Name Date__________________ Period__________ Evolution

Name _________________________________________ Date__________________ Period__________
Evolution Study Guide
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 Concentrate on studying the questions that you struggled with.
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Part one: Origins of evolutionary thought
_______________ and _________________ : Theory of evolution by natural selection.
_________________: Theory of evolution by acquired traits.
________________: Developed system of taxonomy based on evolutionary relationships.
________________ and _______________: Proved that Earth has been around for millions of years.
_______________: Birth rate is greater than the death rate. Earth won’t be able to sustain the increase in population.
Part Two: Vocabulary
a branching diagram that shows evolutionary relationships. ________________________
a dating technique that estimates the date of a fossil by relating it to the age of the layers of rock around it. ____________
a dating technique that measures amount of radioactive material in a rock or fossil. ___________________
Accumulated microevolution and mutations to form whole new species ____________________________
all of the genes of every individual in population sample. _______________________
Changes in a population’s gene pool that happen by chance. Its effect is most profound in small populations. _____________
Changes in gene frequencies in a population. Shorter times, Examples: Peppered moth _____________________
converting the code of mRNA into a long chain of amino acidsprotein _________________________
Copulation may be attempted but transfer of sperm does not take place. ________________________
copying the DNA code into mRNA. ________________________
evidence concerning the comparison of DNA and protein molecules between species ____________________
evidence for evolution which is based on similarities and differences between the physical structures of different
Evolution that occurs gradually over a long period of time. ____________________
Evolution that occurs very quickly after a long period of stability _____________________
formation of new species due to accumulated microevolution and mutations. ___________________
group of organisms of the SAME species that occupies certain area. _____________________
how often something occurs. ____________________
human intervention in animal or plant reproduction to ensure that certain desirable traits are passed on _________________
Individuals do not mate because they are reproductively active and different times. Different times of day, different seasons
Individuals of different species may meet, but one does not recognize the sexual cues that may be given. _______________
Individuals only mate within their preferred habitat. ___________________
Occurs when a small population migrates to a new area or becomes isolated. ________________________
organisms best suited to their environment survive and reproduce. ________________________
organisms that can interbreed and produce FERTILE offspring. __________________________
Parts of the body that are similar in function but not structure. __________________________
Parts of the body that are similar in structure but not function ____________________________
Selects against the average and selects both extremes. Example: African Seed Crackers ____________________
Selects for one of the extreme phenotypes occurs in response to a change in the environment that gives a competitive advantage to
particular phenotype. Example Peppered Moth. _______________________
Selects for the average phenotype and against the extreme phenotypes and occurs when the environment is stable for long periods.
Example birth weight of babies. _________________________
Something happens to catastrophically reduce a population’s size for at least one generation. _________________
Species occur in different areas, and are often separated by terrestrial and aquatic barriers. _______________________
species that have been found in the fossil record that are intermediates between two other species in the evolutionary process.
Sperm transfer takes place, but the egg is not fertilized. ______________________
structures that no longer serve a function. ______________________
Technique that uses part of population to represent whole. ____________________
the genetic change of populations over time. ______________________
the science of classifying living things, to help us determine the cladogram. ____________________
using inherited genetic characteristics to increase chance of survival in new environment. ___________________
Factors that prevent individuals from mating. _____________________
Factors that allow an individual to reproduce but the offspring are infertile. ______________________
Part Three: Hardy- Weinberg and Concepts
Three conditions necessary for natural selection to occur:
What are the three main types of natural selection:
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Principle – frequencies of the dominant and recessive alleles in a population change in time due to 5
A population of rabbits may be brown (the dominant phenotype) or white (the recessive
phenotype). Brown rabbits have the genotype BB or Bb. White rabbits have the genotype bb.
The frequency of the BB genotype is .35.
What is the frequency of heterozygous rabbits? ______________
What is the frequency of the B allele? _______________
What is the frequency of the b allele? _______________
A hypothetical population of 10,000 humans has 6840 individuals with the blood type AA, 2860
individuals with blood type AB and 300 individuals with the blood type BB.
What is the frequency of each genotype in this population?
What is the frequency of the A allele?
What is the frequency of the B allele?
If the next generation contained 25,000 individuals, how many individuals would have blood
type BB, assuming the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
What are the two main types of genetic drift? ___________________ _______________________
What is the difference between prezygotic and postzygotic isolation? Give examples of each.