World Café Ideas May 26, 2011 Blue Zone - Transportation, Housing, Mobility: I learned tonight: Students who travel have lower grades. Farmers Market accepts Food Stamps. Adequate Housing in the Community. Homeless with teens. Transportation needs due to mobility – (families continually moving) potential of allowing children to remain in school regardless of where they move. (NO Transfer Policy) 173 kids in CPS are homeless Barriers for schools – helping get to school programs. Some parents accuse educators who try to help. Jr. Highs have transportation longer that go to high schools for sports, also tutoring hours – Highlight now available!! Fear of litigation can be an obstacle for Goal II of Transport, House, and Mobility. Transportation is becoming more difficult – gas prices high, less gas to get extra activities. Mobility of students – impatience of keeping kids in home schools. Secret shoppers Loved the goal of PTA’s making a goal of achievement We need more information on what the affordable housing learning communities & affordable housing preferences are?? Importance of home-school communicators Need for coordination of home-school communicators World Café Ideas: Blue Zone - Transportation, Housing, Mobility Help out transportation through volunteers who know the families (Also solution/strategy) Adult conflict causes families to lose housing and children are forced to change schools Losing Sec. 8 Housing Housing Authority Voucher List is always closed….when is it open? Vaccination forms – how do we assist ELL parents with explaining vaccinations Are our schools accessible to individuals in wheelchairs, etc., As a school, how do we accommodate, How all kids can be involved Can public transportation be involved in special route I never knew about Home-School Communicator until tonight Reducing Mobility After school tutoring HAS transportation “Mobility plan” at CPS = Good for some schools in CLUSTER - Special Ed - ELL I want to know more about: Improved transportation including disabled Affordable transportation Awareness of transportation resources...WHO?! Using home school communicators to help families with alternative transportation methods Home school communicator – who has them—what schools need them? Why don’t they all have them? (Assuming budgetary?) How many Home school communicators What are barriers, liability concerns If use volunteers, can state volunteer law help? Could the City tweak times to better accommodate our times for certain events? Liability issues? Safety? How many kids use public transportation? Does CPS provide transportation to extracurricular activities? Band? Sports? Importance of keeping kids in home schools Feedback from Secret Shoppers: Are we pursuing multi-cultural secret shoppers – what is feedback and training? How many K-12 grade students are using public transportation? Home-school communicators need to be reinstated How can we get more Home-school Communicators in our schools? Best practices to do to get parents more involved? Efforts to help with student mobility Transportation Efforts to improve public transportation Medical transportation PedNet Possible community center with mentor resources, after school academics & social opportunities in neighborhood area schools Harlem Children’s Zone Leadership Institute Promising Neighborhoods How to support schools/families without Home School Communicators Do parents/students who have accessible issues feel welcomed into our schools? We need to bridge the parent gap- the lack of minorities/diversity in involved parents World Café Ideas: Blue Zone - Transportation, Housing, Mobility A community center/agency There ought to be an assessment process when there is a mobility issue – to create a plan for the child →include parents in this process →Do what’s best for student →Possibly keep student at school and provide transportation Neighborhood Based Education Transportation for students who participate in after school activities >Drunk college students can get FREE taxi rides and buses anytime of night. WE CAN DO IT! Home-school communicators should not be hired in place of African American Men in the classroom Affordable Housing Learning Communities Welcome committees for PTA How to get a more diverse population involved in PTA Keep child in same school What are the best practices in this area? How does Harlem Children’s Zone deal with mobility? How to make possible to transport poor kids to many after or before school activities A solution/strategy I can offer is: Need transportation for extracurricular activities “Activity Bus” Improved public transportation RESOURCE COLLABORATION Work with PedNet Send fliers home with students with info about nutrition & farmers market Get more business’ involved with CPS Places / shelters for teens that are homeless Promote homeless shelters to youth in school so that they have a place to turn to Can PTA(or other group) take over some of these resources? What about free ads for non-profits on Columbia buses? Communication mentors for families Welcoming committee to make the family feel more connected – teachers, parents, staff Keep children in the same school for a year Partners In Education supporting HSC program More active volunteer programming Allow educators a home school communicator to transport parents to school Parents or community car pools Let PIE provide transportation Church run school Partnering with the City bus Buddy traveler for safety on buses Have parent teacher conferences at alternate places More forms of transportation ELL teachers lead PD on culture traditions/language Our table mostly liked the recommendations from Transportation groups especially related to home school communicators World Café Ideas: Blue Zone - Transportation, Housing, Mobility Move H-S Communicators The H-S needs a place to go get help for families – i.e., a resource to help a family with electricity bills Didn’t have time to discuss solutions – ton bridge the parent gap – addressing the lack of minorities/diversity of involved parents Involve PedNet in transportation issues Voluntary carpool thru PTA Do not offer school bus for students who live .5 mile from school – must walk! Welcoming School Environments Use ESL people to do the multicultural plan, not home school communicators Our group liked – 3, 4, 5, 6 bullet points on Welcoming School Environment Recommendation for Mobility & transportation Liked Home School Communicators helping coordinate transportation We want Home School Communicators back….Para professionals are doing it. Could builders give a duplex to a district employee (one-side) and them operate a community center agency/ out of the other side Harlem Children’s Zone – Leadership Institute Neighborhood based education PedNet- The healthy initiative public transportation on + walking Updating routes The more we use it the more routes we will have Provide an “Activity Bus” for all kids Training program for Home-School Communicators Revamp H-S Communicator position →do not use as disciplinarians or lunch room supervisors H-S Communicators need to bridge between Parents and Teachers School District needs vans with same protections as buses have and some protections as drives have Blanket indemnity insurance for any employee to provide transportation? Partnerships with local ministerial alliance BIST program stresses all children fed before learning takes place – regardless if they are late to school Meals, Buddy Packs – do in a possible way that doesn’t single out West Blvd – when teachers do home visits – could nutritional information be shared? Home many students K-12 depend on public transportation to schools, data? Is this an issue? We liked the committee recommendations to partners with city bus/ look at times PTA Welcoming Committee is good Back to idea of Churches - PTA intro or Back to School if every PTA were challenged to have at least 1 person of color Maybe we should offer more exposure to ward a larger spectrum of careers Mobility – School Bus Universal Stops – instead of buses having designated schools maybe a stop picks up kids and takes them to 3 different schools as a way to solve changing schools when they have to move World Café Ideas: Blue Zone - Transportation, Housing, Mobility