Cell Reproduction

Cell Reproduction
Chapters _____
Prokaryotes: cells w/out _______________________________, we often say the organisms do
not have a nucleus. These types of cells are considered primitive organisms/cells that reproduce
by the cells (organisms) pinching apart into two new cells with each new cell having its own
copy of the nucleic material, DNA or RNA. Keep in mind that these cells must first replicate
their nucleic material. This __________________________________ type of reproduction
process is called ________________________________. One cell makes two new identical
daughter cells unless some mutation has occurred.
These cells also have a “ ________________” form of reproduction called _________________,
this is when two different cells form a bridge between them by a structure called a ___________
and exchange some nucleic material. No more new cells are created rather you end up with the
same number you started with but they now have a different ______________ coding.
Eukaryotes: cells with __________________________________________________, these
organisms are often stated that they have a nucleus. These types of cells require a more complex
form of reproduction than binary fission, Why? These cells reproduce by a process called
___________________________________________. This is also a(n) _____________ form of
reproduction this type of cell division requires 2 stages mitosis & cytokinesis.
A. General Information:
Cell are limited in their size due to several reasons, they are:
B. Cell division
1. Prokaryotes: binary fission, the cell splits its contents into two parts and by
conjugation which is a form of “sexual” reproduction.
2. Eukaryotes: all genetic information that is passed from one generation of cells to
another is on/in the chromosomes. Human normally have _____ chromosomes, a
majority of cells work in pairs therefore humans have ______ pairs of
chromosomes in their cells. Before cell division begins the cell grows, the
chromosomes shorten, thicken where they become visible & replicate.
The chromosomes are then _______________ & create two
________________________________________. Each of these sister chromatids
are attached together by the __________________ in the middle of the chromatids.
This time frame of events used to be called the interphase of mitosis; however, now
due to advanced knowledge of occurrences this time frame is called the
___________________________________, this is the time when the cells grow,
prepares for cell division, & divides to form two new cells called
________________________________________. The cycle then continues to
repeat itself. The 4 different stages are identified as shown on page 281-282,
Interphase has 3-stages:
Once G-2 phase ends, then M-phase begins, mitosis is then followed by
cytokinesis (mitosis 7 cytokinesis are the two main stages of cell division in
a. Mitosis results in the distribution of a complete set of genetic code into each new
cell, called the daughter cells. There are 4 primary stages of mitosis, they are
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, & telophase; each of these stages of mitosis has
specific characteristics, draw & list the specific characteristics each stage. Page
285 from
1) Prophase
2) Metaphase:
3) Anaphase:
4) Telophase:
b. Cytokinesis:
c. Cell cycle regulators: cyclin is one of the proteins identified which helps regulate
the cell cycle by causing cells to produce _______________________________.
1) internal regulators
2) external regulators
d. Problems / Possible solution