Bill: Senate File 413
Committee: Labor
Date: March 8, 2007
Staff: Mary Earnhardt (1-3298)
Amends the right-to-work protections against forced payment of union dues and fees for public employees
(section 20.8) by essentially notwithstanding current law to require payment of the fair share fees for non-union employees of a group covered by a bargaining unit.
The Senate PASSED Senate File 413 on March 8, 2007 by a 28-21 vote.
Senate File 413 was placed on the House Unfinished Business Calendar on April 12, 2007.
Senate File 413 was re-referred to the House Labor Committee on April 28, 2007.
Section 1.
New Subsection 20.3 5A:
Defines fair share fee as the amount charged to an employee (covered by a bargaining unit) who is not a member of a union to cover the costs incurred (by the union) for all of the following:
collective bargaining
contract administration
adjustment of grievances
pursuit of other matters affecting: o wages o hours o other conditions of employment
*Essentially, the “fair share” fee garnishes public employees wages – this is forcing all public employees to pay up to the amount of full union dues.
Section 2.
Amends Section 20.8, subsection 4:
Amends the right-to-work protections against forced payment of union dues and fees for public employees (section 20.8) by essentially notwithstanding current law to require payment of the fair share fees for non-union employees of a group covered by a bargaining unit.
Section 3 . Amends Section 20.9 (Scope of Negotiations), unnumbered paragraph 1:
Section 4.
Requires that negotiations include whether a fair share fee shall be charged to nonmembers of the union.
New Section 20.9A Fair Share Fee Procedures:
Requires that when a collective bargaining agreement between a public employer and a union includes a fair share fee, within ten days of the agreement, the employer shall provide the union a list of the names and addresses of all employees covered by the bargaining unit. If the
collective bargaining agreement is longer than one year, the employer must furnish the names and addresses to the union on an annual basis.
After the union receives the list of all employees covered, the union will send the employer a list of all employees who are not members of the union and how much the union is charging for the “fair share” fee. The union also must send to the Labor Commissioner the “fair share” fee amount and any supporting documentation that was used to determine the fair share fee.
Beginning on the effective date of the collective bargaining agreement, the employer will garnish, once each month, the monthly amount of the “fair share” fee from the non-union employees wages.
The amount of the “fair share” fee can be up to (but not exceed) regular union dues. The “fair share” fee shall not include any share of the costs incurred by the union for fraternal, ideological, political or other activities not germane to:
collective bargaining
contract administration
adjustment of grievances
or the pursuit of other matters affecting: o wages o hours o other conditions of employment
Costs that shall be excluded from the “fair share” fee include (but are not limited to):
costs for social events
lobbying on issues for purposes other than the negotiation, ratification or implementation of a collective bargaining agreement
voter registration training
efforts to increase voting
political campaign techniques
supporting or contributing to charitable organizations
supporting or contributing to religious or other ideological causes.
*NOT included in the exclusions from the “fair share” garnishment:
Voter education
Paying the salaries of union officials, travel expenses of union officials.
Additionally, there are no requirements for accountability forcing union officials to actually prove that are following the exclusions on uses of fair share money.
As a precondition of collection a “fair share” fee, the union shall maintain a full and fair procedure that conforms with the U.S. Constitution and the Iowa Constitutions and the following:
Provide non-union employees with an annual notice of the amount of the “fair share” fee along with information to gauge the propriety of the fee amount and the procedure that the non-union employee can challenge the fee amount.
Permit challenges by non-union employees on the fee amount
Provide consolidation of all “timely” challenges and for an impartial hearing before an arbitrator paid for by the union.
Provide that the burden of proof rests on the union for the fee amount
Provide that fees being disputed by a non-union member are held in an escrow account until a final decision is made by the arbitrator and then disbursed in accordance with the arbitrator’s decision.
The union must notify the employer of the arbitrator’s award and the employer must adjust the wage deduction of the nonunion employees who challenged the “fair share” fee amount
Section 5.
Effective Date
This bill is effective upon enactment.
H-1166 by Rants & Paulsen: Strikes the enacting clause and the entire bill and turns the bill into constitutional amendment that constitutionalizes our Right-to-Work statute.
H-1209 by Soderberg: Strikes the bill and replaces with a requirement to the Iowa Department of
Economic Development to place on all promotional materials that Iowa is a
Right-to-Work state.
H-1198 by Tymeson: Incorporates House File 24 into the bill – to provide that nonresident veterans be granted a veterans preference for purposes of state employment qualifying examinations
H-1205 by Greiner: Requires that the Department of Economic Development print “Iowa is a fair share state” on all promotional material
H-1207 by Greiner: Requires DED to develop training for employees to educate them on how to decertify unions
H-1212 by Windschitl: Requires the people of the state of Iowa to vote on all legislative pay increases at a general election
H-1255 by Watts: Allows public employees to formally opt out of formal representation from the union.
H-1286 by Watts: Inserts the Legislature into the collective bargaining process, and after the
Legislature’s vote on the appropriation to be made for the “economic adjustments” (salary increase) then the collective bargaining agreement becomes final and binding.
H-1291 by S. Olson: Makes tax credits transferable for bio-diesel facilities that are constructed in enterprise zones
H-1305 by Horbach: Defines bargaining unit as only those employees in a particular class who voluntarily agree to be represented by a union. Additionally, this amendment redefines “employee organization” as an organization which public employees voluntarily participate. (This is another version of public sector
“members only”)
H-1323 by Horbach: Changes the state motto to “Our liberties we prize, and our rights we maintain, and employees pay to work”
H-1327 by May: Defines “bargaining unit” as employees who voluntarily agree to be represented by a union and allows multiple unions to represent teachers
H-1328 by Upmeyer: Requires legislative committee approval of administrative rules and provides that all rules sunset
H-1331 by Upmeyer: Narrows rule making authority -- unless otherwise specified, delegation of rule making authority shall be construed narrowly
H-1178 by Van Fossen: Strikes the words “fair share” throughout the bill and replaces with the phrase
“forced union”.
H-1347 by Van Fossen: Allows public sector unions to only represent members and explicitly prohibits unions from representing nonmembers (this is a very strict version of “members only”)
H-1352 by Watts:
Creates a new type of employee a “free agent employee" who is a public employee who has signed a release declaring that the employee chooses not to be represented by an employee organization and that the employee understands that signing the release waives any claim or right to representation by that employee organization
H-1288 by Rants: Members only – provides that a union cannot collect a fair share fee from any non-member who does not voluntarily agree to be represented by the union.
H-1322 by Pettengill Members only – provides that a union cannot collect a fair share fee from any non-member who does not voluntarily agree to be represented by the union.
H-1168 by Rants & Paulsen:
H-1200 by Lukan:
Specifically excludes employees of the Legislature from Chapter 20.
Requires the Public Employees Relations Board to annually prepare a report comparing public and private sector salaries and benefits
H-1272 by May: Changes the make up of the Public Employees Relations Board to provide that no more than one member can be of the same political party and adds one no party voter.
H-1294 by Tymeson:
H-1345 by Tymeson:
Excludes teachers from Chapter 20
Amends the Rights of Public Employees to include that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, or corporation to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with the right of any person to refuse to join or affiliate with a union
H-1259 by Horbach: Amends the Scope of Negotiations portion of the bill and provides that negotiations shall not include terms authorizing furlough days.
H-1185 by Rants: Requires that a non-member has to have been employed for at least one year before a “fair share” fee can apply to the employee.
H-1336 by Upmeyer:
H-1358 to H-1336 by Upmeyer: Adds “multicultural” before diversity.
H-1265 Deyoe & Forristall: Prohibits unions from accepting payment of any dues or fees for political causes or lobbying activities of the union unless the employee has agreed to pay such dues or fees in a signed written agreement which agreement
H-1607 by Gipp:
H-1344 by Struyk:
Amends the Scope of Negotiations portion of the bill to require that diversity policies, harassment policies, discipline policies, shift assignments, transfer and promotion procedures and participation in workplace committees be part of collective bargaining negotiations.
Paycheck protection
Requires each bargaining unit to negotiate if they are going to impose a fair share fee.
H-1608 by Tjepkes:
H-1325 by Anderson:
H-1326 by Anderson:
H-1197 by Windschitl:
H-1341 by Paulsen:
H-1186 by Rayhons:
H-1189 by Chambers:
H-1199 by Forristall:
H-1232 by Forristall:
H-1237 by Forristall:
H-1262 by Drake:
H-1264 by Chambers:
H-1304 by Huseman:
H-1310 by Chambers:
H-1334 by Soderberg:
Excludes city employees from fair share agreements
Prohibits the fair share fee from being subject to arbitration.
Requires a vote by the majority of all employees subject to the collective bargaining agreement.
Requires that the fair share fee can be no higher than 5% of union dues.
Requires that the union sent to the Iowa Department of Workforce
Development an annual report on the dues and fees collected by the union as well as a detailed accounting of all expenditures related to social events and lobbying and others. The report is required to be posed on the IWD website.
Requires that a fair share fee cannot be collected by a nonmember who has a disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Provides that a fair share fee cannot be collect unless the collective bargaining agreement provides for a representation election with the written request of 10% or more of the employees covered.
Requires that a fair share fee cannot be collected until 75% of all the employees covered by the bargaining unit vote to do so.
Requires that a fair share fee cannot be collected by a union until the union certifies that all officers and employees of the union are U.S citizens and have not been convicted of a felony.
Requires that a fair share fee cannot be collected by a union unless the union certifies that it has paid taxes as an Iowa corporation
Requires that any union that requires non-union members to pay fair share fee will be required to have a certified audit by a licensed CPA to determine the fair share cost to the union for bargaining for the non-members. The CPA report must include all union expenditures and in-kind contributions. A summary of the CPA report will be required to be published in the two newspapers closest to the plant or business. The public notice will include where the complete audit may be picked up and the time and days it will be available.
Limits the fair share fees collected from any teacher to the costs incurred by the local bargaining association directly involved in representing teachers from that particular school district or AEA
Upon written request of the employee, requires the union to donate the employee’s fair share fee to the charity of the employee’s choice.
Prohibits a fair share fee from being collected unless the union has sent the
Public Employee Relations Board a written notice certifying that a nonmember of the union has served on the collective bargaining committee for the union and the written notice has been signed by that nonmember
Allows the fair share fee to be donated to a charity or community betterment organization or project of the employee's choice if the employee matches with dollar-for-dollar
H-1238 by Soderberg: Strikes the following from the bill: or other activities not germane to collective bargaining, contract administration, the adjustment of grievances, or the pursuit of other matters affecting wages, hours, and other conditions of employment
H-1324 by Anderson:
H-1179 by Horbach:
Requires the union to set the fee based on actual historical data.
Requires that any projected increase in revenue to a union from the collection of the “fair share” fees shall be used to reduce on a pro rata basis the amount of dues and fees paid by a member and the amount of the “fair share” fee.
H-1180 by Rants: Requires the union to conduct and make available to the public an annual audit of the amount of “fair share” fees and how the fees were used.
H-1182 by Chambers: Requires that the accounting of all expenses of personnel working directly for the union are made available to the public and published on a quarterly basis during the time that a “fair share” fee is collected
H-1190 by Chambers: Requires unions to take an annual public vote stating if they are bargaining only for union members or if they are bargaining for all employees
H-1191 by Chambers: Requires the salaries of all union members to be printed annually in all newspapers in the state of Iowa
H-1204 by Greiner:
H1230 by Tymeson:
Requires unions to educate their members on the steps to decertify the union
Provides that if a “fair share” fee is in the collective bargaining agreement, the fee cannot be collected if a member, officer, or employee of the union coerces, intimidates, threatens, or interferes with the right of any non-member to not become a member of the union.
H-1231 by Tymeson:
H-1295 by Windschitl:
Provides for a religious object from “fair share” fees or joining a union.
Provides that if a fair share fee is in the collective bargaining agreement, the union is prohibited from supporting political candidates with mailings and paper literature
H-1181 by Granzow: Provides that seasonal employees are not eligible for unemployment payment if they sign a statement with the start and end dates of employment
H-1183 by May: Requires that during arbitration, comparison of wages of public employees with those of similar private sector employees doing comparable work, giving consideration to factors peculiar to the area and the classifications involved, and providing that the maximum wages awarded public sector employees shall be no more than five percent greater than comparable private sector employees unless the public employees are in a merit pay program
H-1184 by May: Changes the third member of panel of arbitrators to a private sector no party business person.
H-1187 by Paulsen: Requires every licensed attorney to become a member of the Iowa Bar
H-1188 by Paulsen: Involuntary annexation
H-1407 to H-1188 by Paulsen: Corrects involuntary annexation amendment.
H-1192 by Worthan:
H-1193 by S. Olson
H-1194 by Alons:
H-1195 by Alons:
H-1346 by Struyk:
H-1196 by Deyoe:
H-1201 By Horbach:
H-1203 by Greiner:
H-1206 by Greiner:
H-1208 by Boal:
H-1210 by Hoffman:
H-1211 by Hoffman:
H-1213 by Windschitl:
H-1214 by Windschitl:
H-1215 by Dolecheck:
H-1216 by Dolecheck:
H-1217 by Alons:
Prohibits any person from intimidating or threatening any person who pays a fair share fee or refuses to join a union.
Exempts pumpkins from the state sales tax
Amends Code Section 20.22 on binding arbitration to require that binding arbitration cannot be more than 150% of the latest available consumer price index
Increases gambling revenues from .8% to 1.1% to county endowment funds
Requires that the unions financial statements are to be made public at the request of 25 interested persons by petition to the Public Employee Relations
Requires the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited at the beginning of every school day in public schools
Amends the Chapter 659 (Libel and Slander) to provide that any elected official shall be liable for any damages for any defamatory statement published or uttered relating to a person’s right join or a person’s right to refuse to join a public sector union
Requires Iowa Workforce Development to create a training program to educate non-union employees of their rights and responsibilities under the
Fair Share
Requires the DOT to add "Iowa is a Fair Share State" on all road maps directly beneath the Governor's photo
Requires personal financial literacy curriculum
Requires every Iowan over the age of 65 to belong to an organization that represents people over the age of 65 or pay their fair share expense to represent people over 65. The expense shall be tax deductible
Require all farmers to belong to an organization that represents farmers or pay their fair share of the expense to represent them. The expense shall be tax deductible.
Requires the state to fully fund all mental health programs in Iowa and appropriates $22 million for this purpose.
Appropriates $10 million for the construction of railroad spurs at potential economic growth locations.
Reallocates $200,000 of fire training money from Council Bluffs to
Southwestern Community College in Creston
Appropriates the necessary funding for the DOT to make Highway 34 a fourlane highway
Provides that a petition of a public employee shall allege that a collective bargaining agreement provides for the payment of a fair share fee to a union, which has been certified as the bargaining representative and that the petitioners do not want to be represented by the union or seek certification of the union
H-1219 by Hoffman:
H-1220 by Hoffman:
H-1221 by Hoffman:
H-1222 by Hoffman:
H-1223 by Hoffman:
H-1224 by Hoffman:
H-1225 by Worthan:
H-1226 by May:
H-1227 by Sands:
H-1228 by Sands:
H-1229 by Tymeson:
H-1218 by Soderberg:
H-1233 by Roberts:
H-1234 by Roberts:
Requires the panel of arbitrators, in addition to the other factors prescribed in
Chapter 20, to consider whether any proposed increase in wages to public employees is justified based upon an increase in productivity and performance of the employees and based upon the ability of the public employer to pay the increase using existing resources without any increase in taxes
Requires every hog producer to belong to an organization that represents the interest of hog producers pr pay their fair share of the expense to represent the. The expense shall be tax deductible.
Requires every landlord to belong to an organization that represents the interests of landlords or to pay their fair share of the expense to the organization. The expense shall be tax deductible.
Requires every property owner who has had damage by excess deer to their property to belong to an organization that represents property owners or pay their fair share of expense to protect property owners against damage by deer.
The expense shall be tax deductible.
Requires every grower of small crops to belong to an organization that represents small crop growers or pay their fair share of the expense to represent them. The expense shall be tax deductible
Requires every owner of commercial property to belong to an organization that represents commercial property owners or pay their fair share of the expense to bring commercial property taxes in line with other states. The expense shall be tax deductible.
Requires every business owner to belong to a trade organization or pay their fair share of the expense to represent the business for a good business climate. The expense shall be tax deductible
Appropriates $1 million per year from 2007 through 2022 for the purpose of lake dredging at Storm Lake
Prohibits a union from handling directly or indirectly political funds from paychecks
Requires that all certified Real Property Appraisers must join their local
Appraisers Association. Exclusively
Requires all state chartered banks must join Iowa Bankers Association.
Authorizes school districts, upon the request of a teacher or administrator, to pay through payroll deduction the teacher's or administrator's dues or membership fees in any not-for-profit, professional education association. If such a request is granted, all other requests for deductions for payment of dues or membership fees for membership in the same association shall also be granted
Requires partisan balance on all boards and commissions
Allows antlerless deer hunting season in 2nd season regular shotgun on unfilled 1st season regular shotgun tags.
H-1235 by Arnold:
H-1236 by Sands:
H-1239 by May:
H-1240 by DeBoef:
H-1241 by Worthan:
H-1242 by Grassley:
H-1243 by Arnold:
H-1244 by Huseman:
H-1245 by Huseman:
H-1246 by Huseman:
Permits landowner turkey license open to any season
Requires the Professional Educators of Iowa to be the exclusive bargaining representative of all teachers in Iowa
Compare public sector salaries with private sector salaries
Requires DNR and DOT remove deer carcasses within 72 hours on all state highways
Requires the appropriation of all necessary funds to complete four-lanes of
Highway 20 from Fort Dodge to Sioux City to be completed by 2011
Appropriates $10 million and 50 FTEs for an Illegal Immigration Task Force
Requires DNR to establish a pheasant restocking program in the lower three tier counties
Requires that any fair share fees collected from non-union employees on the
State Capitol Complex shall be used to repair the plumbing system in the attic of the State Capitol Building
Requires that all fair share fees collected from non-union employees shall be used to finish 4-laning of U.S. Highway 20. Construction on Highway 20 must begin when I-235 restoration is complete and Highway 20 must be completed within 5 years.
Fair use policy – Requires that mental health facilities in Cherokee Iowa must be utilized more by the State by housing certain prisoners there and making them available for employment by any local political subdivision willing to hire them
On-time funding K-12 budget adjustment
Require voting machine paper trail
Increase the speed limit on rural two-lane roads to 60 mph
H-1247 by Boal:
H-1248 by Deyoe:
H-1249 by Van
H-1250 by Granzow:
H-1251 by Lukan:
H-1252 by Tymeson:
H-1253 by Tymeson:
H-1254 by Tymeson:
Requires financial education to Iowa Juvenile Home curriculum and Iowa
State Training School curriculum
Provides that all fair share fee payers will by eligible for a state tax credit of
1/2 the amount of the dues paid for the previous tax year.
Provides for a tax credit for teacher expenses.
Sales tax holiday for school supplies
Eliminates a requirement that the state board of education adopt rules to prohibit the use of telecommunications by school districts as the exclusive means to provide any course that is required by the minimum educational standards for accreditation.
H-1256 by Dolecheck:
H-1257 by Dolecheck:
H-1258 by Dolecheck:
H-1260 Struyk:
H-1261 by Struyk:
H-1266 by Paulsen:
H1267 by Van
H-1268 by Van
H-1269 by Rasmussen:
H-1271 by Boal:
H-1273 by Baudler:
H-1274 by Lukan:
H-1275 by Kaufmann:
H-1277 by Watts:
H-1278 by Horbach:
H-1279 by Horbach:
H-1280 by Deyoe:
Moves funding for farmers with disabilities appropriation to the Department of Ag
Increases small business exemption to minimum wage requirement -- from
$300,000 gross receipts to $750,000
All additional allowable growth money to schools is excluded from collective bargaining
Military personnel not required to take hunter safety course
Establishes a senior deer hunting season
Amends 20.15 (Elections) to require a vote every two years for union certification
Establishes a bounty on raccoons
Establishes a bounty on coyotes
Requires any contractor who is qualified to construct state or federal soil conservation project to belong to the Iowa Land Improvement Contractors
Establishes a moratorium on the establishment of any new gaming facilities until 2012
Requires that guns be unloaded but not ammunition magazines
Provides that no member of a union or person paying fair share fee to a union shall be denied access to the office or offices of the owners, chairmen or other corporate or business leaders of the employer or union to air official grievances and concerns
Requires that the Senior Living Trust Fund shall bill filled to $300 million in the FY 08 budget
A “fair share” fee cannot be collected if the collective bargaining agreement does not include a provision that allows an employee to opt out of representation by the union or if the collective bargaining agreement requires an employee to become a member of the union or pay a fair share fee.
If a “fair share” fee is included in a collective bargaining agreement (CBA), then a union shall only be required to represent employees who voluntarily agree to be represented. The union can only collect a “fair share” fee from employees who voluntarily agree to be represented.
Amends 20.22 (Binding Arbitration). Provides that if the public employer that is a school district, AEA, or city the ability to pay for any salary increases under the existing tax rate must be considered.
Property tax reform. Ties together the assessment limitation of all classes of property – this is the same as House File 847 from 2005
H-1281 by Worthan:
H-1282 by Baudler:
H-1283 by Baudler:
H-1284 by Worthan:
H-1285 by Upmeyer:
H-1287 by Horbach:
H-1289 by Boal:
H-1290 by Paulsen:
H-1292 by Windschitl:
H-1293 by De Boef:
H-1296 by Tymeson:
H1297 by Boal:
H-1306 Rasmussen:
H-1307 by Arnold:
H-1309 by Sands:
H-1311 by Deyoe:
H-1312 by S. Olson:
H-1316 by Tymeson:
Requires the State shall pay the tuition at any Iowa school for any member of the Armed Services (past or present) who has received hazardous duty pay at any time
“Castle Doctrine” allows reasonable force to defend oneself.
“Shall Carry Bill” Requires sheriff to provide in writing why permit to carry was denied.
Requires the State shall pay the tuition to attend any Iowa school for the spouse or children of any Iowa service member who is killed or disabled while on active duty
Certificate of merit for medical malpractice
Prohibits a public employer or public employee union from requiring its employees/members to attend a meeting or participate in communications with the employer regarding the employer's opinion on religious or political matters unless the employer is required to do so by law
Changes registration fees for pick-up trucks to mirror same schedule as all other passenger vehicles. Allow for a personal income tax credit for farmers and businesses that use the truck for farm/business related purposes
Repeals the Streamlined Sales Tax sourcing rules and kicks Iowa out of the
Streamlined Sales Tax compact.
Imposes a $100,000 fine on employers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants
“Choose Life” license plate
Replaces the current 180-day school calendar, which converts to a required
990 hours of instructional school time at 5.5 hours per day, with a requirement that the school calendar include 990 hours of instructional time for grades 1-6 and 1,080 hours of instructional time for grades 7-12.
Requires parental consent for a minor child to get a tattoo.
Provides for an Iowa income tax deduction for all federal and state motor fuel taxes paid.
Increases the speed limit from 70 mph to 75 mph on rural interstates.
Exempts from income tax any gains on the sale of farmland to DOT
Requires that all local option sales tax votes take place at a general election only
Allows tax credits of 25% of investment for renewable energy facilities
When employees require members to join more than one level of the organization, full disclosure of all political contributions will be made to the members within 60 days of every general election
H-1317 by Forristall:
H-1329 by Upmeyer:
H-1330 by Upmeyer:
H-1333 by Soderberg:
H-1335 by Soderberg:
H-1337 by Rants:
H-1338 by Struyk:
H-1340 by Paulsen:
H-1348 by Watts:
H-1202 by Horbach:
H-1263 by Chambers:
H-1276 by Chambers:
H-1308 by Upmeyer:
H-1209 by Gipp:
Requires that any union making political contributions to Iowa political campaigns and political parties must certify that all individual paying dues and/or making contributions to the union are American citizens
IowaCare compensation fund -- reimburse physicians for otherwise uncompensated care of IowaCare patients for acute care at UIHC.
Payment to facilities unable to be moved to UIHC -- when IowaCare patients can't be transferred to UIHC due to level of acuity, the reimbursement will go to the hospital providing care
Requires that one-half of all fair share fees be deposited in a new Right to
Work job loss fund.
Requires that any fair share fee be deposited into a Wellness Fund.
Provides that an illegal adult alien is not entitled to receive any state financial aid, benefit, or assistance from the state. Also prohibits employers from employing illegal aliens
Requires municipal utilities to pay the $5.40 school property tax levy and requires that the funds generated by this tax are allocated to K-12 education.
Requires the assessor to pay the costs of an appeal if the assessor over assesses property for property tax purposes.
Provides that union elections must be held by secret ballot.
Provides that the fair share fee is not applicable to any collective bargaining agreement that is ratified before this law goes into effect
Provides a contingent effective date of SF 413. The bill is effective upon the repeal of the First Section of the Iowa Constitution.
Provides a contingent effective date of SF 413. The bill is effective upon the repeal of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Increase the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit.
Statewide smoking ban