Name: ___________________________________ End of the Year Culminating Project Description and Guidelines Purpose: Biology is the Study of Life. All year long we have delved into the characteristics of life and also the unifying themes of Biology. The purpose of the project is to focus on just one organism as an example of the things that we have learned about life this year. You will present your work in a creative method of your choosing. Below is a list the characteristics of life or unifying theme of life you may focus on for your organism. You must choose 5 characteristics of life/themes to recognize/describe/present for your organism (remember – the wiki organism). A question follows to help you understand each theme or characteristic. These ARE NOT specific questions you must answer, but they demonstrate the depth expected to address a theme. My assigned organism is: _____________________________________________ Characteristics or Unifying Themes of Life All Life is Made of Cells Is your organism multicellular or unicellular? What is cell specialization? What kind of specialized cells does your organism have? If unicellular, does your organism have any special cellular features? What purpose does that feature(s) serve? All Life Must have a way to Obtain and use Energy and Matter How does your organism do this? Autotroph? Heterotroph? Methods of eating? Unique features that help obtain energy or matter? All Life Must maintain a stable internal environment (Homeostasis) At any level (cellular, organ, organismal) describe ways your organism maintains this balance. All Life Grows and Develops How does your organism do this? Does your organism go through any interesting stages of development? Theme: Structure/Function Relationship: Give three examples of specific structures that your organism possesses that serves a specific function. Be sure to describe how the structure serves the function! All Life has DNA What is DNA? Why does your organism have it? How many chromosomes does your organism have? All Life Reproduces How does your organism do this? Binary fission? Asexual? Sexual? Both? Any unusual/interesting methods? (i.e. hermaphroditic organisms) rate of reproduction?- single vs. many births All Life responds to the Environment In what kind of environment does your organism live? What kinds of adaptations does your organism have to live there? (these adaptations could be actual structures or behaviors) Theme: Interdependence: All life interacts together in an environment. Describe ways other organisms are dependent on your organism. Describe ways your organism is dependent on other organisms. All Life Evolves Who are the closest relatives to your organism? Is there any evidence of evolutionary changes your organism has gone through? Does your organism possess any vestigial parts? Theme: Organization: All Life is organized. Describe the classification system and the specific classification of your organism in the “tree of life”. The Project: This is an individual assignment. Since this will count as your final grade you must work alone. Because each of you have your own interests and strengths, this assignment is broad in topic and approach. Below is a list of possible methods of presenting what you research but feel free to add to this list (Be sure to have your idea approved first!) Project Ideas: 1. scrapbook 2. 3D art- sculpture or model (incorporating info somehow) 3. 2D art- painting, drawing, mural, etc. (incorporating info somehow) 4. poem 5. children’s book 6. video 7. powerpoint, prezi – will require presentation time scheduled OUTSIDE of class or school time. 8. ETC., ETC., ETC! What ideas do you have? Tips: Pick a topic that interests you and consider your strengths: Are you an artist? Can you make a video? Although ALL life shares all the things listed some will be easier to find/describe for your organism. Choose wisely! Consider the time available. You will have class time and anytime you have available outside of class. Depending on what you choose you may need to additional work outside of class. The product expectations are unique for each student based upon the amount of time available. Have fun with this, it is meant to be something that you can enjoy and from which you can learn. Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism is stealing another individual’s words or work and claiming them be your own. Paraphrasing can even be plagiarism. Have confidence in your own ideas and abilities! Plagiarism is unacceptable and a student cannot receive a passing grade if his/her work is copied in any way from any source. Please keep this in mind and if you need assistance or are unsure if you are plagiarizing, ask! Time Line and Due Dates… Expect 1-2 days per week in class only. Students who are not working on the PBA will have a higher expectation of quality and quantity of information. Week of May 18th : Introduce project, brainstorm product and timeline Week of May 26 – 29th: Project Details discussed with teacher and project idea finalized. In class work time available. Week of June 1st – 5th: Final in class work days. Week of June 8th-9th : Project Due and Shared Your first step is BRAINSTORMING! Biology 300 End of the Year Culminating Project Student Proposal Sheet For my culminating project, I, ______________________ am investigating the organism __________________ The characteristics and themes that I think are most interesting &/or informative include: Theme/Characteristic of Life (see page 1) Because…..{include some important starting research (see questions) you have found or reasons you know of…} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Title of my project_____________________________________________________________________ The final project should look like __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What do I need to “make” my final product? (Purchase anything? Describe skills needed or equipment) Detail a Timeline for yourself. What needs to be researched? By when? When do you need to begin constructing your product? ***Be careful, any power point or Prezi must be presented, outside of class time (which most likely means, outside of the school day). This must be scheduled by May 29th Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Intro Project – p2 Intro Project –p1 No School 26 Biology Keystone ReTest & MakeUps Wednesday 20 – odd block Thursday 21 – even block Project Day Project Day Friday 22 PBA or Final PBA or Final Biology Keystone ReTest & MakeUps 27 Sophomore Class Trip – a work day for people who are here 28 29 A work day for final PBA 1 2 3 – block 4 – block 5 Background for Lab PBA Gel Electrophoresis Lab Gel Electrophoresis Lab PBA Other Finals Other Finals Other Finals Not a work day 8 Project is Due 9