Mid Year 2 PP Porfolio Submission Guidelines for Students

Mid-Year 2 Professional Practice Portfolio
Guidelines for Students
At the mid-year assessment, you are required to submit a minimum of 6 journals and 2 directed
tasks along with various other completed pieces of work. The submission must include at least one
completed competence.
Self Assessment
You are asked to complete the self-assessment, reflecting on all the competence elements. Please
indicate by a cross on the line, where, in your opinion, you are in terms of the competence at the
foundation level. You should also comment on your strengths, weaknesses and learning
This is not a formal assessment, but gives a clear indication of your professional and academic
progress. Your PPT will indicate on a scale whether you are on target or not on target to
demonstrate the competences by the end of the year. If you are deemed to be not on target, you
will work with your PPT to put in place an action plan to meet shortcomings by the end of the year.
By the end of the intermediate level module you will be expected to demonstrate understanding of
all the competences and apply them in a wide variety of contexts. This will include some complex
and non-routine tasks and a growing sense of responsibility and autonomy. You will demonstrate
initiative in developing projects, managing and supervising volunteers and administration and
financial management.
The deadline for submission is Friday 18th January 2013. The Portfolio should be handed in to your
PPT, who will mark it and take it to the Regional Centre Parity meeting.
Professional Fails and Attendance
You are reminded that failure to attend tutorials or to complete work as required by the
Professional Practice Handbook or any other unprofessional behaviour could result in you failing
Full attendance at all taught sessions, professional practice tutorials and PFGs is both a university
requirement and Regional Centre expectation in order to gain the maximum benefit from the
course and to contribute to peer learning (a minimum attendance of 80% is a requirement of the
professional validation body). The nature of the course means that each teaching session is vital.
If you are unavoidably absent from any part of the course, you should inform the Regional Centre.
More than 20% of unauthorized absence may lead to you being withdrawn from the module in
question. If you are withdrawn from a module you will normally then have to retake the module the
following year with full attendance. Failure to hit the required 80% attendance in any module, for
professional practice tutorials or PFGs may also lead to you failing professionally because you
have not demonstrated their capacity to act in an appropriately professional manner.
Following the assessment process there will be an opportunity for you to receive feedback in a
session with your Professional Practice Tutor. In addition, feedback may take place at the midyear three-way meeting.
Mid-Year 2 Submission Guidelines for Students
Submission Content Checklist
For the mid-year assessment you must submit the following, in the following order:
Two completed submission sheets, one of which will be signed and returned to you by your
Your completed Self-Assessment form
Completed Line Manager’s Assessment form
Completed PFG Tutor’s Assessment form
Signed timesheets from your main agency
Clearly marked sections for each PP Competence, containing work completed to date.
Work which has been marked by the Professional Practice tutor and subsequently rewritten
should be submitted in a separate section at the back of the folder.
For your complete Competence you should include:
A grid indicating which competence elements
you have demonstrated.
The directed task for the competence.
One free journal
One negotiated journal
An observation
One or two pieces of additional evidence with
introductory sheets
You may also include one additional journal if
you wish to do so
Presentation of Professional Practice Portfolios
You are reminded that your Professional Practice Portfolio is the submission which is expected to
demonstrate your professional skills and you are expected to present it as a professional piece of
work. The Portfolio should be presented in a ring binder, with appropriate dividers, clearly marked,
which separate and clearly define the different sections. Work should be clearly titled to indicate
what it is (Directed Task, Free Journal, Negotiated Journal etc.) and pages should be numbered.
You should not use plastic wallets for work, unless they are used for the purpose of presenting or
holding together additional evidence. Each journal and directed task should have its own
Bibliography and should be properly referenced.
Mid-Year 2 Submission Guidelines for Students