PHS 398 (Rev. 9/04), Biographical Sketch Format Page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Buranda, Tione
Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Tione Buranda
Associate Professor of Pathology
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
Augustana College, Rock Island, IL
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Wayne State University
NSF Center for Photoinduced Charge Transfer,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
(if applicable)
Inorganic Chemistry
Phys. Inorg. Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
A. Personal Statement.
I have a broad interdisciplinary background with skills and expertise ranging from physical chemistry to cell
biology. I am formally trained in experimental physical chemistry specializing in laser spectroscopy and the
measurement of fast electron and energy transfer processes in molecular complexes. My expertise in cell
biology was gained through a 5 year NIAID-funded Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (K25)
entitled “Membrane Organization in Cell Signaling and Adhesion” in 2004. The career development process
involved the input of several mentors, specializing in the areas of cell signaling, adhesion, and membrane
trafficking. We developed novel research tools and methods such as rapid mix flow cytometry to elucidate
subsecond kinetics of guanine nucleotide activation of GPCRs. We also established real-time FRET based
methods to elucidate affinity based conformational changes in integrins, as well as lateral organization of
membranes. We pioneered the use of fluorescence calibration beads based on quantum dots which have
enabled us to quantify cellular fluorescence in terms of the numbers fluorescent molecules (receptor ligands or
fluorescent lipid derivatives) associated with the cells. During the past 5 years, I switched my research focus to
the study of mechanism of hantavirus infection and pathogenesis. In collaboration with Dr Brian Hjelle our
studies are focused on Sin Nombre virus, which causes the often fatal and virtually untreatable hantavirus
cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS). Using UV inactivated and fluorescently labeled virus, my group has
developed assays to directly measure the effects of the virus and host factors on cell-cell adhesion as well as
multiple signaling GTPases that are activated upstream. Loss of cell-cell adhesion might be related to
pulmonary edema, which is a hallmark of HCPS. The overall goal of these studies is to understand the
mechanism of host cell entry and pathogenesis.
B. Positions and Honors
2011-present Associate Professor, Pathology
Research Associate Professor, Pathology
NIAID K25 Career Development Award
Research Assistant Professor, Pathology Dept. UNM SOM
Scientist UNM Chem. Engineering/Cytometry
Research Associate, UNM Physical Chemistry
Reviewer for National and International Funding Agencies. (Last three years)
ad hoc external reviewer for the Biotechnology Research Grant program (North Carolina Biotechnology Center,
2008) Romanian National Council for Scientific Research (2011), MRC (UK)
Ad-hoc Reviewer for Peer Reviewed Journals. Nature Methods, Journal of the American Chemical Society,
Analytical Chemistry, Nature Chemical Biology, Cytometry, Analytical Biochemistry, Biomolecules, Langmuir,
Journal of Physical Chemistry, Photochemistry Photobiology, Sensors and Actuators, Biotechniques, Anal.
Chem. Letters, Biomedical Microdevices, J. Cell Science, PLOS 1
Memberships. American Society for Virology (2011-present), Member Hematologic Malignancies Research
Program UNM Cancer Center (2004-present), Biophysical Society (2003-present), The American Society for
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Buranda, Tione
Cell Biology (2003-present), American Chemical Society (1984-2003), American Physical Society (1985-1999),
American Crystallographic Association (1985-1999)
C. Relevant peer-reviewed publications relevant to current application (out of 55)
1. Chigaev A, Buranda T
Confirmational Activation. Biophys J 2003; 85:3951-3962 (PMC1303696).
2. Chigaev A, Zwartz GJ, Buranda T, Edwards BS, Prossnitz ER and Sklar LA. Conformational regulation of
the alpha 4beta 1-integrin affinity by reducing agents: "inside-out" signaling is independent and additive to
reduction-regulated integrin activation. J Biol Chem 2004; 239:32435-32443. .
3. Xue M, Vines CM, Buranda T, Cimino DF, Bennett TA and Prossnitz ER. N-formyl peptide receptors cluster
in an active raft-associated state prior to phosphorylation. J Biol Chem 2004; 279:47175-47184.
4. Burns AR, Frankel DJ and Buranda T. Local Mobility in lipid domains of supported bilayers characterized by
atomic force microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biophys J 2005; 89:1081-1093.
5. Ning Y, Buranda T and Hudson LG. Activated receptor induces integrin a2 internalization via caveolae/raft
dependent pathway J Biol Chem. 2007; 282(9):6380-6387.
6. Wu Y, Campos S, Lopez GP, Ozbun M, Sklar LA and Buranda T. The development of quantum dot
calibration beads and quantitative multicolor bioassays in flow cytometry and microscopy. Anal Biochem
2007; 364:180-192 (PMC2018651).
7. Alexandre Chigaev, Anna Waller, Tione Buranda, and Larry Sklar (2007). Regulation of Cell Adhesion by
Affinity and Extension of 4 -Integrin” J. Immun. 178,6828-6839
8. Buranda, T; Waller, A; Wu, Y; Simons, PC; Biggs, S; Prossnitz, ER; Sklar, LA. Some mechanistic insights
into GPCR activation from detergent-solubilized ternary complexes on beads. Adv. In Prot. Chem.Mechanisms and Pathways of Heterotrimeric G Protein Signaling; 2007; v.74, p.95-135.
9. Samantha L. Schwartz, Mathewos Tessema, Tione Buranda, Olena Pylypenko, Alexey Rak, Peter C.
Simons, Zurab Surviladze, Larry A. Sklar, Angela Wandinger-Ness Flow cytometry for real-time
measurement of guanine nucleotide binding and exchange by Ras-like GTPases Analytical Biochemistry,
2008; Volume 381, Pages 258-266 (PMC2633595)
10. Tione Buranda, Yang Wu, Larry A. Sklar Subsecond Analyses of GPCR ternary complex dynamics by
rapid mix flow cytometry Meth. Enzymol. 2009; 461:227-47.
11. Tione Buranda, Yang Wu, Dominique Perez, Stephen D Jett, Virginie Bondu-Hawkins, Chunyan Ye,
Gabriel P. Lopez, Bruce Edwards, Larry A. Sklar, and Brian Hjelle. Recognition of DAF and v 3 by
inactivated Hantaviruses, towards the development of HTS flow cytometry assays. 2010, 402, 151-160
12. Tione Buranda, Yang Wu, Larry A. Sklar Quantum dots for quantitative flow cytometry (2011) Methods in
Molecular Biology-Flow Cytometry Protocols,Third Edition. Chapter 4, 67-84
13. Jacob O. Agola, Zurab Surviladze, Tione Buranda, Oleg Ursu, Lin Hong, Anna Waller, J. Jacob Strouse,
Denise S. Simpson, Chad E. Schroeder, Jennifer E. Golden, Tudor I. Oprea, Jeffrey Aubé, Larry A. Sklar
and Angela Wandinger-Ness. A Competitive Nucleotide Binding Inhibitor: In vitro Characterization of Rab7
GTPase Inhibition. 2012, ACS Chem. Biology 2012, 7, 1095-1108
14. Lin Hong, S. Ray Kenney, Genevieve K. Philips, Denise Simpson, Chad E. Schroeder, Julica Noth, Elsa
Romero, Scarlett Swanson, Anna Waller, J. Jacob Strouse, Mark Carter, Alexandre Chigaev, Oleg Ursu,
Tudor Oprea, Brian Hjelle, Jennifer E. Golden, Jeffrey Aube, Laurie G. Hudson, Tione Buranda, Larry A.
Sklar, and Angela Wandinger-Ness. Characterization of a Cdc42 GTPase Inhibitor and its Use as a
Molecular Probe J. Biol. Chem. jbc.M112.435941. First Published on February 4, 2013,
C. Research Support
UNM CTSC Novel/Pilot Project CTSC028-3 (T Buranda, PI)
Determinants of Vascular Permeability in Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
The goal of the project is to identify serum biomarker proteins that are released in circulation during severe
hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) using multiplex inflammatory mediator assays, 2D gel
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Buranda, Tione
electrophoresis and MALDI MS analysis.
Overlap: none
Departmental Start-Up Grant, University of New Mexico HSC (T. Buranda, PI) 04/01/11-03/31/14
Pathology Department
The purpose of this grant is to set up the PI’s laboratory and to fund preliminary studies needed to be
competitive for extramural research support.
13GRNT17230060 (T Buranda, PI)
American Heart Association
Viral Determinants of Vascular Permeability in Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome
The goal of this grant is to define the cell signaling factors that contribute to loss of cell adhesion and edema
that is associated with viral entry, with the long-term goal of devising new therapies to combat SNV induced
Completed Research Support Past 3 yrs
R21 NS066429 (T Buranda, PI)
9/1/10- 8/31/12
Development of HTS Assays for Inhibitors of Viral-Cell Interactions
The major goals of the project are to develop flow cytometry based high throughput assays for small molecule
inhibitors of binding of hantaviruses to cellular entry receptors DAF/CD55.
Overlap: None
R03 AI092130 (T Buranda, PI)
12/15/10- 11/30/12
“Spatiotemporal Regulation of Membrane Raft Trafficking in Virus Activated Cells”
The goals of this project are to understand how virus induced signaling yields cellular entry and productive
5K25AI60036 (Buranda, PI).
Membrane Organization in Cell Signaling and Adhesion:
The goal of the project is to understand processes and mechanisms involved in the organization and
distribution of proteins and lipids in the plasma membranes, and their relationship to cell signaling and
Role: PI
1P50GM085273 (J. Oliver, PI)
0.0 calendar
“NM Center For The Spatiotemporal Modeling Of Cell Signaling ”
Role: PI of pilot project entitled “Spatiotemporal Analysis of membrane organization and
Receptor Signaling crosstalk” (8/1/09-7/30/11) $25,000 plus IDC no cost extension
The goal of this study is to elucidate the lateral distribution of membrane domains in receptors in activated
Overlap- none
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07)
Biographical Sketch Format Page