Module 3 Chemical monitoring and management

Chemistry 2
Page Reference
The Work of an Industrial Chemist
1. Outline the role of a chemist employed in
a named industry or enterprise, identifying
the branch of chemistry undertaken by the
chemist and explaining a chemical principle
that the chemist uses.
2. Identify the need for collaboration
between chemists as they collect and
analyse data.
3. Describe an example of a chemical
reaction such as combustion, where
reactants form different products under
different conditions and thus would need
4. Gather, process and present information
from secondary sources about the work of
practising scientists identifying:(a) the
variety of chemical occupations (b) a
The Work of an Industrial Chemist
1. Gather data and summarise information abut the
work of chemists in industry
DATA ANALYSIS. 11.1 Case Studies
2. Discuss the varying roles of developmental
chemists, production chemists and research
chemists and explain why cooperation is vital in
such a team.
3. Gather data about the types of pollution
generated by the combustion of different types of
fuels. Identify technologies that can be used to
monitor these emissions.
4. Examine the variety of chemical occupations
such as environmental and metallurgical chemists.
Then, select the work of a polymer chemist (for
example) for more detailed study. (See Data
Analysis 11.1)
Chapter 11
1. 235-237
2. 235
specific chemical occupation for a more detailed
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 11.1
3. 237-240
4. 235-237
Revision 11.1
Page 241
The Haber Process
The Haber Process
5. 242
5. Identify and describe the industrial uses
of ammonia.
6. Identify that ammonia can be synthesised
from its component gases, nitrogen and
7. Describe that synthesis of ammonia
occurs as a reversible reaction that will
reach equilibrium.
5. Gather and summarise information about the
uses of ammonia.
6. Identify the feedstocks required for the Haber
Process and explain how they are prepared.
The Haber Process
8. Identify the reaction of hydrogen with
nitrogen as exothermic.
9. Explain why the rate of reaction is
increased by higher temperatures.
10. Explain why the yield of product in the
Haber process is reduced at higher
temperatures using Le Chatelier’s principle.
11. Explain why the Haber process is based
on a delicate balancing act involving
reaction energy, reaction rate and
12. Explain that the use of a catalyst will
lower the reaction temperature required and
identify the catalyst(s) used in the Haber
13. Analyse the impact of increased
pressure on the system involved in the
Haber process.
The Haber Process
8. Recall that heat is released in an exothermic
reaction such as the Haber process.
9. Examine the kinetic factors that influence the
speed at which the nitrogen and hydrogen combine
10. Examine the factors that affect the position of
the equilibrium and therefore the yield. Explain that
an increase in temperature will reverse the
equilibrium in an exothermic reaction.
11. Show that the Haber Process conditions are
often a compromise between competing factors.
12. Identify the type of catalyst used and explain
why the use of a catalyst will help to reduce the
temperature required for the reaction. Use an
activation energy diagram to summarise these
13. Use graphs to summarise the effect of
increasing pressure on the yield of ammonia.
6. 242-245
7. 246
7. Revise the concept of reversible reactions and
write the equilibrium equation for the synthesis of
8. 246
9. 246-247
10. 245-247
11. 248-249
CD Animation: The
Haber Process
12. 248
13. 248
14. Explain why monitoring of the reaction
vessel used in the Haber process is crucial
and discuss the monitoring required.
15. Gather and process information from
secondary sources to describe the conditions
under which Haber developed the industrial
synthesis of ammonia and evaluate its
significance at that time in world history.
14. Discuss the types of monitoring and
management processes that occur in a Haber plant,
noting that much of this process is automated
15. Gather and summarise information about the
history of the Haber process and evaluate its
importance in the development of synthetic
fertilisers for a growing world population
DATA ANALYSIS 11.2 The History of the
Haber Process
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 11.2
Identification of Ions
Identification of Ions
16. Deduce the ions present in a sample
16. Revise the solubility rules (Year 11).
from the results of tests.
Distinguish between qualitative tests and
17. Perform first-hand investigations to
quantitative tests. Demonstrate examples of tests
carry out a range of tests, including flame
that produce precipitates and/or gases.
tests, to identify the following ions:
17. Demonstrate flame tests and discuss the theory
phosphate ;sulfate ;carbonate; chloride
behind these tests.
barium; calcium; lead; copper ;iron
PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 12.1 Identify anions
18. Identify data, plan, select equipment and and cations using elimination tests.
perform first-hand investigations to measure 18. Discuss the principles of quantitative analysis.
the sulfate content of lawn fertiliser and
PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 12.2 . Determine the
explain the chemistry involved.
sulfate content of a soluble fertiliser.
19. Analyse information to evaluate the
19. DATA ANALYSIS 12.3. Process data about
reliability of the results of the above
the sulfate content of a fertiliser and evaluate issues
investigation and to propose solutions to
related to reliability and accuracy.
problems encountered in the procedure.
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 12.1
14. 250
15. 257-258
Revision 11.2
Page 250-251
Chapter 12
16. 260-266
CD Animation:
Testing for chloride
17. 263
CD Animation:
Testing for lead ions
18. 266-268
19. 269
Revision 12.1
Pages 269-270
Instrumental Analysis
20. Describe the use of atomic absorption
spectroscopy (AAS) in detecting
concentrations of metal ions in solutions
and assess its impact on scientific
understanding of the effects of trace
21. Gather, process and present information
to interpret secondary data from AAS
measurements and evaluate the
effectiveness of this in pollution control.
22. Gather, process and present information
to describe and explain evidence for the
need to monitor levels of one of the above
ions in substances used in society.
Instrumental Analysis
20. Examine examples of atomic absorption spectra
and discuss how they can be used to identify metal
ions. Summarise the principles of atomic
absorption spectroscopy.
Chapter 12
20. 271- 274
21. 276
Explain how AAS can be used to monitor trace
elements in the environment.
22. 288-290
21. Gather and process data on the use of AAS in
pollution control.
22. Process data on the need to monitor lead
pollution in the environment
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 12.2
Revision 12.2
Pages 278-280
Chapters 11 and 12
Chemistry of atmospheric pollution and
ozone depletion
Chemistry of atmospheric pollution and ozone
Chapter 13
23. Describe the composition and layered
structure of the atmosphere.
24. Identify the main pollutants found in the
lower atmosphere and their sources.
25. Describe ozone as a molecule able to act
both as an upper atmosphere UV radiation
shield and a lower atmosphere pollutant.
26. Describe the formation of a coordinate
covalent bond.
27. Demonstrate the formation of coordinate
covalent bonds using Lewis electron dot
28. Compare the properties of the oxygen
allotropes O2 and O3 and account for them
on the basis of molecular structure and
29. Compare the properties of the gaseous
forms of oxygen and the oxygen free
23. Use diagrams to describe the composition and
layered structure of the atmosphere.
24. Identify the lower atmospheric pollutants and
draw up a table to summarise the issues related to
this contamination.
25. Gather data on tropospheric ozone and how it is
dangerous to health. Explain why stratospheric
ozone is important to life on earth.
26. Define the term coordinate bond and model its
27. Draw Lewis electron dot formulae to
demonstrate coordinate bond formation.
28. Process data to compare the properties of
dioxygen and ozone.
29. Draw Lewis diagrams of dioxygen and the
oxygen free radical. Discuss the relative reactivity
of these species.
23. 292- 293
Chemistry of atmospheric pollution and
ozone depletion
30. Identify the origins of
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons in
the atmosphere.
Chemistry of atmospheric pollution and ozone
30. Distinguish between CFCs and halons and use
model kits to construct them. Identify the origins of
these molecules.
Chapter 13
24. 294- 297
25. 296-297
26. 298-299
27. 298
28. 299-300
29. 300-301
CD Animation:
Formation and
decomposition of
30. 303-305
31. Identify and name examples of isomers
(excluding geometrical and optical) of
haloalkanes up to eight carbon atoms.
32. Discuss the problems associated with
the use of CFCs and assess the effectiveness
of steps taken to alleviate these problems.
33. Analyse the information available that
indicates changes in atmospheric ozone
concentrations, describe the changes
observed and explain how this information
was obtained.
34. Present information from secondary
sources to write the equations to show the
reactions involving CFCs and ozone to
demonstrate the removal of ozone from the
35. Gather, process and present information
from secondary sources including
simulations, molecular model kits or
pictorial representations to model isomers
of haloalkanes.
36. Present information from secondary
sources to identify alternative chemicals
used to replace CFCs and evaluate the
effectiveness of their use as a replacement
for CFCs
31. Construct models of isomers of various
haloalkanes including CFCs and halons. Use
nomenclature rules to name these molecules.
31. 303- 305
32. 305
32. Gather and process data to discuss the problems
caused by CFC and halon use.
33. 306 - 308
33. Gather data from various sources including the
internet about the ozone hole and investigate the
types of instruments that are used to collect this
34. Write equations to describe the removal of
ozone from the stratosphere due to reactions
involving CFCs.
34. 308-311
35. 314
36. 315-316
35. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 13.1 Use model
kits and computer simulations to construct various
Process data on the Montreal protocol and evaluate
the effectiveness of the use of CFC replacements.
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 13.1
Revision 13.1
Pages 312-313
Testing for Water Quality
37. Identify that water quality can be
determined by considering:
(a) concentrations of common ions (b) total
dissolved solids (c)hardness (d) turbidity (e)
acidity (f) dissolved oxygen and
biochemical oxygen demand
Testing for Water Quality
37. Discuss the factors that effect water quality and
summarise this information in a table.
Describe each of the tests that can be performed on
water and write equations for each test.
(a) Common ion testing (b) TDS
(c) Hardness (d) Turbidity (e) Acidity
38. Identify factors that affect the concentrations (f) DO (g) BOD
of a range of ions in solution in natural bodies
Solve problems related to these water quality tests.
Chapter 14
(a) 318- 321
(b) 322- 323
(c) 323- 326
(d) 326- 328
(e) 328
(f) 328-331
(g) 331- 334
of water such as rivers and oceans.
39. Perform first-hand investigations to use
qualitative and quantitative tests to analyse
and compare the quality of water samples
40.Gather, process and present information
on the range and chemistry of the tests used
to:(a) identify heavy metal pollution of
water (b) monitor possible eutrophication of
38. Use a table to summarise the factors that lead to
changes in ion concentration in natural waters.
38. 335- 337
39. 346-349
qualitative and quantitative tests to investigate
various water samples.
40. (a) 349-351
(b) 351- 352
Process and analyse data on (a) Heavy metal
pollution (b) Eutrophication of waterways
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 14.1
Revision 14.1
Pages 337- 338
Water Purification
Water Purification
Chapter 14
41. Describe and assess the effectiveness of
methods used to purify and sanitise mass
water supplies.
42. Describe the design and composition of
microscopic membrane filters and explain
how they purify contaminated water.
43. Gather, process and present information
on the features of the local town water
supply in terms of:(a) catchment area (b)
possible sources of contamination in this
catchment (c) chemical tests available to
determine levels and types of contaminants
(d) physical and chemical processes used to
purify water (e) chemical additives in the
water and the reasons for the presence of
these additives
41. Define the term potable water and discuss the
various methods used to purify water. Construct a
flow chart or interpret a flow chart of the various
steps. Solve problems related to water purification.
41. 338- 342
42. 342-344
43. 353-356
42. Examine a used filter from a water purifier. Use
diagrams and data obtained from various sources to
compare the design of membrane filters and
describe how they purify water.
43. Students can undertake an assignment to gather,
process and present information on their local water
DATA ANALYSIS 14.3 Process data on the
methods used to collect and purify water in the
Sydney Catchment.
Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2.
Set 14.2
Revision 14.2
Pages 344- 345
CD- MODULE 3 - REVISION QUESTIONS Chapters 11,12,13,14
Use the supplied set of questions to revise all of
Module 2.
20 Multiple Choice and 20 open-ended questions in
the style of the HSC are available.
Model answers are available on the CD.
Ten short and long answer questions based on
Module 3.
Model answers are supplied
Four problem-solving worksheets are available.
Set 1- Gravimetric analysis for sulfate
Set 2- AAS analysis for calcium ions
Set 3- ASS analysis of lead pollution
Set 4- Water analysis
Worked answers are supplied.