Deliverable Factsheet Date: 30 December 2009 Deliverable D1.1 A Database containing a Technical Overview of Pesticides and Their Contribution in the Agricultural Production Process Working Package WP1: Pesticide Productivity, Efficiency, and Shadow Pricing for Stochastic Agricultural Production Technologies Partner responsible IG Eleftherohorinos, AUTH Other partners participating UOC Nature P Dissemination level PU Delivery date according to DoW February 2009 Actual delivery date February 2009 Finalization date 30 December 2009 Relevant Task(s): 1.1, 1.2 Brief description of the deliverable A review on the results related with the yield losses due to pests and on the essential role of pesticide use in crop production is presented. The adverse effects of pesticide use on human health and environment are also reported along with the information concerned on criteria and environmental risk indicators needed for pesticide selection to maximize crop production and to minimize impacts on human health and environment. Finally, the food safety, food quality and benefits in relation with the pesticide use as well as the necessity of their use for a viable future crop production in Europe are discussed. Followed methodology / framework applied A synthetic report is provided on pesticide use in agriculture and their implementation in EU. Also, the role of pesticide use and its impact on agricultural process, operators, consumers and the environment is reported. Moreover, the possibilities of using alternatives to pesticides or plant protection products with lower risks to human health and the environment as well as the possible implementation and feasibility of such a system are discussed. 1 Target group(s) WP1 group, which will provide an overall description of pesticides’ effects on the agricultural production process by assessing the existing theoretical and empirical literature. WP2 group, which will investigate the effects of pesticides use on farmers’ health, as well as productivity differences among farmers. Key findings / results High crop yield losses are resulted from pests. Pesticides have been found to be very essential tools for viable crop production. Pesticide use has been linked with adverse effects on human health and environment. Criteria and environmental risk indicators should be used for pesticide selection to maximize crop production and minimize their impacts on human health and environment. Safe and high quality food can be produced with the appropriate use of pesticides. The non-approval of some key pesticides in Europe will have negative impacts on the viability of the future crop production. Interactions with other WPs deliverables / joint outputs WP no. Relevant tasks Partner(s) involved WP1 1.1, 1.2 UOC, WU WP2 2.1, 2.5, 2.6 UOC, WU Context of interaction 2 Project no. 212120 Project acronym: TEAMPEST Project title: Theoretical Developments and Empirical Measurement of the External Costs of Pesticides Collaborative Project SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME 2 Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Title of Deliverable: D1.1 A Database containing a Technical Overview of Pesticides and Their Contribution in the Agricultural Production Process Author: IG Eleftherohorinos Due date of deliverable: February 2009 Actual submission date: February 2009 Start date of project: 1st May 2008 Lead contractor for this deliverable: University of Crete Version: Draft Confidentiality status: PU Duration: 36 months 4 Extended Summary The review is concerned with the evaluation of the results related with the yield loss due to pests (fungi, bacteria, viruses, animal pests and weeds) and the essential role of pesticides in crop production. The adverse effects of pesticide use on human health and environment are also reported along with the information concerned on criteria and environmental risk indicators needed for pesticide selection to maximize crop production and to minimize impacts on human health and environment. The food safety, food quality and benefits in relation with the pesticide use as well as the necessity of their use for a viable future crop production in Europe are discussed. The results indicated that the potential yield loss of wheat, rice, maize, potatoes, soybean, and cotton due to pests account worldwide for 51, 77, 68, 75, 61, and 83%, respectively. Pesticides were found to be widely used in crop production because they effectively manage to minimize infestations by pests and thus ensure greater supply and higher quality of agricultural commodities with lower input costs. However, although pesticides have been associated with significant positive effect on food production, their heavy and inappropriate use in some cases has been linked with considerable public concern for adverse effects on human health (worker exposure during pesticide application and consumer exposure to pesticide residues found in fresh fruit, vegetables and drinking water) and on the environment (water and air contamination, toxic effects on non-target organisms). Regarding food safety and quality in relation with the pesticide use, very few of the conventionally produced food samples were found to contain pesticide residues above the maximum residue limit (MRL), and these findings do not allow for conclusions related with potential risks for human health due to dietary exposure to pesticide residues. In addition, significant differences in terms of nutritional quality between conventional and organic foods were not found, and this suggests that there is no reason to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods to increase the intake of specific nutrients or nutritionally relevant substances. Moreover, grapes and apples were found to be the most pesticide-demanding crops in Europe compared with tomato, potato, maize and wheat. This was confirmed by the higher number of fungicides and insecticides registered for use in Greece and many other countries in EU [grapes (116) >apples (77) >tomato (74) >potato (68) >maize (23) >wheat (13)]. Within this context, the presented information on crop damage due to pests and on pesticide risks and benefits could be used to provide a solid methodological 5 framework and empirical evaluation that will assist policy makers in identifying the true impact of pesticides on agricultural production and in achieving a sustainable use of pesticides. In addition, the considerable concerns related with the potential severity of the non-approved pesticide impacts on the future sustainability of crop production in Europe along with the use of some environmental risk indicators as tools for pesticide selection should also be taken into account to minimise the environmental and human adverse effects of pesticides and to ensure viable agriculture in Europe. Page(s) Deliverable factsheet 1 Deliverable cover page 3 Extended Summary 4 Table of contents 6 Main body of the deliverable 7 Introduction 7 Pesticide effects on human health 10 Pesticide effects on the environment 15 Pesticides in EU and their impacts on crop production sustainability 20 Most pesticide-demanding crops and related EU projects on pesticides 23 Food quality and safety with respect to pesticide use 26 The necessity of pesticides use in crop production 30 Conclusions 34 Policy recommendations and implementation 35 Relevancy of deliverable with related WP and the others WPs 36 Table of references 37 Appendix 44 7 Main body of the deliverable Introduction The selection of high-yielding and high-quality produce varieties coupled with the appropriate soil preparation, the right application of water (irrigation), and the rational management of the necessary nutrient inputs (fertilization) are major challenges to the agricultural production. However, the most important requisite for crop production is the protection of crops from pathogens (fungi, bacteria), viruses, and various animal pests (arthropods, nematodes, rodents, birds, slugs, snails) that inevitably attack crops and also from weeds that compete with crops for water, nutrients, and light (Oerke et al., 1994; Oerke and Dehne, 2004; Oerke, 2006). Infestations by potentially harmful organisms to crops have always been a major threat for the agricultural production worldwide. Crop yield losses due to pests can be substantial and in the case of serious product attacks the reduction in product quality can also occur (Hashemi et al., 2009). In particular, Oerke and Dehne (2004) reported that the potential yield losses (losses which occur without any cultural, physical, biological or chemical crop protection) of wheat, rice, maize, barley, potatoes, soybean, sugar beet, and cotton due to pathogens, viruses, various animal pests, and weeds were estimated worldwide to 15, 3, 18, and 32%, respectively, in 1996-1998. Among these eight crops the potential yield losses by pests worldwide varied from less than 48% (on barley) to more than 80% (on sugar beet and cotton). Recently published data by Oerke (2006) showed that the potential yield losses of wheat, rice, maize, potatoes, soybean, and cotton due to pathogens, viruses, various animal pests, and weeds were estimated worldwide to 13, 3, 19, and 34%, respectively, in 2001-2003, while the potential yield losses by pest infestations varied among the six crops from 51% (on wheat) to more than 80% (on cotton) (Table 1). Table 1. Estimated potential and actual losses due to pests (pathogens, viruses, animal pests, weeds) in six major crops worldwide in 2001-2003 (Oerke, 2006). Potential loss (%) Crop Pathogens Viruses Animal Actual loss (%) Weeds Total Pathogens Viruses pests Animal Weeds Total pests Wheat 16 3 9 23 51 10 2 8 8 28 Rice 14 2 24 37 77 11 2 15 10 38 Maize 9 3 16 40 68 9 3 10 10 32 Potatoes 21 9 15 30 75 15 7 11 8 41 8 Soybean 11 2 11 37 61 9 1 9 9 28 Cotton 9 1 37 36 83 7 1 12 9 29 The estimated yield losses for 40 crops grown in the USA without herbicides (for effective weed control) ranged from 5 to 67% (Gianessi and Reigner, 2006) and this was because the projected increase in hand weeding and soil cultivation (as common alternatives to herbicides) was not sufficient to prevent yield losses for these crops. Moreover, the estimated yield losses for fruit and vegetable crops grown in the USA without fungicides ranged from 50 to 95% (Gianessi and Reigner, 2005). The most common methods used to keep crop plants healthy and productive are cultural, physical, biological, and chemical. Cultural and physical methods used for control of pathogens, viruses, animal pests, and weeds are crop and variety selection (crops or improved varieties with disease and pest resistance or with high competitive ability against weeds), crop rotation, cropping patterns, intercropping, planting time, crop husbandry and hygiene, fertilization, irrigation, tillage, mowing of weeds, hand weeding, cover crop management (mulches), soil solarization, burning (flaming), and flooding (normally for weeds) (Barberi, 2002; Eleftherohorinos, 2008). Biological control involves the use of any organism (e.g. natural predators, parasites, pathogens, viruses, and herbivores) or any management practice using an organism to reduce or eliminate potential detrimental effects of pests on crops. Finally, chemical control involves the use of organic or inorganic synthetic pesticides (fungicides, insecticides, acaricides, nematicides, and herbicides) that selectively kill pests and consequently keep the crop plants healthy and able to give high yields of the best possible quality produce. The problem of weed control without herbicides has been cited numerous times as the biggest obstacle to crop production that organic crop growers encounter (Barberi, 2002; Earthbound Organic, 2006), and this is the major reason that organic crop hectarage in the USA totals 565,600 ha (0.5% of total US cropland) (Gianessi and Reigner, 2007). The latter is also confirmed by Walz (1999) who found that organic crop farmers from 30 research areas ranked weed control as the number one priority in three national surveys. Moreover, Gianessi and Reigner (2006) estimated that US crop production would decline by 135 billion kg of food and fibre or with a 20% loss in value of $16 billion, if herbicides were not used. They also estimated that growers spend $7 billion annually for herbicides and their application, whereas the total cost of increased labour for hand weeding and soil cultivation is estimated at $17 billion for 9 an increase in production cost of $10 billion without herbicides. The need for fuel would be 1,280 million L greater since twice as many cultivation trips would be needed to replace herbicide sprays, and cultivators use four times more fuel per trip than herbicide sprayers. A minimum of 1.1 billion h of hand labour would be required at peak season for hand weeding, necessitating the employment of 7 million more agricultural workers. However, even with increased soil cultivation and extra hand weeding, crop yields would be 20% lower. Pesticides are widely used in crop production because they help with consistency to minimize infestations by pests and thus ensure great supply and high quality of agricultural commodities with lower input costs (Matthews, 2006; Zimdahl, 2007; Cooper and Dobson, 2007). Data form the USA indicate that herbicides are routinely used on more than 90% of the area grown with several crops (Gianessi and Reigner, 2007) and fungicides are used on 91 to almost 100% of the area grown with peaches, peanuts, cherries, celery, apples, potatoes, carrots, strawberries, and grapes (Gianessi and Reigner, 2005). Despite the variety of crop protection methods (cultural, physical, biological, and chemical) applied, the actual averaged yield losses by pest infestations worldwide in 2001-03 are estimated to 26-29% for soybean, wheat and cotton, and to 31, 37 and 40% for maize, rice and potatoes, respectively (Table 1) (Oerke, 2006). These findings suggest that the methods used to control pests should be applied more properly for maximum efficacy (Gianessi and Reigner, 2007). Regarding pesticides, they should be applied at the right place, right rate (according to pest density), right time (according to pest stage), in the right way (using the most appropriate sprayer equipment), and by taking into account all possible safety measures for the operator, the consumers, and the environment (Polidoro et al., 2008). Pesticides are registered with the EU Commission (Directive 91/414) or US-EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) or with any other legislation which ensure that they can be used for their intended function without any undesirable effects on human health and the environment. The registration of a pesticide is a scientific, legal, and administrative process, where a wide variety of potential effects on human health and the environment associated with the use of a pesticide product is assessed, considering also the particular site or crop on which the product is going to be used, the amount, frequency, and timing of its use, and the recommended storage and disposal practices (Monaco et al., 2002; European Communities, 2004; US-EPA, 2009). Thus, results from tests that determine whether a pesticide has the potential to cause adverse effects 10 on humans, wildlife, fish, or plants, including also endangered species and non-target organisms, or the potential to cause contamination of surface water and groundwater from leaching, runoff, and spray drift must be provided before registration. However, although pesticides are developed to work with reasonable certainty and minimal risk to human health and environment, the published results are not always in agreement with this issue. Therefore, discussions among scientists and the public focused on the real, predicted, and perceived risks that pesticides pose to human health (e.g. worker exposure during pesticide application and consumer exposure to pesticide residues found in fresh fruit, vegetables and drinking water) and the environment (e.g. water and air contamination, toxic effects on non-target organisms) are justified (Pimentel, 2005; Burger et al., 2008; Mariyono, 2008; Damalas, 2009). The objective of this review was to summarize and evaluate the results related with crop yield losses due to pests and also to examine the role of pesticide use in crop production. In addition, results on the adverse effects of pesticide use on human health and the environment are presented along with the criteria and environmental risk indicators needed for pesticide selection to maximize crop production and minimize impacts on human health and the environment. Finally, food safety and food quality in relation with pesticide use as well as the possible negative impacts on the viability of the future crop production due to non-approval of some key pesticides in Europe are discussed. Pesticide effects on human health Human exposure to pesticides occurs in the case of agricultural workers in open fields and greenhouses, industrial workers, and exterminators of house pests (Atreya, 2008; Martínez-Valenzuela et al., 2009). The exposure of these workers increases in the case of not paying attention to the instructions on how to apply the pesticides and particularly when they ignore basic norms of hygiene regarding the use of personal protective equipment and the practice of washing hands after pesticide handling or before eating (Falck et al., 1999; Konradsen et al., 2003). In addition, the exposure of the general population to pesticides occurs through eating food and drinking water contaminated with pesticide residues. The human (agricultural workers and general population) health risk assessment to pesticides is not an easy and particularly accurate process because of differences in 11 the periods and levels of exposure, type of pesticides (regarding toxicity), mixtures or cocktails used in the field, and the geographic and meteorological characteristics of the agricultural areas where pesticides are applied (Bolognesi, 2003; Pastor et al., 2003). Such differences refer mainly to people who prepare the mixtures in the field, the pesticide operators and the population that lives near the sprayed places, storage rooms, greenhouses and open fields. Therefore, considering that human health risk is a function of pesticide toxicity and duration of exposure, a greater risk is expected from a moderate toxic pesticide to which a person is highly exposed compared with a highly toxic pesticide to which little exposure occurs. However, regarding the general population dietary exposure to pesticide residues found on food and drinking water, whether or not this exposure consists of a potential threat to human health is still the subject of great scientific controversy (Magkos et al., 2006). Regardless of the difficulties assessing the human health risk, the authorisation for pesticide commercialisation in Europe currently requires data of potential negative effects of the active substances on human health. These data are not obtained from experiments (tests) using humans but from metabolism, acute toxicity, sub-chronic or sub-acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, teratogenicity, generation studies and irritancy experiments using rat as a model mammal and in some cases dogs or rabbits (Matthews, 2006). The respective pesticide potential toxicity tests required by EPA (2009) for human health risk assessments are 1) acute toxicity tests, short-term exposure to a single dose [a) oral, dermal, and inhalation exposure, b) eye irritation, c) skin irritation, d) skin sensitization, e) neurotoxicity], 2) sub-chronic toxicity tests, intermediate repeated exposure (oral, dermal, inhalation, nerve system damage) over a longer period of time (i.e., 30-90 days), 3) chronic toxicity tests, long-term repeated exposure lasting for most of the test animal's life span and intended to determine the effects of a pesticide after prolonged and repeated exposures (chronic non-cancer and cancer effects), 4) developmental and reproductive tests to identify effects in the fetus of an exposed pregnant female (birth defects) and how pesticide exposure affects the ability of a test animal to reproduce successfully, 5) mutagenicity tests to assess pesticide potential to affect cell genetic components, and 6) hormone disruption tests to measure effects for their potential to disrupt the endocrine system (consists of a set of glands and hormones they produce that help guide the development, growth, reproduction, and behavior of animals including humans). 12 The acute toxicity experiments are required for the calculation of the oral acute lethal dose (LD50), which is the pesticide dose required killing half the members of a tested animal (rat) population, and the skin and eye acute percutaneous LD50. In addition, the acute inhalation lethal concentration (LC50), which is the pesticide concentration required to kill half of the exposed (4 hours) tested animals to a pesticide, is also calculated. These reference points are used by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) toxicity classifications of pesticides shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2. The WHO classification derived from the acute toxicity of pesticides (BCPC, 2006). LD50 for the rat (mg/kg b.w.) Oral Class Dermal Solids Liquids Solids Liquids Ia Extremely hazardous <5 <20 <10 <40 Ib Highly hazardous 5-50 20-200 10-100 40-400 II Moderately hazardous 50-500 200-2000 100-1000 400-4000 III Slightly hazardous >501 >2001 >1001 >4001 U Product unlike to present acute >2000 >3000 - - hazard in normal use O FM Not classified: believed obsolete Fumigants not classified Table 3. The EPA classification and signal words derived from the acute toxicity of pesticides (BCPC, 2006; EPA, 2009). Acute toxicity to rat Class I Signal Oral LD50 Dermal Inhalation words (mg/kg) LD50 (mg/kg) LC50 (mg/l) DANGER <50 <200 <0.2 Eye effects Corneal opacity Skin Effects Corrosive not reversible within 7 days II WARNING 50-500 200-2000 0.2-2.0 Irritation Severe irritation persisting for 7 at 72 hours days III IV CAUTION CAUTION (optional) 500-5000 >5000 2000-20,000 >20,000 2.0-20 >20 Irritation Moderate reversible within irritation at 72 7 days hours No irritation Mild or slight irritation at 72 hours 13 The long-term studies exposing test animals at a range of pesticide doses allow defining the reference point below no adverse symptoms occur. This dose (reference point), known as No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) or No Observed Effect Level (NOEL), is used to derive the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for humans, which is the amount of chemical that can be consumed every day for a lifetime with no harm. It is worth mentioning that a 100-fold safety or uncertainty factor is taken into account in calculating safe daily intakes of food by humans. This is done to overcome the possible differences between animal used in tests and humans as well as the interindividual variability. The Acute Reference Dose (ARfD) is also calculated for cases that people intake much higher levels of a pesticide than the ADI as a result of consuming certain foods or eating some foods only on one day. The value of ARfD is based on the lowest NOAEL but is adjusted by an appropriate uncertainty factor. Regarding those working with the pesticides regularly, the Acceptable Operator Exposure Level (AOEL) is calculated on the basis of short-term toxicity studies related to the oral route of pesticides (Matthews, 2006). The pesticides are additionally classified according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) principles (given in main entries under ‘IARC class’). The categorisation of a pesticide as carcinogenic is a matter of scientific judgement that reflects the strength of the evidence from epidemiological studies in humans, experiments with animals, and from mechanistic and other relevant data. The category is used when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans. Exceptionally, a pesticide may be categorized as carcinogenic when evidence of carcinogenicity in humans is less than sufficient but there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals and strong evidence in exposed humans that the pesticide acts through a relevant mechanism of carcinogenicity. According to IARC classification, a pesticide is classified in group 1, if it is carcinogenic to humans, in group 2A, if it is probably carcinogenic to humans (e.g. there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans but sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals), in group 2B, if it is possibly carcinogenic to humans (e.g. there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals), in group 3, if it is not classifiable as regards its carcinogenicity to humans (e.g. there is inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and inadequate or limited evidence of carcinogenicity in 14 experimental animals), and in group 4, if it is probably not carcinogenic to humans. The respective US-EPA classes for carcinogenicity are 1) carcinogenic to humans, 2) likely to be carcinogenic to humans, 3) suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential, 4) inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential, and 5) not likely to be carcinogenic to humans (EPA, 2009). The results on toxicity characterization (based on US-EPA, IARC, WHO, and Pesticide Action Network databases) of the 276 legally marketed active substances in Europe indicate that 32 out of 76 fungicides, 25 out of 87 herbicides, and 24 out of 66 insecticides are related to at least one health effect (carcinogenic, endocrine disruptor, reproductive and developmental toxicity, acute toxicity) (Karabelas et al., 2009). In particular, 51 and 8 pesticides (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides) are characterised as carcinogenic according to US-EPA and IARC databases, respectively, 24 pesticides as endocrine disruptors (based on Pesticide Action Network database), 22 pesticides as presenting reproductive and developmental toxicity (based on Pesticide Action Network database), and 28 pesticides as presenting acute toxicity (based on WHO classification). The 84 out of 276 active substances (81 are pesticides) currently approved in Europe and characterized as toxic by Karabelas et al. (2009) are in contrast with those reported by Keml (2008) for Swedish Chemical Agency and by the Pesticides Safety Directorate (2008) for UK. In particular, Keml (2008), taking into account the harder new EU cut-off criteria for approval of active substances, found 23 (8 herbicides, 11 fungicides, 3 insecticides and 1 plant growth regulator) out of 271 active substances (included in the Annex I of 91/414/EEC Directive as well as a number of substances with decision pending) to meet the cut-off criteria. Seven of these 23 substances have been identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction, 11 as endocrine disruptors and 4 substances as persistent, bio-accumulating, and toxic pollutants. The Pesticides Safety Directorate (2008), considering the approval criteria adopted by the Commission proposal and the European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee's, found that 60 of the 278 substances assessed are toxic. It is worth mentioning that only 14 and 37 characterised as toxic substances by Karabelas et al. (2009) are common as toxic in the respective studies conducted by Keml (2008) and the Pesticides Safety Directorate (2008). These results show clearly that the number of criteria used and the methods of their implementation for assessing the adverse effects of pesticides on human health affect differently the characterization of 15 the already approved pesticides in Europe and they would possibly affect the approval of the new compounds that will be developed in the near future. The above findings, because they were not resulted from cause-control studies on humans but mainly from toxicological studies on animals (rats, dogs, and rabbits) and in some cases from epidemiological studies (e.g. health effects due to rather long-time human exposure to low concentrations of pesticides) associated with high uncertainty in the estimation of the relevant human exposure pattern, should be interpreted with extra caution by policy makers. Concerning the epidemiological studies, the fact that a very large number (~704) of the most toxic active substances have been withdrawn in Europe over the past nine years implies that the results of these studies (where the currently banned toxic active substances unavoidably influenced the outcome) should also be interpreted with extra caution, especially for drawing conclusions about the present day pesticide health impact (Karabelas et al., 2009). In addition, the concern of many independent and government scientists in Europe regarding the negative effects of the fewer approved pesticides on crop protection against some pests, should be taken into account by policy makers on pesticide use. Pesticide effects on the environment Pesticides, in addition to their potential negative effects on human health, can also pose adverse effects on the environment (e.g. water, soil and air contamination, toxic effects on non-target organisms) (Burger et al., 2008; Mariyono, 2008). In particular, their inappropriate use has been often linked with 1) adverse effects on non-target organisms (e.g. reduction of beneficial species populations), 2) water pollution from mobile pesticides or from pesticide drift, 3) air pollution from volatile pesticides, 4) injury on non-target plants from herbicide drift, 5) toxicity to rotational crops from herbicide residues in the field, 6) crop injury due to high rate, wrong application time or unfavourable environmental conditions prevailing at and after pesticide application (Kent, 2009; Eleftherohorinos, 2008). Many of the above adverse effects mainly depend on the toxicity of a pesticide, the application rate, and how long a pesticide persists in the environment. Therefore, for the assessment of environmental risk of a pesticide, its fate and behaviour are initially assessed by the calculation of the predicted environmental concentration (PEC), which in USA is referred to as estimated environmental concentration (EEC) 16 (Matthews, 2006). These environmental concentrations are calculated for soil, water, sediment and air, and their validation is performed by their comparison with the data obtained from the three levels of tests (needed for approval-registration purposes) to assess the pesticide toxicity on key non-target organisms (Table 4). In addition, the toxicity exposure ratio (TER) is also calculated to determine whether the risk to the organism is acceptable or not (Matthews, 2006). In particular, the TER is calculated from the LC50 or equivalent measure of the susceptibility of an organism divided by the PEC relevant to the situation the organism is living. In general, a higher tier risk assessment (2, 3) is needed when TER is <100, whereas a chronic risk assessment is required in the case of TER <10. Although the agricultural soil is the primary recipient for pesticides, water bodies adjacent to agricultural areas are usually the ultimate recipient for pesticide residues (Pereira et al., 2009). This issue is the reason for European authorities to require data (before the pesticide commercialisation in Europe) related with the risk of non-target terrestrial and aquatic organisms when addressing the potential adverse effects of pesticides on the environment. Table 4. The three level tests to assess pesticide toxicity on non-target organisms (Matthews, 2006; BCPC, 2006). Species Birds (bobwhite quail or mallard ducks) Freshwater fish (rainbow trout or Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Acute toxicity Reproduction test Field test LD50 (8-14 Fish life days) cycle study LC50 (96 h) minnows) Effects on spawning Aquatic invertebrate (Daphnia, shrimp) LC50 (48 h) Full life cycle Non-target invertebrate (honey bee) LD50 (48 h) Effects of residues Pollination on foliage field test Non-target invertebrate (earthworms) LC50 (14 days) Effects of residues on foliage Aquatic plants (algae) EC50 (96 h) Other beneficial species LD50 (48 h) Plant vigour Considering the adverse effects linked with the use of pesticides in agriculture, the use of criteria to select pesticides that are effective, cost efficient, non-toxic to the 17 users, and environmentally safe has been an emerging reality because it reduces the impact of pesticides on human health and the environment (Hornsby et al., 1993; Reus et al., 2002; Bockstaller et al., 2009). In addition, the use of environmental risk indicators as an alternative to direct pesticide impact measurements which are linked with methodological difficulties (e.g. impossibility of measurement, complexity of the system) or practical reasons (e.g. time, cost) has also been a reality (Bockstaller et al., 2009). These indicators have already been used by Reus et al. (2002) and Bockstaller et al. (2009) to assess the risk of pesticide use to surface water and groundwater contamination, soil organisms (mainly earthworms), bioaccumulation, bees, human health, and emission to air. The calculation of the environmental indicators used in these two studies was based on pesticide persistence in soil (half-life, DT50), mobility in soil (organic-carbon adsorption coefficient, Koc) and toxicity to water (lethal concentration for aquatic organisms, LC50) and soil organisms (No observed effect concentration, NOEC). Regarding the contribution of the environmental indicators on pesticide selection, a study conducted by Reus et al. (2002) to evaluate 15 individual pesticide applications by using eight indicators showed the following: 1. The ranking of the 15 pesticide applications by the indicators differed when the score for the environment was concerned as a whole. This was caused by the large environmental differences in the regions included in the study. However, some pesticides among the 15 active ingredients had a high ranking (higher impact on the environment) with all indicators. 2. The pesticide risk indicators gave similar ranking of the 15 pesticide applications for the individual region surface water, groundwater, and soil contamination. 3. The ranking based on the indicator ‘kilograms of active ingredient’ did not show correlation with most of the rankings by the pesticide risk indicators. The scores for surface water contamination were largely determined by the toxicity to water organisms, whereas the scores for groundwater contamination were determined by DT50 and Koc. However, an exception was recorded with two pesticides that were found toxic or mobile although they had been applied at extremely low rates. Taking into account the above discrepancies, some of the parameters reported below could also be used for the calculation of the environmental risk indicators in order to increase their reliability for pesticide selection and consequently increase their contribution on reduction of the pesticide adverse effects on environment (Reus et al., 2002). 18 Kow = Partition coefficient between n-octanol and water (as the log value). A high value for the partition coefficient is regarded as an indicator that substances will bioaccumulate (unless other factors operate). Henry’s Law constant at 25 oC = active substance volatility parameter (index for air pollution). GUS (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) leaching potential index: GUS= log10 (t1/2) x [4log10 (Koc)] (index for water pollution). Koc = Organic carbon sorption constant (ml g-1) (index for water pollution). DT50 = It is a measure of the amount of time it takes for 50 percent of the parent compound to disappear from the field soil (index for environmental pollution). Mamtox LD50 = It is the pesticide dose required to kill half the members of a tested animal (rats, dogs, rabbits) population (index for non-target organism effect). Fishtox LC50 = It is the pesticide concentration required to kill half the members of a tested fish population (index for non-target organism effect). Birdtox LD50 = It is the pesticide dose required to kill half the members of a tested bird population (index for non-target organism effect). Beetox LD50 = It is the pesticide dose required to kill half the members of a bee population (index for non-target organism effect). Algaetox LC50 = It is the pesticide concentration required to kill half the members of a tested algae population (index for non-target organism effect). Daphniatox LC50 = It is the pesticide concentration required to kill half the members of Daphnia population (index for non-target organism effect). Despite continuing disagreements over the degree of risk posed by pesticides, it appears that people have become increasingly concerned about pesticide use and particularly about their impacts on human health and environmental quality (Damalas, 2009). This increase in concern resulted from their reduced trust in agricultural and industrial methods of production as well as on the authorities’ regulations that aim to protect both the environment and human health. Therefore, considering the existence of some uncertainties in evaluating the safety of pesticides, scientific data, policy guidelines, and professional judgment must be incorporated in estimating whether a pesticide can be used beneficially within the limits of acceptable risk. The probability of reducing the environmental risk associated with pesticide use is very low because the producers believe that lowering risk implies either decreased output or increased input use resulting from substitution of the pesticide inputs or by 19 employing alternative disposal practices (Paul et al., 2002). Thus, policies that aim at reducing the risks associated with pesticide use will impose some extra costs on the agricultural production, which in turn will affect agricultural commodity prices. This is confirmed by the cost-function-based production model used by Paul et al. (2002), which indicated that substantive costs would be imposed on the agricultural sector by requirements to reduce environmental risk deriving from pesticide use. These costs are most directly associated with increases in effective pesticide demand, for a given level of agricultural output, which implies induced innovation to augment pesticide quality associated with increased cost. The costs of pesticide use in agriculture, in terms of the augmentation of risks to both human health and environment, are private and social. The private cost includes the purchase cost (unit price of the pesticide input) incurred by the producers in the agricultural sector, which also reflects the cost of the research developments embodied in the pesticide input that both enhance its effective impact and reduce risk (Paul et al., 2002). The social cost accrues from the use of the environment as a free input and by the producer’s use of pesticides that can impose risks to both human health and to the broader ecological environment. The above concerns about pesticide impacts on human health and environment led the European Union to develop a Thematic Strategy on Sustainable use of Pesticides (Commission of the European Communities, 2006a) and the agricultural scientists to suggest and develop alternative crop management systems that would minimize the negative effects of conventional farming (mainly with respect to pesticide use for crop protection) to the environment, farm workers, and consumers’ health. Regarding the alternative crop management systems, agricultural scientists developed the Integrated Crop Management (ICM) that includes guidelines for the production of agricultural products safe for the consumers, with simultaneous respect for the environment and also having the sustainable development as the main target (Frangerberg, 2000; Baker et al., 2002; Tsakiris et al., 2004; Nwilene et al., 2008; Bulger et al., 2008). ICM also includes measures for good agricultural practices (GAP), the safety and hygiene of workers, the safety of products, the full traceability of measurements, and specific actions for the preservation of the environment (Chandler et al., 2008). Concerning control of pests, ICM encourages the use of complementary methods (crop resistance against insects and fungi, biological control, other cultural and physical measures) to reduce pest populations below the economic injury level and to minimize impacts on other components of the agro-ecosystem, satisfying the needs of producers, the wider 20 society, and the environment (Kogan, 1998). Concerning the use of pesticides, ICM allows pesticide use only through an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program (Nwilene et al, 2008; Chandler et al., 2008; Mariyono, 2008), where criteria are used for pesticide selection, specific instructions are followed for their application on crops, and residue analysis is one of the tools used for enforcement. Concerning the selected pesticides for use in IPM, these are [1) biologically efficient (high selectivity, fast impact, optimal residual effect, good plant tolerance, low risk of resistance), 2) user friendly (low acute toxicity, low chronic toxicity, safe formulation and improved packaging, easy application method, long store stability), 3) environmentally sound (low toxicity to non-target organisms, fast degradation in the environment, limited mobility in soil, no residues in food and fodder above MRLs, low application rates), 4) economically viable (good cost/profit ratio for farmer, broad use, applicability in IPM, innovative product characteristics, competitive, patentable)]. The introduction of IPM system contributed to a significant reduction of pesticide use per unit of area without affecting crop productivity or increasing the probability of crop losses (Nwilene et al., 2008; Mariyono, 2008; Burger et al., 2008). This was achieved as a consequence of 1) using a pesticide at the recommended dose when a pest is found or when a precautionary treatment is thought necessary, 2) optimizing pesticide use for economic saving through adjusted doses according to pest population density, and 3) minimizing pesticide need by altering the cultivation system to lower the risk of pests (Burger et al., 2008). Regarding the analysis of the amount of active ingredient applied or money spent on pesticides, these variables should be used only as a first approximation, because the dosage of active ingredients is not closely related to environmental activity, while environmental friendly and innovative compounds are often more expensive than obsolete and hazardous ones. Pesticides in EU and their impacts on crop production sustainability Regardless of the difficulties to be precise about the active substances available globally, the ongoing re-evaluation process (Directive 91/414) in European Union indicated that there were 1066 (920 existing prior 1993 and 146 new) active substances (Karabelas et al., 2009). One hundred ninety four (194) of the existing active substances have been positively assessed by this process and retained in Annex I, while evaluation of the 31 remaining active substances is still on-going (pending) 21 and 695 active substances have been withdrawn from the European market. In addition, 82 of the new active substances have been approved by this process, while 55 are under evaluation (await judgment or decision) and nine (9) have been withdrawn from the European market. Among the currently approved 276 active substances in Europe, 87 are herbicides, 76 fungicides, 66 insecticides, 16 plant growth regulators, and 31 various (acaricides, nematicides, rodenticides). The number of the already available pesticides for use will be further reduced if the amendments proposed by the European Parliament (2009) are going to be taken into account. Most authorities believe that around 20 of the already approved substances will be impacted by the harder cut-off criteria proposed by the European Parliament (Karabelas et al., 2009). In particular, the key points of the new European Parliament legislation on the production and licensing of pesticides are the following: ï‚· A positive list of approved active substances is to be drawn up at EU level. Pesticides will then be licensed at national level on the basis of this list. ï‚· Certain highly toxic chemicals will be banned unless exposure to them would in practice be negligible, namely those which are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction, those which are endocrine-disrupting, and those which are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic or very persistent, very bioaccumulative. ï‚· For developmental neurotoxic and immunotoxic substances, higher safety standards may be imposed. ï‚· If a substance is needed to combat a serious danger to plant health, it may be approved for up to five years even if it does not meet the above safety criteria. ï‚· Products containing certain hazardous substances are to be replaced if safer alternatives are shown to exist (replacement should be done within three years). ï‚· Substances likely to be harmful to honeybees will be outlawed. The above cut-off criteria approved by the European Parliament will remove some substances which are particularly important in the UK and other EU countries for protection of minor crops such as carrots, onions, and parsnips (UK Pesticide Safety Directorate, 2008; Turner et al., 2008). Also, there is a potentially severe impact on management of pest resistance. This is because effective resistance management is reliant on having pesticides with different modes of action incorporated into strategies 22 (including non-chemical methods) to reduce selection pressure and thus minimise the likelihood of resistance development. Therefore, with reliance on fewer active substances and in most cases on pesticides with similar mode of action, the opportunity for choice is reduced and the risk of resistance substantially increased. It is possible that the endocrine disruptor criteria could impact particularly the fungicide availability and might result in 20-30% yield losses in cereals grown in UK (Pesticide Safety Directorate, 2008; Turner et al., 2008). Also, the non-approval of some key herbicides for black-grass control in cereals would result in severe economic impacts and would make the cereal crops no longer viable. In addition, the non-approval of pesticides for seed treatments and various other (only recently approved) alternate mode of action chemicals would cause highly significant impact across all areas of arable and horticultural crops, while in certain areas it may not be economic to grow at all. The proposals would also have very significant impact in amenity and industrial situations where weed control is important (Pesticide Safety Directorate, 2008). The analysis conducted by Turner et al. (2008) to estimate the possible impact of four proposed revision scenarios (Commission Exclusion, Commission Substitution, Parliament Exclusion, Parliament Substitution for EU Directive 91/414/EEC) on the sustainability of current levels of pest control in wheat grown in UK indicated that wheat yield losses due to pests (diseases, insects, weeds) are predicted to average 18 and 34% under the Commission Exclusion and Commission Substitution scenario, respectively (Table 5). However, taking into account the Parliament Exclusion and Parliament Substitution scenarios wheat yield losses will increase by 38 and 75%. In addition, implementation of the Commission Exclusion, Commission Substitution and Parliament Exclusion scenarios would raise food safety concerns due to the predicted increase in the level of mycotoxins in grain. Expected benefits by the use of resistant varieties do not compensate for losses that would be incurred due to loss of effective fungicides, whereas a possible move to organic production would result in a minimum of a 40% reduction in yields and yields are predicted to suffer at least a 16% loss due to diseases. Finally, under all scenarios, new varieties and new chemistry would be under enormous pressure for development of pest resistance, while the employment of new cultural practices for the improvement of crop management carries also penalties (Turner et al., 2008). 23 Table 5. Estimated impact of four revision scenarios of 91/414/EEC on UK wheat yield loss* (Turner et al., 2008). % yield loss (range across country) Average Current Commission Commission Parliament Parliament impact practice exclusion substitution exclusion substitution Diseases 6 (1-13) 11 (4-25) 14 (5-32) 16 (7 –33) 26 (17-51) Weeds - 7 20 22 39 Pests (insects) - <1 <1 <1 10 Total impact - 18 34 38 75 * Assumption made that attainable yield = 9 t/ha (mean of 2004 and 2007) It is obvious from the above that the considerable concerns related with the potential severity of the non-approval pesticide impacts on the future sustainability of crop production should be taken into account of our European project (TEAMPEST) that intends to provide 1) a solid methodological framework that will serve as the foundation for the introduction of EU policies aiming at achieving a sustainable use of pesticides in European agriculture, and 2) an accurate assessment of the external costs of agricultural pesticide use and contribute to the relevant EU policies aimed at the reduction of pesticide use to its socially optimal level. Most pesticide-demanding crops and EU projects on pesticides The comparison of the crops selected (apples, tomato, potato, grapes, maize, and wheat) for joint research (case studies) in the ENDURE Network of Excellence Program indicated that the reducing order of these crops, according to the number of recorded fungi and insects species that infect and attack these crops grown in Greece, is apples>tomato>potato>grapes>maize=wheat (Agrotypos, 2008); however, according to the number of recorded weed species that compete the crops for nutrients and water, the respective reducing order is apples>grapes>wheat>tomato=potato=maize. In addition, the reducing crop order, according to the number (within parenthesis) of fungicides and insecticides registered for use in Greece (and many other countries in EU) is grapes (116)>apples (77) >tomato (74)>potato (68)>maize (23)>wheat (13), whereas the corresponding order according to the number (within parenthesis) of herbicides registered for use is maize (39)>wheat (30)>potato (16)=apples (9)>grapes (11)>tomato (8) (Agrotypos, 2008). The above findings indicate that grapes and apples are the two most pesticide- 24 demanding crops and therefore could be used for our research as case studies. For this purpose, the pesticides used for apple tree protection in Europe along with some ecotoxicity and mammalian toxicity parameters are presented in Tables 6 and 7 (Tomlin, 2006; Agrotypos, 2008; FOOTPRINT, 2009). Pesticide parameters (characteristics) related with General information, Physicochemical properties, Environmental Fate, Ecotoxicology and Human Health could be found in the FOOTPRINT (Functional Tools for Pesticide Risk Assessment and Management) Pesticide Properties Database (FOOTPRINT PPDB, This database provides the following information for 650 pesticide active substances used in EU and worldwide: • General information (common and chemical names, language translations, chemical group, formula, structures, pesticide type, CAS/EC numbers and data related to country registration). • Physicochemical data (solubility, vapour pressure, density, dissociation constants, melting point and information on degradation products). • Environmental fate data [octanol-water partition constant (Log P), Henry’s law constant, degradation rates in soil, sediments and water (half-life, DT50), the Freundlich sorption coefficient (Kf) and the organic-carbon sorption constant (Koc)]. • Human health information [World Health Organisation toxicity classifications, Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), Acute Reference Dose (ARfD), toxicity to mammals (LD50, LC50), other exposure limits and toxicity endpoints, plus the EC risk and safety classifications (many risk symbols for handling and risk phrases), Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC) in drinking water]. • Ecotoxicology (acute and chronic toxicity data for a range of fauna and flora plus information on bioaccumulation). Harmonised environmental and human health risk indicators for the pesticides used in EU and worldwide could be found in HAIR (HArmonised environmental Indicators for pesticide Risk) PROJECT database ( Modellen/HAIR.jsp). This tool includes environmental fate and exposure data, and the resulting acute and chronic risks for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, groundwater, public health (including pregnant women) and applicators of the pesticides. In particular, this database provides information on GIS, compound properties, usage/sales, terrestrial indicators, aquatic indicators, groundwater indicators, consumer indicators, and occupational indicators. The project supports 25 Community policies for sustainable agriculture by providing a harmonised European approach for indicators of the overall risk of pesticides. It integrates European scientific expertise on the use, emissions and environmental fate of pesticides and their impact on agro-ecosystems and human health. The indicators provide new and powerful assessment tools for monitoring and managing the overall risks of pesticides. This contributes directly to Agenda 2000 aims for sustainable agriculture, and to the 6th Environment Action Programme’s Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products. Pesticide data useful for our project are not available yet from the ENDURE Network of Excellence Program, since this project started recently. However, it is worth mentioning that the overall objective of this EU funded project (2007-2010) is to restructure European research and development efforts on the use of plant protection products and establish the new entity as a world leader in crop protection, with the development and implementation of sustainable pest control strategies. This includes a focus on rationalising and reducing pesticide inputs as well as on mitigating inherent risks through a greater exploitation of alternative technologies, and basing control strategies on a more cohesive knowledge of the ecology, behaviour and genetics of pest organisms. The operational and structural objectives of the network are: ï‚· To overcome fragmentation in crop protection research and development within Europe through the design and implementation of a joint programme of research on crop protection as well as through the creation of a virtual crop-pest control laboratory. ï‚· To reinforce the R&D capacities needed in Europe to improve the basic understanding of crop pest systems and develop durable pest control strategies. ï‚· To progress towards a transnational entity aimed at reducing and optimising pesticides inputs by encouraging durable integration of the leading European crop protection institutions, forming the nucleus of excellence around and from which institutions and researchers can integrate their activities. ï‚· To create a European centre of reference for supporting public policy makers, regulatory bodies, stakeholders and extension services. ï‚· To increase mobility of researchers and joint use of facilities, equipment and tools. 26 ï‚· To ensure the spreading of excellence and support training to facilitate the adoption of safer and environmentally friendly crop protection approaches. Food quality and safety with respect to pesticide use Quality is a human construct and implies the degree of excellence of a product or its suitability for a particular use. Quality of the produce, according to Abbott (1999), encompasses sensory attributes (appearance, texture, taste and aroma), nutritive values, chemical constituents, mechanical properties, functional properties and defects. Although instrumental measurements are preferred over sensory evaluations for many research and commercial applications, the consumers prefer to integrate all of their sensory inputs such as appearance, aroma, flavor, hand-feel, mouth-feel, and chewing sounds into a final judgment of the acceptability of a fruit or vegetable (Abbot, 1999). Some researchers claim that food quality is affected by the production system. In particular, proponents of organic agriculture (food production without use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides) often claim that organically produced plant foods promote health of humans more than products from conventionally grown plants (Brandt and Molgaard, 2001). However, other researchers claim the opposite and many doubt that there is no difference in food quality due to production system. Considering this issue, the literature review related with the differences between food quality and particularly between the nutrition profile of conventionally produced foods (with use of synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers) and organically produced foods is limited and far from comprehensive (NZFSA, 2008). Therefore, this literature should only be read as an indication of available research and not as a scholarly assessment of that research (Bourn and Prescott, 2002; Magkos et al., 2006; Winter and Davis, 2006). Review articles, making comparisons of the nutritional quality of organic and conventional foods, did not indicate significant differences. Woese et al. (1997) using results from more than 150 investigations (comparing the quality of conventionally and organically produced cereals, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits) indicated no major differences in physicochemical characteristics between products of the two different production systems. In particular, their findings on nutritional profile of vegetables showed no differences between organic and conventional products in the contents of minerals, trace elements, vitamins [A (or b-carotin), B1, B2 and C], fructose, glucose, 27 saccharose, proportion of monosaccharides in total sugar, total protein (crude protein), pure protein, relative protein content (share of pure protein among total protein), organic acids (total acid, malic acid, citric acid and oxalic acid), betaine in beetroot, mustard oils in white cabbage and leeks, raw fibres in carrots and tomatoes, and lycopene in tomatoes. Similarly, comparisons between fruit (apples, pineapples and strawberries) also showed no differences between organic and conventional products in the content of minerals, vitamins (B1, B2, and C), carbohydrates, proteins, free amino acids and organic acids (Woese et al., 1997). Finally, their results on potatoes indicated no clear differences due to cultivation system in content of minerals, trace elements, vitamin C, starch or dry matter. In a review of 1149 nutrient content comparisons from 46 satisfactory qualitycrop studies vitamin C, phenolic compounds, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, and total soluble solids content of organically and conventionally produced foods were comparable (Dangour et al., 2009). Similarly, the comparison of fatty acid composition (e.g. saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) of commercially available edible oils from certified organic (59) and conventional (53) agricultural methods indicated no consistent overall trend of difference in fatty acid composition due to production system (Samman et al., 2008). In addition, Roose et al. (2009) indicated that lutein and zeaxanthin content of organically produced soft and hard wheat, in terms of benefits for a healthy nutrition, showed no major advantages or disadvantages compared with conventionally produced wheat. In contrast to the above results, the review of 41 studies showed that organic crops contained 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 29.3% more magnesium, and 13.6% more phosphorus than did conventional crops (Worthington, 2001). Winter and Davis (2006) also reported that organic production methods lead to increases in nutrients, particularly organic acids and polyphenolic compounds, many of which are considered to have potential human health benefits as antioxidants. However, Woese et al. (1997) found that the protein content of organically grown cereals, mainly wheat and rye, was lower (this leads to undesirable consequences for baking properties) than that of conventionally produced cereals. In addition, their findings in potatoes showed a clear trend towards higher crude and pure protein contents in conventionally than organically produced potatoes. The above findings suggest that general conclusions are impossible to be drawn from the present state of the published research and consequently there is no reason to 28 support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods to increase the intake of specific nutrients or other nutritionally relevant substances. However, these results, taking into account that pesticides have the potential of significant increase of food production as compared with the alternatives used in organic food production, allow suggesting that pesticides could be characterized as more useful tools in food production than the alternative methods used for crop protection in organic farming systems, having a positive effect on food production and no adverse effect on food quality. Food safety is receiving more attention than ever before by governments and policy makers, health professionals, food industry, biomedical community, and public (Magkos et al., 2006). This is because of the lack of trust in agricultural and industrial methods of production and food quality that gives rise to uncertainty and insecurity. Safe food from the view of consumers is ‘the food that did not contain any pesticide (synthetic chemicals) residues, nitrates, pathogenic microbes, naturally occurring toxins, environmental pollutants (heavy metals), biological pesticide residues, copper and fluoride residues’ (Magkos et al., 2006; NZFSA, 2008). Regarding pesticide residues, although extensive toxicological testing of food for their presence has been carried out for more than 50 years, whether or not dietary exposure to such chemicals constitutes a potential threat to human health is still the subject of great scientific controversy (Magkos et al., 2006). The limited reports comparing pesticide residues on organic and conventional produce have consistently showed the presence of some pesticide residues on organic produce, but often at lower prevalence and levels than on conventionally grown crops (Baker et al., 2002; Tasiopoulou et al., 2007; Pesticide Residues Committee, 2008; Cresseya et al., 2009). In particular, the three US surveillance programmes reported by Baker et al. (2002) showed that the US Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program found 23% of 127 organic samples contained pesticide residues, while 73% of 26,571 conventional ‘no market claim’ samples had pesticide residues. In addition, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation Marketplace Surveillance Program found generally lower prevalence of pesticide residues in the samples examined with only 6.5% of 1,097 organic samples and 30.9% of 66,057 ‘no market claim’ samples containing pesticide residues. Finally, the Consumers Union survey of four food types (apple, peaches, green peppers, tomatoes) found the highest prevalence of pesticide 29 residues of the three surveys with 27% of 67 organic samples and 79% of 68 ‘no market claim’ samples containing pesticide residues. The Italian study conducted by Tasiopoulou et al. (2007) showed a 10-fold greater presence of pesticide residues (874 of 3242, 27%) in conventional products compared with organic food (seven of 266 samples, 2.6%) samples. Regarding the presence of multiple residues, the results showed the presence of multiple residues in 0.8% of organic and 8.8% of conventional food samples. Concerning the presence of residues exceeded the maximum residue limits (MRLs), there were found 1 and 36 samples in organic and in conventional produce, respectively. Therefore, based on these findings, any attempt to compare organic and conventional foodstuffs in terms of potential risks for human health due to dietary exposure to pesticide residues cannot be done easily, since in both cases the presence of residues above the MRLs is very low. The Pesticide Residues Committee (2008), examining 4,129 food samples (a total of 606,000 food and pesticide combinations), found that 53.8% of samples contained no residues, 45% of samples had residues below the MRLs, and 1.2% of samples contained residues above the MRLs. The Commission of the European Communities (2008) in the monitoring of pesticide residues in products of plant origin found that that 51% of the 54,652 analysed fruit and vegetable samples in 2006 contained no residues, 45% of the samples had residues below the MRLs, and 4% of the samples contained residues above the MRLs. It is worth mentioning that in European Union, since September 2008, a new legislative framework (Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council) on pesticide residues is applicable. This Regulation completes the harmonization and simplification of pesticide MRLs, while also ensures better consumer protection throughout the EU. With the new legislation, MRLs undergo a common EU assessment to make sure that all classes of consumers, including the vulnerable ones, like babies and children, are sufficiently protected. Moreover, the new harmonized Community provisions also facilitate commerce, by eliminating inappropriate technical barriers to trade. All decision-making in this area has to be science-based and a consumer intake assessment has to be carried out by the European Food Safety Authority before concluding on the safety of an MRL (EFSA, 2009). The recent study conducted by Cresseya et al. (2009) to determine the prevalence and concentrations of pesticide residues in conventionally and organically produced samples (bananas, broccoli, grapes, lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, and wine) showed that 30 pesticide residues were found in 130 of 307 conventionally produced food samples (42%) and in nine of 41 organic food samples (22%), including six out of eleven (55%) organic tomato samples. Four organically produced food samples (9.8%) and 24% of conventionally produced food samples contained multiple residues. Nine conventionally produced food samples (2.6%) had pesticide residues above the MRLs. Where direct comparisons were possible between conventionally and organically produced food samples, the mean concentration of residues was usually lower in the organic produce, but was generally higher than would be expected from spray drift or other adventitious sources. While the presence of these residues does not pose a major risk to human health, their presence is inconsistent with consumer expectations for organic produce. The above findings show that regardless of the fact that organic food is supposed to be pesticide-free, the organic fruits and vegetables were found to contain pesticide residues much less frequently and at lower levels than their conventional alternatives. Therefore, claims that organic foods are safer because of the fewer and less pesticide residues than conventional foods are not justified because such compounds are not permitted in organic food production (NZFSA, 2009). In addition, the claim that organic foods are ‘safer’ than conventional food is not true because there is no current evidence to support or refute this claim that organic food is safer and thus healthier than conventional food, or vice versa (Magkos et al., 2006). Regarding food safety from a practical standpoint, the marginal benefits of reducing human exposure to pesticides in the diet through increased consumption of organic produce appear to be insignificant (Winter and Davis, 2006). The necessity of pesticide use in crop production Pesticides have been classified for their important contribution to producers as the most valuable and irreplaceable tools among the available methods used to minimize infestations by pests and thus protect crops from potential yield losses and reduction of product quality (Matthews, 2006; Zimdahl, 2007). This is because of 1) broad spectrum, 2) fast and complete control, 3) effectiveness against difficult to control pathogens, animal pests and weeds, 4) ability to control weeds (with herbicides) beyond reach of cultivator, 5) reliability, 6) lower energy for efficient control, 7) economical control, 8) less time and labor requirements, 9) flexibility for application, 31 10) increase of available cropping systems, 11) increase of production flexibility, 12) increase of feasibility of no-tillage system that reduces soil erosion (due to herbicide application), 13) improvement of total farm enterprises efficiency, 14) better employment of workers, 15) protection of the environment (using herbicides to control weeds reduces the need for cultivation that increases soil erosion and land degradation), 16) protection of pets and humans (pesticides for control of spiders or cockroaches in houses and fleas on pets), 17) prevention of problems [a) the use of herbicides prevents weeds to establish in gardens and lawns, b) the treatment of export and import produce prevents the spread of pests, and c) the treatment of stored products prevents pest attack and destruction during storage], and 18) increase of profit (Zimdahl, 2007; Jorgensen et al., 1999; Eleftherohorinos, 2008). The main benefit of pesticide use to producers takes the form of increased output (greater supply and higher quality of agricultural commodities) for a given level of inputs (or lower input costs for a given production level) compared with that if producers had to reduce environmental risk by decreasing output (production of desirable and undesirable outputs) or increasing input use (substitution of pesticides or use of alternative waste disposal practices) (Paul et al., 2002). The benefit from the use of pesticides can not only accrue to producers, but also to other pesticide users, marketplace, consumers, and society (Damalas, 2009). For example, herbicides replace the laborious and more time required hand weeding and reduce the fossil-fuel requirements for mechanical weed control. Also, their use eliminates the trees and brush growing beneath power lines and provides unobstructed access for maintenance and repairs. In addition, herbicides are used to control vegetation along highways for safety reasons and to manage invasive weeds in parks, wetlands, and natural areas. Other kinds of benefits due to pesticide use also include the maintenance of aesthetic quality, the protection of human health from certain disease-carrying organisms, the suppression of nuisance-causing pests, and the protection of other organisms from pests, including endangered species (Damalas, 2009). Although the reliance of crop production on chemical pest control may be reduced in some cases, the pesticide-free production in fruits and vegetables would be a disaster because it will reduce significantly their availability for all people and particularly for the poor people (Knutson et al., 1997). This is because (a) genetic resistance is often overcome by animal pests and pathogens, (b) the efficacy and 32 reliability of biocontrol agents is limited, and (c) today manual weed control cannot be expected from farmers in most regions. Thus, the use of synthetic pesticides is often unavoidable and its significance is projected to increase, especially in developing countries. Considering the fact that there is no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods to increase the intake of specific nutrients or nutritionally relevant substances, this allows suggesting that pesticides, by increasing yield and improving quality of the produce, could be classified as more useful tools in food production than the alternative methods used for crop protection in organic farming systems. One of the plant protection strategies that could reduce the amount of pesticides used is the application of combined techniques, including biological, biotechnical, plant breeding and agronomical methods in order to limit the use of pesticides to a necessary extent (Burger et al., 2008). The term “necessary extent” of pesticide use, according to German Pesticide Reduction Programme, describes the intensity of pesticide use which is necessary to maintain crop production profitable, utilizing all other practicable pest control measures and adequately considering the environmental and consumer protection (Burger et al., 2008). This could be done by 1) using the pesticides at the recommended doses, 2) following all environmental regulations, 3) optimising plant protection and pesticide use at the intensity necessary to maintain profitable cropping, 4) reducing pesticide use to a necessary minimum by more integration of treatment thresholds, 5) adopting the use of non-chemical measures (resistant or competitive cultivars) in order to lower the risk of pest infestation, and 6) using pesticides as a last measure. Despite of the available clear and useful information for farmers on optimising pesticide use, the respective information about the effects of agronomical control measures with relation to economics and risk is very contradictory and unclear. Regarding the optimisation of pesticides amount used, crop-loss-models (possible yield without any control measures) are needed to be developed by weed researchers, phytopathologists and entomologists, which show the relationship between pest (weed, insect, fungi) intensity and yield loss. Also, dose-response curves are required that illustrate the effect that a pesticide has on a certain pest, so that doses needed for a given level of control can be calculated. However, concerning the effects of agronomical control measures on crop protection, Burger et al. (2008) reported that non-chemical methods like mechanical weeding, cultural means or biological insect 33 control can be a substitution for pesticide use in individual cases, but they cannot generally replace the pesticide use. In addition, although reduced tillage protects soil from erosion and promises economic savings through reduced fuel, time and machinery, it is associated with higher weed levels and consequently with the need of herbicide use. The pressure of infestation by harmful organisms on a crop depends on the environmental conditions, cropping system, cultivar resistance and crop condition (Burger et al., 2008). In general, complete pest control may not be appropriate to maximise profit. For example, a crop is possible to tolerate some remaining weeds after herbicide treatment and therefore the second application of other herbicides can be avoided. Similarly, some fungicides with curative as well as protective properties can be sprayed in smaller amounts if the treatment is delayed until the threshold for the curative treatment is reached. These results indicate that epidemiological surveys and calculations of prices and costs, economic injury levels should be taken into account for a profitable crop production system aiming reduction of pesticides used. Apart from the use of thresholds that form an integral part of integrated pest management (IPM), the use of pesticides should be optimised according to the pests to be treated and the environmental conditions. The selection of the most appropriate pesticide, or a mixture, as well as the adjustment of doses to the level of infestation, yield target and environmental conditions at spraying time, can increase treatment success and consequently save inputs and costs. Regarding pesticide selection, it has historically been based on the expected efficacy and cost of the product and the pesticide user is not likely to experiment with other products once a product has been found that controls the pests of concern (Hornsby et al., 1993; Bockstaller et al., 2009). However, during the ’90s, the use of criteria to select pesticides that are effective, cost efficient, user’s and environmentally safe has been an emerging reality because it reduces the adverse effects of pesticides on human health and environment (Hornsby et al., 1993; Reus et al., 2002; Bockstaller et al., 2009). Among the criteria, the environmental risk indicators have been used as an alternative to direct pesticide impact measurement linked to methodological difficulties or practical reasons. Although pesticides have been associated with a great positive effect on food production, their heavy and inappropriate use in some cases has been linked with pest resistance, surface and ground water contamination, toxic effects on non-target 34 organisms, and human health problems. Within this context, the reported information on pesticides (general information, physicochemical properties, environmental fate, ecotoxicology and human health) and on crop damage due to pests could be used to provide a solid methodological framework and empirical evaluation which will assist policy makers in identifying the true impact of pesticides on agricultural production and in achieving a sustainable use of pesticides in European agriculture. Conclusions The results presented in this review paper allow the following conclusions to be drawn: 1. Pests (fungi, insects, weeds, and other harmful organisms) constitute a major threat for agricultural production. 2. Effective pest management is a vital part of crop production for highly productive agricultural systems. 3. Pesticides are valuable and irreplaceable tools that can minimize effectively pest infestations in crop production and thus can ensure great supply and high quality of agricultural commodities. 4. Significant differences in terms of nutritional quality between conventional (with the use of synthetic pesticides) and organic produced food were not found. 5. Organic fruits and vegetables were found to contain pesticide residues much less frequently and at lower levels than their conventional alternatives. 6. Very few of the conventionally produced food samples were found to contain pesticide residues above the maximum residue limits (MRLs). 7. The inappropriate use of pesticides is linked with considerable public concern for adverse effects on human health and the environment. 8. The non-approval of some key pesticides in Europe would have significant impact across all areas of the arable and horticultural crops. 9. The use of pesticide selection criteria and pesticide application as a last measure, following all environmental regulations, reducing their use only when necessary and adopting the use of non-chemical measures could ensure reliable agricultural production and minimize the negative effects of pesticide use on the environment, workers’ and consumers’ health. 35 10. The above presented information could be used by the European policy makers in identifying the true impact of pesticides on crop production and in achieving a sustainable use of pesticides and thus viable agriculture in Europe. Policy recommendations and implementations The review made provides information on a wide range of issues related to yield losses due to pests and to the essential role of pesticide use in crop production. The adverse effects of pesticide use on human health and environment are also reported along with the information concerned on criteria and environmental risk indicators needed for pesticide selection to maximize crop production and to minimize impacts on human health and environment. Results on food safety, food quality and benefits in relation with the pesticide use as well as the necessity of their use for a viable future crop production in Europe are also given. The presented information on crop damage due to pests and on the essential role of pesticide use in crop production could be used to provide a solid methodological framework and empirical evaluation that will assist policy makers in identifying the true impact of pesticides on agricultural production and in achieving a sustainable use of pesticides. Also, this information could be used by the researchers investigating the impacts of pesticide use on production efficiency, farmers’ health status and environment. Moreover, the reported data on food quality and food safety will affect food consumption patterns through the increase of consumer’s awareness on the safety of the conventionally versus organically produced food. Finally, the considerable concerns related with the potential severity of the non-approved pesticide impacts on the future sustainability of crop production in Europe along with the use of some environmental risk indicators as tools for pesticide selection could also be taken into account by the policy makers to minimise the environmental and human adverse effects of pesticides and to ensure viable agriculture in Europe. 36 Relevancy of deliverable with related WP and the others WPs The pesticides in this review (task 1.1, Work Package 1) are classified on the basis of their chemical components and their negative effect on health and the environment. In addition, the most pesticide-demanding crops and cultivations are identified and their indirect costs of their usage. Extensive use of previous literature was made, including in particular the results from other scientific projects (e.g. HAIR, FOOTPRINT, ENDURE). The main purpose of this task 1.1 (very relevant with task 1.2) was the establishment of a detailed database that includes all relevant literature (working papers, journal articles, consultant reports, reports by international organisations) on the yield loss due to pests (fungi, bacteria, viruses, animal pests and weeds) and the essential role of pesticides in crop production. The adverse effects of pesticide use on human health and environment are also reported along with the information concerned on criteria and environmental risk indicators needed for pesticide selection to maximize crop production and to minimize impacts on human health and environment. The food safety, food quality and benefits in relation with the pesticide use as well as the necessity of their use for a viable future crop production in Europe are discussed. 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Kurstaki/Aizawai 7 bifenthrin 6 1.02x102 115.6 -1.94 236610 569 0.015 5 0.00015 0.015 0.0125 8 chlorpyrifos 4.7 0.478 21 0.15 8151 13.3 0.059 66 0.0013 0.01 0.01 9 chlorpyrifos-methyl 4 0.235 - 0.16 4645 923 0.11 2814 0.41 0.01 0.01 10 cyfluthrin (2008) 6 5.3x10-2 33 -1.23 64300 2000 0.001 10 0.00047 0.003 0.02 11 cypermethrin 5.3 2x10-2 69 -1.66 85572 10000 0.02 7.5 0.0028 0.05 - 12 deltamethrin 4.6 3x10-2 21 -1.85 460000 2250 0.0015 87 0.00026 0.01 0.075 46 13 diflubenzuron 3.89 4.7x10-4 - 0.19 4013 1206 25 4640 0.13 0.02 0.033 14 etofenprox (2008) 6.9 0.0136 - 0.05 9025 2000 0.13 2000 0.0027 0.03 0.2 15 fenoxycarb 4.07 3.3x10-5 5.94 1.04 1816 3000 0.1 10000 0.66 0.06 0.1 16 flufenoxuron 4.01 7.46x10-6 - 0.80 33200 2000 410 3000 0.049 - - 17 fluvalinate -7.02 1.2x10-4 10.5 -1.13 750746 2510 5.83 1 0.0027 0.005 0.044 18 indoxacarb (2008) 4.65 6x10-5 20 0.23 6450 98 0.18 268 0.65 0.006 0.004 19 lambda cyhalothrin 6.9 2x10-2 25 -1.67 157000 3950 0.038 20 0.00021 0.005 0.0025 20 lufenuron 5.12 3.41x10-2 184 -0.75 41182 2000 197 2000 29 0.015 0.015 21 methomyl 1.24 2.13x10-6 - 2.20 25 24.2 0.16 30 0.063 0.0025 0.0025 22 methoxyfenozide 3.72 1.64x10-4 28 3.02 402 2250 100 5000 4.2 0.1 0.1 23 phosmet 2.96 1.36x10-3 7 0.24 3212 57 0.22 113 0.23 0.01 0.015 24 pirimicarb 1.7 3.3x10-5 9 2.73 388 1805 40 20.9 79 0.035 0.035 25 pyriproxyfen 5.37 1.16x10-2 3.5 -0.33 21175 863 100 5000 0.27 0.1 0.1 26 spinosad 4 1.89x10-7 - -0.62 34600 2000 0.0029 2000 30 0.024 0.024 47 27 tebufenozide 4.25 6.95x10-5 13 3.23 572 2150 234 5000 3 0.02 0.008 28 teflubenzuron 4.3 6.98x10-3 13.7 -0.82 26062 2250 72 5038 0.0065 0.01 0.006 29 thiacloprid 1.26 5x10-10 18 1.44 615 49 17.32 444 30.2 0.01 0.02 30 thiamethoxam (2008) -0.13 4.7x10-10 39 3.66 70 576 0.024 - 100 0.026 0.08 31 triflumuron 4.9 1.79x10-3 22 -0.11 11981 561 200 5000 0.021 0.014 0.036 32 Fatty acids 7.6 1.98x10-3 - - - 5620 25 5000 59.2 - - 33 Paraffin oils 6.3 117x10-3 - - - - - - 77.5 - - Kow = Partition coefficient between n-octanol and water (as the log value). A high value for the partition coefficient is regarded as an indicator that a substance will bioaccumulate (unless other factors operate) Henry’s Law constant at 25 0C = active substance volatility parameter GUS (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) leaching potential index: GUS= log10 (t1/2) x [4-log10(Koc)] Koc = Organic carbon sorption constant (ml g-1) DT50 = It is a measure of the amount of time it takes for 50 percent of the parent compound to disappear from the field soil. Mamtox LD50 = It is the pesticide dose required to kill half the members of a tested animal (rat, dog) population. Fishtox LC50 = It is the pesticide concentration required to kill half the members of a tested fish population. Birdtox LD50 = It is the pesticide dose required to kill half the members of a tested bird population. Beetox LD50 = It is the pesticide dose required to kill half the members of a bee population. AOEL = Acceptable Operator Exposure Level – Systemic (mg kg-1 bw day-1). ADI = Acceptable Daily Intake (mg kg-1 bw day-1). 48 Table 5. The registered fungicides and herbicides in EU for apple tree protection (Agrotypos, 2008). a/a Fungicides Herbicides 1 bitertanol chlorthal-dimethyl 2 boscalid/pyraclostrobin dichlobenil 3 bromuconazole diquat 4 bupirimate glufosinate 5 captan glyphosate 6 cyproconazole napropamide 7 cyprodinil oxyfluorfen 8 difenoconazole oxadiazon 9 diphenylamine quizalofop-p-ethyl 10 dithianon terbuthylazine/glyphosate 11 dodine 12 fenarimol 49 13 fenbuconazole 14 flusilazol 15 folpet/triadimenol 16 fosetyl 17 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate 18 kresoxim methyl 19 mancozeb 20 metiram 21 myclobutanil 22 propineb 23 pyrimethanil 24 pyrimethanil/fluquinconazole 25 tebuconazole 26 thiophanate methyl 50 27 thiram 28 triadimenol 29 trifloxystrobin 30 ziram 31 sulfur 32 copper hydroxide 51 52 Table: No Herbicide Use and Production Impacts By Crop (Gianessi and Reigher, 2005) Production Crop Million Lbs $ Million Yield Loss (%) 2005 without Herbicides2 2001 2005 2001 Almonds Apples Artichokes Asparagus Blueberries Broccoli Canola Carrots Celery Citrus Corn Cotton Cranberries Cucumbers Dry Beans Grapes Green Beans Green Peas Hops Hot Peppers Lettuce Mint Onions Peaches Peanuts Potatoes Raspberries Rice Sorghum Soybeans Spinach Strawberries Sugar beets Sugarcane Sunflowers Sweet Corn Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Wheat Wild Rice Total 5 15 16 55 67 14 45 48 0 0 20 27 50 66 25 1 20 20 25 0 13 58 43 11 52 32 0 53 26 26 50 30 29 25 16 25 20 23 25 50 58.2 909.8 9.3 104.1 47.7 145.8 890.1 1,884.0 0 0 144,256.0 2,462.4 252.7 431.2 483.6 98.3 268.2 145.5 15.7 0 810.3 4.4 2,538.3 177.1 2,138.2 13,236.1 0 11,065.3 6,810.3 43,430.4 127.8 194.9 14,778.4 16.625.0 529.0 2,036.2 200.9 4,900.0 16,500.0 0.3 288,565.5 77.4 923.4 7.8 91.1 36.9 141.3 665.1 1,489.3 0 0 152,458.2 2,909.5 295.5 424.9 648.7 104.4 266.5 122.2 12.4 0 827.8 4.4 2,714.3 165.8 2,409.0 12,475.4 0 1 1,593.5 5,216.3 46.085.4 30.6 272.4 15,679.3 12,264.5 468.3 1,898.1 221.1 5,357.7 17,363.5 0.3 295,722.2 31.5 139.6 5.4 115.1 14.6 36.0 78.4 271.4 0 0 3,765.0 868.0 47.0 84.0 102.5 21.9 21.5 19.2 29.9 0 153.7 53.0 266.0 36.0 505.9 771.1 0 465.4 236.1 3,106.5 7.6 126.9 316.3 223.7 48.2 173.7 29.4 367.6 763.0 0.5 13,301.6 117.1 167.0 3.5 80.6 22.3 40.3 62.4 244.6 0 0 4,123.3 1,424.6 100.7 92.3 125.5 22.5 20.2 16.9 24.5 0 159.7 57.3 336.0 34.0 422.7 861.6 0 928.7 169.2 4,214.2 4.1 162.6 312.9 180.0 51.5 182.3 43.4 501.0 981.8 0.4 16,291.0 53 Table: Benefit Impacts of Fungicide Use by Crop (Gianessi and Reigher, 2005) Crop Almonds Apples Artichokes Asparagus Bananas Barley Blueberries Cabbage Cantaloupes Carrots Celery Cherries Citrus Collards Cotton Cranberries Cucumbers Garlic Grapes Green Beans Hazelnuts Hops Hot Peppers Kiwi Lettuce Mint Nectarines Onions Papaya Parsley Peaches Peanuts Pears Pecans Pistachios Plums and Prunes Potatoes Raspberries Rice Soybeans Spinach % Yield to fungicides Production Net Benefit ($000) S Thousand Million Lbs. 70 86 35 22 30 16 63 34 23 26 39 76 49 65 14 68 70 50 95 27 75 69 50 25 47 23 45 24 100 33 54 71 99 44 50 45 44 60 23 19 38 626 6,803 27 18 4 158 116 596 320 810 727 526 14,105 85 134 338 1,093 144 13,873 331 18 40 42 4 3,829 <1 239 1,308 46 5 1,207 2,180 1,526 53 59 221 18,262 67 2,595 919 190 682,486 1,223,007 18,928 14,973 1,887 8,854 103,777 68,956 58,574 126,221 91,991 228,027 926,968 15,992 59,361 110,323 184,605 42,090 2,674,028 75,757 8,775 78,255 11,546 1,493 878,052 3,816 45,864 171,778 11,900 1,480 283,650 389,143 224,704 45,755 65,584 62,015 1,158,947 49,986 111,825 26,309 44,565 654,921 1,153,399 18,642 13,907 1,655 4,977 99,366 65,807 55,903 118,426 89,191 213,293 896,991 15,681 29,578 108,311 177,484 41,142 2,550,987 64,798 7,848 74,335 11,253 1,416 862,626 3,528 43,223 160,858 11,283 1,446 264,321 289,977 216,964 20,442 62,474 58,871 1,058,783 47,277 65,008 14,936 41,767 Strawberries 59 1,123 705,500 692,218 Sugarbeets 28 11,902 232,925 187,080 Sweet Corn 44 1,347 112,584 101,663 Sweet Peppers 78 1,006 329,811 324,717 Tomatoes 19 3,905 749,410 719,579 Walnuts 50 152 71,440 65,682 Watermelons 62 1,961 147,166 137,443 Wheat 19 1,720 106,804 46,267 Wild Rice 28 1 1,848 1,639 96,761 12,849,735 11,969,382 Total