Project Initial Definition Statement

Project Initial Definition Statement
Project Name:
Prepared By:
Version Number:
1. Purpose
What’s the reason/need/
We are undertaking this project because …
2. Goal
Statement of what’s to be
To …
3. Scope
Main work to be undertaken to To achieve the project goal, the following work needs to
achieve the goal. List using brief be scheduled:
verb-noun descriptions. It’s a
high-level work breakdown,
sometimes referred to as a
Statement of Work (SOW).
Think through the entire project
lifecycle and record main tasks.
4. Exclusions
Things that might be assumed
into the project if not
specifically mentioned as
outside project scope.
On this occasion, the following are outside project scope:
5. Cost
Conceptual estimate range.
Estimated maximum: $
Estimated minimum: $
6. Time
Describe over what period the
project is to be undertaken (ie,
elapsed time) and/or
completion deadline.
7. Quality
What performance standards
will apply. How will we measure
success? KPIs?
8. Driver
Top parameter?
9. Stakeholders
Identify people or parties with a
stake in the project.
This document is typically prepared by the project sponsor or business analyst as a basis for
further evaluating the proposed project’s acceptability and feasibility.
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