BUTLER Leetown Gun Club Kearneysville, WV BOB MEADOWS Fayette Gun Club Oakhill, WV Target Settings ............................... WV Board of Directors WVATA Logo by Michael Kemp Area Lodging Comfort Inn I-70 Dallas Pike (304) 547-0610 Holiday Inn 350 Three Springs Dr. Weirton, WV 26062 1-800-441-1114 (304) 723-5532 Hampton Inn Rt. 40 National Road Wheeling, WV (304) 233-0440 Days Inn Washington, PA (724) 225-8500 Holiday Inn Rt.22/Stoney Hollow Rd. Steubenville, OH (740) 282-0901 Holiday Inn I-70 Exit 11 Wheeling, WV (304) 547-1380 Holiday Inn Washington, Pa (724) 222-6200 Ramada Inn Washington, PA (724) 222-9750 Wilson Lodge Oglebay Park Rt. 88 Wheeling, WV (304) 243-4000 Stratford Springs Route 88 Wheeling, WV (304) 233-5100 Hampton Inn Hotel Steubenville, OH (740) 282-9800 Super 8 Motel Steubenville, OH (740) 282-4565 Amerihost Inn & Suites Weirton, WV (304) 723-0050 PAT TRAPS AND CANTERBURY VOICE RELEASES USED ON ALL 10 TRAPS We are located at 2540 McAdoo Ridge Road, Wellsburg, WV REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE This certifies that the WVATA has been authorized to conduct a registered shoot. July 9-12, 2015, at the Brooke County Sportsman and Farmers Association. FUTURE WV STATE SHOOT DATES July 7-10 2016 July 11-14 2019 July 6 - 9 2017 July 9-12 2020 July 12-15 2018 July 8-11 2021 Gun Club website www.brookesportsmen.org GPS Location: N40°14.231’ W080°33.486’ Elevation: 1114ft Mountainside Conference Center-Gresham House Bethany College Closest hotel to the state shoot. Located close to the corner of Rt. 88 and 67. Ask for the WV State Shoot Special $70 single and double $75 triple and quads plus tax For reservations: 1-866-829-4343 or 1-304-829-4343 Web Site: www.mountainsidecc.com WEST VIRGINIA TRAPSHOOTING HALL OF FAME 1986 - Walt Meador, Bluefield 2014 - Steve Sprout, Parkersburg 1986 - Walt Meador, Bluefield 1986 - Ira E. Eyler, Martinsburg 2014 - Jennifer Everett, Romney 1986 - Ira E. Eyler, Martinsburg 1986 - Dr. B. R. Kinter, Bluefield 2014 - Gary Holmes, Paden City 1986 - Dr. B. R. Kinter, Bluefield 1986 - L. M. LaFollette, Charleston 1986 - L. M. LaFollette, Charleston 1986 - E. H. McDonald - Burlington 1986 - E. H. McDonald - Burlington 1986 - Charolette "Skipper" Winski, Wellsburg 1986 - "Skipper" Winski,Wellsburg 1988 - Wilson "Newt" Jones, Wellsburg 1988 - Wilson "Newt" Jones, Wellsburg 1988 - Elsie Roush, Point Pleasant 1988 - Elsie Roush, Point Pleasant 1989 - Darrell G. Dowler, Parkersburg 1989 - Darrell G. Dowler, Parkersburg 1990 - Mildred Paxton, Charleston 1990 - Mildred Paxton, Charleston 1991 - Ernest H. Wolfe, Charleston 1991 - Ernest H. Wolfe, Charleston 1992 - Doyle Moffatt, West Columbia 1992 - Doyle Moffatt, West Columbia 1992 - Frank Hall, Charleston 1992 - Frank Hall, Charleston 1992 - Bunny Sanders, Keyser 1992 - Bunny Sanders, Keyser 1993 - Richard T. Paxton, Charleston 1993 - Richard T. Paxton, Charleston 1994 - Darrel Murray, Mineral Wells 1994 - Darrel Murray, Mineral Wells 1995 - Bill Talkington, New Martinsville 1995 - Bill Talkington, New Martinsville 1996 - Eloise Tustin, Saint Albans 1996 - Eloise Tustin, Saint Albans 1996 - Bill Hunter, Carson, CA 1996 - Bill Hunter, Carson, CA 1997 - Seybert Campbell, St. Albans 1997 - Seybert Campbell, St. Albans 1997 - Jack and Pat Gandee, Mineral Wells 1997 - Jack and Pat Gandee, Mineral Wells 1997 - Bill Howdershelt, Morgantown 1997 - Bill Howdershelt, Morgantown 1998 - Bill Young, St. Albans 1998 - Bill Young, St. Albans 1999 - Steve Ripley, Inwood 1999 - Steve Ripley, Inwood 2000 - Robert E. Reed, Sherman 2000 - Robert E. Reed, Sherman 2000 - H. B. Scarlett, Martinsburg 2000 - H. B. Scarlett, Martinsburg 2001 - Emerson W. Lilley, Wheeling 2001 - Emerson W. Lilley, Wheeling 2001 - Sandy Spencer, Nettie 2001 - Sandy Spencer, Nettie 2002 - Harley Barr, Metz 2002 - Harley Barr, Metz 2003 - John P. Elliott, Hurricane 2003 - John P. Elliott, Hurricane 2004 - Eugene J. Elcessor, Wellsburg 2004 - Eugene J. Elcessor, Wellsburg 2005 - John Garrison, Vienna 2005 - John Garrison, Vienna 2007 - James E. Westfall, Wheeling 2007 - James E. Westfall, Wheeling 2008 - David B. Kemp, Paden City 2008 - David B. Kemp, Paden City 2008 - Edsel F. Kittle, Buckhannon 2008 - Edsel F. Kittle, Buckhannon 2008 - Kent G. Martin, Flat Top 2008 - Kent G. Martin, Flat Top 2008 - William C. Rutherford, Pt. Pleasant 2008 - William C. Rutherford, Pt. Pleasant 2009 - Gerald (Ed) Barnette, Ripley 2009 - Gerald (Ed) Barnette, Ripley 2009 - Fred Dague, Valley Grove 2009 - Fred Dague, Valley Grove 2010 - Thomas (Tom) Weaver, Follansbee 2010 - Thomas (Tom) Weaver, Follansbee 2010 - Howard Longerbeam, Harpers Ferry 2010 - Howard Longerbeam, Harpers Ferry 2012 - Kenneth L. Connett, Hometown 2012 - Kenneth L. Connett, Hometown 2012 - D. Mark Isner, Ripley 2012 - D. Mark Isner, Ripley 2013 - Scott Ross, Dallas 2013 - Scott Ross, Dallas 2013 - Robert Harden, South Charleston 2013 - Robert Harden, South Charleston Marshall County Hunting and Fishing Club Est. 1948 Wishes You a Successful Shoot Now hosting scheduled ATA Registered Events and weekly trap practice. 2015 ATA Registered Shoot Dates: 2015 WV Hall of Fame Shoot May 23 & 24 Big 50’s June 10, June 24, July 8, Aug 12, Aug 26, Sept 9 Sept 30 For more info visit us at: marshallcountyhfc.com or call Larry Lilley, Club ATA/Trap director at 304-845-8604 CATEGORY SHOOTERS In accordance with the ATA rules (Section IV, Rule J) All Lady I , Lady II, Sub-Junior, Junior, Junior Gold, Sub Veteran, Veteran, and Senior Veterans must declare their special category at the time of classification in any registered tournament if they wish to compete as a category shooter. Without such declaration, the contestant will not be allowed to compete for the applicable category trophy. No contestant will be allowed to declare or change a special declaration after firing his/her first shot. The only exception to this rule will be to correct an ATA classification error. The following rules apply to shooters who have declared a special category. At all tournaments where All American points will be awarded in any event, shooters may declare only one (1) category (i.e. Lady I , Lady II, Sub-Junior, Junior, Junior Gold, Sub Veteran, Veteran, or Senior Veteran) Note: Chair shooters are exempt from this rule. Any shooter who is tied for event Champion may shoot-off/carry-over for the Championship trophy. If a shooter fails in the championship trophy shoot-off/carry-over and has declared a special category at the time of classification, the shooter can fall back to the declared category. Any shooter who has declared a special category at the time of classification and whose score qualifies for any trophy in his/her declared category, will compete for the category trophy and not for place, class or yardage group. Any special category shooter, whose score does not qualify for a trophy in his/her Category, may compete for place, class or yardage group trophies. Cabelas In association with the BCS&FA and the WVATA Presents the Cabelas Shoot Off Challenge Shoot Off Challenge winner to receive a Brand New Beretta 686 Onyx Shooters attending Thursday and Friday’s handicap Events, II and V, a pill will be drawn and if the last digit of your score matches the pill you will have an opportunity to compete in Cabelas Shoot Off Challenge on Saturday after the Championship Singles Shoot offs. In Memoriam Robert “Cap” Captor Aden Kaufman Tillio Molestatore William Karwatske Charlie Phillips You will be missed… 95th WEST VIRGINIA TRAPSHOOTING CHAMPIONSHIPS Robert Harden 303 Shepherd Ave So. Charleston, WV 25303 OVER $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 IN TROPHIES & ADDED MONEY July 9-12, 2015 BROOKE COUNTY SPORTSMAN AND FARMERS ASSOCIATION McADOO RIDGE WELLSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA