2015-2016 BECOME A ROOM PARENT/GRADE COMMUNICATOR FOR YOUR CHILD’S CLASS What does a Room Parent do? The primary role of a room parent (grades K-5)/grade communicator (grades 6-12) is to facilitate communication between the teacher and parents within a classroom. This includes class and grade specific as well as schoolwide activities and information. Communication via email has proven to be the most efficient and effective method to use. To be a room parent you must have email access, which is accessible daily and attend a room parent meeting, September 17 at 7pm in the Media Center. We would also like to see at least one Room Parent (grades K-5) per grade and one Grade Communicator per middle/high school attend PIE Meetings to be able to pass on any pertinent information to other same grade Room Parents. Same grade Room Parents and Grade Communicators can choose to designate one person to do this or they may choose to rotate this duty through the school year. Room Parent/Grade Communicator participation varies depending on teacher’s needs. Examples of Room Parent/Grade Communicator assistance may be, but are not limited to: 1. E-mailing classroom specific information to parents in your child’s classroom (approximately less than one hr/week) 2. Collecting items for a basket to be auctioned off at the annual Scholarship auction (time varies) 3. Coordinating teacher gifts (approx 2hrs/year) 4. Coordinating special snacks (approx 1 hr/term) 5. Coordinating help in the classroom (this varies per class and grade, some teachers need assistance, others do not. You do not need to be the one helping, just facilitating getting help if requested). What is the time commitment? A Room Parent/Grade Communicator commitment is for the ENTIRE school year. Total time commitment per week can be about 1-2 hours with a little more time when collecting for gifts. How many Room Parents/Grade Communicators will be chosen for each class? There will be 2 room parents chosen per class (K-5) and there will be at least one Grade Communicator per grade (6-12) who will work together throughout the year and must make themselves available to each other. How will the Room Parents/Grade Communicators be selected? Room Parents will be selected by lottery. Please Note: Room Parents/Grade Communicators must submit a CORI form along with a copy of your driver’s license or state id with this form. A CORI form can be found on the FRCS website under Students and Families/Forms. If interested in becoming a room parent/grade communicator, please email parentsineducation@yahoo.com and provide the following information: name/email/phone number teacher’s name you’d like to be a room parent for child’s name Room parents will be chosen in early September so please respond using the parentsineducation@yahoo.com address as soon as possible.