Lee Rankin Materials: Box # 6

Lee Rankin Materials: Box # 2
1. 6 magazines for the 50th anniversary in 1985 of the National Institute of
Municipal Law Officers:
 The Presidents’ Reports
 1985 Conference Program Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
 The Officers, Trustees and State Chairpersons
 The NIMLO magazine/publication
 1985 President’s Report – J. LaMar Shelley (1984-1985), City
Attorney; Mesa, Arizona.
 NIMLO’s 50th Annual Conference “Advance Registration List.”
2. Folder #152.4: Correspondence between Feb. 17, 1965 – Dec. 17, 1965.
3. Folder #116 “(1966-1967-1968-1969)” – this folder contains correspondence and
pertinent documents about “Big Cypress Ranch and Other Matters” dated Feb. 17,
1966 to Nov. 17, 1969.
 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements – Turner Corp. and
Subsidiaries, Irvington, New York – dated Dec. 31, 1969 – Ernst
and Ernst.
 Engineering Study for Development of Big Cypress Ranch – The
Turner Corp., Oct. 5, 1968; Smally, Wellford and Nalven,
Consulting Engineers – Sarasota, Florida – Project No. 1200.
 Turner Corporation, Stamford Connecticut – Wilkinson & Bruns,
Topographical Map Sec. 34, 35, 36, T47S, R29E; Sec. 1, 2, 3, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, T485, R29E; Naples, Florida – Sept. 16, 1968.
 Cross Sections and Details; Sheet No. 3 of 4 – Pro. TL 101
 Drainage Pump and Culvert; Sheet No. 4 of 4 – Pro. TL 101
 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, T485, R29E – Collier County Florida,
Turner Corporation, Wilkinson, Bruns & Ken, Naples and Grant
Florida – Sheet 1 of 4 PRO TL 101 – dated 10/7/68.
 Letter dated Oct. 16, 1969 (with 2 enclosures) from William B.
Douglass (WBD: ptp) to Mr. Norman Henen, Executive Vice
President, Collier Development Corp. with subject “2nd Exchange,
Collier and Turner.
 Big Cypress Ranch Division Statement of Income For the Periods
Indicated (Dec. 1969 – year-to-date 1969)
 Turner Corp., Schedule of Corporate and Other Income for the
Periods Indicated.
 Turner Corp., Comparative Balance Sheet as of the Dates Indicated
(Dec. 31, 1969 and Dec. 31, 1968)
 Turner Corp., Comp. Working Capital/Fixed Assets
 Turner Corp., Consolidated Statement of Income for the Periods
 Turner- Florida Land Division, Statement of Income for the year
ended Dec. 31, 1969.
Turner-Florida Land Division, Statement of Income for the month
ended Dec. 31, 1969.
Highland Citrus Groves Division, Statement of Income for the
Periods Indicated (Dec. 1969 – year-to-date 1969).
4. Folder #126.3:
 Correspondence regarding the matter of John Edward Connelly,
Jr., Paul J. Chase, John Logan O’donnell, Leo P. Anaboldi, Jr.,
Harry F. Weyhen, William F. Sondericker, Raplhp C. Goldman,
Attorneys. – dated Sept. 10, 1962 to Nov. 5, 1962.
 Notes on yellow paper about (probably) Connelly case – about
 Connelly file: Outline of procedure of the Committee on
Grievances pgs. 1-20.
 Appellate Division of the Supreme Court First Judicial Dept. –
ORDER for Connelly case
 Notice, Petition and Affidavits for Connelly case
5. Folder #116 (1970) (B) – “Ranch and Paris Correspondence:”
 April 6, 1970 – Correspondence with Lee A. Paris, Public
Accountant in Minneapolis, MN about Turner Corp. and the Ranch
 Correspondence dated 4/20/70 with William B. Douglass,
President of Turner Corp.
 Big Cypress Ranch Report #21
 Correspondence dated 5/27/70 with WBD on Big Cypress Ranch,
Animal Purchases for 1970
 Correspondence dated 1/13/70 with WBD on Big Cypress Ranch,
on artificial inseminations, the costs per bred cow and the natural
service costs per bred cow.
 Article from The Florida Cattleman – “50 Pounds More From
Using Better Bulls,” from July 1969 issue – p.34-36, 40-42, 106.
6. Folder #116 (1972) (Ranch) (B) – “Ranch and Turner:”
 Correspondence dated from May 1971 to August 30, 1972
regarding the Big Cypress Ranch and Turner Corp.
7. Folder #117 - Cooper Foundation – Old PSBBR4 964:
 Board meeting handout from Tuesday Dec. 15, 1964 – regarding
Cooper Foundation’s financial commitments – attached are
accounting sheets.
 Letter from Cubmaster Kenn Maloney to JLR about “Notable
Nebraskan” Museum in Holdredge.
 Articles of Association of the Cooper Foundation – dated 12/14/34
 Minutes of Trustees’ Meeting of Cooper Foundation from 4/2/35
through Tuesday, 6/29/43.
8. Folder #152:
 Corrections on list of Eisenhower alumni – dated Dec. 13, 1961.
 Correspondence dated from Nov. 16, 1955 to Nov. 20, 1961
 Inscriptions on the Dept. of Justice Building.
Business Reply Envelope: The Committee for the Blue Book
(Pasadena, CA).
 2pgs with addresses for Roger C. Rankin and James Lee Rankin
and Gertrude Carpenter.
9. Folder #116.1 – (March 16, 1965-Jan.16, 1970) – “Lee Tidewater
Correspondence – 1965-1969:”
 Highland Citrus Groves Division – 10 year Economic Study
 And various documents and correspondence regarding the
Highland Citrus Groves Division, Big Cypress Ranch Division and
Turner Corp.
10. Folder #717.1:
 Correspondence dated from May 26, 1955 to July 17, 1964
 Criminal case No. 30132 – dated March 14, 1963: United States of
America vs. General Motors Corp., Losor Chevy Dealers Assoc.,
Dealers’ Service, Inc. Foothill Chevrolet Dealers Assoc., Kenneth
B. Staley, Lee N. Mays, Roy M. Cash, and Robert M. O’Connor.
11. Last folder (though moved to top of box to keep it from being bent more):
contains large photograph of James Lee Rankin.