Leadership Work Group Ideas

World Café Ideas
May 26, 2011
Blue Zone – Leadership and Communication:
I learned tonight:
Text on phones
Disaster plans sent home
For everyone not just parents
Collaboration with main stream classroom
Parents spend time at home with students
Teach parent how to do math and keep
parents up-to-date with classes
Homework Hotline
Invite parents into the networks
Parents show negotiating to
Presentation: Learn that CPS is trying much
harder than in the past. Thanks!
Next time please provide access to written
materials in advance
Bring to Department- Be careful and usher
to new people
Tutors in school from T/A from
College>Cycle to give back-HS to collegeGrad School-Back to 1st year College
Student. Cycle must be rotated
Create an outlook through poetry to
communicate and express themselves
2 preschools in CPS started introducing
healthier snacks to kids “From Love In Core
These kids sometimes don’t know healthy
snack and now have opp. To learn what
these are
Important rule – HSC do
World Café Ideas: Blue Zone – Leadership and Communication
Parents and teacher : Program calls – limited
services to parents in need
Develop data collection, public event
PTA-sister schools
West Blvd. how to make parents feel
Home visits
Communicate gap issues to those can’t be
here in communities and churches
Progressive had family
We need to recognize cultural and the
generational differences of our teacher
staff>need to teach/train our teachers and
building Admin to be a leader-how to be a
communicator and parents and students and
Identifying the issues is easy
There are services avail but there is not a
one-stop shop to help the process
Parents need to be contacted frequently for a
variety of reasons
Leaders should have high expectations for
They are present!
I want to know more about:
The summer school strategy- are we
maximizing the opportunity and “summer set
Tutor-give back-have to hire them in.
Everyone has to feel like they are getting
something with the buy-in
Is it feasible to extend this to more number
of preschools? Probably not only one year, but
several years of exposure to healthy eating is
necessary to get children accustom and make it
a part of life
Funding $ limitations effect ½ Family and
½ Staff
Brain development A-Z
Record responses, share data
How do we get parents to be action
Providing resources and video
Achievement Gap “White paper”
How do we get info out to community at
Do we ask where kids go to church?
How do we coordinate services? Provide a
service to facilitate the process, a person to
follow up, provide guidance over time
Parents need to be a part of the ownership in
the schools
Relationships are essential to people access
or ask for help
What are roadblocks that administrators face
when leading?
Talk about getting the community and
business involved
Has the World Café been implemented on a
small possible “Classroom level” with the
A solution/strategy I can offer is:
 Hotline for parents to call school and find
out things they need to know
 Try a pilot experiment using the community
school model into the school? Perhaps this
could reduce mobility
World Café Ideas: Blue Zone – Leadership and Communication
 Hotline for information; Free Lunch, Buddy
 Partnership with other groups
 Churches, leaders of the community,
parents, everyone must get involved. Teach our
children how to be leaders.
 Tutors “Students” – A way to give back –
also a character builder
 More creative outlet for our students
 Poetry/spoken word to give students creative
 High schools
 TA positions so they would get paid
 Better nutritious lunch and snack for
younger kids and lesson about healthy diet
 At least put one home school communicator
in every school
 Organize by school and make leaders for
each group within school community to
communicate top down, and from the down top.
 Program cuts to each program greatly affects
strategies to address achievement gap
 Focus “Re” funding to support Early Child
 Ask church to invite educators to the church
to meet parents – first just have them invite
educators to a service
 The world is only ½ as scary as we make it
 Student leadership needs to be managed
 Better communication of A+
 People helping others
 Parents without means need mentors
 Free ads on the inside of the bus
 Public library hub for learning/helping
 Bus field trips
 Educate students in parent/nurturing
 Move / keep Home School Communicators
in the district
 They need to have a standing committee on
Education> we have committees on finance and
policy, but discussions at Board meetings on
education are not in depth enough. If you are in
the business you have to invest time talking
about that business.
 Must have diversity in classrooms and
discussions so everyone is represented
 Have a tent at Art In the Park where public
input or public can give their input by video Re:
Education Gap
 Utilize FB (Facebook) and social
networking sites
 Again back to churches – we should go to
LISTEN – or – open a World Café with
churches to hear their suggestions
 Auto phone system
 Provide social workers and home school
 Provide Outreach services through schools
 Provide non-threatening opportunities to
establish trusting relationships, connections to
people in the schools – welcoming
 The schools must change the way they
operate to it is a collaborative effort
 Use the refugee center model for families –
help them with the process?
 Work to suspend judgment and seek to
understand others
 Work with the kids who struggle, continue
to support the kids doing well, use the achieving
students to help the other students struggling to
close the achievement gap.
 Everyone needs to become a team player
and add and assist in our students, take
ownership in the students.
 Equity Coaches > Sally Beth Lyon
 Talked about getting the Business
Community involved
 Mentors – Parents that mentor other parents
to keep them informed.
 Tutoring Program that is district-wide
 Junior High Mentoring Program for
Elementary School Students
 City-wide World Café for Ministers with
CPS Educators to start a conversation
World Café Ideas: Blue Zone – Leadership and Communication
 Where is the public access channel & maybe
using it more? Put/make channel more
accessible (basic cable)