IEP Goal Learning Experience/Skills WILL MAINTAIN A CALM BODY WITH APPROPRIATE BODY ORIENTATION AND VOCAL VOLUME WHEN COMMUNICATING HIS THOUGHTS OR NEEDS TO PEERS OR ADULTS WITH 1 VERBAL OR VISUAL PROMPT AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES. WILL STATE THE TEACHING POINT AND THE HIGHLIGHTED EXAMPLE AFTER A MINI-LESSON OR INDEPENDENT CONFERENCE AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES PER MARKING PERIOD. WILL DEMONSTRATE THE ABILITY TO USE CORRECT LETTER FORMATION, SPACING AND DIRECTIONALITY WHEN WRITING AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES PER MARKING PERIOD. WILL PARTICPATE IN A CONVERSATION DURING STUCTURED PLAY OR GROUP ACTIVITY WITH 2 OR MORE EXCHANGES BY ADDING RELATED COMMENTS, STATEMENTS, OR QUESTIONS WHEN TALKING TO A PARTNER OR GROUP OF PEERS, WITHOUT ADULT PROMPTING, WHILE REMAINING ON TOPIC, IN 3/5 OPPORTUITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS PER MARKING PERIOD. WILL USE A VISUAL CHECKLIST TO INDEPENDENTLY COMPLETE AN ACADEMIC TASK ACCURATELY, WITH NO MORE THAN 1 VERBAL PROMPT, AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS, IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES IEP Goal Teaching Strategies/Accommodations Use appropriate nonverbal communication (eye gaze, facial expression, conventional gestures, volume, rate of speech) Be able to begin, maintain and end a conversation. Check in with peer/adult. Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Use of working memory to recall teaching point/expectations. Assessment Little Einstein rewards chart for each period. 5 point voice scale Modeling Verbal prompt/reminder Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented Priming Reminders Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented Start sentences with a capital. Use ending punctuation marks. Use finger spacing Writing samples Writing name, writing during cluster periods. Finger spacing Individual chart for letter/word writing. Models Prompts/reminders Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Address topic management (preoccupation with one topic) Repair conversation and ask for clarification. Declaritive language Priming Whispering in ear Modeling conversation skills Preferred topics of conversation Episodic memory Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Follow directions to complete a task. Build independence Visual checklist for academic areas Visual/written schedule for Social Club Task break down Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Learning Experience/Skills Teaching Assessment Strategies/Accommodations WILL RETRIEVE AND PUT AWAY WORK MATERIALS AND PERSONAL POSSESSIONS IN AN ORGANIZED FASHION WITH NO MORE THAN ONE VERBAL PROMPT AND BY REFERENCING PEERS IN 4/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS OVER 5 DAYS MONTHLY. S WILL START, CONTINUE AND COMPLETE A TEACHER/PROVIDER SELECTED ACTIVITY 4 TIMES DAILY WITHOUT OBJECTING IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS, PER MARKING PERIOD. Develop responsibility and independence Develop organization skills Do what the group is doing Participation in non-preferred tasks Being flexible Being part of the group and doing what the group is doing even if you do not want to. BODY WILL FACE THE SPEAKER WHILE SITTING ON THE CARPET FOR TEN MINUTES WITH ONE VISUAL OR PHYSCIAL PROMPT AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS OVER 5 DAYS MONTHLY. S WILL USE AN APPROPRIATE VOCAL VOLUME AND WORDS WHEN COMMUNICATING HER OPPOSITION/DISCOMFORT WITH NO MORE THAN ONE VISUAL OR VERBAL REMINDER WITH TEACHERSAND/OR PEERS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES IN 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS MONTHLY. S WILL PARTICIPATE IN A 3 OR MORE CONVERSATIONAL EXCHANGES DURING PARTNER WORK OR A GROUP ACTIVITY BY ADDING RELATED COMMENTS, STATEMENTS, OR QUESTIONSWITH NO MORE THAN ONE ADULT PROMPT, IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES. Sustain attention and concentration Use appropriate nonverbal communication (eye gaze, facial expression, conventional gestures) Use appropriate nonverbal communication (eye gaze, facial expression, conventional gestures, volume, rate of speech) Be able to begin, maintain and end a conversation. Check in with peer/adult. Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Address topic management (preoccupation with one topic) Repair conversation and ask for clarification. Individual checklist of what to unpack and pack-up. Sticker rewards Carryover with lunch Conference notes Anecdotal notes Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Being flexible Expected/unexpected First/then Negotiating Changing the way people feel Being part of the group and doing what the group is doing even if you do not want to. Sticker rewards Give 5 Whole body listening Priming Preferential seating Expected/unexpected Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. 5 point voice scale Modeling Verbal prompt/reminder Flexible Big problem/little problem chart Social stories Sticker rewards Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented Declaritive language Priming Whispering in ear Modeling conversation skills Preferred topics of conversation Sticker rewards Episodic memory Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Checklist of what she remembers/forget IEP Goal Learning Experience/Skills IN A STRUCTURED, SMALL GROUP SETTING J WILL PARTICIPATE IN GROUP CHATS BY ADDING A RELEVANT COMMENT, STATEMENT, OR QUESTION FOLLOWING AN ADULT MODEL IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS AND A TIMER PER MARKING PERIOD. J WILL INITIATE AND COMPLETE A TEACHER SELECTED ACTIVITY, NON PREFERRED OR FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITY WITH NO MORE THAN 2 VERBAL AND/OR VISUAL PROMPTS, AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATION ACROSS 5 DAYS, MONTHLY. J WILL DEMONSTRATE HIS ABILITY TO MAINTAIN HIS ATTENTION DURING WHOLE GROUP LESSONS FOR 5 MINUTES AS EVIDENCED BY WHOLE BODY LISTENING AND APPROPRIATE RESPONSES TO TEACHER/PROVIDER QUESTIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS 5 DAYS MONTHLY. Teaching Strategies/Accommodations Assessment Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Address topic management (preoccupation with one topic) Repair conversation and ask for clarification. Ask questions Declaritive language Priming Whispering in ear Modeling conversation skills Preferred topics of conversation Episodic memory Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Participation in non-preferred tasks Being flexible Being part of the group and doing what the group is doing even if you do not want to. Being flexible Expected/unexpected First/then Negotiating Changing the way people feel Being part of the group and doing what the group is doing even if you do not want to. Record faces and send home to parents regarding participation. Give 5 Whole body listening Priming Preferential seating Conference notes Anecdotal notes Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Sustain attention and concentration Response to questions IEP Goal A WILL INDEPENDENTLY WRITE UTILIZING CORRECT CAPITALIZATION, LETTER FORMATION, SIZING AND SPACING IN 4/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS, PER MARKING PERIOD. A WILL DEMONSTRATE HIS ABILITY TO MAINTAIN HIS ATTENTION DURING WHOLE GROUP LESSONS FOR 5 MINUTES AS EVIDENCED BY WHOLE BODY LISTENING AND APPROPRIATE RESPONSES TO TEACHER/PROVIDER QUESTIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS 5 DAYS MONTHLY. IN A STRUCTURED, SMALL GROUP SETTING A WILL PARTICIPATE IN GROUP CHATS BY ADDING A RELEVANT COMMENT, STATEMENT, OR QUESTION FOLLOWING N ADULT MODEL IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS AND A TIMER PER MARKING PERIOD. A WILL DEMONSTRATE IMPROVED OBJECT CONTROL SKILLS BY ENGAGING IN A.P.E. GAMES THAT INCLUDE DRIBBLING, STRIKING A BALL WITH A BAT, IN 3/5 TRIALS USING THE TEST OF GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA TO ASSESS PROGRESS AS WELL AS TEACHER OBSERVATION. Learning Experience/Skills Teaching Strategies/Accommodations Start sentences with a capital. Use ending punctuation marks. Use finger spacing Assessment Finger spacing Individual chart for letter/word writing. Models Prompts/reminders Sustain attention and concentration Use appropriate nonverbal communication (eye gaze, facial expression, conventional gestures) Give 5 Whole body listening Priming Preferential seating Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Address topic management (preoccupation with one topic) Repair conversation and ask for clarification. Ask questions Declaritive language Priming Whispering in ear Modeling conversation skills Preferred topics of conversation Episodic memory Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Improve eye-hand coordination Develop gross motor skills. Turn-taking with phys ed materials. Using materials appropriately to participate in gym. Priming/pre-teaching Practicing in small group and 1:1 sessions (recess). 1:1 support during phys ed when presented with difficult task. Self-reflection Positive reinforcement after difficult task. Conference notes Anecdotal notes Consult APE teacher Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Writing samples Writing name, writing during cluster periods. Conference notes Anecdotal notes IEP Goal P WILL INDEPENDENTLY WRITE UTILIZING CORRECT CAPITALIZATION, LETTER FORMATION, SIZING AND SPACING IN 4/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS, PER MARKING PERIOD. P WILL TAKE A BREAK, REMAIN QUIET AND CALM OR USE SELF REGULATION STRATEGIES DURING A NONPREFERRED ACTIVITY OR PERCEIVED BORING MOMENT WITH A VERBAL PROMPT FROM A TEACHER/PROVIDER IN 3 OUT OF 5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS ACROSS FIVE DAYS, MONTHLY IN A STRUCTURED, SMALL GROUP SETTING P WILL PARTICIAPTE IN GROUP CHATS BY ADDING A RELEVANT COMMENT, STATEMENT, OR QUESTION FOLLOWING AN ADULT MODEL IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS AND A TIMER PER MARKING PERIOD. P WILL DEMONSTRATE IMPROVED OBJECT CONTROL SKILLS BY ENGAGING IN A.P.E. GAMES THAT INCLUDE DRIBBLING, STRIKING A BALL WITH A BAT, IN 3/5 TRIALS USING THE TEST OF GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA TO ASSESS PROGRESS AS WELL AS TEACHER OBSERVATION. Learning Experience/Skills Teaching Strategies/Accommodations Start sentences with a capital. Use ending punctuation marks. Use finger spacing Develop self-regulation and calming strategies Develop choice-making skills Develop self-reflection skills Assessment Finger spacing Individual chart for letter/word writing. Models Prompts/reminders Writing samples Writing name, writing during cluster periods. Social story – what to do when upset Reminder card- what to do when upset Comic strip conversations Big/little problems Being flexible Expected/unexpected Conference notes Anecdotal notes Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Discussion with OT Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Address topic management (preoccupation with one topic) Repair conversation and ask for clarification. Ask questions Declaritive language Priming Whispering in ear Modeling conversation skills Preferred topics of conversation Episodic memory Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Improve eye-hand coordination Turn-taking with phys ed materials. Using materials appropriately to participate in gym. Priming/pre-teaching Practicing in small group and 1:1 sessions (recess). 1:1 support during phys ed when presented with difficult task. Self-reflection Positive reinforcement after difficult task. Conference notes Anecdotal notes Consult APE teacher Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. IEP Goal Learning Experience/Skills Teaching Strategies/Accommodations Assessment M WILL DEMONSTRATE HIS ABILITY TO MAINTAIN HIS ATTENTION DURING WHOLE GROUP LESSONS FOR 5 MINUTES AS EVIDENCED BY WHOLE BODY LISTENING AND APPROPRIATE RESPONSES TO TEACHER/PROVIDER QUESTIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS 5 DAYS MONTHLY. Sustain attention and concentration Use appropriate nonverbal communication (eye gaze, facial expression, conventional gestures) Give 5 Whole body listening Priming Preferential seating Work for brainpop Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. M WILL KEEP HIS HANDS TO HIMSELF AND HIS MOUTH QUIET WHILE ON THE CARPET OR DURING GROUP ACTIVITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 4/5 OPPORTUNITIES DAILY ACROSS FIVE DAYS. Give 5 with focus on hands down and mouth quiet Develop emotional control skills Being part of the group Give 5- visual cue cards Whole body listening Priming Preferential seating Movement breaks Work for brainpop Expected/unexpected Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. M WILL INDEPENDENTLY WRITE UTILIZING CORRECT CAPITALIZATION, LETTER FORMATION, SIZING AND SPACING IN 4/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS, PER MARKING PERIOD. Start sentences with a capital. Use ending punctuation marks. Use finger spacing Finger spacing Individual chart for letter/word writing. Models Prompts/reminders Writing samples Writing name, writing during cluster periods. M WILL UTILIZE CALMING TECHNIQUES SUCH AS TAKING A BREAK, TAKING A WALK OR PROVIDING HIMSELF WITH PROPREOCEPTIVE INPUT WITH THE USE OF A VISUAL CUE IN 4/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS ACROSS 5 DAYS MONTHLY. Develop self-regulation and calming strategies Develop choice-making skills Develop self-reflection skills Social story – what to do when upset Reminder card- what to do when upset Comic strip conversations Big/little problems Being flexible Expected/unexpected Movement breaks Conference notes Anecdotal notes Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Discussion with OT IEP Goal Learning Experience/Skills D WILL DEMONSTRATE THE ABILITY TO USE CORRECT LETTER FORMATION, SPACING, AND DIRECTIONALITY WHEN WRITING AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES PER MARKING PERIOD. D WILL USE A CALM BODY WITH APPROPRIATE BODY ORIENTATION, EYE CONTACT, AND VOCAL VOLUME WHEN COMMUNICATING HIS THOUGHTS OR NEEDS TO PEERS OR ADULTS, WITH ONE VERBAL OR VISUAL PROMPT, AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES PER MARKING PERIOD. D WILL PARTICIPATE IN A CONVERSATION DURING STRUCTURED PLAY OR GROUP ACTIVITY WITH 2 OR MORE EXCHANGES BY ADDING RELATED COMMENTS, STATEMENTS, OR QUESTIONS WHEN TALKING TO A PARTNER OR GROUP OF PEERS, WITHOUT ADULT PROMPTING, WHILE REMAINING ON TOPIC, IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS PER MARKING PERIOD. D WILL STATE THE TEACHING POINT AND THE HIGHLIGHTED EXAMPLE AFTER A MINI LESSON OR INDEPENDENT CONFERENCE AS MEASURED BY TEACHER/PROVIDER OBSERVATIONS IN 3/5 OPPORTUNITIES PER MARKING PERIOD. Teaching Strategies/Accommodations Start sentences with a capital. Use ending punctuation marks. Use finger spacing Assessment Writing samples Writing name, writing during cluster periods. Finger spacing Individual chart for letter/word writing. Models Prompts/reminders Use appropriate nonverbal communication (eye gaze, facial expression, conventional gestures, volume, rate of speech) Be able to begin, maintain and end a conversation. Check in with peer/adult. Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Learn and generalize the rules of social interaction (turn-taking, reciprocity). Address topic management (preoccupation with one topic) Repair conversation and ask for clarification. 5 point voice scale Modeling Verbal prompt/reminder Working for chart to earn Brainpop Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented Declaritive language Priming Whispering in ear Modeling conversation skills Preferred topics of conversation Episodic memory Conference notes Anecdotal notes Video assessment Social Club lesson plans Record effectiveness of strategies implemented. Use of working memory to recall teaching point/expectations. Priming Reminders Conference notes Anecdotal notes Record effectiveness of strategies implemented