U N I T 6

Unit 6
Text: Petroleum
Grammar Revision: The Construction “Complex Object with the Infinitive”
Pronouns: some, any, no
The Word “most”
Ex.1. Translate the adverbs formed by means of the suffix “-ward(s)”.
Inward, outward, downward, upward, sideward, northward, southward, landward, seaward,
backward(s), forward(s).
Ex.2.Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the construction
“Complex Object with the Infinitive”.
e.g. We know rocks to be divided into three great classes.
Мы знаем, что породы делятся на три большие группы.
1. High temperature often causes mineral composition, structure, and texture to be greatly
2. When most of mineral or crystal grains composing a rock are of the same size and can be
easily seen with the naked eye, we consider such a rock to be of granitoid structure.
3. We know quartz, feldspar, mica, garnet, dolomite, and some others to constitute an
important group of rock-forming minerals.
4. Diastrophic forces which operate vertically cause some areas of the earth’s crust to rise
while others to sink.
5. In many regions we find great thickness of strata to have been tilted, so that now they lie in
inclined positions.
6. Geoscientists believe the earth to have undergone great changes during its existence.
7. While examining the rock sample the students found it to be of sedimentary origin.
8. Oilmen consider folded and faulted rock strata to accumulate hydrocarbons.
9. Folding occurs when a force horizontal to the surface of the earth makes rock strata bend.
10. Scientists proved the processes of weathering and erosion to be proceeding continually all
over the world.
Ex.3. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the underlined words.
1. Some water is present in nearly all rocks.
2. Any solid body is weaker at high temperature than at low.
3. Some of the water penetrates into the ground, some moves down the slope.
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
4. The hydrosphere is made up of fresh or salt water, or some form of water such as ice or
5. The earth is continually changing. Some changes are great and rapid, while others are
small and slow.
6. Have any plant or animal remains been preserved in these rocks?
7. There isn’t any direct evidence of oil presence in this area.
8. Minerals may form anywhere upon or within the earth.
9. Weathering may be so slow that one can see no marked changes in a lifetime of a man.
10. No substance, probably, is to be regarded as entirely insoluble.
11. Anything that is white reflects most of the radiation it receives.
12. Nobody knows the ultimate cause of earthquakes.
13. The water of the Dead Sea is so salty that nothing can live in it.
Ex.4. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the word “most”.
Most sedimentary rocks form distinct layers or strata.
Большинство осадочных пород образуют ярко-выраженные слои.
Most of debris carried by the glacier during its advance is laid down…
Большая часть обломков, переносимая ледниками во время его продвижения
откладывается …
Geophysical surveys indicate the most likely places where to drill for oil.
С помощью геофизических исследований определяют наиболее вероятные
площади бурения.
This is a most interesting problem.
Это чрезвычайно интересная проблема.
1. Most lake bottoms receive sediments both derived by wave action and carried in by
2. Most of the materials which make up the vast bodies of sedimentary rocks are products of
rock weathering which have been transported from their places of origin.
3. In most cases two or more of the chemical elements are variously combined in such a
manner (chemically) as to lose their individual identities.
4. Most of the minerals of the fine-grained rocks are extremely small.
5. Most of the ordinary rocks are made up of two or more minerals mechanically bound
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
6. A most spectacular example of uplift is provided by Mount Everest, the summit of which
is of sediments that were originally deposited on the sea floor of a former age.
7. The most important result of the solvent action of ground water on sedimentary rocks is
the dissolving of the cements which hold their grains together.
8. The origin of the earth is the most important and the most difficult question of natural
9. A most sensational achievement was the discovery of a new planet, Neptune, in 1846.
10. Quartz is not only abundant as a mineral, but is one of the most resistant to all forms of
1. speculation (n)
предположение, теория, догадка
The speculation on this phenomenon is unlikely to be true.
2. abundant (adj.)
Russia is a land abundant in mineral resources
3. lithify (v)
литифицировать (превращать в камень или
Sand grains are lithified into a hard rock.
4. pressure differential
перепад давления
Pressure differential causes oil to migrate from the source
rock to a reservoir rock.
5. pool (n)
нефтяная залежь
Accumulation of oil can be referred to as an oil pool.
6. actual (adj.)
фактический, реальный
Actual and imagined conditions
7. saturate (with) (v)
насыщать, пропитывать
Unfortunately, our culture is saturated with television
8. confine (v)
ограничивать(ся) ч-л.
The speaker should confine himself to the subject.
Ex. 5. Read the text and 1) find the international words;
2) find the construction “Complex Object with the Infinitive”
3) find English equivalents to the following: т. е.; химический
состав сам по себе; а скорее; научные исследования;
промышленные залежи; соответствующее время.
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
Petroleum geologists have written more on the origin of petroleum than on any other subject.
Speculation in this field was initiated in the 1860-s, but the problem of oil origin is still with us.
Even extraordinary theories on the origin of hydrocarbons have surfaced over years. Some
geologists believe petroleum to be of inorganic origin.
But most geoscientists consider petroleum to result from the breakdown of organic matter
(plants and animals), which has been deposited and buried over hundreds of millions of years
ago. Petroleum forms in marine sedimentary rocks that contain abundant organic remains. This
material lithifies into a source rock that is buried by overlying sediments, and the resulting
increased pressure, high temperature, bacteria, chemical reactions convert the organic material
into hydrocarbons.
Petroleum is an organic substance consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, that is, it is made
up of the two chemical elements carbon and hydrogen in rather complex and variable
combinations. In addition to these principal elements oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen are usually
found in petroleum composition.
So, the chemical composition itself, the kinds of rocks with which petroleum is associated,
and certain optical tests all point to the organic origin of petroleum.
Petroleum is not necessarily found where it was generated, but instead may have migrated
from its source rock over large distance. Under the pressure differential petroleum moves
outward and upward along zones of increased permeability to a reservoir rock and accumulates
there. Although the term “oil pool” is commonly used, there is really no actual pool or
underground lake, but rather there is a porous rock saturated with oil and covered with an
impermeable layer.
The general term “petroleum” includes both crude oil and natural gas, the former being a
liquid. Crude oil nearly always has more or less natural gas associated with it, but in some places
considerable quantities of gas may exist alone.
Investigation into petroleum genesis is not purely academic exercise. When we can determine
exactly under what conditions commercial deposits of oil are formed and the date of their
formation, we can confine our exploration for oil to 1) places that meet these conditions, and 2)
traps of oil that were in existence at the proper time.
Ex.6. Match synonyms in A and B.
1. speculation
1. indicate
2. composition
2. parent rock
3. point to
3. theory
4. migrate
4. make –up (n)
5. breakdown
5. move
6. convert
6. examination
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
7. oil pool
7. transform
8. in addition to
8. decomposition
9. actual
9. oil accumulation
10. subsurface
10. main
11. considerable
11. real
12. matter
12. underground
13. principal
13. besides
14. investigation
14. great
15. source rock
15. define
16. determine
16. substance
17. nearly
17. amount
18. quantity
18. limit (v.)
19. place
19. almost
20. confine
20. location
Ex.7. Match antonyms in A and B.
1. more
1. outward
2. result from
2. high
3. abundant
3. less
4. underlying
4. include
5. expose
5. result in
6. low
6. poor
7. destroy
7. overlying
8. inward
8. bury
9. dissipate
9. create
10. exclude
10. liquid
11. the latter
11. accumulate
12. solid
12. the former
Ex.8. Find in the text the words of the same root given before the text. State the part of
speech of the found words.
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
To mix, nature, occur, gas, to apply, to change, to constitute, to solidify, to heat, convertor,
to transmute(изменяться), to vary, chemistry, to form.
Petroleum is a mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbons which may take either the solid,
liquid or gaseous state. These three phases of petroleum are transmutable, one into the other, by
the application of changes in temperature and pressure. Some of the constituents of petroleum
are solids at ordinary earth temperatures, but the application of heat will cause them to take a
liquid form, and further heating may convert them into gases and vapors. The solid and gaseous
forms are soluble in the liquid forms. Various chemical changes may also cause solidification.
Ex.9. Translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the different meanings of
the words in bold type.
School subjects- the subject of the research-the subject of the sentence-rocks subject to
weathering; organic matter- a matter of great importance-what’s the matter; organic remainsto remain stable-to remain friends; source rock –source material –a source of energy; a pool
on the ground-an oil pool-to swim in a pool; natural phenomena-natural resource-natural gasnatural selection; near the surface- the near fields-in the near future-nearly 30 miles; to
consider a problem- to take into consideration-a considerable amount-to a considerable
extent-financial considerations-to be under consideration; formation of water- a water
formation-sedimentary formation; a rather complex mineral-to occur in liquid rather than
solid state-I would rather watch TV than do my homework.
Ex.10. Translate the following word combinations, paying attention to the prepositions.
1. To write on the origin of oil
2. A theory on the origin of hydrocarbons
3. To point to the organic origin
4. To be deposited over hundreds of millions of years
5. To be buried by overlying sediments
6. To convert the organic material into hydrocarbons
7. Instead of breaking
To be made up of two elements
9. In addition to fracturing
10. Investigation in petroleum genesis
11. Under certain conditions
12. To confine to the seas and oceans
13. At the proper time
14. To consist of a mixture of substances
15. To result in weathering
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
16. To result from weathering
17. To saturate with water
18. To be covered with a sedimentary layer
19. To migrate over large distance
Ex.11. Translate the following sentences into English. Use proper prepositions.
1. В условиях высокого давления
превращается в углеводороды.
2. Нефтяная залежь – это пористая формация, насыщенная нефтью, и
перекрыта непроницаемым слоем породы.
3. Все знают, что нефть состоит из нескольких компонентов; помимо углерода и
водорода в ней присутствуют и другие составляющие.
4. Данные исследований
5. Существуют разные теории происхождения нефти.
6. Нефть может мигрировать на большие расстояния.
Ex.12. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in brackets. Translate the
sentences into Russian.
1. Under pressure oil and gas … into … strata below or beneath them, then … further into …
that we now call... . (reservoirs, permeable, migrated (2), traps).
2. Oil is seldom found in … amounts in the … rock where it was formed. Rather, it will be
found nearby, in … rock. These are normally … rocks – layered rock bodies formed in
ancient, … seas. Sandstone is the most … of the … rock types. (shallow, common, source,
sedimentary(2), commercial, reservoir).
3. When … are interconnected, the rock is … and fluids can flow by … or gravity … the
rock body. (permeable, through, pressure, pores).
If the reservoir rock is … and … enough, then the petroleum will … . But if it is to
accumulate, something must stop the … . (migrate, migration, permeable, porous).
5. A … is an arrangement of rock layers that contains an … of hydrocarbons, yet … them
from rising to the surface. The … consists of an … layer above a …, … layer containing
the … . (impermeable, permeable, trap (2), porous, prevents, accumulation,
6. A rock is … when its … are connected – that is, oil, gas, and water can … through it by
moving from one … to another. The unit of … of permeability is the darcy. (pores, pore,
permeable, flow, measurement).
7. Oil and gas tend to seek shallower levels. Unless they are … underground by geological
…, they will continue to move … until they escape at the surface. In fact, … they do
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
exactly this. Since ancient times people have … oil in places known as … .(upward,
sometimes, seeps, formations, trapped, found).
Ex.13. Read the following sentences and find the construction “Complex Object with the
Infinitive”. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. One should not expect the irreducible (остаточное) water saturation to exist in every
2. The pressure differential makes oil migrate outward and upward.
3. Geologists consider the second phase in the burial of the organic sediment to be the
deposition of a non-organic overlying rock.
4. Scientists showed aerobic bacteria to be abundant in stagnant waters.
5. We believe the research into oil genesis to be continued.
6. The researchers proved oil to have been generated under certain conditions.
7. Some 50 years ago nobody expected considerable quantities of natural gas to exist alone.
8. Everybody knows an impermeable layer to stop hydrocarbon migration from a reservoir
9. Geoscientists suppose the speculation on the genesis of petroleum to have been initiated
as early as the 1860-s.
10. Oilmen found the oil pool in this region to contain oil of high quality in commercial
Ex.14. Translate into English:
1. Менделеев считал, что нефть имеет неорганическое происхождение.
2. Многие ученые полагают, что сам состав нефти, породы, где она залегает
указывают на органическое происхождение нефти.
3. Ученые показали, что высокие температуры и давление, наличие бактерий и
отсутствие кислорода являются важнейшими факторами в процессе образования
4. Исследователи давно установили, что УВ нефтяных и газовых залежей
формируются в основном в глинистых нефтематеринских осадках.
5. Мы знаем, что состав нефти зависит от места и природы ее образования.
6. Перепад давления приводит к тому, что нефть мигрирует из нефтематеринской
породы в породу-коллектор.
Ex.15. Answer the following questions.
1. What theories on the origin of hydrocarbons do you know?
2. Where and how is oil formed according to the theory of organic origin of petroleum?
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
3. What conditions are necessary for hydrocarbon generation?
4. What causes hydrocarbons to migrate from a source rock to a reservoir rock?
5. What does the term “oil pool” imply?
6. What is petroleum composed of?
7. Why is it important to investigate petroleum genesis?
Ex.16. Read the text, arrange the paragraphs logically and give a heading to the text.
Subsequent deposition caused the earlier sediments to become buried and to start to compact
into sedimentary formations. Increasing depth of burial with resultant pressure and temperature
changes created the conditions for the formation of oil and gas. The hydrocarbons thus formed
migrated upward and sideward into other sedimentary basin rocks, such as sandstones and
fractural limestones, which provide the necessary reservoirs.
It is generally believed that the greater part of the world’s hydrocarbons originated in the
deposition of dead organisms on the sea floor millions of years ago. These organisms which
include plankton, bacteria, and simple plants accumulated with large quantities of inorganic
particles deposited by rivers or through chemical precipitation.
The organic theory of the origin of petroleum is now generally accepted by most scientists but
there remain many problems which are yet unsolved.
The word “petroleum” is derived from two Latin words: “petra” meaning rock, and “oleum”
meaning oil. Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, but in addition to hydrocarbons
small amounts of oxygen, nitrogen and suphur are also present.
Ex.17. Translate the text in writing. Use a dictionary.
Oil is considered to migrate from its place of formation. Oil is of less density than water, and
tends to move up the dip of the rocks until it either reaches the surface or is trapped beneath an
impermeable layer.
The task of the geologist searching for accumulations of oil is first to decide whether oil is
likely to have been formed in the area, and secondly to find structures in which the oil may have
accumulated. He must consider the palegeograhpy of the area and its geological structure, both
of which depend on as complete knowledge as possible of the succession and lithology, i.e. the
statigraphy of the region.
Reservoir rocks in which oil may accumulate must be either strongly fissured or of high
porosity, conditions most commonly met with either in massive limestones or sands and
sandstones, while the migration of oil will be stopped by a fine-textured stratum such as clay or
Oil is particularly likely to accumulate in domes beneath an impermeable layer.
In any of the structures in which oil may be trapped it is usual to find a gas zone
immediately below the cover rock overlying the oil bearing zone beneath which the reservoir
rock is usually saturated with water, often brackish.
Ex.18. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
1. Petroleum is of organic origin.
2. Hydrocarbons are generated in reservoir rocks.
3. Petroleum is found in a source rock.
4. Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrogen and carbon.
5. The knowledge of petroleum genesis is of great importance for geologists.
Ex.19. Render the following text in English.
Ученых давно интересует вопрос о происхождении нефти. Некоторые полагают, что
нефть имеет неорганическое происхождение, хотя приверженцев теории органического
генезиса углеводородов, несомненно, больше. Они считают, что нефть и природный газ
образовались в результате распада органического вещества, захороненного в древних
осадках. Под действием бактерий, химических реакций в условиях высокого давления и
температуры это органическое вещество преобразовалось в углеводороды.
Нефть и газ представляют собой сложную смесь различных углеводородных
соединений. При перепаде давления жидкие и газообразные углеводороды сравнительно
легко мигрируют по пористым и проницаемым породам и собираются в природных
ловушках, которые могут располагаться на значительном расстоянии от места их
генерации. Углеводороды нефтяных и газовых залежей образовались по большей части в
мелкозернистых нефтегазоматеринских осадках. Породы, способные аккумулировать
значительные количества мигрирующих в них нефти и газа, получили название
природных резервуаров или коллекторов. Наиболее распространенные коллекторы
представлены главным образом песчаниками и карбонатами.
Ex.20. Speak on: 1) the formation of hydrocarbons
2) accumulation of hydrocarbons
3) composition of petroleum
4) theories on petroleum origin
Ex.21. Read the text and speak on the work of geological specialists engaged in exploration
The petroleum industry is so large, encompassing so many segments and activities that it is
easier viewed as a collection of industries – that translates into vast needs for people with a
variety of backgrounds and interests . . . and that, in turn, translates into tremendous career
opportunities. It all starts with exploration. Using a variety of methods, on land and at sea,
specialized professionals search for geologic formations that may contain oil and gas. Sophisticated equipment and advances in computer technology have increased the productivity of
exploration. Maps of potential deposits are made using remote-sensing satellites.
People with many different skills' needed to explore for oil and gas drill new wells, maintain
existing wells, and process natural gas.
A petroleum geologist or a geophysicist, who is responsible for analyzing and interpreting
the information gathered, usually heads exploration operations. Other geological specialists also
may be involved in exploration activities, including paleontologists, who study fossil remains to
Petroleum Geology
Unit 6
locate oil; mineralogists, who study physical and chemical properties of mineral and rock
samples; stratigraphers, who determine the rock layers most likely to contain oil and natural gas;
and photo-geologists, who examine and interpret aerial photographs of land surfaces.
Petroleum Geology