Subject: Art Year group Curriculum overview Assessment overview

Subject: Art
Year group
Curriculum overview
During this academic year students focus upon three main areas of
study: mark-making, tone and colour. During these projects they are
encouraged to EXPLORE & DEVELOPE IDEAS .Students should learn to –
Discuss and Question critically a range of visual resources and other info
to help them develop ideas for independent work.
INVESTIGATING & MAKING. Students should learn to –
Record & analyse first hand observations & to explore ideas. They should
investigate and manipulate materials & images, experiment with a wide
range of processes and adapt & refine their work.
EVALUATING & DEVELOPING WORK. Pupils should learn to –
Analyse their own work and that of others. They should express their
opinions, make reasoned judgements and understand the context of
their work.
KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING. Students should learn why artists
use a variety of different marks in their work and should be able to
recognise how a range of techniques and media used in mark making can
convey a wide range of different messages.
Possible artists that are studied include Vincent Van Gogh, Colin Paynton,
Albrecht Durer, The Fauves.
During this academic year students build upon the skills they developed
during year 7. We focus upon three main topics- pattern, other cultures
and portraiture. As in year 7 the students are encouraged to
EXPLORE & DEVELOPE IDEAS .Students should learn to –
Discuss and Question critically a range of visual resources and other info
to help them develop ideas for independent work.
INVESTIGATING & MAKING Students should learn to –
Record & analyse first hand observations & to explore ideas. They should
investigate and manipulate materials & images, experiment with a wide
range of processes and adapt & refine their work.
Assessment overview (internal and external)
Formal assessments are undertaken each half term (observational
drawings) These are graded and include written feedback.
Classwork is assessed at the end of a project- (this could be after two or
three half terms)
Self and peer evaluations are undertaken during the course of the
Homework is set via SMHW and is assessed as part of the whole project.
Formal assessments are undertaken each half term (observational
drawings) These are graded and include written feedback.
Classwork is assessed at the end of a project- (this could be after two or
three half terms)
Self and peer evaluations are undertaken during the course of the
Homework is set via SMHW and is assessed as part of the whole project.
EVALUATING & DEVELOPING WORK Students should learn to –
Analyse their own work and that of others. They should express their
opinions, make reasoned judgements and understand the context of
their work.
KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING Students should learn why
artists/cultures use a variety of different patterns /portraits in their work
and should be able to recognise how different motifs , colours,
techniques can convey a wide range of different messages.
Possible artists that are studied include William Morris, Eugene Seguy,
Escher, Frida Kahlo.
During this academic year students build upon the skills they developed
during year 8. We offer a selection of topics- including still-life and 3d
sculpture and encourage students to take a more individual approach to
their creativity during the Summer term in preparation for them starting
the GCSE course. As in previous years they continue to develop their
skills against these four learning objectives- (these prepare our students
to for 4 GCSE & GCE assessment objective)
Year 10 is taught by HCO 2 lessons & JHA 1 lesson.
BOTH UNITS (coursework and externally set timed test) MUST INCLUDE
Development of ideas through sustained & focused investigations informed by
contextual & other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.(AO1)
Experimentation with selected appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques &
processes and the reviewing & refining of ideas as work develops. (AO2)
The recording in visual and/or other forms ideas, observations, and insights relevant to
intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect on work as it progresses (AO3)
Formal assessments are undertaken each half term (observational
drawings) These are graded and include written feedback.
Classwork is assessed at the end of a project- (this could be after two or
three half terms)
Self and peer evaluations are undertaken during the course of the
Homework is set via SMHW and is assessed as part of the whole project.
Formal assessments are undertaken each half term (observational
drawings) These are graded and include written feedback.
Classwork is assessed at the end of a half term and AFL skills sheets are
used to offer feedback.
Self and peer evaluations are undertaken during the course of the
The presentation of a personal, informed & meaningful response demonstrating
critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections
between visual, oral or other elements. (AO4)
Year 11 have 3 hours per week taught by HCO & JHA. BOTH UNITS
(coursework and externally set timed test) MUST INCLUDE EVIDENCE OF THE
Development of ideas through sustained & focused investigations informed by
contextual & other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.(AO1)
Experimentation with selected appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques &
processes and the reviewing & refining of ideas as work develops. (AO2)
The recording in visual and/or other forms ideas, observations, and insights relevant to
intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect on work as it progresses (AO3)
The presentation of a personal, informed & meaningful response demonstrating
critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections
between visual, oral or other elements. (AO4)
The whole of the coursework project started in year 10 is assessed again
at the end of a project- (this is at the end of Autumn term, this makes up
60% of the overall grade)
Timed Test is started from January 1st, there is at least a ten week
preparatory period prior to a ten hour practical exam.
Self and peer evaluations are undertaken during the course of the
project and AFL skills sheets are used as appropriate.
During the academic year students have four 1 hour lessons each week (they
are expected to work in the department during at least one of their study periods
in addition to doing 4 hours of homework.(2 lessons by HCO, 2 lessons by JHA)
They will select a title for unit one (coursework) and in February they receive
their exam paper, produce a series of preparatory studies prior to undertaking an
8 hour timed test.
AO1 Develop their ideas through sustained and focused
Investigations informed by contextual and other
sources, demonstrating analytical and critical
AO2 Experiment with and select appropriate resources,
media, materials, techniques and processes,
reviewing and refining their ideas as their work
AO3 Record in visual and/or other forms ideas,
observations and insights relevant to their intentions,
demonstrating an ability to reflect on their work and
AO4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful
response demonstrating critical understanding,
realising intentions and where appropriate, making
Throughout the course students receive verbal feedback, receive a
written interim assessment sheet with advice on how to progress
further. Unit one & two are assessed within the department and
moderated by an external moderator who visits the centre.
connections between visual, oral or other elements.