“Teaching Language through Culture and Community” Since 1973 Dear Friend, The children at San Francisco's Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program (JBBP) at Rosa Parks School need your help. For 39 years, this unique public elementary school program has created bicultural and bilingual students from kindergarten through 5th grade. More than 200 students a year learn Japanese taught by native Japanese-speaking instructors, called "Sensei”. In addition, math, reading and other subjects are taught in English by credentialed teachers. The program serves the diverse Rosa Parks student population citywide, and is one of San Francisco Unified School District's great success stories. It is a training ground for students headed for college, and the creation of future global citizens so critical to our future. California's education budget crisis continues to cut Rosa Parks' funding yearly. This imperils the Japanese language program, despite its success. The JBBP parent group is committed to make up for the budget shortage. We seek to maintain our Japanese senseis and our high quality of education. We would like to ask for your help. Can you make a tax-deductible donation of merchandise, services, or a gift certificate for our auction? This is our main annual fundraising event. This event will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2013 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available. Ads are only $45 for a business-card size ad, $75 for a half-page ad, and $150 for a full-page ad. The deadline to be included in the booklet is Monday, February 18, 2013. Event sponsorships are available at levels from $100 to over $2,500 (please see the enclosed sheet for details). A polished 40th Anniversary souvenir auction booklet will be given to every auction guest. Expected attendance for this cultural community event is over 300 people, with founders, alumni, VIP guests, and current families from the Bay Area participating. In addition, an online auction on www.biddingforgood.com will showcase select items in the weeks leading up to the event. (Submission deadline for ads and donations is February 18, 2013.). With your help, together we can protect this important educational program and continue offering a diverse group of children the opportunity to learn Japanese and prepare for high school and college. We look forward to a favorable reply by Monday, February 18, 2013. For more information, please email auction@jbbpsf.org, visit us online at http://jbbpsf.org, or call (415) 749-3519. Our tax ID# is 030436102. Sincerely, The JBBP Auction Committee Parent Teacher Community Council, Rosa Parks Elementary School Sponsorship Opportunities for the JBBP 40th Anniversary Celebration & Auction of Rosa Parks Elementary School Legacy Patron of JBBP - $2500 and above Special corporate recognition during 40th Anniversary JBBP Celebration ceremony Reserved table of eight for dinner and entry tickets to the 40th Anniversary JBBP Celebration and Auction on March 9, 2013 Logo placement on JBBP and Building for Good website for one year Full page ad, sponsorship recognition and logo placement in the 40th Anniversary JBBP Commemorative Program Event placard placement (supplied by Patron) Logo placement in our JBBP Parent weekly emails for 6 weeks Letter of appreciation Commemorative JBBP Gear Patron of JBBP - $1000 - $2499 Reserved table of eight for dinner and entry tickets to the 40th Anniversary JBBP Celebration and Auction on March 9, 2013 Logo placement on JBBP and Building for Good website for 6 months Half page ad, sponsorship recognition and logo placement in the 40th Anniversary JBBP Commemorative Program Event placard placement (supplied by Patron) Logo placement in our JBBP Parent weekly emails for 4 weeks Letter of appreciation Partner of JBBP - $500 - $999 Includes four entry tickets for dinner and 40th Anniversary JBBP Celebration and Auction Quarter page ad, sponsorship recognition and logo placement in the 40th Anniversary JBBP Commemorative Program Logo placement in JBBP Parent weekly emails for 2 weeks Letter of appreciation Friends of JBBP - $200 - $499 Includes two entry tickets for dinner and 40th Anniversary JBBP Celebration and Auction Business card size ad, sponsorship recognition and logo placement in the 40th Anniversary JBBP Commemorative Program Letter of appreciation Supporter of JBBP - $100 - $199 Includes one entry ticket for dinner and 40th Anniversary JBBP Celebration and Auction Name recognition in the 40th Anniversary JBBP Commemorative Program Letter of appreciation