Wisconsin Land+Water Conservation Association 131 W. Wilson St. Suite #601 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 441-2677 Fax: (608) 441-2676 www.wlwca.org Technical Committee Meeting Minutes Location: Date: Wednesday August 6, 2014 Start Time: 9:00 A.M. End Time: 11:00 A.M. Portage County Annex Building, First Floor, Conference Room 1 & 2 1462 Strongs Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54481 715-346-1334 (Chairperson Cell (262) 483-3121 - Paul Sebo) Conference (877) 826-6967 Phone: 9793943 Conf ID: Committee Members: Paul Sebo, Washington Co. (Chair); Ben Dufford, Bayfield Co.; Paul Fredrich, Kewaunee Co.; Brian Goepfert, Juneau Co.; Matt Hanewall, La Crosse Co.; Paul Klose, Marinette Co.; Bob Micheel, Monroe Co.; Dan O’Connell, Portage Co. Non-Voting Advisors: Amy Callis, DNR WI Land+Water Staff: Gini Knight, SOC Coordinator. In Attendance: Callis, Goepfert, Klose, Knight, Micheel, O’Connell, Sebo; Dufford via telephone Others In Attendance: John Exo, UWEX; Lisa Schultz, DATCP; Christina Anderson and Jim VandenBrook, WI Land +Water Absent Committee Members: Matt Hanewall, Paul Fredrich Notes WI Land+Water Meetings are open meetings. Individuals may observe in person or via conference phone if desired. Order and time allowed for agenda items may be changed due to pace of meeting or at the discretion of the committee chair. Next Meeting Date: Friday, December 12, 2014 ALL AGENDA ITEMS ARE ACTIONABLE. Call to order: 9:05 a.m. Roll Call: Members and others present as listed above. Adopt agenda: Knight sent out information on the new WI Land+Water website and will report during her SOC update. Agenda adopted by consensus as amended. Approve previous meeting minutes: Minutes approved by consensus. Members prefer to continue sending out draft minutes to the membership when completed versus waiting until after minutes are approved at the next meeting. Product and Contact List from WALCE Website – O’Connell and Micheel will check to see if they still have the list, or ask Tom Sweeney if he still has the information from the old WALCE website. The usefulness of having the information on the WI Land+Water website was questioned since most people use other search engines. A photo gallery will be discussed later in the meeting. Rev. 2/10/2016 Page 1 of 2 2015 Fall Technical Tour – The date of the tour is October 10. Stops include a cranberry operation, and a frac sand nonmetallic mine. Lunch will be at Lake Tomah. A 40 passenger bus costs $300. It may be necessary to break into two groups as sites are limited to about 25 people. The cranberry operation charges $5 per person. Lunch costs, the budget, whether to charge a fee, and how and when to collect were discussed. WI Land+Water can cover the bus and cranberry fees. A pre-registration fee of $10 could be charged to cover lunch. WI Land+Water has a training budget covered by a grant which could be used. It was felt that the tour, as it provides field training, would be a perfect fit. SOC Update: Nutrient Management, Filter Strip, & photo gallery Filter Strip – A smaller team is helping the main team with revisions. The list of members was reviewed. There is good county participation. Details were discussed. A broad review will take place in fall. Sebo shared two comments: 1) Cutting/harvesting will be allowed; 2) Water quality is the first priority, so cutting can be earlier. The need for comments after review was stressed. Sebo suggested submitting comments as a group. 590 – They hope to have the first draft this fall. A broad review and farmer review is needed by February. The major questions still are what to do when there is snow or frozen ground. There was a lot of discussion on how to ensure local control. There is a need to separate NR 243 (CAFOs) from the rest of the farms. Knight asked if the TC has a preference on who the initial review should go to. The TC recommended those who were not chosen for the team from the original nomination list, Steve Bradley and ?? (the other person we recommended) Photo Gallery – Knight has collected photos of projects from counties. She needs to know the county and who took the photo so it can be posted on the website. Website visitors will have contact information if they have questions. The TC thinks this is a great addition to the website. New WI Land+Water Website – The website is all done in-house. TC members felt it looked good and should move forward. Knight said they hope to launch the new website in two weeks. SITCOM Update & Training Needs – Most of the discussion was on: Barnyard Compliance Determination - VandenBrook and Sebo feel the TC should take the lead. What is considered significant discharge is an issue. Other considerations are: personal judgment, local environmental and site issues, how each individual looks at the resources, and whether there is enough diversity. Discussion took place on when and where the training should take place. Marathon and Chippewa Counties are willing to host. Another option is to find out what counties have barnyard projects. The DNR is a possibility to help provide training. The TC strongly feels that the Annual Conference is not the proper place. A mini committee will be formed to set up regional training sites and define “significant discharge”. The mini committee, consisting of the TC, Drew Zelle – DATCP Engineer, John Exo – UWEX, Paul Daigle – Marathon County, and Christina Anderson – WI Land+Water, will work with Amy Callis - DNR, to define and draft guidance documents. The committee will try to set a meeting prior to the County Conservationist meeting on October 2. Adjourn to join PIC Committee @ 10:55 A.M. Respectfully submitted by Dan O’Connell Rev. 2/10/2016 Page 2 of 2