Designed technology allows not only to clean the air from aerosols, but also convert gaseous organic and inorganic admixture in aerosols. The process of removal of various inorganic and organic gaseous admixtures and odors from flue gases is realized in the same units as described above. The treating of gaseous admixtures is effected while passing of the flue gas cooled to a temperature below 100 oC through the zone of pulsed corona discharge excited due to action of the pulsed voltage producing highly active intermediate particles (such as ions and radicals) going into radiation-chemical reactions with the molecules of contaminants. These reactions result in the conversion of inorganic gaseous admixtures into harmless gaseous substances or into aerosols or solid products. As for gaseous organic admixtures, as a rule, they convert to form primary substances such as CO2 or H2O and in some cases aerosols of lower organic acids or harmless solid products. The removal of resulting non-gaseous products description above. The efficiency of technique present in table. Table Admixtures EFFICIENCY OF TECHNIQUE Gas flow Purifica- Specific Resulting products rate, tion power, Type Concentration, m3/h degree, W-h/m3 Vol.% % Data obtained from laboratory and bench testing Sulphur dioxide, SO2 0.02-0.05 0.1 99 8-12 Sulphuric acid Ammonia 0.05-0.12 0.5 99 4-20 Ammonium nitrate Phenol 0.01 0.2 99 40 Hydroquinon Styrene 0.01-0.06 0.2 99 5-25 Polystyrene Xylene 0.02- 0.25 0.1 99-85 4-40 Ethylacetate 0.02 0.2 90 45 Benz.+ Xyl.+ Tol. 0.02 0.1 95 45 6 2 Escherichia-coli 10 bact/cm 0.1 99.99 50 Exposition time 7 min bact. Toluene 0.08 180 85 32 CO, CO2 H2O 2-etoxietanol 0.005-0.02 75 95-80 40 CO, CO2 H2O Formaldehyde 0.005-0.02 400 95-99 40 CO, CO2 H2O Этанолмеркаптан 0.005-0.01 400 95 50 CO, CO2 H2O Data obtained from demonstrational and pilot plants testing Plece of instal Sulphur dioxide, SO2 0.01-5.0 400-800 30-70 4-10 Non-Ferrous Metals Plant, Ryazan, Russia Nitrogen oxide, NOХ 0.015 360 95 2 Khrunichev Plant, Nitrogen oxide, NOХ 0.7-1.0 50 90 50 MSE Corp., USA Toluene 0.01-0.03 50 90-97 50 MSE Corp., USA Benzene 0.01 50 95 40 MSE Corp., USA Toluene + Benzene 0.015 50 90 40 MSE Corp., USA Products of themal 0.01 25 90 10 WNIIDREW wood processing Balabanovo Principal merits of proposed technique present bellow. versatility of cleaning method, absence of catalysts, absence of ionizing radiation, possibility of using of available common equipment, ecologically non-noxious processes yielding utilizable products, relatively low power consumption On the fig.4 presented photography one of the device, made on order of US Department of energy and tested at MSE Tech. Appl., Inc., Butte, MT, USA. The results of tests on this unit presents in table 1. Fig.4 Photography of design made by order of US Department of energy 1 - Pulsed voltage generator 2 - Electrostatic precipitator 3 - Control board 4 - Power supply system Main industrial, demonstration and pilot units which we build up to 1990 year present bellow 1. Mobile unit for cleaning off gases from aerosol and organic and nonorganic gaseous admixtures in shops of MBPP “Salut”2005 2. Industrial unit for cleaning off gases- from gaseous admixtures arising in thermic wood processing WNIIDREW Balabanovo (town in 100 km from Moscow)Russia 1996-1998 3. Demonstration unit for cleaning off gases from organic and nonorganic gaseous admixtures MSE Technology Applications Inc. 200 Technology Way, Butte, MT 59701, USA 1993-1995 4. Pilot plant for cleaning off gases from NOX in the smith shop of Khrunichev machine building plant, Moscow Russia1991-1992. 5. Pilot plant for cleaning off gases from SO2 emanating from fuming and electrical furnaces. Nonferrous metal plant, Ryazan, Russia1990 6. Experimental versatile pulse corona unit Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Science In last tine we test our unit for some new achievements 1. The anthrax and other bakteria killing 2. Goldmine prolect 3. Diesel cleaning project On this technique we published about 30 articles and reports and received some patents in Russia and US