OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT BARUCH COLLEGE PRESIDENT’S CABINET MINUTES October 14, 2014 Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes 2. President’s Remarks 3. Provost Matters 4. NSSE 2014 Report 5. Pre-Tenure Review 6. Follow Up: Key Tasks for College Senior Staff (M. Gorman and D. Birdsell) 7. Strategic Plan Updates 8. Enrollment Management Update (B. Corpus) 9. Budget Update (K. Cobb) 10. Old Business 11. New Business Attendance: Mitchel B. Wallerstein, President David Birdsell, Dean, School of Public Affairs & Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Effectiveness John Choonoo, Director of the Office of Institutional Research David Christy, Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Katharine Cobb, Vice President for Administration and Finance Ben Corpus, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Strategic Academic Initiatives Mary Gorman, Chief of Staff Christopher Hessel, Chair, Faculty Senate Art King, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Christina Latouf, Vice President for Communications, External Relations & Economic Development Kieran Morrow, Chief Diversity Officer Carol Schechter, Interim Executive Legal Counsel David Shanton, Acting Vice President for College Advancement Absent: Arthur Downing, Vice President for Information Services and Dean of the Library Fenwick Huss, Dean, Zicklin School of Business Jeffrey Peck, Dean, Weissman School of Arts and Sciences & Vice Provost for Global Strategies Approval of Minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2014 meeting; the minutes were approved. President’s Remarks President Wallerstein briefed Cabinet on a publication’s inquiry regarding a proposed article on diversity at CUNY. President Wallerstein briefed Cabinet on a recent meeting he had with the Undergraduate Student Government executive committee. Provost Matters Provost Christy briefed Cabinet on the Schwarzman Scholars event he recently attended. The Schwarzman Scholars program is a new scholarship program that provides international opportunities. The Provost reported he met with the Vice Presidents and deans regarding enrollment targets for graduate programs. He noted that targets can deliberately be set, but the College must determine what to do to reach those targets. A discussion followed. Dr. Hessel noted the CUNY schedule model does not allow for the July classes offered by Executive Programs. Provost Christy reported he is working with the deans on strategic planning efforts on the department level. President Wallerstein stressed the need to set targets soon. Dean Birdsell reported on various recruitment efforts for graduate enrollment. Dean Birdsell asked members of Cabinet to consider what it would take to reach at least a 3% increase in enrollment in all programs. Vice President Corpus reported that while the current enrollment is 18,089, the projected rate of return for the Spring 2015 semester is 17,772. Provost Christy stressed the need to determine why the return rate drops after one year. A brief discussion followed. John Choonoo suggested that a consultant be commissioned to do analysis and detailed report on the supply and demand of students in the area regarding programmatic needs. Dr. Hessel suggested an exit survey for students to get of sense of their needs. Dean Peck noted that the graduate program directors from all of the schools need to understand urgency of increasing the graduate enrollment targets. It was noted that the College should strongly consider market facing graduate programs. NSSE 2014 Report John Choonoo led a discussion on the recent National Survey of Student Engagement 2014 survey results for Baruch College. It was noted that Baruch was compared to 6 “peer” institutions including: Hunter College, Queens College, Ramapo College, SUNY New Paltz, The College at Brockport and SUNY Geneseo. A discussion followed. Dr. Choonoo reported CUNY has mandated participation in the upcoming Noel Levitz survey. He noted the support of the Deans is necessary as the survey must be administered during classtime. Pre-Tenure Review President Wallerstein led a discussion regarding a memorandum from Vice Chancellor Schaeffer on pretenure review. Follow Up: Key Tasks for College Senior Staff Dean Birdsell and Ms. Gorman led a discussion on the prior circulated draft of key tasks for College Senior Staff. A discussion followed. Members of Cabinet agreed that the following items are what the CSS should focus on during the current academic year: Item # 3 Improve Retention and Reduce Time to Graduation, Item#1b Increasing FTE and possibly Item #2 Improve Transfer Experience. Strategic Plan Updates None Enrollment Management Update Vice President Corpus reported the current projected enrollment for Spring 2015 will be 17,772. It was noted that the College must ensure that transfer students get the courses they need to graduate in a timely manner. A brief discussion was held regarding the need to brand and increase course offerings for the January and Summer sessions. Budget Update Vice President Cobb reported the spring budget is built around 97% of the Fall; Compact budgets have been released; and CUNY Central is in current negotiations with PSC CUNY, and the state will not fund the salary increases. Old Business None New Business None