Civil War Cereal Box Biography Project

Civil War Biography Project
Due date: November 2, 2009
Students will have three options for completion of this assignment. Each student must chose
one of the following:
Option 1:
Create a Cereal Box Biography about a person from the list attached. A cereal
box Biography involves using an empty cereal box to present all kinds of
information about the person. The cereal box should cover all the biographic
information outlined for this project.
Option 2:
Create a Scrap Book Biography about a person from the list attached. The scrap
book biography should cover all the biographical information outlined for the
Each student will complete all of the following items, no matter which of the two options they
1. Sources. Each student will have at least three different types of sources for the
information they gather for their biography. These will include at least one internet source,
one reference book (such as Encyclopedia, Biographical Dictionary, etc.) and one other book
(either a biography or a history about the people and the times of the Civil War).
2. Bibliography. Students must provide a list of the sources they use in completing this
assignment. A Bibliography form will be provided by the Librarian and Teacher.
3. Images. Using the internet, and other sources, students will collect images of the
person, and of the times. The student may chose to draw his or her own images.
4. Timeline. A timeline of the person’s life should be completed. This timeline should
start with the person’s birth, and end with his/her death. It should include at least twelve items.
The time line should be a “double timeline” style which will also have important events of the
civil war era from 1850 to 1877.
5. 15 fact cards. Each student will collect 15 separate cards with facts from their
research. These will be used to write a short biography of the subject.
6. Childhood and youth. The project should include information about the person’s
family, childhood, education, etc.
7. Middle years of life. This part should talk about the person’s career, and life
experiences that impacted him/her.
8. Civil War Role. What role did this person play in the Civil War? What side was s/he
he on (if any). What is important to remember about this person?
9. Later years of life What did the person do after the civil war? (if still living)
10. Written report. Each student should write a one page report on what s/he has
learned about this famous person of the Civil War.
A list of possible subjects for the Biography is attached. Students will get to choose on a firstcome, first-served basis. In order to get a choice, the student must return this
form with parent signature at the bottom. Thanks, Mr. Haley
We will begin research in the library on Wednesday, October 14, 2009. The report and project
will be due on Monday, November 2, 2009.
Student: ______________________Parent signature:____________________________________