The Children, Young People & Families Voluntary Sector Fund makes available
Scottish Executive grant support for voluntary organisations to provide better outcomes for
children, young people and families.
The aim of the Unified Fund is to enable a strategic and integrated approach to
Scottish Executive funding for voluntary organisations dealing with children, young people &
families. It also aims to simplify the application and monitoring processes for voluntary
organisations and the Executive.
Scottish Executive Priorities
Applications for funding under the unified scheme should be in support of one or
more of Ministers’ priorities for children, young people and families, including:
to deliver better outcomes for vulnerable and deprived children and young people;
to protect children – through effective early intervention with children and families
and/or support when they need protection;
to improve the health, education and care of children and young people who are
affected by disability and/or who have special educational needs/additional support
to assist in meeting the health needs of children and young people by engaging in
health initiatives complementary to those required by statute;
to deliver better outcomes for children, young people and families from ethnic
to promote the rights and reflect the views of all children and young people –
especially those who are vulnerable or deprived;
to enhance the physical, mental and emotional development and well-being of all
children and young people by promoting healthier, more positive lifestyles through
social inclusion, lifelong learning and active citizenship; and
to provide mediation and counselling services for families/couples experiencing stress
or in transition.
Grants under the scheme are available for organisations that assist children, young
people and families (whatever their composition), or to organisations that assist one or
all of these groups as part of their services.
The Scottish Executive is keen to support innovative approaches as well as effective
established models for service delivery.
Previous/Existing Grant Schemes
From 2004-05, the Unified Fund subsumed Scottish Executive grant funding for
voluntary organisations assisting children, young people and families provided previously
under a number of separate grant schemes. These included:
Education Department’s Children & Young People’s Group Grant Scheme, paid
under Section 10 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 and the Further Education
(Approved Associations)(Scotland) Grant Regulations 1989;
Education Department’s Special Needs Innovation Grants Programme, with reference
to voluntary organisations, paid under the Education Development, Research and
Services (Scotland) Grant Regulations 1999;
Justice Department’s grants for family support organisations offering mediation and
couple counselling, paid under Sections 9 and 10 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act
1968 ; and
Social Work Services Inspectorate Section 9 training grant with reference to children,
young people and families, paid under Section 9(1) of the Social Work (Scotland) Act
From 2005-06 the Fund will also include grant funding previously provided through:
Health Department grants under Section 16B of the NHS (Scotland) Act 1978 for
organisations providing health services that complement those required by statute
(where applications relate predominantly to services for children and young people).
Those voluntary organisations that have already been advised of firm grant offers for
2005-06 and/or 2006-07 under any of the above grant schemes need not re-apply for this
funding in 2005-06 under the Unified scheme. Those organisations seeking new or renewed
funding for 2005-06 onwards, including those previous funded through section 16B grants,
should apply under the Unified scheme, with reference to the priorities set out at paragraph 3
above. Where relevant organisations have already submitted applications for new or renewed
funding under the section 16B grant scheme they will be notified, where appropriate, that
their application will be considered under the Unified scheme. Organisations will be notified
if any information is required additional to their existing application.
Types of Funding
Voluntary organisations applying for grant should complete all the relevant sections
of the attached Grant Information and Application Pack. Organisations should specify
whether they are seeking core, project and/or capital grant:
Core Funding
Core or headquarters funding is provided to voluntary bodies that provide specialist
services to a particular client group or groups and to umbrella bodies that represent
the voluntary sector or provide services to it. Core grant is normally provided for 1, 2
or 3 year periods, subject to satisfactory performance and compliance with grant
conditions. Core grant may be renewed if an organisation has operated effectively;
continues to contribute significantly to the achievement of the Scottish Executive’s
priorities; and if its financial position warrants the continuing payment of grant.
Core funding is provided to national generic infrastructure organisations and
associated local networks and only on an exceptional basis for local service delivery
organisations. We would normally expect funding for local bodies to come from
other agencies, e.g. local authorities or health, where they consider this appropriate.
Project Grants
Project grants may be provided for national projects that test innovative ideas of
wider significance or local projects that are innovative and of potential national
significance. Project grants are normally provided for a maximum of 3 years and are
not renewable. Great importance is applied to the likelihood of other sources of
funding being secured for the project beyond the end of the funding period. Project
grant are also available to secure or provide training.
Capital Grants
Capital grants are made on a one-off basis only, to cover capital costs.
Applications should be signed by the Chief Officer of the organisation and should be
returned to the address shown on the covering letter by 12 November 2004. Applications
can be submitted by e-mail or disk but should be followed by a signed hard copy with any
relevant attachments.
Evaluation of Applications
Initial screening of an application will be undertaken by the Division that has
Executive policy lead for that particular area. The criteria that will be taken into account are
listed at Annex A. Applications that pass the screening process will be assessed collectively
by an Assessment Panel including relevant interests from across the Scottish Executive. We
will consider voluntary sector representation on the panel. The Scottish Executive might
approach organisations for additional information in support of their applications.
Conditions of Grant & Financial Arrangements
Grants are awarded on a financial year basis from 1 April to 31 March. We would
expect organisations to return any grant not used within each financial year. Full conditions
of grant and monitoring arrangements will be notified in the grant offer letter.
Further Questions
If organisations have any queries that cannot be answered by referring to the guidance
notes attached with the application pack, please refer them to the contact details on the
covering letter; or to:
Gita Jackson
Scottish Executive Education Department
Area 2-B(N)
Victoria Quay
Scottish Executive
October 2004
0131 244 7670
0131 244 0978
Annex A
Criteria for Assessing Applications to the Children, Young People and Families Unified
Voluntary Sector Fund
N.B. It is not necessary for organisations to meet all the criteria below. Variable weighting
will be given to different criteria when assessing applications.
Application for Core Grant
National organisation ?
Organisation’s aims, objectives and main client group compliant with at least one of the Scottish
Executive Priorities for the Fund?
Organisation has demonstrated ability to meet targets for past 3 years and has new targets for the
proposed grant period that are acceptable, achievable and link to the Scottish Executive’s priorities for
the Fund?
Organisation is and is likely to remain solvent and demonstrates a track record for generating funds?
Organisation working closely and effectively with other organisations dealing with same client group –
statutory and voluntary?
Organisation has demonstrated success in using volunteers in its work or in promoting use of volunteers
by constituent organisations?
Provision of specific and quantifiable monitoring and evaluation measures against targets?
Grant requested represents good value for money in relation to services to be provided as a result of
Bid provides opportunities for part funding?
Evidence that client group/users views about services provided by organisation in past 3 years?
Application for Project/ Capital Grant
a) Project is innovative and either national of wide significance or local with the potential to have
national significance?
b) If capital – bidding organisation is national?
The proposal demonstrates a clear need for the project/ capital bid?
The main client group to benefit from the project/ capital grant is relevant to at least one of the Scottish
Executive Priorities for the Fund?
The organisation has outlined clear, measurable and realistic targets for the project/ capital bid?
Organisation in receipt of funding/ applied for funding from Executive or other sources?
Annex A
Organisation working closely and effectively with other organisations dealing with same client group –
statutory and voluntary. These organisations and service users have been consulted in development of
the project/ capital bid?
The organisation has considered and provided a clear strategy for maintaining the project at the end of
the funding period, or if capital, meeting the running costs on completion?
The application includes clear details of estimated income and expenditure for the project/ capital works
that represent good value for money?
Bid provides opportunities for part funding?
Organisation has included acceptable information on core income and expenditure and demonstrated
ability to remain viable?
Provision of specific and quantifiable monitoring and evaluation measures?
Indication of satisfactory level of experience and qualifications , and an acceptable ratio of paid/
voluntary staff to deliver project or
if capital
satisfactory level of experience and knowledge to manage the capital project?