NORTHWEST REGION ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 State Performance Plan (SPP) Early ACCESS Data Summarized Red indicates unmet goal. (C5) Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSPs. Target: 1.3% o 2008 = 1.04% (Benton County had .32%) o 2009 = 0.79% (Benton County had .65%) (C6) Percent of infants and toddlers birth to 3 with IFSPs Target: 2.5% o 2008 = 2.45% (Benton County had 2.52%) o 2009 = 2.59% (Benton County had 2.86%) As of June 2010, the NW region had 38 children Birth-3 yrs on IFSPs (Birth to 1 = 4, 2 to 3 yrs = 34) Early Childhood (B12) Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age three, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthday. Target: 100% Transition (B13) Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet post-secondary goals. Target: 100% Benton Community has I-STAR data entry scheduled for February 11, 2011. Site Visits 2010-11: CPU Student Achievement Data √ Intensive Plans √ On-line Assessment (Reading/Math/Science) ------------------------------------------Social/Emotional/ Behavior Data √ Iowa Youth Survey ------------------------------------------Needs Assessment Data √ AEA Staff Needs Assessment ------------------------------------------Other Data √ State Performance Plan (SPP) √ IMS System for IEP/IFSPs √ LEA demographic data √ DINA and SINA plan data √ Autism Count 2009-10 Proficiency of Special Education Students (B3C) Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level standards and alternate achievement standards. The reading/math proficiency gap between IEP and Non-IEP students in the NW region range from 41% to 54%. Vinton-Shellsburg is on the SINA in 2009-10. Other Goal Areas (in addition to SPP) Learning Supports: Continue implementation of PBS. Administrators for the Benton elementary schools will receive an overview of PBIS in the summer 2010. A core team of people will be identified to receive intensive training in the district Problem Solving Model: Provide coaching/practice. Presented all modules in 2009-10 Region Meetings ICC/IDM: Each district team will meet to develop a plan to meet district needs. GWAEA staff will be representatives on leadership teams and support professional development Page 1 of 5 NORTHWEST REGION ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 Person(s) responsible for implementing and monitoring plan : Regional Administrators and NW Region Leadership Team Ideal state: Each student will be proficient in reading and math Goal #1: Increase the proficiency of special education students in the areas of reading and math. Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Responsible Resources 1. Support the implementation of the DE Literacy Project in Vinton-Shellsburg. 2. Expand the iPod Project to other districts in the NW Region 3. AEA staff will work with district sp ed teachers and track progress of students over time. Staff will work with specific teachers to review strategies, patterns, etc. 1. Sandy Lyons, Nancy Veldhuizen, Janel Lesan 2. Daryl Hanneman, consultative support 3. Building-based teams and Content Consultants 1. Dept of Ed and NC trainers 2. District resources for the purchase of iPods 3. Review IEP and progress monitoring data for each district in the region. Bi-Annual Progress Updates Ideal State: The NW Region staff will use the problem solving model as a way to link problems and solutions at multiple levels (individual student, building, district, system) Goal #2: Increase the implementation of the Problem Solving Model with ICC, IDM, and special education entitlement decisions. Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Responsible Resources 1. Incorporate the problem solving model into learning activities (in region meetings and core meetings) throughout the year. 2. Provide coaching and consultation practice opportunities in region or core team meetings. 3. Provide district guidance in the development of grade level teams or data teams. (Benton and V-S) 1. NW Region Leadership Team, Regional Administrators 2. Kelly Jones and NW Region Leadership Team 3. Austin Beer, Deanna Thursby 1. AEA/Dept of Ed Problem Solving Modules 2. Peer Coaching, Mentoring/Induction 3. SINA materials Bi-Annual Progress Updates Page 2 of 5 NORTHWEST REGION ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 Ideal state: Students will exit high school with a clearly defined plan for living, learning, and working Goal #3: Increase the percentage of IEPs that meet criteria for the six critical components of transition planning. Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Responsible Resources Bi-Annual Progress Updates 1. Coordinate transition training with Benton CSD 2. NW GWAEA Transition Cadre members will work closely with Transition leads to plan and participate in staff development for the region and provide transition training for Support Services staff 3. AEA staff that support secondary buildings will be responsible for supporting the needs of teachers for reviewing IEPs and providing teachers with feedback to meet compliance indicators. 4. Support Corrective Action Plans (CAP) through onsite PD and coaching for individual teachers. 1. RA, Benton core team 2. Barb Hunt, Sandy Lyons, Mary Crandall, Region SLPs, OTs, PTs I-Star data, SPP data Data (B13, B14) Maintenance: CC, Alburnett. I-STAR data entry: Benton- Feb 11, 2011 3. Benton team 4. North Linn, VintonShellsburg, and CPU. Ideal state: Children of the age of three will transition into appropriate services. Goal #4: Increase the percentage of children eligible for Part B that have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthday Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Responsible Resources 1. Meet monthly with NW Early Childhood team to coordinate training and expectations and appropriate coding of the data from IFSP to IEP 2. Meet with LEA staff to educate regarding expectations for transition. 3. Develop plan to distribute information within the region and specific districts/communities. Regional Administrators, EA/EC teams Bi-Annual Progress Updates DE Training IFSP’s and IEP’s IMS Data, IFSP’s and IEP’s EA and IEP guidelines Page 3 of 5 NORTHWEST REGION ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 Ideal State: Eligible children will be identified and services will begin prior to the child’s first birthday. Goal #5: Increase the percentage of infants and toddlers birth to 1 with IFSP’s and birth to 3 with IFSP’s. Action Steps to Be Taken Person(s) Responsible Resources 1. Provide awareness training on the process of the EA child find and child check process with each district 2. Follow the communication plan to network with community providers, (UIHC, Physicians, etc.) 3. Provide parent checklists at Physicians offices, Senior Center, Family Resource Centers, and Preschools and Day Cares Regional Administrators, EA/EC teams Bi-Annual Progress Updates EA Training materials Procedures Manual Implications for Agency Professional Development AEA Staff will need intensive and ongoing training on the Child Find Process and special education procedures this year. AEA Staff will need the skills and competence to support IEP transition planning for students 13-21. AEA Staff will need the skills and competence to support instructional strategies to increase proficiency in reading and math for special needs children. Implications for LEA Involvement LEA Understanding of the new Eligibility information from the state LEA understanding and implementation of Special Education procedures: Early Access, Transition, etc. Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?) SPP data IEP Reviews for specific timelines and required components of transition planning Student Proficiency data (ITBS and ITED) IPlan data Staff Needs Assessment Data Page 4 of 5 NORTHWEST REGION ACTION PLAN 2010-2011 Northwest Region Meeting Schedule, including RLD and Leadership meeting dates Date Team August 19, 2010 Region Meeting August 27, 2010 Region Meeting August 31, 2010 RLD September 9, 2010 NW Leadership September 17, 2010 Region Meeting September 29, 2010 RLD October 19, 2010 RLD October 19, 2010 (PM) NW Leadership October 22, 2010 Region Meeting November 19, 2010 Region Meeting November 30, 2010 RLD November 20, 2010 (PM) NW Leadership December 17, 2010 Region Meeting January 6, 2011 RLD January 6, 2011 (PM) NW Leadership January 14, 2011 Region Meeting February 18, 2011 Region Meeting February 28, 2011 RLD April 5, 2011 RLD April 5, 2011 (PM) NW Leadership April 8, 2011 Region Meeting May 2, 2011 RLD May 2, 2011 (PM) NW Leadership May 6, 2011 Region Meeting June 2, 2011 RLD Notes Page 5 of 5