Beach Park 8th Grade Language Usage Clauses 3 Name Question

Beach Park
8th Grade Language Usage
Clauses 3
Question #1:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
That the Cubs won the game surprised me.
A. none
B. surprised me
C. That the Cubs won the game
Question #2:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
Amir knew what we needed to buy at the store.
A. none
B. what we needed to buy at the store
C. to buy at the store
Question #6:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
The mountains that look so beautiful are the Rockies.
A. The mountains that look so beautiful
B. none
C. that look so beautiful
Question #7:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Whoever was calling has hung up.
A. direct object
B. subject
C. predicate nominative
Question #3:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
Did you see which way the fire truck went?
A. none
B. which way the fire truck went
C. the fire truck went
Question #8:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Which bus you need to take depends on your address.
A. direct object
B. subject
C. predicate nominative
Question #4:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Whichever is the best is the one that I want.
A. subject
B. direct object
C. predicate nominative
Question #9:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
May I speak to whomever is in charge?
A. subject
B. predicate adjective
C. object of preposition
Question #5:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
Why Mrs. Robertson assigned this is a question that I
can't answer.
A. that I can't answer
B. Why Mrs. Robertson assigned this
C. none
Question #10:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
I heard that Kay is changing schools.
A. direct object
B. predicate nominative
C. object of preposition
Beach Park
8th Grade Language Usage
Clauses 3
Question #11:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Whether or not the weather will change is anyone's
A. direct object
B. predicate nominative
C. subject
Question #12:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
The sunflowers on the hill in the backyard grow wild.
A. on the hill
B. grow wild
C. none
Question #13:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
The presidency goes to whomever wins the most votes
in the election.
A. direct object
B. object of preposition
C. appositive
Question #14:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
We need to check on what the temperature is.
A. none
B. need to check
C. what the temperature is
Question #15:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
Did you see the Russian soldiers standing outside the
embassy building?
A. standing outside the embassy building
B. none
C. outside the embassy building
Question #16:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
How a caterpillar becomes a butterfly is a mystery.
A. subject
B. appositive
C. predicate nominative
Question #17:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
A cougar can catch whatever it is chasing.
A. predicate nominative
B. object of preposition
C. direct object
Question #18:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
I am worried about which part I'll get in the play.
A. none
B. in the play
C. which part I'll get in the play
Question #19:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
That the rug was made in Turkey makes it very
A. That the rug was made in Turkey
B. makes it very valuable
C. none
Question #20:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
The U.S. Capitol is where the Senate and House of
Representatives meet.
A. subject
B. direct object
C. predicate nominative
Beach Park
8th Grade Language Usage
Clauses 3
Question #21:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
The Liberty Bell is what announced the Declaration of
A. predicate nominative
B. predicate adjective
C. subject
Question #22:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Do you know where the Constitution of the United
States was drafted?
A. object of preposition
B. indirect object
C. direct object
Question #23:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Do you know who your representatives in Congress
A. predicate nominative
B. direct object
C. object of preposition
Question #24:
Identify the noun clause in this sentence.
Stumbling in the yard is how Jefferson broke his toe.
A. none
B. how Jefferson broke his toe
C. Stumbling in the yard
Question #25:
What is the function of the noun clause in this
Tell whoever you see about the quiz tomorrow.
A. direct object
B. subject
C. appositive
Beach Park
8th Grade Language Usage
Clauses 3
Answer Key
1. C -That the Cubs won the game
2. B -what we needed to buy at the store
3. B -which way the fire truck went
4. A -subject
5. B -Why Mrs. Robertson assigned this
6. B -none
7. B -subject
8. B -subject
9. C -object of preposition
10. A -direct object
11. C -subject
12. C -none
13. B -object of preposition
14. C -what the temperature is
15. B -none
16. A -subject
17. C -direct object
18. C -which part I'll get in the play
19. A -That the rug was made in Turkey
20. C -predicate nominative
21. A -predicate nominative
22. C -direct object
23. B -direct object
24. B -how Jefferson broke his toe
25. A -direct object