Section I:
Primary Battery Packaging, Shipping, Storage, Use, and Disposal (Reference: IEC
60086-1 2007 Annex E)
Section II: Design & Safety Considerations for Battery Operated Devices
Section I:
Primary Battery Packaging, Shipping, Storage, Use, and Disposal (Reference: IEC
60086-1 2007 Annex E)
It is Chung Pak’s policy to be recognized as a fully responsible supplier in the eyes of our customers. Part of the process
of ensuring that the end consumer achieves their greatest satisfaction from Chung Pak’s primary batteries, lies in using
good practices during distribution, storage, and use.
This Code of Practice describes the expectations and areas of concern for Shipping and Transport companies,
Distributors, and Retailers.
Chung Pak endeavours to design packaging to electrically insulate each battery, and that is sufficient to protect the
batteries from mechanical or environmental damage during transport, handling, and stacking, subject to the conditions of
the following guidelines.
Transport and Shipping
The batteries and their packaging must be protected at all times from direct sun and any sources of moisture, such as
rain or wet flooring. Shock and vibration shall be avoided by ensuring that boxes are
placed and stacked gently, and properly secured from movement during transport.
To lessen the exposure of the batteries to heat, metal shipping containers should be ventilated and kept
away from heat sources such as ship’s engines or direct sunlight. Stowage on ships must be below deck, while during
other transport (road, rail, etc) and on/off loading, exposure to direct sunlight should be kept to a minimum.
Bulk Storage
The storage area must be clean, cool, dry, ventilated, and weatherproof.
For normal storage, the temperature should be between +15 °C and +25 °C and never exceed +30 °C. Extremes of
humidity (over 95% and below 40% relative humidity) for sustained periods should be avoided since they are detrimental
to both batteries and packaging.
Batteries must be kept away from any sources of heat (furnaces, space heaters, metal roofing, skylights, etc) or moisture
(damp floors, drains, etc).
The height to which batteries may be stacked is clearly dependent on the strength of the pack. As a general guide, this
height should not exceed 1.5 metres for cardboard packs. Stacking should be such that it allows adequate air circulation
around the packs and for ease of identification to ensure proper stock rotation (first in first out).
Storage time shall be kept to a minimum, with batteries dispatched promptly to distribution centers, retailers, and on to
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Retail Outlets
When batteries are unpacked, they should be handled carefully to avoid physical damage or electrical contact among
themselves or with shelving.
Batteries used for display should not then be used for sale if they have been exposed to sunlight directly or through a
window. Display batteries should be replaced regularly.
The temperature, humidity, and stock rotation conditions noted above for storage, shall be followed.
Selection, Use, and Disposal
Chung Pak endeavours to provide guidance to the consumer on the most suitable battery for intended use at the point of
Consumers are advised of the following:
Ensure that they purchase the correct battery type and that they follow the device instructions for battery insertion,
especially checking for correct polarity and the cleanliness of the contacts.
Do not expose the batteries or equipment to high temperatures, such as in cars parked in the sun.
Always replace a full set of batteries at the same time. Do not mix new batteries with partially used ones and do not
mix batteries of different grades, brands, or electrochemical systems.
Do not attempt to recharge batteries that are not labeled “rechargeable”.
Remove batteries from the device if it stops functioning properly, or if it is not intended to be used for a long period.
Store batteries in a cool, dry place. And, keep them away from any metal objects to avoid accidentally discharging
the batteries.
Do not attempt to dismantle batteries.
Primary batteries may be disposed of via the communal refuse arrangements, provided no contrary local legal
requirements exist.
Do not dispose of batteries in a fire.
Section II: Design & Safety Considerations for Battery Operated Devices
2.1) Testing, Storage, Handling and Disposal of Primary Batteries (non-rechargeable)
Normally, testing procedures for batteries should follow the IEC Standards.
Batteries can be stored satisfactorily at room temperatures. Although storage at lower temperatures reduces the
amount of ampere-hours capacity lost on the shelf, the percentage saved makes it uneconomical under most
In unpacking shipments of batteries, care should be exercised to avoid physical damage or possible short
Chung Pak alkaline and carbon zinc batteries are RCRA non hazardous waste. Federal hazardous waste
regulations are specific about relating waste determination to waste as generated. Scrap, alkaline and carbon zinc
batteries are not hazardous waste and are not regulated by DOT as hazardous material.
Designs for Battery Operated Devices
Select optimal service, life, and size balance for best operation and user satisfaction.
Chung Pak batteries are engineered to give the maximum customer satisfaction through optimized designs. They
are designed to yield the best balance of service, shelf life and safe, reliable performance. However, users seldom
evaluate performance of a battery through any parameter other than service hours. When service life is perceived
to be too short, the consumer becomes dissatisfied with the device. Don’t let this happen in your design. Always
choose a battery that can support the energy needs of your device.
Help users correctly insert the fresh batteries into your device. The best assistance is to design the battery contact
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so that a battery installed backwards cannot supply power. If this is not feasible, then provide clear instructions. A
sticker or easily readable instructions molded in the battery compartment are suggested. These instructions should
include the type of battery to be used and polarity symbols.
Design around battery sizes that have distribution at least equal to that which you expect for your product.
Batteries made by the Chung Pak have wide distribution throughout the world. While industrial customers have
access to all types, consumer outlets tend to stock the most popular sizes. Unless your device will require unique
operation characteristics available only in new battery sizes, packs, or systems, make battery replacement easy for
consumers by using only the most popular batteries.
Water-tight aquatic devices must be designed to deal with battery generated hydrogen. The tremendous growth of
aquatic activities has increased interest in waterproof cordless devices. Lighting devices, photographic gear, and
various types of instrumentation have become usable underwater. Designers of any water or air-tight device should
be aware of the normal evolution of hydrogen gas from batteries. This gas must be either absorbed or allowed to
escape. Otherwise, high temperature or a static spark could trigger the ignition of the entrapped hydrogen/air
mixtureyou’re your device is used under these conditions, please contact your Chung Pak representative for
design assistance.
Allow batteries to breathe (vent) and expand or contract. Avoid encapsulation or potting.
Locate batteries as far away as possible from any heat source to prevent service degradation. A provision for
ventilation or insulation can help.
Devices with alternate power supply options should be designed to assure the batteries are isolated from the
alternate power supply circuit. Use of external switches, activated by the alternate power supply cord should be
avoided. Commercially available "generic" replacement cords may not
activate the protection switch. Consider the redundant diode protection against unintended battery charging.
Maximum leakage current should never exceed 35 micro amps.
Use series battery connection, if practical. If a battery is inserted backwards in parallel or series/parallel wiring or in
some series connections, leakage and/or battery rupture may occur.
Use of good battery contacts are an important part of the device. Fabricate them of nickel or nickel plated steel.
Contact forces should be at least one half pound force for light handling and smaller battery sizes up to two pounds
force for rough handling and larger battery sizes.
If metal-jacketed batteries are used, additional protection is recommended to isolate the metal jacket from any
material that can conduct electricity and prevent any potential short circuit. Metal jackets used on Chung Pak
batteries are designed to electronically isolate the jacket from the battery.
If plastic film labeled batteries are to be used in any device, additional care should be taken to avoid sharp edged
conductive material in the battery compartment These sharp edges could cut through the plastic label to the metal
can and short circuit the battery. Battery leakage or rupture could occur.
Design the battery compartment to have a high resistance to leakage. In the rare case of battery electrolyte
leakage, the device can still serve the customer if the electrolyte is isolated from the functional areas of the device.
Battery compartments should be accessible, yet tamperproof, to protect children who might have access to your
Battery compartment size and contact location should be based on the IEC standard dimensions, not upon
measurement of physical samples.
Design equipment to switch off after the battery voltage has dropped below the functional limit of the device. This is
especially true of devices which leave the battery on a virtual short circuit when the voltage level has dropped.
Electrolyte leakage can occur under these conditions.
Operating instructions for device:
If consumers should use a particular type of battery (Chung Pak, Super Heavy Duty, etc.) recommended it Include
the following statement: Please use recommended batteries. Carefully follow all instructions and warnings on the
battery label, package, specifications, MSDS and this document.
Instruct the consumer to replace all batteries at one time. The replacement of a partial set or mixing batteries from
the different chemical systems exposes the device to the possibility of electrolyte leakage and damage through
over-discharge of the lower capacity batteries.
Advise the consumer that batteries that are not specifically designed to be recharged can leak and in, some cases,
rupture if recharged.
Tell the consumer not to heat or open batteries. This will expose the user to chemical burns, or, in rare cases
battery ruptures.
Suggest to customers that they check the batteries’ effectiveness frequently, particularly in devices that are
depended upon for personal safety. Batteries should be replaced as soon as their performance becomes
Recommend that the user makes sure that the contact surfaces are visually clean and bright when installing new
Suggest that the user remove the batteries if the device will not be used for several months.
© [2009] Chung Pak Battery Works Ltd.
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