 Your topic does not have to come from this list. These are suggestions.
The brief comments and questions for each topic are just a few ideas to
spark your imagination and get you started.
 Investigate the topic. Use articles and/or books, web sites etc., for
background. Your project must include some background research and
some activity, e.g., an interview or a site visit. (If you choose a topic for
which you can't think of an appropriate activity, discuss it with the
Don't just report. Discuss pros and cons. Evaluate. Use your own words.
Quote where appropriate. Give citations for facts and quotes. Discuss
how your topic relates to material covered in the text and/or in class
 Papers are to be typed (use a word processor, Times New Roman with
font size 12) and single-spaced with double spacing between headings
and paragraphs.
 The paper should run 6 to 8 pages, exclusive of title page, bibliography.
 One page should cover title, authors and abstract.
 Abstract of your paper should be an executive summary which provides
highlights from the paper and summarizes the topics to be discussed in
the paper.
 It is well for the paper to provide a bibliography. An appendix page
(last) will specify the date(s) and location(s) of the interview(s) and list
all people present at the interview(s).
Avoid relying overmuch on web sites for definitive references (as
opposed to guidance to sources of reliable, vetted information).
 Outline for the paper
- Cover page: with title, your names (alphabetical order), and
abstract (a summary of 200 words including aim-methodologymain findings - conclusion)
- Index
- Introduction section: overview of topic and issues to be discussed
Write an outline. Organize your thoughts. You may use section
headings to indicate the topic or purpose of sections of the paper.
- Background: description, and/or history of the issue, a brief
information on the research topic (it should not be more than one
- Methodology and research details
- Issues, various points of view
- Findings: results of interviews, observations etc.
- Conclusion: Your comments or evaluation
- List of references: Use a variety of sources for information and
arguments. If you use articles from the Web, give the URL and the
organization sponsoring the site. There's a lot of junk and unsupported
opinion on the Web. Pay attention to quality of your sources.
- Appendix (if needed)
Remember what this course is about. Do not hand papers that are purely
factual or historic. Such papers will not get high scores. You must include
discussion of issues.
One of the most common problems with papers is poor organization.
Do not wait until late in the semester to get started, then discovered that
information on their topic was unavailable or people they wanted to interview
refused. Start early in case you have to change topics or find a new interviewee
or resource.
Now and then, a student hands in a paper he or she did not write at all or in
which large segments are copied from other sources. Please don't do this. It is
dishonest, unfair to your fellow students, and unpleasant for both you and the
Write in your own words. Start early; talk to the instructor if you have
1. Job Application Systems of companies
2. Ticket Reservation system of transport companies – bus
transports, airlines
3. Reservation Systems of Hotels
4. Appointment systems of Health Service companies (Hospitals,
labs etc.)
5. Book selling portals
6. Delivery ordering, tracking systems of Cargo delivery
7. Real Estate Marketing and Sales systems of construction
8. Event announcement and ticket sales systems
Abstract (5 pts)
First Step: (15 pts)
- Visit these e-business sites.
- Make a brief research on the market and give a brief
information on the market (products, producers).
- Analyse the platform or technology that is used in the site.
Search about this technology and summarize the main features of
the technology used in the site.
- Analyze the site map.
- Get user account and try to investigate these systems as a user.
Second Step:
- Define the main modules of the system (User accounts
/profiling system, Ordering system, product information
system, contact system, consumer support system)
- Define the “common” and “different” features of the systems. (
- Define the static and dynamic parts of the “common parts” of
the systems.
(10 pts for these three)
- Choose one module of the systems.
 Identify the database type and design. (20 pts)
 Define authorizations for users, admins, visitors. (5
 Make a system analysis and draw the Datainformation flowcharts . (15 pts)
 Define the possible reports that can be taken from the
system (Based on the database and processed
information) (5 pts)
 Make a testing plan and implement system
performance and usability tests for the system. (5 pts)
- Write down the challenges and errors you witnessed in the
system and your ideas for improvement of the system as a user
(5 pts)
 For these changes you recommended, identify the
changes/improvements needed in any of the
 database design
 processing system/workflows
 hardware infrastructure
Third Step:
- Define the corporate systems that can interact and that should
be integrated with these e-business sites of these companies (5
Fourth Step:
- Explain what you have learned from this Project. Depending on
your findings, summarize the issues (business related and
technological) that should be considered when developing a
similar system (10 pts)
1. A personal budgeting/expenditure system (tracking of expenses
and income, reporting deficits)
2. A Library tracking system (for tracking the items owned and
3. An event organisation (conference, seminar, party, concert)
planning and follow up system (planning, announcing, follow up
and reporting)
4. A team sports scheduling system (organising and announcing a
league or a tournament including teams, players, referees, dates,
fields, matches, scores)
5. A Student Forum system (information and view sharing platform
including membership, discussion topics on intructors, courses,
buildings etc.)
6. A cookery recipe system (enable membership/authorization,
entering structured recipes, searching a recipe, correcting a and
recipe categories
* Please keep in mind that systems you designed should be “open”
systems that receive or provide information from/to at least one
another system.
Abstract (5 pts)
First Step:
- Make a brief research on the similar existing systems and give
a brief information on them. (Are there on-shelf software
packages? How much do they cost? Are they easily accessible,
or widely used? Which software tools are used in them? etc.) (10
Second Step:
- Make a system analysis and draw a basic process flowchart
- Name the main modules of the system.
- Define the static and dynamic parts of the of the system. (20 pts
for these three)
- Design a database for collecting, using and storing data that
you will use in the system. (30 pts)
- Design the modular processes in the system and draw datainformation flowcharts.(will be evaluated with system analysis)
- Define authorization chart. (5 pts)
- Define the possible reports that can be taken from the system
(Based on the database and processed information) (5 pts)
- Write down the challenges and errors you witnessed when
designing the system and your ideas for improvement of the
system as a user(5 pts)
- Make a testing plan including system performance and
usability tests. (5 pts)
Third Step:
- Try to define the complementary /supplementary information
systems that can interact and or that should be integrated with
the system you designed. (5 pts)
Fourth Step:
- Explain what you have learned from this Project. Depending on
your findings, summarize the issues (business related and
technological) that should be considered when developing a
system. (10 pts)